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List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source28/08/2010 2 N.N. unknown found off Ceuta’s coast (E), believed to have fallen from boats several months ago MAC25/08/2010 1 N.N. (minor) Afghanistan body found by police on Jonic coast, Calabria (I), reportedly died whilst disembarking sailboat ANSA/Gazzettino15/08/2010 3 N.N. Cameroon died of thirst in Algerian desert near Tamanrasset, with 9 others trying to reach Europe AFP/FocusNews/AllWAfrica15/08/2010 3 N.N. Mali died of thirst in Algerian desert near to Tamanrasset, with 9 others trying to reach Europe AFP/FocusNews/AllWAfrica15/08/2010 2 N.N. Ivory Coast died of thirst in Algerian desert near to Tamanrasset, with 10 others trying to reach Europe AFP/FocusNews/AllWAfrica15/08/2010 2 N.N. Senegal died of thirst in Algerian desert near to Tamanrasset, with 10 others trying to reach Europe AFP/FocusNews/AllWAfrica15/08/2010 1 N.N. Gambia died of thirst in Algerian desert near to Tamanrasset, with 11 others trying to reach Europe AFP/FocusNews/AllWAfrica15/08/2010 1 N.N. Guinea died of thirst in Algerian desert near to Tamanrasset, with 11 others trying to reach Europe AFP/FocusNews/AllWAfrica12/08/2010 1 N.N. (55, man) Algeria drowned, body found by helicopter rescue 24km from Tabarca, Alicante (E) Provincias/Deia/Diario de Navarra/Raz/ElDia11/08/2010 8 N.N. unknown drowned, 6 missing and 2 found by sea patrol near Tabarka, Alicante (E) travelling from DZ Les Temps d'Algerie/Migreurop11/08/2010 3 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned in La Linea de la Conception, Cadiz (E), near Strait of Gibraltar EFE07/08/2010 1 N.N. unknown drowned during shipwreck off Ibiza Channel, body found 2 miles from Altea, Alicante (E) Provincias/EP/MNS/RoundTown07/08/2010 1 N.N. unknown drowned during shipwreck off Ibiza Channel, body found on San Juan beach (E) Provincias/EP/RoundTown01/08/2010 1 Osman Rasul (27. man) Iraq suicide, jumped from balcony in Nottingham (GB), couldn’t find solicitor for his asylum appeal MNS/IRRin Aug 10 1 N.N. unknown drowned during a shipwreck off Ibiza Channel, body found by fishermen in Calp, Alicante (E) EP/Provincias/RoundTown28/07/2010 2 N.N. unknown drowned during shipwreck off Ibiza Channel, bodies found off Javea coast (E) EP/Provincias/DiarioVasco/RoundTown11/07/2010 3 N.N. (women) Sub-Saharan Africa bodies found on a damaged boat rescued off Motril coast, Granada (E) carrying 25 survivors Diario de Noticias/Diario de Navarra/ABC/SUR/Publico11/07/2010 2 N.N.(babies) Sub-Saharan Africa bodies found on a damaged boat rescued off Motril coast, Granada (E) carrying 25 survivors Diario de Noticias/Diario de Navarra/ABC/SUR/Publico11/07/2010 1 N.N. (fetus) Sub-Saharan Africa mother’s body was found on a damaged boat rescued off Motril coast, Granada (E) Diario de Noticias/Diario de Navarra/ABC/SUR/Publicoin Jul 10 1 N.N. (20, man) Afghanistan body found on Jonic coast, Calabria (I) at end of July, died during disembarking boat ANSA/Gazzettinoin Jul 10 1 N.N. (14, boy) Afghanistan reported missing on Jonic coast, Calabria (I) at end of July, had travelled by sailboat ANSA/Gazzettino27/06/2010 1 Zahara Bare (42, woman) Somalia pregnant asylum seeker in a Leersum asylum centre (NL)who was denied urgent medical care aduc/Doorbraak/SunaT/IRR27/06/2010 1 N.N. (fetus) unknown mother died when denied urgent medical care in a Leersum asylum centre (NL) aduc/Doorbraak/SunaT25/06/2010 2 N.N. (women) unknown drowned, boat overturned crossing Evros river from TR-GR, bodies found in Orestiada (GR) TimesM/Migreurop/AFP25/06/2010 1 N.N. (25, man) unknown killed by another asylum seeker in Alvesta (S) apartment rented by Migration Board UNHCR/DS08/06/2010 1 N.N. Africa drowned whilst travelling from Turkey to Greece on Evros River (GR) MNS03/06/2010 1 N.N. (man) Ivory Coast unknown cause had mental health problems but was not monitored in Charleroi(B) asylum cr. MNS/FIDH/IRR02/06/2010 1 Slawik C. (58, man) Armenia suicide, hanged himself with kettle cord whilst facing deporting in Langenhagen prison (D) 762/IRRin Jun 10 6 N.N. (men) unknown drowned, boat overturned crossing Evros river from TR-GR, bodies found in Orestiada (GR) TimesM/Migreurop/AFPin Jun 10 3 N.N. (women) unknown drowned, boat overturned crossing Evros river from TR-GR, bodies found in Orestiada (GR) TimesM/Migreurop/AFPin Jun 10 3 N.N. unknown missing, suspected drowned, boat overturned when crossing Evros river from TR-GR TimesM/Migreurop/AFPin Jun 10 5 N.N. unknown drowned, boat overturned crossing Evros river (TR) trying to get to Greece TimesM/Migreurop30/05/2010 20 N.N. Chad/Egypt/Nigeria whilst travelling to Europe, executed in Tripoli and Banghazi (LY) for alleged criminal offences LR13/05/2010 1 Mohamed Abagui (man) Morocco suicide, hanged himself with bedsheet whilst awating deportation in Barcelona det centre(E) SetDirecta/FAIV/EP/PerCat/IRR03/05/2010 1 Abdoulaye (20, man) Ivory Coast stowaway, hanging under lorry, had permission to travel Ceuta-Malaga (E) but was prevented MNS02/05/2010 1 Alan Rasoul Ahmed (man) Iraq suicide, asylum seeker hanged himself in Liverpool (GB) as he was homesick and left in limbo IRRin May 10 1 N.N. (34, man) Maghreb deported from NL without family, died while trying to reenter Europe via boat to Samos (GR) VK18/04/2010 1 N.N. (±25, man) Algeria drowned whilst swimming to city, body washed up on Chorrillo beach, Ceuta (E) Provincias/SUR/Can718/04/2010 4 N.N. unknown drowned, bodies found by Evros river near Edirne (TR) when boat capsized, 7 survivors PICUM/UNHCR16/04/2010 1 Yeni P. (34, woman) Indonesia suicide, hanged herself in deportation centre in Hamburg (D) jW/Karawane/IRR/FR-H15/04/2010 1 Eliud Nguli Nyenze (40, man) Kenya died after being denied medical attention by staff at Oakington detention centre (GB) GuardianUn/IndyMedia/MornStar/IRR13/04/2010 11 N.N. (adults) Algeria reportedly drowned, boat sank of Almeria coast (E) on way from Algeria. 3 survivors PUB/SUR/Provincias/Can7/Nerja/MUGAK/EP/ABC/Dia11/04/2010 1 Ramahdin (16, boy) Afghanistan stowaway, fell under wheels of truck when it boarded a boat in Dunkirk (F), travelling to GB PICUM/IRR10/04/2010 1 N.N. (27, man) Shri Lanka stabbed by housemate in Venice (I), jealous of his permanent residency and work permit LaNVenezia07/04/2010 1 N.N. (30, man) Afghanistan stabbed in canteen-queue fight in Sandholm Asylum Centre(DK) tension due to overcrowding CPH/IRR/MNS02/04/2010 1 N.N. (30, man) Chechnia stabbed by breadknife by drunk asylum seeker, whilst in asylum centre in Mostviertel (A) DerStandard/Salzburger Nachrichtenin Apr 10 1 N.N. unknown (minor) suicide, depressed after asylum claim was rejected did not receive medical support UNHCR/Sverinsge30/03/2010 7 N.N. unknown drowned, boat capsized 3 miles from Kafr el-Sheikh, Egypt on way to Italy. 38 survivors Le Monde/MP/FE/KI28/03/2010 1 N.N. (15, boy) Afghanistan asylum seeker, killed by bomb exposion in Athens (GR) while searching for food into garbage IRR21/03/2010 3 N.N. Somalia bodies thrown overboard on the way to Sicily (I), 20 surivors rescued by border patrol LR/FE17/03/2010 1 Joseph Ndukaku (29, man) Nigeria died during deportation at Zurich airport (CH),weak from hunger strike,police forcibly restrain AdnK/Swiss.ch/BBC/UNHCR/Augen Auf/DerBund/IPSN07/03/2010 1 David Mardiani (17, man) Georgia suicide, asylum seeker, hanged himself in Hamburg deportation centre (D) after hunger strike WSWS/Migreurop/CaucKnot/SP/jW/taz/AN/IRR/MNS07/03/2010 1 Serge Serykh (man) Russia suicide, jumped with his family from 15 floor flat in Glasgow (GB), asylum claim was rejected GuardianUn/IRR/Migreurop/TheHerlad/MNS07/03/2010 1 Tatiana Serykh (woman) Russia suicide, jumped with her family from 15 floor flat in Glasgow (GB), asylum claim was rejected GuardianUn/IRR/TheHerlad/MNS/Migreurop07/03/2010 1 Stefan Serykh (19, man) Russia suicide, jumped with his family from 15 floor flat in Glasgow (GB), asylum claim was rejected GuardianUn/IRR/MNS/TheHerald/Migreurop03/03/2010 1 N.N. (13 months, girl) Nigeria refused hospital treatment in Cernusco sul Naviglo (I) due to new discriminatory laws Everyone Group11/02/2010 6 N.N. (men) unknown reportedly drowned, dinghy capsized off coast of Samos (GR) on the way to (GR) from (TR) KI/FE/AP/Migreurop/ECRE11/02/2010 1 N.N. (woman) unknown reportedly drowned, dinghy capsized off coast of Samos (GR) on the way to (GR) from (TR) KI/FE/AP/Migreurop/ECRE11/02/2010 1 N.N. (girl) unknown reportedly drowned, dinghy capsized off coast of Samos (GR) on the way to (GR) from (TR) KI/FE/AP/Migreurop/ECRE11/02/2010 8 N.N. unknown reportedly missing, dinghy capsized off Samos Island (GR) on the way to (GR) from (TR) KI/FE/AP/Migreurop/ECRE16/01/2010 1 M. El Abbouby (25, man) North Africa suicide, exhaled camping gas spray in his cell in S.Vittore prison, Milan (I) LR/IRR10/01/2010 2 N.N. unknown drowned, suspected that boat capsized 6 days earlier, travelling from Turkey to Greece Zaman/NOB04/01/2010 1 M. Yahya Tabbabi (31, man) Tunisia asylum-seeker, died in detention centre in Vottem (B) due to lack of medical treatment Migreurop/IRR/ST04/01/2010 19 N.N. unknown drowned, boat capsized when travelling from Turkey to Greece Zaman/NOBin Jan 10 1 Wadim S. (±21, man) Latvia suicide, jumped in front of train in Hamburg (D) after hearing he would be deported SPin 2010 5 N.N. unknown drowned, shipwreck with 36 survivors, bodies found on Valencia coast (E) LVin 2010 13 N.N. unknown drowned, boat sank off Andalusia coast (E), 10 bodies found, 3 missing LVin 2010 2 N.N. (babies) unknown feared drowned, missing after boat sank off Andalusia coast (E) LV31/12/2009 22 N.N. (7 women; 1 child, 2) Asia reportedly drowned on way from Turkey, boat shipwrecked off Alexandroupoli coast (GR) FE/Migreurop/AP/Le Figaro/CDS/ANSA/Unita’/TodZam25/12/2009 1 Carlos (34, woman) Brazil suicide, transexual hanged herself with a sheet in detention center of Milan (I) EveryOne Group/LR/Migreurop15/12/2009 1 Maiouad (15, boy) Afghanistan stowaway, killed crossing a highway near Calais (F), trying to go to GB by hiding in a truck NOB/FE12/12/2009 2 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, boat sank off coast of Leros Island (GR), 25 rescued from rocky islet NOB/TodZam09/12/2009 1 N.N. (man) Africa stowaway, frozen to death in a lorry trying to go from Tangeri (MA) to Marseilles (F) AP/FEin Dec 09 1 N.N. unknown drowned, found off Alexandroupoli (GR) when boat shipwrecked KI24/11/2009 1 Ibrahim M.B. (35, man) Senegal murdered by his employer in Vercelli (I) as he did not want to pay him a 3 months salary CDS24/11/2009 23 N.N. Comoros Islands reportedly drowned, boat sank between island Mayotte (F) and Comoros Islands Publico/AFP/MigrantsOM20/11/2009 1 N.N. (30, man) Bolivia died after repatriation operation after 26 days spent inside detention center of Malaga (E) Sur18/11/2009 1 N.N. (man) Sub-Saharan Africa reportedly drowned, fell from wooden boat in the sea off the coast of Tarifa (E) EP/FE12/11/2009 1 Jianping Liu (35, woman) China suicide, jumped from bridge near Heathrow (GB) after police questioned her about residence IRR/UxbGaz06/11/2009 6 N.N. (1m; 1 w; 3 childr; 1 baby) Afghanistan drowned, 5 died, 1 missing, overloaded boat sank off the coast of Bodrum (TR) FE/Ansa/Le Monde/NOB06/11/2009 1 Abdelkader H. (19, man) Algeria suicide, jumped in Bilbao’s river (E) escaping from policemen who took him for a thief EP01/11/2009 1 N.N. (young man) unknown stowaway, suffocated, found in the back of a lorry entering the Channel Tunnel (F) to GB FE/Mail Onlinein Nov 09 1 N.N. (+30, man) Somalia swine flu, died whilst staying in asylum centre in Norway, no medical care was given UNHCR/IRRDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 2

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source30/10/2009 1 Mohammed Iqbal Safi (18, man) Afghanistan jumped in river Thames(GB) after police questioned him in custody for immigration offences IRR29/10/2009 3 N.N. Algeria bodies found on a boat tracked southeast of Cartagena on Spain’s southern coast EXP/UnSarda/EarthT/EP/PUB/PICUM/NOB27/10/2009 9 N.N. (±30, 1 man; 3 w; 5 childr) Afghanistan drowned after wooden boat from TR collided with rocks on the island of Mytilini (GR) LR/TDN/Le Figaro/CDS/Migreurop/ANSA/gara.net/Picu27/10/2009 1 N.N. unknown found on boat escorted to Sicily; I and M refused for 3 days to receive them in their territory LR/Can7/Picum/NOB15/10/2009 16 N.N. (1 woman; 1 child) Kosovo drowned, 11 died, 5 missing, boat capsized trying to cross Serbo-H border via Tisza river Picum/UNMIK/NOB10/10/2009 1 Mohammad Atif Kamran (25, m) Pakistan murdered, beaten, dragged in police station of Nikaia (GR) and tortured till death Anarkismo/IRR06/10/2009 7 N.N. Egypt/Somalia drowned, 4 died, 3 missing, trying to swim from a dinghy to the coast of Gela (I) Picum/EveryOne Group/NOB06/10/2009 1 Hasun Albaadzh (man) Syria medical neglect, died in Busmantsi detention centre (BG) where he had been held for 3 years IRR19/09/2009 28 N.N. (7 women; 1 man) Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, 8 found, 20 missing, small boat sank off the coast of MA near Perejil Island (E) AFP/EP/DiarioVasco/Razon/ELM/ELC/PerCat/Xinhua/A14/09/2009 1 Gagandeep Singh K. (32, man) India suicide, died of heart attack due to a month-long hunger strike in prison in Wien (A) DerStandard/FRO/WIKO/Asyl in Not/RoterP29/08/2009 1 N.N. Maghreb manner of death unknown, died during boat trip, found in Granadilla, Tenerife Island (E) Diario de Noticia/ElDia/ABC/Verdad/DNG/Deia/gara.ne28/08/2009 1 N.N. (woman) Africa drowned during rescue operation in Birzebuggia coast (M) on her way from Africa Gara/MUGAK/NOB25/08/2009 1 Mahmum O (26, man) Iraq suicide, asylum seeker found hanging in prison cell in Nuremburg (D) four days earlier IRR24/08/2009 1 Mrs T. (32, woman) Libanon suicide, overdose to family being moved to an asylum seekers camp in Mittweida (D) ARI20/08/2009 72 N.N. (55 man; 17 woman) Eritrea bodies thrown overboard after 23 days traveling from Libya to Lampedusa (I) LR/CDS/GE/FE/MUGAK/EP/AFP/GARA/ANSA/Nouve17/08/2009 27 N.N. (1 man) Sub-Saharan Africa/Moroccodrowned,7 found, 20 missing, 10 survived, shipwreck near Trafalgar beach in southern Spain LatinAHTribune12/08/2009 2 N.N. Turkey drowned, 2 died, motorboat sank off the coast of Kos Island (GR) on the way from TR FE/Picum/Cesdop/NOB10/08/2009 20 N.N. Somalia murdered, guards opened fire during their escape attempt from det. cr. in Banghazi (LY) FE/VOA09/08/2009 1 N.N. unknown stowaway, body found on hallway Brindisi-Lecce (I) thrown over truck with 17 survivors CDS/NOB09/08/2009 12 N.N. Somalia missing after Benghazi (LY) massacre by police, in detention centre along LY to Italy route FE/GiovaniE09/08/2009 6 N.N. Somalia killed by police in Benghazi massacre (LY), when prisoners tried to escape detention centre FE/GiovaniE09/08/2009 1 Heval Huseyn Ismail (28, man) Kurdistan suicide, failed asylum seeker who hanged himself in a South Shields park (GB) ShieldsG/IRR08/08/2009 12 N.N. unknown 1 died, 11 missing, boat collided with Algerian coast guard vessel in the port of Annaba (DZ) BBC/Migreurop/NOB06/08/2009 1 F.A. (27, woman) Morocco suicide, threw herself in the Brembo River in Bergamo (I) in fear of deportation LR/IRR03/08/2009 12 N.N. (1 man) Algeria drowned, 1 died, 11 missing, wooden boat capsized 4 miles from Cabo de Palos (E) EP/Verdad/ELM/RAZ/MUGAKin Aug 09 1 Hassan Rahimi (minor, boy) Afghanistan suicide, unaccompanied minor who hanged himself in London (GB) as he feared eviction IRR27/07/2009 1 Arivan Osman Asis (20, man) Iraq murdered, beaten by border guards in his attempt to embark to reach I, died in GR hospital AFP27/07/2009 1 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, parts of a body found along la Fontanilla beach of Marbella Island (E) FE/SUR25/07/2009 1 Luis Beltran Larrosa (56, man) Uruguai died of heart attack in Tenerife (E), employer did not call for assistance as Luis was illegal Can7/VDG/ElDia/Publico14/07/2009 1 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa died at the hospital of El Hierro, Canary Islands (E), after boat arrived in La Estaca harbour Verdad/Diario de Navarra14/07/2009 1 Azad Hayi (28, man) Kurdistan manslaughter, beaten by neonazis whilst returning to Möhlau asylum centre (D) at night taz12/07/2009 2 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa 1 died on board during travel, 1 died at the hospital of El Hierro (E) because of dehydration Publico/EP/Diario de Noticia/VDG/Gara/Verdad/Diario01/07/2009 1 N.N. (man) Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, body found 42 miles south of Cabo de Gata in Almeria (E) by Liberian ship PICUM29/06/2009 10 N.N. (3 w; 5 m; 1 child) Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, wooden boat collided with rocks in Barbate Coast (E) PICUM/SUR/Publico/EP/ELM/Verdad/DiarioVasco/MN23/06/2009 1 Amir Rohol (19, boy) Afghanistan stowaway,fell from the truck he was hidden, died in hospital 3h later in Ancona (I) PICUM/LR/MP/NOB19/06/2009 1 N.N. (20, man) Ecuador suicide in a cell in Barcelona (E) hanging himself with his own shirt, arrested because illegal EP/AVUI/MUGAK17/06/2009 2 N.N. (men) Algeria 1drowned, 1missing after shipwreck due to storm waters 30 miles south Cartagena (E) LV/Verdad/PICUM/NOB04/06/2009 25 N.N. (men, women, 8 babies) Sub-Saharan Africa/Moroccomissing after their boat sank at 10 miles off Tarifa, Cadiz (E) on the way from Tanger (MA) ABC/MUGAK/EP/ELM/LV/EFE/Diario de Navarra /GARin Jun 09 1 N.N. (16, boy) unknown suicide after his asylum claim was rejected in asylum seeker accomodation Varmland (S) IRR27/05/2009 1 Mir Abbas Safari (36, man) Afghanistan suicide after 67 days in detention centre in Gavle (S) in fear of being deported IRR/UPP/NewsD19/05/2009 1 Jonathan Sizalina (20, man) Ecuador reported suicide using tshirt but guards reportedly beat him in Barcelona detention centre(E) SetDirecta/FAIV07/05/2009 1 N.N. (49, woman) Tunisia suicide in the detention centre of Ponte Gallera, in Roma (I) IlMess/IRRin May 2009 2 N.N. Somalia drowned whilst travelling from Turkey to Greece on Evros River (GR) MNSin May 09 1 N.N. Tunisia drowned whilst travelling from Turkey to Greece on Evros River (GR) MNS30/04/2009 1 N.N. (man) Sub-Saharan Africa died in the hospital in Tarifa (E) after Spanish authorities blocked a boat from Tanger (MA) EFE/NOB23/04/2009 35 N.N. (26 men, 9 women) Africa drowned, bodies found after shipwreck 250 km east of Aden (Yemen) on way from Somalia MUGAK/Can7/EFE/UNHCR/LR/GARA23/04/2009 20 N.N. Africa missing after shipwreck, 250 km east of Aden (Yemen), coming from Somalia, 165 survivors MUGAK/Can7/EFE/UNHCR/LR/GARA23/04/2009 2 N.N. unknown reportedly died of hypothermia, found by Spanish authorities in the Strait of Gibraltar (E) MUGAK/EFE/Diario de Navarra/PICUM/EHAR/NOB18/04/2009 1 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa body found by Mauritanian guards on a boat near Nuadibu on way to Canary Islands (E) MUGAK/EFE/ElDia/Diario de Navarra16/04/2009 1 Esat Ekos (19, pregnant woman) Nigeria died during rescue operation, boat waited 4 days before to be allowed to reach Italian coasts MUGAK/TimesM/Diario de Navarra/Verdad/LR/PUN/VD16/04/2009 1 N.N. (fetus) Nigeria died during rescue operation, boat waited 4 days before to be allowed to reach Italian coasts MUGAK/TimesM/Diario de Navarra/Verdad/LR/PUN/VD05/04/2009 1 N.N. (26, man) Afghanistan stabbed after a brawl in Villemin square, Paris (F), where he lived as asylum seeker Reu/Ya.F/MSF/MRAP/CSE10/AFP03/04/2009 2 N.N. (1 man, 1 woman) Africa bodies found on a boat reportedly from LY at 60 km. off Lampedusa’s Southern coast (I) ANSA/AVV/NOB29/03/2009 300 N.N. (69 w., 2 child.) Somalia/Morocco/Syria/Nigeria/Eritrea/Algeria/Tunisiadrowned, 21 bodies found, 3 boats sank due to stormy waters 30 km off Ly on way to IABC/MUGAK/Deia/DiariodeNavarra/DNG/APDHA/Berr29/03/2009 500 N.N. Somalia/Morocco/Syria/Nigeria/Eritrea/Algeria/Tunisiamissing after 3 boats sank due to stormy waters 30 km off LY on way from Tripoli (LY) to I ABC/MUGAK/Deia/DiariodeNavarra/DNG/APDHA/Berr29/03/2009 1 N.N. (20, man) Iraq stowaway, dead under a Bulgarian lorry he hang on to pass the border in Ancona harbour (I) CDS/NOB26/03/2009 1 N.N. (20, man) Iraq asylum seeker was run over by a lorry in Venice harbor (I) reportedly trying to skip ID control CDS/ANSA/AdnK/NOB23/03/2009 1 Mazir (24, man) unknown found in Votanikos stream near Aliens Bureau in Athens (GR), stayed in coma for 3 months NR/IRR22/03/2009 2 N.N. Maghreb missing when Spanish patrol transfered the passengers from their boat off Cabo de Gata (E) MUGAK/EFE/PUB/NOB19/03/2009 67 N.N. Africa 17 deaths, 50 missing, after shipwreck near to Sfax (TN) on the way from Libya to Italy LS/FE/ANSA/Ach/AFP/LSW/NOB19/03/2009 1 Salah Soudami (42, man) Algeria reportedly beaten on the Ponte Gallierra det. cr. Roma (I) after refusal of medical treatment CARTA/ElW17/03/2009 1 N.N. (young man) Sub-Saharan Africa body washed ashore on the beach Linea de la Concepcion, Cadiz (E) MUGAK/DNA/SUR/PUB/EFE/ELM/NOB16/03/2009 11 N.N. (7 men, 4 women) Nigeria died of thirst in AlGatrun desert (LY). had tried to reach Italy but authorities intercepted NOB/LR06/03/2009 1 N.N. (±20, man) Africa tangled in razor wire trying to jump a border fence from Morocco to Ceuta (E) REU/NOBin Mar 09 14 N.N. (1 pregnant woman) Nigeria, Africa died giving birth with 13 more in Oran’s desert (AR) after got lost ran out of fuel and water FE/NAN/NT/ODILI21/02/2009 1 N.N. Africa died when vessel tried to land near Montril (E). 34 migrants survived NOB/REU15/02/2009 2 N.N. (woman; pregnant woman) Maghreb drowned after boat crashed with a rock and sank 20 metres from Lanzarote’s coast (E) Can7/ABC/Publico/ELM/DiariodeNoticias/Deia/EP/Raz15/02/2009 1 N.N. (8 months, fetus) Maghreb drowned after boat crashed with a rock and sank 20 metres from Lanzarote’s coast (E) Can7/ABC/Publico/ELM/DiariodeNoticias/Deia/EP/Raz15/02/2009 19 N.N. (4-17, 15 boys; 4 girls) Maghreb drowned after boat crashed with a rock and sank 20 metres from Lanzarote’s coast (E) Can7/ABC/Publico/ELM/DiariodeNoticias/Deia/EP/Raz15/02/2009 4 N.N. (men) Maghreb drowned after boat crashed with a rock and sank 20 metres from Lanzarote’s coast (E) Can7/ABC/Publico/ELM/DiariodeNoticias/Deia/EP/Raz15/02/2009 1 N.N. Maghreb body missing after boat crashed with a rock and sank 20 metres from Lanzarote’s coast (E) Can7/ABC/Publico/ELM/DiariodeNoticias/Deia/EP/Raz02/02/2009 3 N.N. (men) Gambia reportedly dehydration, died after 4 days without water or food in boat near Canary Isl. (E) ABC/EP/MUGAK/ELM/Diario de Navarra/SUR/Can7/Ein Feb 09 1 N.N. (man) Africa body found in boat drifting for 2 days near the coast of Motril (E) with 34 survivors AFP/MAG31/01/2009 1 N.N. (woman) Sub-Saharan Africa body found by Moroccan navy in boat sailing near the coasts of Al Hoceima (MA) Can7/MUGAK29/01/2009 8 N.N. Tunisia drowned, shipwreck due to storm waters in Tunisi’s Bay (TN) ANSA28/01/2009 5 N.N. unknown bodies washed ashore on the coasts near the town of Bodrum (TR) AFP/REU/NOB22/01/2009 1 Vivede (19, woman) Nigeria died of burns and exposure after sailing by boat from Africa to Lampedusa (I) LR/ASCA21/01/2009 1 N.N. (man) Africa body found in the boat with 53 survivors on Cala Pisana’s beach, Lampedusa (I) LR/MP/AdnK/ANSA/NOB21/01/2009 8 N.N. Libya reportedly frozen to death on the sailing from Libya to Lampedusa (I) LR/CDS19/01/2009 26 N.N. (20-30) Tunisia missing, after shipwreck off Tunisia on the way to Italy LR/FE/LPC/PICUM/APDHA/CDS/AEDH/LIDU19/01/2009 1 N.N. (48, man) Sri Lanka frozen to death, body found under the Vittorio Emanuele Gallery in Messina (I) Ansa14/01/2009 4 N.N. (19-32) Algeria reportedly missing when the boat capsized for motor problems after leaving Kristel (DZ) QUOTI/FE13/01/2009 1 N.N. (18 months, child) unknown drowned off Syros Island (GR), after boat carrying 19 migrants capsized FE/KI/NOBDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 3

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source10/01/2009 4 N.N. (4, women) Senegal drowned, transferred to canoe after abandoning boat trip to (E), capsized off Senegal coast NOB/FE09/01/2009 1 N.N. (man) unknown run over by the truck he was hanged on to pass the border in Ancona (I) harbour Adnk07/01/2009 1 N.N. (30, man) Afghanistan stabbed in fight between migrants attempting to get aboard the lorry to UK in Calais (F) Telegraph/Mail Online/Evening Standard/PICUM/Cong03/01/2009 1 Hussein Zahidul (24, man) Bangladesh manner of death unknown, body found in a ditch in Votanikos (GR), near the Aliens Bureau KI/IRR/MNS01/01/2009 1 Alino (29, man) Cameroon died on way to hospital in Nador (MA) after being shot by border guards in Farhana (E/MA) AI/Diversity/MUGAK/Connect/EP/Tribuna/ELM/LV/ELCin Jan 09 12 N.N. (20-30) Algeria reportedly missing, left Arzew’s coast (DZ) on 2 January in bad weather conditions QUOTI/FEin 2009 1 Jonson Ibitui (man) Nigeria heart attack from stress, soon after his release from 1 year’s det in Busmantsi centre (BG) GloDP/IRR24/12/2008 1 N.N. (man) Sub-Saharan Africa body found in an advanced state of decomposition by a fisherman near off Melilla’s coast (E) MUGAK/Publico/SUR/NOB18/12/2008 7 N.N. Somalia/Mauritania drowned, 3 found, 4 missing, dinghy sank due to bad weather in Aegean Sea on way to GR PICUM/AFP/ANSA/NOB10/12/2008 1 Rezai Mahumut (13, boy) Afghanistan was run over by the wheels of the lorry while clinching to it in Mestre, Venice (I) CDS/ST/EpolisR/NOB07/12/2008 1 N.N. (man) Africa body found in a boat rescued by the Spanish authorities near Arguineguin, Canary Isl. (E) Publico/NOB06/12/2008 4 N.N. (3 men; 1 woman) Palestine drowned after dinghy sank off Ayvalik (TR), bodies were pulled from the water, 23 survivors KI/FE/PICUM/NOB06/12/2008 1 N.N. (4, child) unknown drowned, dinghy sank trying to cross the sea between TR and Samos Island (GR) EarthT/PICUM/NOB02/12/2008 1 Hamid al-Amrani (12, boy) Morocco suicide, father was repratiated, hanged himself with bathrobe belt in Madrid care centre (E) AOL/Publico/Terra/ABC/adn/EPress/Kaoenlared/ASSI/25/11/2008 2 N.N. unknown bodies found in a refrigerator truck with other 30 hidden people in a southern GR coastline FE/IntHeraldTribune/NOB21/11/2008 21 N.N. unknown drowned, after shipwreck near the French island of Mayotte N24/AFP/NOB19/11/2008 1 N.N. (man) Africa died of heart attack in hospital after boat was intercepted near to Canary coast (E) ABC/AFP13/11/2008 1 N.N. (man) Africa missing, fell into the sea during rescue operation 9 miles south Lampedusa (I) FE/AdnK/UnSarda/LS/NOB12/11/2008 6 N.N. (4 men, 2 women) Sub-Saharan Africa found by Algerian authorities in an advanced state of decomposition in Ardrar (S.E. Sahara) PICUM/MNS/AlgerieMonde11/11/2008 3 N.N. (1 adult; 2 minors) Africa 1 died on the boat, 1 when arrived to El Hierro coast (E) and 1 in the hospital one week later ElDia/Top News/ABC/FE/PICUM/Mugak/EFE/gara.net/10/11/2008 1 N.N. (man) Sub-Saharan Africa died in La Candelaria’s hospital, in Tenerife (E), 5 days after his boat was intercepted ElDia/Top News/ABC/FE05/11/2008 1 N.N. (woman) Africa found by boat in advanced state of decomposition in Mediterranean Sea, off Birzebbugia (M) TimesM02/11/2008 1 N.N. (man) Africa body found in an advanced state of decomposition in Mediterranean Sea, off Delimara (M) TimesM/NOB01/11/2008 1 N.N. (woman) Africa body found in an advanced state of decomposition in Mediterranean Sea, off Delimara (M) TimesM/NOB29/10/2008 3 N.N. (2 adults; 1 minor) Sub-Saharan Africa 2 found in boat at La Gomera’s coast (E), 1 died of hypothermia later in hospital EP/NOB29/10/2008 2 N.N. unknown drowned, recovered by Greek border police in eastern Aegean facing the Turkish coast PICUM26/10/2008 1 Muhammad Asraf Pakistan injured in police violence, in asylum seekers queue outside Aliens’ directorate in Athens (GR) ECRE/ST/Vluchteling/IRR/MNS23/10/2008 1 N.N. (woman) Africa found by boat in advanced state of decomposition in Mediterranean Sea between M and LY TimesM23/10/2008 1 N.N. (17) Albania drowned in a southern Albanian lagoon close to Greece after overloaded boat capsized FE/Javno/NOB23/10/2008 2 N.N. (youngsters) Albania drowned in a southern Albanian lagoon close to Greece after overloaded boat capsized Javno20/10/2008 1 N.N. (22, woman) Albania drowned in a lagoon in Southern AL after boat capsized trying to avoid police checkpoing Reu/Picum/Javno/NOB20/10/2008 1 N.N. (3 month, baby) Albania drowned in a lagoon in Southern AL after boat capsized trying to avoid police checkpoing Reu/Picum/Javno/NOB20/10/08 1 N.N. (man) Africa manner of death unknown, body found on boat with 92 survivors arriving in Gran Canaria (E) NOB/TySp20/10/2008 1 N.N. unknown killed, shot by Libyan civilian as his migrant boat left Libya for Europe HRW18/10/2008 1 N.N. (woman) Africa body found in advanced state of decomposition in Mediterranean Sea, off Delimara (M) TimesM12/10/2008 1 N.N. (man) Serbia suicide in the Vottem det. cr. (B) after hearing his asylum claim had been rejected IRR/MNS/GRAPPE/CRACPE/VRF07/10/2008 50 N.N. Africa drowned, boat capsized due to stormy waters in Kenitra (MA) MNS/NOB06/10/2008 2 N.N. (men) Iraq drowned, found between Evros River delta and Alexandroupolis port (GR) by fishing boat NOB/KI05/10/2008 18 N.N. Pakistan, Myanmar stowaways, died from asphyxiation in a track from Istanbul (TR) to GR after traffic accident Picum/Nt7/TodZam/NOB05/10/2008 4 N.N. (3 men, 1 boy) Iraq drowned, bodies found between Evros River delta and Alexandroupolis port (GR) NOB/KI05/10/2008 1 N.N. (man) Morocco stowaway, struck by car after falling off the truck he was hidden under on highway A381 (E) NOB/EP05/10/2008 1 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa stowaway, body found by Civil Guard in Melilla, was hiding in car compartment to enter Spain NOB/Verdad04/10/2008 2 N.N. (men) unknown decomposing bodies found by Rescue Guard along coast between Estepona and Casares (E) NOB/Sur02/10/2008 1 N.N. (man) Iraq drowned, body found by fishermen pulling in the nets near the shore of Alexandroupolis (GR) NOB/KIin Oct 08 1 N.N. (40, man) Vietnam suicide, hanged himself in detention centre in Bautzen (D) as he feared deportation IRR/ARIin Oct 08 2 N.N. (children) unknown drowned, bodies discovered by GR and TR authorities in north of Aegean sea PICUM/NOBin Oct 08 1 N.N. (woman) unknown drowned, body discovered by GR and TR authorities in north of Aegean sea PICUM/NOBin Oct 08 6 N.N. Iraq drowned, bodies discovered by GR and TR authorities in north of Aegean sea PICUM/NOBin Oct 08 11 N.N. unknown drowned, bodies discovered by GR and TR authorities in north of Aegean sea PICUM/NOB27/09/2008 4 N.N. (2 men) 2 Georgia, 2 unknown accidentally entered a minefield in Kastanea near Evros (GR), on the way to GR from Turkey NOB/KI12/09/2008 25 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa died of thirst, found in advanced state of decomposition by Algerian apolice in Sahara (DZ) MNS11/09/2008 13 N.N. Africa bodies thrown overboard during the travel from Libya’s coast to Portopalo, Sicily (I) RAI/FE/NOB08/09/2008 33 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa died on the way to Canary Isl. (E), survivors were found by Moroccan sea patrol PICUM/EP/NOB08/09/2008 21 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa missing in the mined Sahara-Mauritanian border after been abandoned by Moroccan authority PICUM/EP07/09/2007 1 N.N. (man) unknown heart attack in hospital, he arrived by boat in La Gomera (E) with other 117 migrants NOB/EP06/09/2008 1 Solyman Rashed (man) Iraq killed by car bomb in Kirkuk (Iraq) 2 weeks after volontary rempatriation from GB IRR05/09/2008 1 N.N. (26, male) Algeria reportedly drowned on way to (I), body found at Oued Saboun beach near Skikda (DZ) NOB/FEin Sep 08 12 N.N. unknown drowned, shipwreck due to stormy waters , bodies found in Valletta (Malta) ANSA, Jw/NOBin Sep 08 1 Baj Singh (man, 33) India crashed by truck in Trent Vale (GB) hiding under truck’s wheel Ndtvin Sep 08 4 N.N. (± 27, men) unknown bodies found in state of decomposition near the coast of Vega Baja de Alicante (E) MNS/Picumin Sep 08 13 N.N. Ghana, Niger, Nigeria drowned, thrown still alive into sea near Sicilian coasts (I) AFP, Picumin Sep 08 14 N.N. (men) Sub-Saharan Africa 13 bodies found in the boat, 1 later in Arguineguin (E) after 12 days of trip from Mauritania ABC/MUGAK/PrensaLibre/ElDia/NOB30/08/2008 14 N.N. Algeria reportedly drowned, boat capsized in stormy waters between Algeria and Sardinia (I) NOB/FE28/08/2008 5 N.N. Tunisia reportedly drowned, boat sank near Zembra off Sidi Daud (TN), on way to Italy NOB26/08/2008 20 N.N. Africa at least 20 bodies thrown overboard to prevent boar from sinking on the way from MA to E SP/JW25/08/2008 70 N.N.(m., 4w.,4 preg. w., 1c) Eritrea, Ghana, Somalia, Sudan drowned, the dinghy capsized near Malta’s coastsTelegraph/MaltaIndependent/Ia/PICUM/MNS/LR/NOB/25/08/2008 4 N.N. (fetus) Eritrea, Ghana, Somalia, Sudan drowned, the dinghy capsized near Malta’s coastsTelegraph/MaltaIndependent/Ia/PICUM/MNS/LR/NOB24/08/2008 1 Kalkouli Amin Algeria caught on boat in Algiers (DZ), was pushed and fell 15m onto bunker, died from injuries FE/SoirInfo23/08/2008 56 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa died of dehydration in the Sahara Desert after 10 days of journey ran out of water and fuel CMG21/08/2008 35 N.N. (men, women, children) Sub-Saharan Africa died of starvation, 25 survivors, boat found after living from Moroccan Coast to Almeria (E) BBC/NYtimes/GuardianUn/PICUM/MSN/NOB18/08/2008 1 N.N. Somalia drowned, boat capsized off Didim town (TR), 31 other Somalian rescued by TR guardcoast HURRIYET/NOB05/08/2008 1 N.N. (man) unknown manner of death unknown, body found on the coast of Aguadu of Melilla (E) in North Africa NOB/DiarioSur02/08/2008 1 N.N. (5, boy) Africa drowned, part of his body found in sea by Motril (E), likely to be travelling from Maghreb NOB/Idealin Aug 08 75 N.N. Somalia missing, reportedly drowned on the way from Libya to Italy on two boats had faulty engines Mareegin Aug 08 2 N.N. (children) Nigeria died of starvation, they were thrown overboard by their father in the Mediterranean sea (I) Uain Aug 08 1 Adam Osman Mohammed (32,m) Sudan shot by militia in Calgoo, Sudan, where he returned when asylum claim was refused in GB MNS/Independent/WP/Spits/Telegraph31/07/2008 14 N.N. (2 pregnant women) Nigeria drowned, shipwreck on way to Spanish coasts due to stormy waters Ua/Raz/Mugak31/07/2008 3 N.N. (2 women, 1 man) Africa, Iraq drowned, brought ashore dead during Armed Forces rescue in seas between Malta and Libya NOB/TimesM31/07/2008 1 N.N. (fetus) unknown drowned, mother brought ashore dead during rescue operation in waters between M and LY NOB/TimesM30/07/2008 13 N.N. Pakistan stowaways, suffocated in overcrowded truck, bodies dumped in Istanbul field (TR) HURRIYET/NOB29/07/2008 7 N.N. unknown drowned, after shipwreck near Lampedusa (I) Picum/LR/NOB25/07/2008 1 N.N. Africa manner of death unknown, body found in boat carrying 79 migrants in La Gomera Island (E) NOB/MAC23/07/2008 24 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, 6 dead, 18 missing, boat sank between Mayotte (F) and Comoros Isl. NOB/France24Deaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 4

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source22/07/2008 1 N.N. (±4, child) unknown found in an advanced state of decomposition on the river Algarrobo, Malaga (E) EP/NOB20/07/2008 1 N.N. (3, girl) Nigeria died of starvation, body thrown overboard during the way to Italy Reu19/07/2008 1 N.N. (boy) Nigeria died of starvation, body thrown overboard during the way to Italy Reu/Picum18/07/2008 1 N.N. (man) Africa manner of death unknown, decomposed body recovered from the sea off Malta TimesM/NOB16/07/2008 1 David S. (23, man) Armenia suicide, cut wrists in Nuremburg(D) prison cell, was to be deported/separated from parents ARI14/07/2008 28 N.N. Africa drowned, 3 died, 25 missing, as boat capsized in stormy seas near Lampedusa (I) NOB/ItalyMAG11/07/2008 6 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa manner of death unknown, bodies found on board a boat that landed in La Gomera (E) IntHeraldTribune/NOB11/07/2008 11 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa bodies thrown overboard on the way to La Gomera (E) GARA/FE10/07/2008 15 N.N. (1-4, 9 children) Sub-Saharan Africa reportedly died of starvation, bodies found in Almeria (E) Nation/IntHeraldTribune/Ia/Picum/MSN/NOB10/07/2008 3 N.N. (women) Africa drowned, after their boat capsized off coast of Malta Picum/FE/TOM/NOB10/07/2008 1 N.N. (fetus) Africa drowned, after the boat capsized off coast of Malta Picum/FE/TOM/NOB07/07/2008 14 N.N. (9 men, 4 women, 1 baby) Africa drowned after their vessel turned over off the coast of Motril, Granada (E) MNS/EP/PICUM/NOB04/07/2008 1 N.N. (man) Iraq stowaway, found on a Greek ferry in the port of Venice (I) under truck where he was hidden Reu./Picum/NOBin Jul 08 13 N.N. Myanmar, Pakistan stowaways, died from asphyxiation in a track from Istanbul (TR) to GR after traffic accident TodZam01/07/2008 37 N.N. West Africa drowned, wrecked boat and bodies found on seafront off Libreville, Gabon on way to Europe NOB/REU29/06/2008 1 N.N. (man) Africa no medical care despite his friends called guards for help, died in det. cr. of Caltanisetta (I) PICUM/TL27/06/2008 1 N.N. (±40, man) Iraq stowaway, suffocated in a cucumber truck, found on ferry in Venice (I) coming from Greece NOB/UNSarda26/06/2008 3 N.N. Africa reportedly drowned, boat shipwrecked 32 miles south off Malta NOB/FE22/06/2008 1 N.N. (±30, man) Iraq stowaway, died of starvation in a lorry sailing on a ferry from Patrasso (GR) to Venice (I) CDS/LR/NOB21/06/2008 1 Abdel Karem Souli (41, man) Tunesia died of heart attack in Det. Cr. Vincennes (F) after calls for assistance were ignored for 2 h. Mrap/IRR/BTB/Libération18/06/2008 4 N.N. unknown died in hospital in Tenerife Island (E) the day after their boat arrived, 78 survivors NOB/Diario de Navarra15/06/2008 6 N.N. (adults, children) Somalia drowned, boat sank 50 km south of Malta, 28 survivors rescued by Italian fishing boat NOB/LR15/06/2008 1 N.N. (baby) Somalia dead at birth due to travel hardships, mother was rescued from shipwreck 50 km from Malta NOB/TEMPO12/06/2008 1 N.N. (man) Somalia shot dead in detention centre in Kirklareli (TR) during a riot against detention conditions NOB/HURRIYET12/06/2008 1 Alex Darkwah Oppong (41, man) unknown jumped out of window when asylum-seeker centre set on fire in Klangenfurt, Carinthia (A) Falter10/06/2008 2 N.N. Afghanistan/Pakistan died in accident, when bus carrying stowaways overturned in Dogubayazit (TR), 18 survivors NOB/HaberT10/06/2008 15 N.N. Somalia/Eritrea drowned, boat capsized due to bad rescue operation by Italian Coastguard 56 miles off Malta NOB/LR/EB/GuidaS/ANSA07/06/2008 149 N.N. Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, drowned Moroccoafter boat sunk in the Mediterranean Sea near TunisiaCDS/Giornale/Stampa/LR/SD/PICUM/NOB/NOB05/06/2008 13 N.N. Africa drowned after boat sank at 50 km off Libyan coasts, due to stormy waters CDS/SP/NOB05/06/2008 1 Andy Bestman (24, man) Nigeria drowned, jumped into the Rhine while fleeing police close to Basel (CH) SSFin Jun 08 6 N.N. Somalia drowned after boat sunk due to stormy waters near Malta LR/SDin Jun 08 3 N.N. (2 men; 1 woman) unknown drowned after their boat sank when Italian fishing ship tried to rescue them off Italian coasts HNS26/05/2008 2 N.N. (men) Tunesia stowaways, died of suffocation while traveling by boat from the port of Sfax (TN) Sh/NOB26/05/2008 3 N.N. (men) Sub-Saharan Africa died of dehydration, 2 in the boat, 1 in the hospital when tried to arrived to Gran Canaria (E) ABC26/05/2008 5 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, boat capsized in rough seas 85 miles south east of Malta, 13 survivors NOB/TimesM25/05/2008 3 N.N. (1 man) unknown 2 bodies found in a boat, 1 mile off Grand Canaria (E),1 died in hospital (E), 65 survivors NOB/FE24/05/2008 1 Hassan Nejl (38, man) Morocco no medical care, died of pneumonia not cured by doctors of detention centre Brunelleschi (I) LR/MP23/05/2008 1 N.N. unknown drowned, body found by Italian Coast Guard off Pozzalo near Ragusa, Sicily (I) NOB/AdnK22/05/2008 1 N.N. Africa reportedly drowned, body found in the sea 50 miles from Malta TimesM/NOB22/05/2008 2 N.N. Algeria drowned whilst attempting to reach Spain, bodies found in sea close to Cherchell (DZ) NOB/FE20/05/2008 12 N.N. Africa reportedly drowned, 2 found, 10 missing off Malta’s sea NOB/TimesM10/05/2008 47 N.N. Africa died of starvation and cold after the engine of their boat broke down (TN) Reu/Ftcr/EP/NOB09/05/2008 1 Abdelhakim Ajimi (22, man) Africa died in police custody under unclear circumstances after being arrested in Grasse (F) IRR05/05/2008 1 N.N. unknown stowaway, car he was transported in crashed after being chased by police in Xanthi (GR) NOB/KI04/05/2008 1 Hamidur Rahman (31, man) Bangladesh suicide, took 40 antidepressant pills in Birkenfeld (D) as latest asylum claim was rejected ARI01/05/2008 1 Ebenizer Folefack Sontsa (32,m) Cameroon suicide, hanged himself in sanitary room of det. cr. Merksplas (B) in fear of deportation Hln/IRR/Afrik/MNS/Indymedia/NOBin May 08 1 N.N. (man) Syria hit by a car in Nicosia’s motorway (CY) when he was running to escape an inmigration swoop IRR/AFP/NOB28/04/2008 36 N.N. (2 women, 4 babies) Nigeria (24), Cameroon (9)drowned, Morocco’s border guards broke with a knife the rubber dinghy (MA) FE/Welt/ST/MNS/Picum/Reu/APDHA/MB/BBC/NOB23/04/2008 4 N.N. (men) Iran, Syria drowned, forced by Turkish police to swim across the river that separates TR and Iraq Unhcr22/04/2008 17 N.N. (men) Tunesia 14 missing, 3 bodies found on board a boat from Aouled al-Mabrouk (TN) Ftcr/CPD/HNS/NOB22/04/2008 1 Hamza Ben Hammadi (21, man) Tunesia drowned, body washed ashore, found in Aouled al-Mabrouk (TN) Ftcr/CPD/HNS22/04/2008 1 Mohamed Dalhoum (24, man) Tunesia drowned, body washed ashore, found in Aouled al-Mabrouk (TN) Ftcr/CPD/HNS22/04/2008 1 Rachid Jebeniani (22, man) Tunesia missing, trying to cross the sea to Europe from Aouled al-Mabrouk (TN) Ftcr/CPD/HNS22/04/2008 1 Abdelmounim Douiri (27, man) Tunesia missing, trying to cross the sea to Europe from Aouled al-Mabrouk (TN) Ftcr/HNS/CPD22/04/2008 1 Maalek Zarga (21, man) Tunesia missing, trying to cross the sea to Europe from Aouled al-Mabrouk (TN) Ftcr/HNS/CPD22/04/2008 1 Mourad Jlassi (man) Tunesia missing, trying to cross the sea to Europe from Aouled al-Mabrouk (TN) Ftcr/HNS/CPD22/04/2008 1 Mohamed Jebeniani (22, man) Tunesia missing, unknown reason of death while trying to reach Europe from Aouled al-Mabrouk (TN) Ftcr/HNS/CPD22/04/2008 1 Ayman Ben Taieb Hassine(17,m) Tunesia missing, unknown reason of death while trying to reach Europe from Aouled al-Mabrouk (TN) Ftcr/CPD/HNS22/04/2008 1 N.N. (man) Tunesia drowned, body washed ashore; trying to reach Europe from Aouled al-Mabrouk (TN) Ftcr/CPD/HNS22/04/2008 1 Ruslan Yatskevich (32, man) Belarus found in wood near Zella-Mehlis det. centre (D) after staff gave him false deportation threat jW/Karawane21/04/2008 2 N.N. Ivory Coast stowaways, found on British container ship from Ivory Coast to Vigo port (E), 11 survivors NOB/EarthT15/04/2008 1 Robert Weniaminov (43, man) Armenia depression, not given work permit, developed alcoholism whilst waiting for asylum decision ARI07/04/2008 16 N.N. (20-25) Algeria drowned, coast guard found 11, 5 still missing in Arzew’s coast (DZ) KH/FE/NOB06/04/2008 16 N.N. (17-25; 21, men) Algeria drowned, 13 found, 3 missing, vessel sunk after leaving from Mers el Hedjadj beach (DZ) MNS/Picum/FE04/04/2008 1 N.N. (29, man) Mali died of heart attack after jumping into river Marne in Paris (F) to avoid a police identy check IRRin Apr 08 7 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa died after deportation in Oujda’s (MA) camp due to inhuman conditions FEin Apr 08 1 Shirazi Abdullah Juma (man) Tanzania suicide, set himself on fire in detention center of Luxembourg ASTI30/03/2008 1 Alfredo Castano-Fuentes (24,m) unknown suicide, found hanged at Pentonville prison (GB), sentenced for having a fake passport IRR/BBC/OBS29/03/2008 1 N.N. (man) Maghreb body found in a fishing platform in Melilla (E) reportedly after swiming from Beni Enzar (MA) MUGAK/Sur/EFE29/03/2008 1 N.N. (30, man) Vietnam suicide, jumped from 19th floor of building in Berlin (D) after asylum claim rejected ARI23/03/2008 1 Abdi Daud (40, man) Somalia no medical care, he got high dosages of cortisone in detention centre FG II in Zurich (CH) NR19/03/2008 1 Ama Sumani (39, woman) Ghana died in Ghana of cancer after being removed from hospital (GB) because visa expired BBC/WIK/Independent/Times19/03/2008 40 N.N. Egypt/Senegal/Nigeria/Somalia/Tunisia at least 40 drowned, overloaded boat sank near Zawia’s coast (LY) on way to Lampedusa (I) FE/CDS14/03/2008 4 N.N. Palestine drowned, shipwreck near Iskenderun’s Kale village (TR) due to strong wind, 3 survivors TP/NOB05/03/2008 2 N.N. (men) Sub-Saharan Africa unknown death’s reasons, found 2 bodies on boat carrying 59 travellers in Canary Isl. (E) TySp/NOB/MPG/JA/NOBin Mar 08 1 Ahmad Mahmud El Sabah (man) Egypt no medical care, died lacking adequate health treatment in det. boat Rotterdam (NL) Statewatch/IN/IKNin Mar 08 1 Ayse Abdurrahman (woman) Somalia drowned, after boat capsized off Turkish coast near Didim town trying to reach Europe Xi/NOBin Mar 08 5 N.N. Somalia drowned, after boat capsized off Turkish coast near Didim town trying to reach Europe Xi/NOBin Mar 08 1 Youcef (25, man) Algeria drowned, found in harbor of Bethioua (DZ), trying to reach Europe by boat QUOTI/NOBin Mar 08 1 Bilal (22, man) Algeria missing, trying to cross the sea to Spain, came from Bethioua’s village (DZ) QUOTI/NOBin Mar 08 1 Nabil (25, man) Algeria missing, trying to cross the sea to Spain, came from Bethioua’s village (DZ) QUOTI/NOBin Mar 08 1 Omar (24, man) Algeria missing, trying to cross the sea to Spain, came from Bethioua’s village (DZ) QUOTI/NOBin Mar 08 1 Boubekeur (24, man) Algeria missing, trying to cross the sea to Spain, came from Bethioua’s village (DZ) QUOTI/NOBDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 5

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death sourcein Mar 08 3 N.N. (±25) Algeria missing, disappeared trying to reach Europe crossing Mediterranean sea QUOTI/NOBin Mar 08 3 N.N. (±30, men) Algeria missing, left from Mostaganem (DZ) to reach Spain, all from Tiaret city (DZ) FE/QUOTIin Mar 08 1 N.N. (±25, man) Algeria drowned, his body found and repatriated from Spain, he was from Rahouia city (DZ) FE/QUOTIin Mar 08 1 N.N. (23, man) Algeria drowned, left from Algeria to reach Spain, he was from Tiaret city (DZ) FE/QUOTI15/02/2008 1 John Maina (20, man) Kenya suicide, after failed asylum claim in Meudon, a western suburb of Paris (F) MNS/IRR06/02/2008 1 N.N. (28, man) India stowaway, hanging on underside of touristic bus was crushed from bus’ weels in Spain AP/MUGAK/SUR05/02/2008 1 N.N. (man, 28) India crushed in Ceuta (E) by the wheels of a tour bus under he was hiding to cross Gibraltar MNS/NOB03/02/2008 1 Rachid Abdelsalam (man) Algeria no medical care, died in detention of heart failure, treated with wrong medicine (NL) Statewatch/VG/SCH/Dag02/02/2008 1 N.N. (man) Morocco drowned, body found on the coast of Barranco Hondo in Tarifa (E) TySp/NOB29/01/2008 1 N.N. (man) unknown stowaway, decomposing body found in ship served Patras-Igoumenitsa-Venice route KI/NOB29/01/2008 1 N.N. (man) Morocco drowned, body found in la Luz Coast (E) after shipwreck off Conil de la Frontera (E) TySp/NOB23/01/2008 1 N.N. (30, man) Algeria manner of death unknown, body found on the beach of La Marsa (TR) QUOTI/NOB23/01/2008 17 N.N. Maghreb drowned, 2 found, 15 missing, after boat sank one meter off the shore of Conil (E) EP/MUGAK/Diario de Navarra/ELM/APDHA/Sur/EFE22/01/2008 1 N.N. (14, boy) Afghanistan stowaway, crushed to death in Panighina (I), hanging on underside of lorry from Greece romagnaoggi/NOB/FE22/01/2008 8 N.N. unknown drowned, 2 found, 6 missing, vessel carrying 32 migrants capsized off Luz’s coast (E) Picum/NOB15/01/2008 1 N.N. (woman) unknown drowned, fell into the frozen waters of Evros River (GR) after small boat sank KI/ANA/PICUM/HR12/01/2008 3 N.N. Africa starvation, boat with 3 dead bodies arrived in Canary Island (E), carrying 88 migrants EP/MFS/PICUM/NOB10/01/2008 1 N.N. (man) Somalia murdered, swam in search of help but captain of the boat threw him overboard (I) LR/NOB04/01/2008 2 N.N. (1 man; 1 woman) Maghreb drowned, bodies found floating near the coasts of Barbate (E) Verdad/MUGAK/EP01/01/2008 9 N.N. (±23, 8 men; 1 woman) Maghreb drowned, after boat capsized near the beach of Cadiz (E) EP/MUGAK/APDHA/PICUM/NOB01/01/2008 1 N.N. (28, man) Tunisia suicide on detention centre Berlin Grunau (D) after asylum claim was rejected MNS/IN/jW/IRRin Jan 08 8 N.N. (±20, men) Morocco drowned, bodies found near Los Barrios (E), relatives identified 3 bodies EP30/12/2007 1 Mohamed Mechergui (28, man) Tunisia rejected asylum seeker hanged himself with his shoes laces in Berlin Köpenick (D) det. cr. IRR/ARI28/12/2007 1 N.N. (man) Georgia drowned, after ship capsized near Evros (GR), 20 survivors, 7 swam to the TR side IntHeraldTribune/NOB26/12/2007 2 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa bodies found on board a boat intercepted near E from yachts participating to regatta EP25/12/2007 1 Abdullah ‘Joker’ Idris (18, man) Sudan suicide, asylum seeker facing deportation, hanged himself in prison cell in Chelmsford (GB) Inquest23/12/2007 1 N.N. unknown reason of death unknown, a fisherman found a body near Lesvos (GR) TDN/NOB17/12/2007 8 N.N. Afghanistan/Iran/Mauritaniadrowned, overloaded boat sank in the Aegean Sea off Bodrum (TR) on way to Kos (GR) TDN/KI/Ya.D/NOB13/12/2007 1 N.N. unknown stowaway, reportedly fell from wheel bay of plane found in garden in Val d’Oise (F) MNS12/12/2007 7 N.N. Morocco drowned, 3 found, 4 missing, 19 rescued by a gas carrier 30 ml off Cap Falcon (DZ) NOB/FE/QUOTI11/12/2007 1 Kamal X (28, man) Iran died after setting himself on fire in Amberg (D) IRR/ARI09/12/2007 1 N.N. unknown body found on board a boat that arrived in EL Hierro (E) EP/NOB09/12/2007 50 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa 6 found, 44 missing, shipwreck off Dakhla (MA), on way from Mauritania to Canary Isl. (E) EP/FE/NOB08/12/2007 86 N.N. Iraq/Palestine/Somalia 51 found, 35 missing, drowned off Seferihisar (TR) after their overloaded boat sank ICARE/BBC/GuardianUN/SP/TheGlobe/DPS/IntHerald08/12/2007 1 N.N. (±25, man) unknown reportedly drowned, found in advanced state of decomposition, wearing life jacket QUOTI08/12/2007 1 N.N. (man) unknown found in advanced state of decomposition on board of boat in Dakar on way to E SudQ07/12/2007 1 N.N. unknown body found on boat that landed on Crete (GR), the vessel disembarked from Egypt AthensNewsAgency/NOB07/12/2007 1 N.N. (24, man) unknown suicide, asylum seeker set himself on fire in the Town Hall of Haren (NL) NRC/Nopoliceraid/AD04/12/2007 1 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa found on board of vessel that landed on Los Cristianos de Tenerife (E) with 51 survivors MUGAK/EP/NOB04/12/2007 2 N.N. unknown body found on vessel that landed on Los Cristianos de Tenerife (E) with 37 survivors MUGAK/EP/ABC/Diario de Noticias/NOB04/12/2007 10 N.N. Comoros Islands drowned, 2 found, 8 missing, boat collided with French police ship near Mayotte Isl. (F) Le Monde/NOB03/12/2007 10 N.N. Algeria drowned, 9 found, 1missing, boat collided with Dutch cargoship during rescue operation (I) MNS/VK/NOB02/12/2007 40 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa died of hunger and thirst, bodies thrown overboard on way from Senegal to Europe MNS/VK/NOBin Dec 07 50 N.N. Africa drowned, 6 found, 44 missing, boat capsized on way from Mauritania to Canary Isl. (E) DPA/MNS/EP29/11/2007 1 N.N. (±25, man) unknown reportedly drowned, found in advanced state of decomposition near Marsa sea (M) QUOTI/NOB29/11/2007 2 N.N. unknown bodies found by Galican fishing boat which rescued 48 people from a boat near El Hierro (E) NOB/TySp16/11/2007 1 N.N. (man) unknown shot to death in the stomach during a police check for illegal migrants in Pyla, Cyprus (CY) TDN/IRR/MNS/NOB14/11/2007 36 N.N. unknown drowned, 30 missing, 6 found in shore of Sidi Ifni (MA), ship sank on way from MA to E Can7/NOB10/11/2007 3 N.N. (2 men, 1 woman) unknown bodies found at Alboran on Andalusian coast (E) ABC/MUGAK/NOB09/11/2007 58 N.N. (youths) Gambia drowned, after boat was engulfed with fire on way from Banjul (Gambia) to Spain Afrol/APDA/MUGAK/ELM/Diario de Noticias/LV/Canari09/11/2007 5 N.N. unknown died in the hospital of Nuadibu (Mauritania), part of group with 49 thrown overboard ABC08/11/2007 1 N.N. unknown shot and killed by border guard trying to cross into northwestern Greece Reu./PICUM07/11/2007 52 N.N. Gambia/Mali/Senegal/Guinea died of starvation and dehydration, boat motor broke down on way from Senegal to EELM/DiarioVasco/Diario de Navarra/MNS/Diario de Noin Nov 07 1 N.N. (man) Ivory Coast inanimate body washed ashore near Ghazaouet (DZ) QUOTIin Nov 07 1 Eid Shaaban (37, man) Egypt drowned after shipwreck on way from Egypt to Italy, familiars identified the body LATin Nov 07 57 N.N. (men) Egypt drowned after shipwreck on way from Alexandria (Egypt) to Italy LAT29/10/2007 17 N.N. unknown drowned, 9 found, 8 missing after shipwreck near Catania (I) MUGAK/AFVIC28/10/2007 7 N.N. (men) Palestine drowned, found off Roccella Jonica coast, Calabria (I) when boat capsized on way from Egypt MNS/PICUM/LESP/jW/LR/MUGAK/AVUI28/10/2007 9 N.N. (1 child) unknown drowned, bodies found off Vendicari, Sicily (I) by coastguards after their boat sank LR/MNS/PICUM/MUGAK/AVUI24/10/2007 57 N.N. Mali/Giunea/Africa discovered boat with 7 bodies, 50 still missing, tried to reach Spain from Cape Verde Icare/EFE/EP/EPress/Le Soleil/AFVIC/MUGAK/Taz18/10/2007 10 N.N. Mali suicide, jumped into sea in desperation after vessel drifting, way from Mauritania to E MNS/PICUM/Le Courrier17/10/2007 1 N.N. (25, man) Maghreb suicide, hanged himself in the garden of detention centre for migrants in Modena (I) INDi/ASGI/GLOPRO16/10/2007 49 N.N. unknown manner of death unknown, bodies thrown overboard on the way from Mauritania to Spain ABC15/10/2007 1 N.N. (young) Sub-Saharan Africa died of dehydration in hospital in Tenerife (E) after 12 days sailing from Gambia MNS/PICUM/Can7/EFE/MUGAK15/10/2007 1 N.N. (23, man) Nigeria suicide, hanged himself in his cell in Modena (I) detention centre MP/INDi/ASGI/GLOPRO10/10/2007 1 Shaukat Ali (61, man) Pakistan suicide, after asylum claim rejected, he hanged himself at his flat in Birkby (GB) HEXAM08/10/2007 3 N.N (man) unknown drowned,3 missing, coast guard found boat with 117 illegal migrants near Zakynthos Isl. (GR) VK04/10/2007 1 Mike Osei (34, man) Ghana fell from the 7th floor running away from Police check in Amsterdam (NL) Karawanein Oct 07 15 N.N. unknown drowned, shipwreck near Balikesir (TR) crossing the border from TR to GR, 11 survivors Kunain Oct 07 3 N.N. Algeria drowned, bodies pulled out of the sea near the Sejname coast (TN) QUOTIin Oct 07 1 N.N. Shri Lanka suicide under a train after asylum claim refused (GB), he lost his job, had a lot of debt TheNews26/09/2007 1 Laucling Sonko (29, man) Senegal manslaughter, Spanish Guard brought him back to MA cutting his inflatable mattress Guardian Un./ST/Telegraph/Picum/ELM/MUGAK26/09/2007 1 N.N. (±25, man) Sub-Saharan Africa died of exhaustion, after being rescued trying to swim from Morocco to Ceuta (E) EPress25/09/2007 3 N.N. (20-32) Algeria reportedly drowned, decomposing bodies found by Ghazaouet coast (DZ), likely on way to E NOB/FE24/09/2007 2 N.N. (1 man; 1 child) unknown drowned, bodies pulled out of the sea near Samos (GR) after wooden boat capsized KI/NOB24/09/2007 2 N.N. unknown drowned, bodies pulled out of the sea near Chios (GR) after boat capsized KI/NOB23/09/2007 1 N.N. unknown body found on board a boat that reached Los Cristianos’ harbour, Canary Islands (E) ElDia/EFE/EP/Can7/ELM20/09/2007 1 Chulun Liua (51, woman) China left in a coma after throwing herself out of a window to avoid a police raid in Paris (F) MNS/PICUM/IRR19/09/2007 1 N.N. (man) Romania suicide, put on fire on Castellon (E) after denial of help for voluntary repatriatiation MNS16/09/2007 6 N.N. (men) Algeria drowned, 5 bodies found and 1 missing, after boat sank near Cabo de Gata, Almeria (E) EP/ELM/EFE16/09/2007 1 N.N. (man) unknown drowned, body found by Civil Guard off Nijar beach (E), likely from Cabo de Gata shipwreck NOB/TySp14/09/2007 1 N.N. unknown drowned, thrown overboard by traffickers near the Pantelleria Isl. (I), sailing from LY LR13/09/2007 3 N.N. (6, 10, 13, girls) Chechnia died of exhaustion and exposure at Polish border fleeing from Chechnia conflict MNS/VKDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 6

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source13/09/2007 8 N.N. Egypt drowned, after ship capsized off the coast of Edko (Egypt), trying to reach Italy IntHeraldTribune08/09/2007 1 N.N. (25-30, man) Sub-Saharan Africa body found in the coast of Motril (E), reportedly came from a boat intercepted days before ABC07/09/2007 10 N.N. West Africa at least 10 people drowned after their boat capsized off the island of Gran Canaria (E) MNS/BBC04/09/2007 19 N.N. Comoros Islands 4 drowned, 15 missing, shipwreck near l’Ile d’Anjouan, trying to reach Mayotte Isl. (F) JA01/09/2007 4 N.N. unknown 1 drowned, 3missing after boat from Libya sank next to Portopalo (I) LR/CDS/Unita/RAI/ANSA/IlMessin Sep 07 30 N.N. unknown drowned after their boat sank in the Mediterranean Sea on their way to Europe HNS30/08/2007 25 N.N. (21 men; 4 women) unknown drowned, boat capsized while approaching by a Greek tug boat in Malta waters MP/Reu/Gara.net/LV29/08/2007 1 Soran Ali Korshid (35, man) Iraq suicide, overdose of pills, suffered of depression in asylum seekers’ hostel in Rostock (D) IRR28/08/2007 2 N.N. (women) Eritrea/Ethiopia pregnant women died of starvation during the journey from Libya to Italy FE/ilMess/KI25/08/2007 1 N.N. (25, woman) Guinea fell passing one balcony to an other attempting to avoid police control Geneva (CH) MNS/Vivre/TribuneGeneve/LeCourrier25/08/2007 45 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa reportedly drowned, boat disappear after motor broke down on way to Sicily (I) GARA/VK24/08/2007 3 N.N. Gambia/Mauritania/Rwandareportedly drowned, vessel capsized near the town of Cesme (TR) on way to GR MNS23/08/2007 14 N.N. unknown drowned, disappeared after their boat from Turkey sank off the coast of Chios (GR) MNS21/08/2007 13 N.N. (11 adults; 2 minors) Nigeria/Mali died of dehydration and hypothermia during trip from Sahara Occ to Canary Isl (E) EP/ELM/Deia21/08/2007 6 N.N. (2 woman; 4 man) unknown starvation, bodies thrown overboard found by military pilots 60 miles to Lampedusa (I) ANSA/FE/LR/INF/MAG/CDS20/08/2007 1 N.N. (25, man) Nigeria illegal worker jumped from building trying to avoid police arrest, Thessaloniki (GR) MNS/EarthT19/08/2007 13 N.N. (2 minors) unknown died of starvation, dehydratation and hypotermia on a boat going to Fuerteventura (E) EP/MNS19/08/2007 1 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa died of hypothermia and dehydration, found on boat that landed in Gran Canaria (E) ELM/Verdad/EP/LV/ElDia17/08/2007 11 N.N. mostly Afghanistan 6 drowned, 5 missing, boat capsized near Izmir (TR) trying to reach Greece MNS14/08/2007 15 N.N. unknown at least 15 people died, recovered from the sea near the island of Lampedusa (I) MNS14/08/2007 2 N.N. unknown stowaways, died after truck carrying 34 migrants capsized near Yukari Bakracli (TR) Anatolian14/08/2007 14 N.N. unknown bodies found by military pilots floating in sea near Lampedusa (I), wearing life jackets MAG/CDS13/08/2007 1 Amru Aljiti (63, man) Bosnia died due to lack insuline 4 weeks after deportation to Mostar (BH) being ill during trip IRR09/08/2007 2 N.N. (men) Iraq/unknown 1 drowned, 1 missing, boat heading to Lesvos (GR) sank off Ayvalik (TR) MNS/KI07/08/2007 1 N.N. Maghreb stowaway, crushed to death under the weels of a lorry leaving the port of Algeciras (E) EP04/08/2007 1 N.N. (woman) Shri Lanka drowned, boat carrying other 12 immigrants capsized near Samos Island (GR) NOB/PressTv01/08/2007 45 N.N. (4 women, 4 child, 33 men) Sub-Saharan Africa reportedly drowned, boat capsized near Lampedusa (I) on the way from Libya, 1 survivor ANSA/GazzettaSud/AdnK/FE/HNS/Migreurop01/08/2007 2 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa shot by Moroccan police while trying to reach Canary Isl. (E), other 37 were detained Afrik30/07/2007 20 N.N. Comoros Islands reportedly drowned, boat sank between island Mayotte (F) and Comoros Islands NOB30/07/2007 4 N.N. Comoros Islands died in Mayotte hospital (F) after boat sank between Mayotte (F) and Comoros Islands NOB28/07/2007 8 N.N. (1 woman) unknown 1 found, at least 7 missing; 21 migrants found on tuna pen near Libya MNS25/07/2007 9 N.N. unknown drowned, at least 9 died after two vessels from Libya sank off the coast of Sicily (I) MNS25/07/2007 3 N.N. unknown unknown death’s reason, 3 among 46 persons on board died on the way from LY to I MNS23/07/2007 3 N.N. unknown drowned, 2 found, 1 missing near the coasts of Malta DPA23/07/2007 29 N.N. Comoros Islands 2 died, 27 missing, boat sank off Mayotte Island (F) in Indian Ocean from Comoros Islands NOB22/07/2007 2 N.N. unknown drowned, 80 km from Libyan coast after their boat collided with a fisher boat DPA19/07/2007 52 N.N. Ghana/Guinea/Liberia drowned, 150 miles south Tenerife (E) in rough sea while Spanish boat tried to rescue them Guardian Un./BBC/DS/AP/FR/VK/LR/MNS/EP/Raz/Mu18/07/2007 16 N.N. unknown drowned, 4 died, 12 missing when boat sank 40 miles south of Lampedusa (I) MNS/Reu/LR17/07/2007 1 N.N. (man) Sub-Saharan Africa body found in a boat sailing for 10 days from Mauritania to Tenerife (E) EP/EPress17/07/2007 12 N.N. Africa drowned 1 found, 11 missing trying to embark on Italian fishing boat near Libya HNS/Migreurop/MSN14/07/2007 3 N.N. (±25, men) Iraq stowaways froze to death, found near Mestre (Italy) hidden in truck going to Germany LR/Unita/CDS/Tgcom/AP/MNS08/07/2007 1 N.N. unknown drowned, body found from the Armed Forces of Malta in Maltese waters MNS07/07/2007 1 N.N. unknown drowned, body found in advanced state of decomposition near Marsascala (M) MNS07/07/2007 1 Luwan (19, woman) Eritrea car accident fleeing from the police, trying to cross the border from (F) to (GB) Salam05/07/2007 20 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, motor of the boat broke and sank off Ben Guerdne (LY) on way to Lampedusa (I) NOB/REU04/07/2007 2 N.N. (men) Sub-Saharan Africa bodies found on a boat that reached Cristianos harbour, Canary Islands (E) EP/EFE02/07/2007 4 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, missing after boat sank near the coast of Azwen (DZ), 5 survived QUOTIin Jul 07 12 N.N. (11 adults; 1 child) unknown drowned, 1 found 11 missing, dinghy collided with fishing boatway from LY to I LRin Jul 07 2 N.N. North Africa drowned, dinghy collided with Italian fishing boat 80 miles from LY on way to I LR30/06/2007 11 N.N. Africa drowned in waters between Libya and Malta after the boat sank taz/MNS29/06/2007 1 Vera Filantova (47, woman) Kirgistan suicide, after asylum claim rejected, left alone to face her desperate life without status SVZV28/06/2007 3 N.N. (1 man; 1 woman; 1 child) unknown died of starvation and dehydration, bodies thrown overboard on the way to Italy LR27/06/2007 1 Mustafa Alcali (30, man) Turkey hanged himself in deportation custody in Frankfurt (D) after knowing he should be deported FL/jW/IRR27/06/2007 1 N.N. (man) Africa found death in a boat at 400 m. from Gran Canaria (E) with other 62 survivors ELM/EFE22/06/2007 20 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, missing after boat capsized near Lampedusa (I) LR20/06/2007 22 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, vessel capsized 100 km south the Island of Malta MNS18/06/2007 8 N.N. Africa at least 8 migrants drowned after vessel capsized near the coast of southern Sicily (I) MNS16/06/2007 14 N.N. unknown drowned in Sicily Channel waters (I), 11 bodies found, 3 still missing LR/MNS16/06/2007 1 N.N. unknown died in the course of rescue operation, survivors saved from fishing vessel near Libya MNS14/06/2007 1 N.N. (man) unknown stowaway, asphyxiated on board a Formula1 powerboat from GR to Devon (GB) BBC13/06/2007 1 N.N. (man) unknown stowaway, manner of death unclear, found in truck on way from I to F with 3 migrants Nouvel Obs11/06/2007 1 Moulay Mohammed (27, man) Morocco suicide, hanged himself in Remand Centre in Bordeaux (F), was under expulsion order MNS/METR<strong>OF</strong>/IRR09/06/2007 1 N.N. (fetus) Africa pregnant woman suffered abortion on a boat traveling to Spain, fetus left in the sea ELM/EP/FE/adn09/06/2007 2 N.N. (± 21, men) Africa drowned trying to reach Greece from Turkey, bodies foud next to Samos (GR) KI/FE/MNS09/06/2007 1 Osamyia Aikpitanhi (23, man) Nigeria suffocated by gag policemen put in his mouth during deportation from Spain to Nigeria EP/ELM/APDHA/ProAsyl/IRR/AN/NBF/SUR/Provincias07/06/2007 1 Sherry Alex (24, woman) Angola died of malaria after being deported from Germany to Luanda (Angola) IRR05/06/2007 2 N.N. (men) Gambia bodies found among passengers on a boat near to Mogan harbour in Canary Island (E) FE/MUGAK/Diario de Noticias/Can7/EP05/06/2007 28 N.N. Algeria drowned, 8 found, 20 missing between Tunisa and Algeria trying to reach Sardinia (I) Reu./FE/Diario de Noticias01/06/2007 21 N.N. Africa drowned between Malta and Libya, bodies picked up by a French ship FE/TI/Malta Independent/MP/LR/CDS/SP/ProAsyl/Reu01/06/2007 1 N.N. (man) unknown body found from Coast Guard in advanced state of decomposition near Lampedusa (I) LR29/05/2007 1 N.N. Algeria died of hypothermia in hospital (TN), found in a boat drifting 15 miles off Tunisian Coast NOB22/05/2007 1 N.N. unknown reportedly missing after a boat sank next to Malta coast ANSA/LS22/05/2007 3 N.N. Senegal died bodies found aboard a boat adrift off Lompoul (Senegal) in direction to Spain FE/TySp/Aps21/05/2007 57 N.N.(28 men;23 women;6 child.) Eritrea drowned between M and LY, Malta authorities alerted by a plane sent aid too late FE/LR/BBC/EB/Reu./LS/ANSA/MNS/Indipendent/MM/U19/05/2007 1 Conrad Dixon (40, man) Jamaica suicide, failed asylum seeker set himself on fire in James Brindley Close (GB) Se18/05/2007 28 N.N. (3 children) unknown 28 people are missing after their boat sank next to Malta coast sailing from LY to I Reu./FE/TimesM/ANSA/MNS12/05/2007 2 N.N. (man) Eritrea bodies thrown at sea, dead during the route from Tripoli (LY) to Lampedusa (I) FE/Tgcom/LS07/05/2007 1 N.N. (man) Algeria died in hospital in E after being rescued in the sea next to Gibraltar by a British ship IRR/TheHerald/SC07/05/2007 1 N.N. (man) Morocco died of starvation, found on a dinghy next to Palermo coast (I) ANSA/LR/Unita/MP/Alicenews30/04/2007 1 N.N. (man) Sub-Saharan Africa died of hypothermia and dehydratation after journey from Africa to Gran Canaria (E) ELM/EP28/04/2007 3 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa found dead on board a boat that sailed from Mauritania to Gran Canaria (E) EP/FE/CadSER27/04/2007 3 N.N. (15, girl; 1, child; man) Kurdistan 1 drowned, 2 missing after smugglers throw them in sea next to Leros (GR) KI/FE25/04/2007 1 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa found dead on a boat that reached Tenerife ELM/EP/EXPDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 7

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source25/04/2007 1 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa died in Archile’s beach in Tenerife (E) after the travel from sub-saharan Africa ELM/EP/EXP23/04/2007 12 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa reportedly 11 bodies thrown at sea, 1 found on boat rescued next to Mauritanian coast EXP/EP/jW23/04/2007 1 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa died after rescue operations in Mauritanian sea on board a boat from Africa to Spain EP/EXP/jW/ELM23/04/2007 132 N.N. (men) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, they were all from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Abdoulaye Ba (man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Ibrahima Mballo (man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts,he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Ousmane Balde (man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Oumarou Balde (man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Hamidou Diallo (35, man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Hamady Sow (man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Aliou Balde (man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Bouba Kande (man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Oumar Diabouyel Balde (17,man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Saliou Seydi (man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Amadou Kande (19, man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Moustapha Diallo (24, man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Ibrahima Diallo (22, man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Mokhtar Diallo (25, man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Alassane Diallo (20, man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Moustapha Balde (man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Djembarou Mane’ (man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Arfang Balde (26, man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Mamadou Balde (29, man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Nourou Balde (20, man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Ousmane Balde (24, man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Issaga Dieng (man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Mahamadou Konte (man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Sekou Omar Balde (man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Tidiane Balde (man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Yussuf Diao (man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Lamine Balde (man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE23/04/2007 1 Saliou Mballo (man) Senegal drowned, shipwreck off Morocco coasts, he was from the Kolda area (Senegal) book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda/Mugak/ELM/FE22/04/2007 3 N.N. unknown 2 found, 1 missing; boat capsized during rescue operation of Armed Forces of Malta MNS21/04/2007 2 N.N. Algeria drowned before their boat was rescued off Annaba (Algeria) on the way to Sardinia (I) FE/LaN/ElW16/04/2007 1 N.N. (2 months, baby girl) China died of sudden infant death syndrome during an inmigration swoop in Aubervilliers, Paris (F) IRR/REF/Libération11/04/2007 1 N.N. (34, man) unknown killed himself in a refugee camp in Lotte, North Rhine-Westphalia (D) IRR03/04/2007 2 N.N. (men) Liberia one missing, one death by hypothermia in hospital after found in boat near to Malaga (E) EPin Apr 07 13 N.N. (±22, men) Morocco drowned after their dinghy sank off Nador (MA), sailing towards Spain FE/Bladiin Apr 07 3 N.N. (men) Sub-Saharan Africa died on board of a small vessel during the crossing to Canary Islands (E) Bladi27/03/2007 7 N.N. (men) unknown frozen to death after sneaking across Turkish-Iranian border trying to reach Europe TDN/FE/TodZam18/03/2007 1 Uddhav Bhandari (40, man) Nepal suicide, put himself alight in fear of deportation from Glasgow (GB) BBC/icS/EveningTimes/INDgb/Independent/TheHerald17/03/2007 11 N.N. unknown 7 people washed ashore, 4 missing, bodies found in Samos (GR) they left from Turkey FE/KI/DPA17/03/2007 1 Marin Mogos (57, man) Romania (Stateless) suicide, hanged in Bucarest airport (RO) after his deportation from Germany WSWS/DPA/IRR08/03/2007 3 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa found on boat near Tenerife (E) on way from Mauritania EP/FE/Reu/EITB24in Mar 07 1 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa died on a boat trying to reach Tenerife (E) from Mauritania, body thrown overboard FE/EP21/02/2007 19 N.N. unknown reportedly missing, thrown over dinghy from LY to Sicily (I), death cause unclear NYtimes/QNE/deleteTB/PICUM16/02/2007 24 N.N. (1 woman) Somalia drowned, 4 found, 20 missing, boat sank near Samos Islands (GR), way from TR to GR Khaleej/PR/IntHeraldTribune/MNS/PR/IntHeraldTribun02/02/2007 17 N.N. unknown drowned, 7 found, 10 missing after boat from Turkey sank off the island Samos (GR) KI/AthensNewsAgency/Khaleej/NOB/MNS/PICUMin Feb 07 1 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa found aboard a vessel drifting off the coast of Western Sahara on way to Canay Isl. (E) News24/NOB30/01/2007 1 N.N. (31, man) Nigeria suicide, found hanged in his cell in Berne prison of Witzwil (CH) in fear of deportation Vivre/Polbe22/01/2007 2 N.N. unknown stowaways, found hidden under a coffin been trasported from in Kypoi (GR) MNS/TP22/01/2007 1 N.N. (teenage boy) South Africa stowaway, body found in plane’s wheel bay in Los Angeles (US), trying to reach London (UK) NOB17/01/2007 7 N.N. (6 men, 1 woman) unknown drowned, 2 found, 5 missing boat from Turkey sank off the Samos island (GR) KI/NOB15/01/2007 1 N.N. (±25, man) Gambia/Senegal stowaway, frozen in undercarriage of airplane from Gambia to Bruxelles (B) AngolaPress/MNS/PICUM/Vivre14/01/2007 1 Mohammad Sillah (23, man) Guinea denied medical treatment, Remscheider refugee centre (D) refused to call ambulance Karawane07/01/2007 1 fetus (5 months) Congo mother physically weakened, arrested to prevent migration, abandoned on MA border Statewatch/FE01/01/2007 3 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa starvation, 2 thrown overboard, 1 body found on a boat docked on Canary Isl. (E) FE/ELM/MNSin 2007 50 N.N. (men, women, children) unknown died, smugglers forced them overboard to easily escape from Samos Coast Guard (GR) GHM31/12/2006 33 N.N. (4 women) Algeria drowned, shipwreck near Algeria trying to reach Sardinia (I) LaN/FE30/12/2006 20 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, 9 found, 11 missing, 2 boats sank 60 km Sud of Laayoune (MA) way to Spain APDHA/ABC23/12/2006 1 N.N. (young) Sub-Saharan Africa stabbed by MA police in Rabat, deportation operation to prevent migration to Europe APDHA/ICARE20/12/2006 24 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa died of starvation, bodies thrown overboard boat wrecked in Yoff(Mauritania) way to E Reu./WSWS16/12/2006 126 N.N. West Africa reportedly drowned, missing, boat capsized on way form Djiffer (Senegal) to Spain TimesM/IntHeraldTribune/CNN/NOB/Vita/NA/EP/PR/FE14/12/2006 5 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa died trying to reach Canary Islands (E), boat found near Anfrift (MA) APDHA13/12/2006 1 N.N. unknown drowned, boat with 29 survivors wrecked near Dakar (Senegal) way to Canary Isl. (E) TimesM/IntHeraldTribune/PR/FE/APDHA/USAToday/M13/12/2006 3 N.N. unknown died in hospital, boat wrecked near Dakar (Senegal) on way to Canary Islands (E) TmesM/IntHeraldTribune/PR/FE/USAToday/MNS/APD11/12/2006 51 N.N. Egypt, Syria, Palestine drowned after boat capsized near Seferihisar (TR) trying to reach GR coast TDN/TP/Ya.D10/12/2006 1 N.N. Asia drowned, after shipwreck near Restinga Smir (MA) trying to reach Ceuta (E/MA) APDHA09/12/2006 1 N.N. (40, man) Bulgaria suicide on Detention Centre in Lamezia (I) waiting for deportation LR/PR06/12/2006 1 N.N. unknown died of dehydration and hypothermia, found in boat landed in Arguineguin (E) NOB/Gaymengc/FE/ELM/TS/MNS/APDHA06/12/2006 1 N.N. unknown died of dehydration and hypothermia in hospital after boat landed in Arguineguin (E) FE/ELM/MNS/APDHA/NOB/TySp/Gaymengc/TS04/12/2006 3 N.N. Afghanistan/Mauritania drowned, missing, after boat carrying 29 sank off Turkey’s West coast, way to Greece TDN/FE/PR03/12/2006 1 N.N. unknown shot by Moroccan border guard trying to cross the border fence in Melilla (E/MA) eltelegramma/APDHA02/12/2006 1 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa died of dehydration and hypothermia in hospital after boat landed in Tenerife (E) APDHA02/12/2006 102 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, shipwreck near Dakar sea due to stormy waters, they left from Senegal PR01/12/2006 1 Kazim Kustul Turkey suicide, hanged himself in Detention Centre in Marseille (F) waiting for deportation INDm/Vatan/PR/MNSin Dec 06 50 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa died of starvation thrown overboard boat landed on Yoff (Senegal) trying to reach E MNS/APDHAin Dec 06 2 N.N. (men) Bosnia stowaway, found in a truck in Ancona (I), suffocated by the gas-water in the truck FE/LR30/11/2006 1 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa found on boat with 15 survivors rescued by ARC sailing ship, way from Africa to Spain YatchingWorld/FE/ELM/MNS/APDHA26/11/2006 13 N.N. (11, children) Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, found after boat capsized near Laayoune (MA) on the way to Spain AFVIC/MP/Reu/ELM/FE/NOB/News24/CNN/MNS/APD26/11/2006 23 N.N. (adults) Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, 3 found, 20 missing, boat capsized near Laayoune (MA) on way to Spain AFVIC/MP/Reu/ELM/FE/NOB/News24/MNS/APDHA/P26/11/2006 1 Naji Dohatem (30, man) Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, young activist for human rights, boat sank near Laayoune (MA) on way to E MP/ELM21/11/2006 1 Kone Watara (26, man) Sub-Saharan Africa died in Ceuta (E/MA) hospital, accepted for 2 weeks after boat on way from MA sank APDHADeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 8

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source19/11/2006 3 N.N. Somalia/Palestine drowned, 1 found, 2 missing, boat capsized off Izmir’s (TR) coast on way to Greek IntHerald/KI/FE/NOBin Nov 06 18 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa bodies thrown overborad, boat rescued by ARC sailing ship, way from Africa to Spain MNS/APDHA/YatchingWorld27/10/2006 6 N.N. Algeria drowned sailing to Spain from Wahran (Algeria) NOB/KUNA/FE/APDHA27/10/2006 1 Artur Aivazov (±40,man) Azerbaijan suicide, after waiting for asylum claim for 8 years in NL, having psychological trauma Voorvlucht/Oz24/10/2006 4 N.N. (3 men;1 pregnant woman) Maghreb drowned, 3 found, 1 missing shipwreck 8 miles from Malta on way from Libya to Italy MP/MM/FE/Unipa/TimesM12/10/2006 1 Berrais Fethi (30, man) Tunesia body found in advanced state of decomposition near the coast of Foukat (DZ) QUOTI12/10/2006 10 N.N. (men) Tunesia reportedly drowned, 9 missing 1 found advanced state decomposition near Fouka (DZ) QUOTI10/10/2006 40 N.N. Afghanistan reportedly drowned, missing after boat sank near Kithira Island (GR) KI/MP/PICUM/ABC/FE09/10/2006 1 N.N. (±20, man) Iraq stowaway, asylum seeker fell from a lorry in carriageway near Folkestone, Kent (GB) Mirror/BBC05/10/2006 24 N.N. Maghreb drowned after their rubber boat broke up trying to reach Canary Islands (E) APDHA/BBC/Guardianun/Aljazeera/PICUM/NOB/MNSin Oct 06 2 N.N. Sudan died on way to hospital after their boat capsized near Malta MNSin Oct 06 3 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, found in advanced state of decomposition near Malta MNS/FE26/09/2006 9 N.N. Middle East/North Africa drowned, 6 found, 3 missing, reportedly thrown into Turkish sea by Greek coastguard SC/TP/FE/TDN/MNS/FR-BB/NOB/PICUM/PR/jW23/09/2006 2 N.N. (woman; child) unknown drowned, shipwreck caused by overcrouding 40 miles off Lampedusa (I) LR/FE/IntHeraldTribune/NOB/PICUM/Unipa23/09/2006 25 N.N. unknown drowned, after their boat sank near Kenitra (MA) on way to Spain APDHA21/09/2006 2 N.N. Morocco 1 found, 1 missing, body floating near Tarifa (E), set off with jet ski from Morocco NOB/APDHA17/09/2006 1 N.N. (man) Sub-Saharan Africa died of lack of medical care in police custody after his boat landed in Los Cristianos (E) ELM/FE/NOB/EITB24/PICUM/Kaosenlared/NODO50/A17/09/2006 13 N.N. unknown drowned, 1 found, 12 missing after shipwreck 115 miles South West Malta way Italy FE/LR/MM/NOB/Unipa16/09/2006 1 N.N. (man) Sub-Saharan Africa body found in a boat with 56 survivors landed on Los Cristianos, Canary Islands (E) ELM/FE/NOB/EITB24/APDHA12/09/2006 250 N.N. unknown missing, boat at the mercy of the waves sent SOS signal near Lampedusa (I) ANSA/Unipa10/09/2006 2 N.N. Kurdistan died in minefield after entered in Vyssas area, in Evros (Greek/Turkish border) KI/FE/MNS/FR-BB09/09/2006 17 N.N. (9 m; 5 w; 3 ch) Somalia died of starvation, thrown overboard drifting ship on way from Libya to Italy FE/agrigentoweb07/09/2006 1 Eugene Ejike Obiora (48, man) Nigeria asylum seeker strangled from policeman in social welfare office in Trondheim (N) MNS/NR05/09/2006 2 N.N. unknown drowned, bodies found on the beach of Torretta Granitola near Mazara del Vallo (I) LR/FE03/09/2006 1 N.N. (19, man) Algeria stowaway, fell in a field in Vivantes (F) from the wheelbay of a plane from North Africa MNS03/09/2006 1 Janvier Makiadi (44, man) Congo suicide, hanged under bridge, asylum claim refused (GB); known also as Paul Kiese RochdaleObs03/09/2006 1 N.N. Maghreb found near Los Ancones (E), body thrown overboard by boat landed in Lanzarote (E) APDHA02/09/2006 8 N.N. Eritrea/Somalia died of hunger and thirst, bodies thrown overboard during journey to reach Italy LR/FE/MNS/PICUM/Unipa01/09/2006 1 N.N. (±30, man) Pakistan drowned, boat hit rocks near Hania (GR) on the way from Egypt to Italy KI/FE/NOB01/09/2006 3 N.N. (2 adults; 1 minor) Sub-Saharan Africa died after been rescued off El Hierro, Canary Islands (E) after their boat sank ELM/FE/MNS/NOB/Rawstory/PICUM/APDHA01/09/2006 7 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, missing afer boat sank near the coasts of Crete Island (GR) FE/FR-BB30/08/2006 10 N.N. unknown died in boat with 13 survivors, bodies thrown overboard during journey to reach Italy LR/FE29/08/2006 132 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, 84 found, 48 missing, shipwreck near Mauritanian coast of Nouakchott EP/FE/NOB/News24/MNS/GuardianUn/daz/FR-BB/AP28/08/2006 1 N.N. (man) Mali died of dehydration after been abandoned in Sahara desert by Moroccan authorities MNS/Reu/FE/BBC/NOB27/08/2006 20 N.N. Africa 15 found, 5 missing on Mauritanian coast, thrown overboard after died of dehydration MNS/FE/EP/BBC/ELM/MAG/PICUM/CRIDEM/APDHA27/08/2006 1 N.N. (man) Mali died of dehydration, found on boat sailing from Mauritania to Canary Islands (E) APDHA26/08/2006 1 N.N. (woman) unknown body found on a vessel intercepted near the coasts of Malta MNS/Unipa26/08/2006 8 N.N. unknown bodies found on ship on way from Senegal to Canary Islands (E) APDHA25/08/2006 1 N.N. (±30, man) Eritrea died of starvation during crossing, found in boat landed at Portopalo di Capopassero (I) ANSA/FE/LR20/08/2006 28 N.N. (26 men; 5women; 1child) unknown drowned, 6 found, 22 missing; dinghy capsized near the coasts of Lampedusa (I) CDS/IM/MET/LR/FIEI/Statewatch/NOB/Newsaust20/08/2006 1 N.N. (man) unknown reportedly devoured by a shark after dinghy capsized near Lampedusa (I) IM/LR20/08/2006 1 N.N. (man) unknown died after falling into the sea attempting to cross the Sicilian Channel Statewatch/FE/Unipa19/08/2006 50 N.N. (4 women; 10 children) Africa drowned, 12 found, 38 missing, boat collided with Navy ship near Lampedusa (I) ANSA/CDS/BBC/IM/Reu/GuardianUn/MNS/FE/LR/Sta19/08/2006 30 N.N. unknown drowned, bodies missing, boat sank off the coast of Lampedusa Island (I) PICUM/AFVIC17/08/2006 3 N.N. unknown found on a boat with 81 survivors rescued off Canary Islands (E) Statewatch/FE/NOB/APDHA14/08/2006 28 N.N. Africa died of hunger and thirst on way from Senegal to Canary Islands (E) NOB/APDHA/jW14/08/2006 1 N.N. Africa died of starvation in Mauritania hospital after rescue operation on boat on way to Spain NOB/APDHA12/08/2006 28 N.N. Africa died of starvation in boat instructed to change route by Spanish coastguard Statewatch/ELM/FE12/08/2006 5 N.N. Maghreb died of starvation: 4 thrown overboard boat on way from MA to E; 1 died in hospital MA APDHA11/08/2006 15 N.N. Senegal died of injures bodies thrown overboard, gas bottle explosion on ship from Dakar (SN) MNS/Statewatch/FE/ELM/Boston/NOB/APDHA/DS11/08/2006 3 N.N. Senegal died of injures after gas bottle explosion, found on a ship from Dakar (SN) MNS/Statewatch/FE/ELM/Boston/NOB/APDHA06/08/2006 1 N.N. Morocco died in detention centre in Bologna (I) sparking a revolt Statewatch06/08/2006 1 N.N. (24, man) Africa reportedly drowned, missing, fell from boat during rempatriation leaving NL to Africa VK06/08/2006 1 Mohamed Aloui (33, man) Tunesia found in Bologna det. cr. (I), overdose by antiepileptic medicine, he wasn’t epileptic MP/ADUC/SAP/AFFIT/GLOPRO/LESP/ILD05/08/2006 1 N.N. (man) North Africa found by Local Police officer on beach of the Caleta del Mero (E) TS/APDHA04/08/2006 2 N.N. (man) unknown 1 thrown overboard, 1 found on boat with 66 survivors intercepted off Tenerife (E) TS/ELM/FE/Statewatch/NOB/APDHA02/08/2006 5 N.N. China died in car accident trying to escape police in Germany after being smuggled from Cz Berliner Ztg/MOZ/Tagesspiegelin Aug 06 1 Karol (18 months, child) Sierra Leone died of starvation crossing from Libya to Lampedusa (I), parents throw her overboard ANSA/LRin Aug 06 2 N.N. (6 child; 8 child) unknown reportedly died of starvation on the way to Lampedusa (I), bodies thrown overboard ANSA/LR01/08/2006 28 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, bodies washed up near Blibilat coasts (MA), trying to reach Canary Isl. (E) ELM/FE/BBC/TS/Statewatch/NOB/APDHAin Aug 06 4 N.N. Senegal died in Mauritania Hospital after gas bottle explosion in ship from Dakar (SN) MNS/Statewatch/FE/ELM/Boston/NOBin Aug 06 1 Zamira Sadigova (51, woman) Azerbaijan suicide, jumped from her 11th floor flat in Knightswood (GB), in fear of deportation TheHerald01/08/2006 1 Van N. (29, man) Vietnam car accident in Dannenreich (D) fleeing from a police chase during an identity control BF/VK/IN01/08/2006 1 Duc N. (24, man) Vietnam car accident in Dannenreich (D) fleeing from a police chase during an identity control BF/VK/IN01/08/2006 1 Thi N. (23, woman) Vietnam car accident in Dannenreich (D) fleeing from a police chase during an identity control BF/VK/INin Aug 06 1 Modjtaba Farahian (28, man) Afghanistan suicide, in his house in Vlissingen (NL) in fear of deportation Oz30/07/2006 2 N.N. unknown reportedly died of sunstroke, bodies found on boat arrived in Los Cristianos (E) NOB/TS30/07/2006 1 N.N. (man) unknown died of starvation after been hospitalized in Palermo (I) after shipwreck in Lampedusa IPL/LR/FE/Statewatch/NOB29/07/2006 13 N.N. unknown reportedly died of starvation on a boat with 14 survivors drifting off Lampedusa (I) BBC/IPL/FE/LR/Statewatch/MNS/NOB/Unipa29/07/2006 17 N.N. (5 men; 5 women; 7 ch.) unknown drowned after shipwreck near the coasts of Malta, Italian vassel rescued 12 survivors MNS/LR/FE/IPL/Statewatch/NOB/MM/Unipa28/07/2006 2 N.N. (men) Sub-Saharan Africa drowned during rescue operation, boat was intercepted near Tenerife (E) MNS/ELM/FE/Statewatch/NOB/Pravda/APDHA/taz/jW28/07/2006 2 N.N. (1 men; 1 young) Sub-Saharan Africa died on rescue ship, boat was intercepted near Tenerife (E) MNS/ELM/FE/Pravda/NOB/APDHA/taz/jW28/07/2006 34 N.N. unknown drowned:12 found, 22 missing shipwreck on Senegalesian waters on way to Spain APDHA27/07/2006 1 N.N. unknown died of starvation, found on boat arrived in Canary Isl. (E) carrying 111 survivors Statewatch/APDHA26/07/2006 17 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa reportedly drowned, all bodies missing, boat from Libya to Italy sank off Mahdia (TN) Statewatch/ELM/FE/Reu/IPL26/07/2006 1 Sadedim (boy) Macedonia died without medical care in asylum centre Sweikhuizen, Geeuwenburg (NL) VK25/07/2006 2 N.N. Asia died after explosion in minefield in Evros (GR) trying to cross Turkish-Greek border PICUM/KI/MNS/NOB24/07/2006 2 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa found dead of hypothermia in boat with 48 survivors arrived Islands Gran Canaria (E) MNS/ELM/FE/Statewatch/BBC/PICUM/NOB/APDHA/ta24/07/2006 3 N.N. (men; 24, woman) unknown reportedly drowned, bodies found by coast guards on a beach in Gela (I) Statewatch/FE/CDS/IPL23/07/2006 4 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa died of starvation, thrown overboard boat with 48 survivors arrived Gran Canaria (E) APDHA23/07/2006 4 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa suicide: abandoned boat during their way to arrive in Gran Canaria (E) APDHA22/07/2006 2 N.N. (men) Sub-Saharan Africa died of starvation in Hospital after had been rescued in ship arrived at Tenerife (E) Statewatch/FE/ELM/PICUM/APDHA22/07/2006 2 N.N. unknown found on board of a rescued boat on way to Canay Island (E) StatewatchDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 9

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source21/07/2006 1 N.N. (man) Sub-Saharan Africa found on a boat with 43 survivors, arrived at the port Los Cristiano, on Tenerife (E) MNS/ELM/FE/PICUM/APDHA18/07/2006 1 Adams John (7 months, child) unknown reportedly died heart failure caused by hypotermia, after arriving Fuerteventura (E) PICUM/ELM/MNS/Statewatch/FE/NOB/APDHA16/07/2006 1 N.N. (woman) Russia suicide, asylum seeker detained at Foreigners’ Registration Crentre, Pabrade (LT) MNS07/07/2006 9 N.N. (1 child) unknown bodies found on the coasts of Canary Islands (E) APDHA07/07/2006 3 N.N. (men) Africa found when boat arrived on Tenerife (E), died by dehydration during crossing PICUM/MNS/Statewatch/FE/EP/NOB/APDHA/jW06/07/2006 3 N.N. (man;±30, woman;±3, ch) Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, on way Canary Islands (E), found by fishermen off Cape Bojard (MA) MNS/PICUM/LV/ICARE/APDHA05/07/2006 1 Abiy Fessfha Abebe (35, man) Ethiopia suicide, found hanged at Greenbank Drive Centre (GB) after asylum claim refused IRR/icliverpool03/07/2006 30 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, 26 found, 4 missing, shipwreck near El-Ayun (MA), way of Canary Isl. (E) Vita/MNS/Picum/Statewatch/FE/ELM/IPL/NOB/AFVIC/03/07/2006 3 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa died climbing border fence in Melilla (E/MA), reportedly one shot by border guards Statewatch/FE/ELM/ICARE/VITA/PICUM/IPL/MP/NOBin Jul 06 11 N.N. Africa died during attempts to reach Canary Islands (E) from Mauritanian coast Statewatchin Jul 06 30 N.N. Africa drowned, bodies washed up onto the Atlantic sea after a boat sank off Western Sahara NYtimes29/06/2006 16 N.N. Morocco drowned, 3 found, 13 missing after shipwreck 200 km near El Aaiún (MA) way to E MNS/APDHA27/06/2006 2 N.N. unknown found dead on a fishing boat with 266 survivors near the coasts of Malta on way to I EB/Statewatch/FE26/06/2006 5 N.N. (3 children; 2 adults) unknown drowned after shipwreck, found by Turkish Coast Guard near Kusadasi (MA) Statewatch/TP/NCAs19/06/2006 1 N.N. (±25, man) India stowaway, died from heat exhaustion 2 weeks later found in roadside in Essex (GB) BBC/PICUM/NOB/IRR/EADT19/06/2006 1 Majid Samari (37, man) Iran suicide, found hanged in Asylum Centre in Hansthholm (D) after asylum claim rejected CPH/MNS/NR/UNHCR12/06/2006 1 N.N. (±25, man) India stowaway, died from heat exhaustion in back of a truck in a roadside in Essex (GB) BBC/essexchronicle/GuardianUn/PICUM/NOB/IRR/EA10/06/2006 1 Oleksiy Baronovsky (34, man) Ukraine suicide, reportedly selfharm, kept in HMP Rye Hill (GB) under Imm.Act pending depor. NCADC/UNHCR09/06/2006 11 N.N. Africa drowned, 3 found, 8 missing; shipwreck caused by overcrouding near Malta (M) coasts LR/Le Monde/GuidaS/MNS/Statewatch/Reu/FE/NOB/U06/06/2006 1 N.N. (6, boy) Somalia drowned, after boat sank 2.5km of Island Samos (GR) sailing with 22 saved by vassel PICUM/KI/NCAs/Statewatch/MNS/FE/NOB/TP05/06/2006 1 N.N. Maghreb body found on board of a boat near Cabo de Gata (E) APDHA04/06/2006 15 N.N. unknown drowned, 1 found, 14 missing after boat capsized 111 miles off Malta’s coasts FE/Statewatch/NOB/Unipa03/06/2006 4 N.N. (men) unknown drowned, bodies found off the coast of Ragusa (I) Statewatch/FE/NOB02/06/2006 15 N.N. unknown drowned after shipwreck in the Mediterranean sea MNS30/05/2006 1 N.N. Moldova died in minefield crossing Turkish-Greek border IMK30/05/2006 7 N.N. unknown died bodies rempatriated from Spain to Morocco with other 433 migrants APHDA19/05/2006 42 N.N. (±25) Afghanistan/Bangladesh stowaways, small truck crashed into parked trailer on highway near Osmaniye (TR) FECL/IPL/Ya.N/PICUM/MNS/FE/TDN/NOB/AFP18/05/2006 7 N.N. unknown found on boat caught up in storm near Sfax (Tunisia) on way from Libya to Italy IPL/Statewatch/FE/Unipa15/05/2006 1 Ese Elizabeth Alabi (29,woman) Nigeria no medical treatment, got lower priority for heart transplant than GB citizens IRR/BBC13/05/2006 37 N.N. unknown 26 missing, 11 found mummified in boat drifting near the Caribbean on way to Spain MNS/IRR/IPL/Statewatch/FE/EP/NOB/APDHA13/05/2006 1 Sivanthan Gowthaman (29, m) Sri Lanka suicide, jumped under train, he lost work permit after refusal of asylum claim (GB) Thenews11/05/2006 1 N.N. (±20, man) unknown reportedly stowaway hidden under vehicle, dead body found on A3 near Clanfield (GB) IRR08/05/2006 1 N.N. (woman, 57) China hung herself in fear of deportation in a detention centre in Neuss (Germany) ProAsyl/PICUM/Hiergeb02/05/2006 2 N.N. (men) unknown drowned, 1 found, 1 missing, shipwreck near Kusadasi (TR) on way to Samos Isl. (GR) Statewatch/IPL/MNS/NOB/Pravda/AFP27/04/2006 1 S. D. (31, man) Morocco died of asthma attack in detention Centre in Trajal, Ceuta (E/MA) awaiting espulsion Statewatch/FE/ELM/NODO5025/04/2006 1 N.N. (40, man) Algeria body found on the shore of El Tarajal (E) trying to arrive in Ceuta (E/MA) APDHA25/04/2006 25 N.N. unknown drowned after shipwreck near Kenitra (MA) trying to reach Spain APDHA23/04/2006 1 N.N. (±24, man) Asia reportedly stowaway, fell from truck dragged a mile along A14, Cambridegeshire (GB) IRR14/04/2006 1 Dominique Koumadio (woman) Africa murdered, shot by the police during a street riot in Germany Sparta04/04/2006 34 N.N. unknown drowned in shipwreck on way from Mauritania to Canary Islands (E) Statewatch/FE/ELM/NOB/APDHAin May 06 1 Seiny Dabo (man) Africa died of starvation, boat found adrift after leaving from Cape Verdian to Canary Isl. (E) VKin May 06 1 Bouba Cisse (man) Africa died of starvation, boat found adrift after leaving from Cape Verdian to Canary Isl. (E) VKin May 06 1 Diaw Sunkar Diemi (man) Africa died of starvation, boat found adrift after leaving from Cape Verdian to Canary Isl. (E) VKin May 06 8 N.N. (men) Senegal/Guinee-Bissau/Gambia died of starvation, boat found adrift after leaving from Cape Verdian to Canary Isl. (E)VKin Apr 06 1 Mohammed Yussif (28, man) Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, shipwreck near Lampedusa (I), reattempt by one of deported ‘Cap Anamur 37’ BorderlineEU18/03/2006 3 N.N. unknown bodies found on the shore of Cabo Blanco (E) APDHA17/03/2006 13 N.N. (youths) Africa missing, disappeared on way from Laayoune (MA) to Canary Islands (E) Statewatch/AFVIC/APDHA16/03/2006 1 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa found by Guardia Civil near the port of Spanish north African enclave Melilla (E/MA) Statewatch15/03/2006 26 N.N. (men) Sub-Saharan Africa drowned on way to Spain, bodies retrieved in the waters of Mauritania by Spanish ship MAG/Statewatch/FE/ELM/NOB/APDHA/VK12/03/2006 12 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa found dead on a drifitng boat off Capeverdian islands on way to the Canary Island. MNS/PUB/APDHA09/03/2006 1 Naser Al Shdaida (36, man) Syria suicide, under train in London (GB) fearing deportation after refusal of his asylum claim IRR/Streathamguardian07/03/2006 45 N.N. Africa drowned, 2 small boats capsised on way to Spain, one crashed with coast guard vessel MAG/NRC/IND/Statewatch/FE/ELM/NOB/APDHA/MNS07/03/2006 3 N.N. unknown stowaways, found dead on a lorry arrived in Bari (I) from Durazzo (AL) Statewatch/LR/FE05/03/2006 1 N.N. (man) unknown drowned, shipwreck off Ahrax Point (M) on way to I, fled from Hal Far and Safi det.cr. Statewatch/NOB05/03/2006 9 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, shipwreck off M on way to I, fled from Hal Far and Safi det.cr. Statewatch/NOB/Unipa04/03/2006 1 N.N. Gambia drowned triying to reach the coasts of Tenerife (E) APDHA22/02/2006 16 N.N. Morocco found on a boat, died of hypothermia, starvation and epileptic crises on way to Spain AFVIC22/02/2006 4 N.N. unknown stowaways, died of asphyxia, found on a ship arrived in Canary Isl. from Ivory Coast Statewatch/MNS/APDHA20/02/2006 1 Yadav Krishnakumar (child) Sri Lanka baby of asylum family died of dehydration in Fairfield Hospital (GB), no medical aid Manchester19/02/2006 12 N.N. (11 young m.; 1 young w.) Morocco drowned after boat with 36 migrants capsised off Almeria (E) AFVIC19/02/2006 12 N.N. (11 young m.; 1 young w.) Morocco drowned, after boat with 32 left from Jbel Boudinar and capsised off Spanish coast AFVIC19/02/2006 1 N.N. (25) Afghanistan drowned, dinghy carrying 6 Afghans sank off Chios (GR) on way from Turkey Statewatch/FE/KI19/02/2006 2 N.N. unknown drowned, pantera with 24 passengers capsized off Island of Alboran/Almeria (E) MNS/Statewatch/APDHA/NOB18/02/2006 9 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, after shipwreck off the Libyan coast on way to Italy Statewatch15/02/2006 1 N.N. (woman) unknown frozen, died while crossing the Bulgarian-Greek border on mount Falakon Statewatch/MNS13/02/2006 1 N.N. Afghanistan died of a shock after his cousin was beaten up by border guards in Patras port (GR) Statewatch/MNS10/02/2006 1 Taufik Al-Karazeh (27, man) Syria suicide, asylum seeker hanged himself in his flat in Rochdale (GB), fear of deportation IRR/RochdaleObsin Feb 06 2 N.N. (±27, men) Pakistan murdered, fell while crossing border Iran-TR, trafficker cut their throat as they couldn’t go on witness (Sarfraz Ali Khan)in Feb 06 1 N.N. (±30, man) Bangladesh leg broken when running between Iran and TR, the group had to leave him behind witness (Sarfraz Ali Khan)30/01/2006 9 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned near Algerian coast, disappeared in an attempt to reach Spain Satewatch/Aujourd’hui/FE30/01/2006 1 Salehdeim Fahssahi (38, man) Algeria died after arson attack on detention Centre Schrassing (L) Odysseus/PlaZa24/01/2006 1 Nuur Saed (22, man) Somalia died after falling from balcony, escaping police search in his flat in Plumstead (GB) IRR23/01/2006 8 N.N. Morocco drowned, 3 bodies found, 5 missing, boat capsised off the coast of Al-Hoceima to Spain AFVIC/MNS/Statewatch/APDHA21/01/2006 3 N.N. Pakistan/Bangladesh found frozen on dinghy from TR to GR carrying migrants from Pakistan and Bangladesh Statewatch/KI/FE/NOB19/01/2006 1 Bereket Yohannes (26, man) Eritrea suicide, found hanged in Harmondsworth Immigr. Removal Cr. (GB) facing deportation Statewatch/NCADC/IRR/NOB11/01/2006 1 N.N. Iraq died of heart attacked during police custody in Athens (GR) in fear of deportation MNS04/01/2006 1 N.N. (man) unknown drowned while swimming to the island of Lesvos (GR), after boat sank 80m from coast NOB/MNS/Statewatch/KI/FEin 2006 1 Ali Amen Nader (man) Yemen murdered by Yemeni authorities, rempatriated after asylum claim was refused in NL IHRC01/01/2006 1 Mhedy Aliy (30, man) Tunesia died in detention centre Pian Del Lago (I), administered high ammount of placating ILM/MP/Lib27/12/2005 1 N.N. Morocco drowned, body found by a scuba diver and retrieved by the Spanish Sea Rescue Team Statewatch25/12/2005 1 N.N. (30, man) Morocco drowned, found next to plastic bins tied together that helped him cross Spanish waters Statewatch/ELM/FE24/12/2005 1 N.N. unknown drowned, found by authorities on the beach of Cadiz (E) MNS/Statewatch/FE/ELM24/12/2005 1 N.N. Morocco drowned, found by authorities on the beach of Cadiz (E) Statewatch/FE/ELMDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 10

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source21/12/2005 2 N.N. Nigeria stowaway, died during journey to Kallo (NL), thrown from cargoship by compatriots MNS/News24/FE/VK19/12/2005 30 N.N. Mauritania/Senegal reportedly drowned after vessel capsised off the Canary Islands, only 4 bodies found MNS/Statewatch/NOB10/12/2005 1 N.N. (man) Africa found dead on a boat carrying immigrants in Gibraltar Strait by Spanish authorities Exodus10/12/2005 22 N.N. Africa reportedly drowned, missing in stormy waters in the Gibraltar Strait on way to Spain Exodus09/12/2005 2 N.N. unknown blown in minefield at the TR-GR border. Bodies found by authorities in Kastanies (GR) MNS/KI/FE08/12/2005 1 Mohammed Hanif (27, man) Bangladesh suicide at asylum centre in Hechtel-Eksel (B), previously attempted suicide twice Universal Embassy (B)30/11/2005 1 N.N. unknown drowned, found in advanced state of decomposition on Tarifa beach by Guardia Civil Statewatch28/11/2005 18 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, 6 found, 12 missing after boat capsized off the coast of Gran Canaria MNS/Statewatch/FE/ELM/ABC/Raz/MUGAK28/11/2005 1 N.N. (man) unknown shot by police, minivan way to Europa refused to stop at check point on Carikci (TR) FE27/11/2005 22 N.N. Africa drowned, reportedly fallen from duckboat due to strong winds off the coast of Almeria MNS/Statewatch/FE/ELM/NOB/PICUM27/11/2005 1 N.N. Africa found on duckboat carrying 36 migrants off the coast of Almeria during rescue attempt MNS/Statewatch/FE/ELM25/11/2005 1 N.N. (4, boy) Romania died after falling off a window at Villa Salus Reception Cr. for migrants in Bologna (I) LR25/11/2005 3 N.N. (men) Asia died of hypothermia in attempt to cross the border between Ukraine and Slovakia State Border Service (UA)24/11/2005 20 N.N. unknown drowned after shipwreck near the coast of Scicli, Sicily (I) FE/LR/NOB23/11/2005 1 N.N. (27, man) unknown jumped from balcony anf fell in Den Haag (NL), in fear of arrest for deportation MAG/PICUM/Oz/NU18/11/2005 9 N.N. Africa drowned after boat capsized off the coast of Sicily. Ignored by Maltese coast guards. LR/MP/AD/MNS/Statewatch/FE/CDS/NOB/Unipa15/11/2005 1 N.N. (20, man) unknown stowaway, driver lost control over truck attempting to escape police in Prevenza (GR) KI/FE12/11/2005 1 Delroy Edward Jamaica murdered by a shotgun in Kingston (Jamaica) 9 days after being deported from GB IRR/WIK10/11/2005 1 Lizwane Ndlovu (29, woman) Zimbabwe died in Birmingham hospital, after release from Yarls Wood Detention Centre (GB) IRR02/11/2005 30 N.N. unknown 12 drowned, 18 missing boat with 36 migrants to Greek capsized near Cesme (TR) MNS/Statewatch/Ya.N/KI/FE/NOB31/10/2005 2 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa found on a drifting vessel off the coast of Adra (Almeria, E) MNS/Statewatch26/10/2005 1 Maribel M. Rodriguez (30, w) Dominican Republic burnt alive after a fire in detention centre at Schiphol Airport (NL) LR/MAG/MNS/Statewatch/VK/Vivre/ASKV/FE/PICUM/26/10/2005 1 Kamal Shahin (51, man) Turkey burnt alive after fire in detention centre at Schipol Airport (NL) LR/MAG/MNS/Statewatch/VK/Vivre/ASKV/FE/PICUM/26/10/2005 1 Taras Bilyk (30, man) Ukraine burnt alive in detention cr. at Schiphol(NL).He was also known as Vitaly Khvylovyy. LR/MAG/MNS/Statewatch/VK/Vivre/ASKV/FE/PICUM/26/10/2005 1 Mehmet Avar (41, man) Turkey burnt alive after a fire in detention centre at Schiphol Airport (NL) LR/MAG/MNS/Statewatch/VK/Vivre/ASKV/FE/PICUM/26/10/2005 1 Vladislav Leniev Petrov (31, m) Bulgaria burnt alive after a fire in detention centre at Schiphol Airport (NL) LR/MAG/MNS/Statewatch/VK/Vivre/ASKV/FE/PICUM/26/10/2005 1 Lofti Al Swaee (32, man) Libya burnt alive after a fire in detention centre at Schiphol Airport (NL) LR/MAG/MNS/Statewatch/VK/Vivre/ASKV/FE/PICUM/26/10/2005 1 Robert Jules Arah (34, man) Suriname burnt alive after a fire in detention centre at Schiphol Airport (NL) LR/MAG/MNS/Statewatch/VK/Vivre/ASKV/FE/PICUM/26/10/2005 1 Naiva Apensa (43, man) Suriname burnt alive after a fire in detention centre at Schiphol Airport (NL) LR/MAG/MNS/Statewatch/VK/Vivre/ASKV/FE/PICUM/26/10/2005 1 Gheorge Sas (21, man) Romania burnt alive after a fire in detention centre at Schiphol Airport (NL) LR/MAG/MNS/Statewatch/VK/Vivre/ASKV/FE/PICUM/26/10/2005 1 Oksana Nynych (29, woman) Ukraine burnt alive after a fire in detention centre at Schiphol Airport (NL) LR/MAG/MNS/Statewatch/VK/Vivre/ASKV/FE/PICUM/26/10/2005 1 Dato Khidiritsj Kasojef (20, m) Georgia burnt alive after a fire in detention centre at Schiphol Airport (NL) LR/MAG/MNS/Statewatch/VK/Vivre/ASKV/FE/PICUM/25/10/2005 7 N.N. Africa drowned, after vessel submerged off the coast of Malta MNS/MM/FE/NOB25/10/2005 1 N.N. unknown body found by greek coastguard aboard boat with 150 migrants on way to Italy NOB21/10/2005 1 Michail Sh. (32, man) Russia suicide, hanged himself with bed sheets while in police custody in Hamburg (D) ARI12/10/2005 1 N.N. unknown drowned, in the attempt of swimming to the shore of Adra (Almeria) Statewatch/ELM/FENOB06/10/2005 6 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa died in the attempt of entering the enclave of Melilla (E/MA) MNS/AFVIC/VK/LR/FE/ELM/NOB/AI04/10/2005 1 Yankuba Ceesay (18, man) Gambia suicide, found dead in a security cell in Linz (A), hungerstrike in fear of deportation TheStandard/NR/MNS/ORF/PICUM/WIKO01/10/2005 1 N.N. (38, man) Algeria died at friends’ house, beaten by security guards when he refused to be deported Le Matin/Vivre01/10/2005 17 N.N. unknown drwoned, 3 found, 14 missing after boat capsised off Fuerteventura in rescue attempt Statewatch/MUGAK/ABC/Raz01/10/2005 1 Hassan Mohammad (30, man) Afghanistan suicide, killed friend and her son, jumped from 5th floor in NL, fear of rempatriation VK/aduc/Diario de Noticias/Diario de Navarra01/10/2005 2 N.N. (35, woman; 8, boy) unknown murdered, pushed down from 5th floor in NL by friend in fear of rempatriation VKin Oct 2005 1 Suleiman Dialo (30, man) Guinea suicide, asylum seeker suffering from depression killed himself in Newcastle (GB) Cpgbin Oct 05 11 N.N. unknown shot by Spanish and Moroccan police whilst trying to cross fences to Ceuta and Melilla (E) APDHA/Chabacka29/09/2005 1 N.N. (30, man) Africa found off the coast of Agrigento (I), drowned after a massive disembarkment LR28/09/2005 5 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa died shot by Moroccan border guards, attempting to enter in Ceuta (E/MA) NR/NRC/VK/NOB/AI/Terra27/09/2005 34 N.N. unknown drowned, after boat capsised in stormy waters off the North coast of Cyprus ILM/NOB27/09/2005 1 N.N. (20, man) Palestine drowned, jumped off stranded boat off the coast of Sicily, near marina di Palma (I) LS/GDS21/09/2005 18 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned off the coast of Morocco, near Dakhla, on their way to Canary Islands AFVIC/NOB21/09/2005 4 N.N. Africa found dead on a boat off the coast of Tunisia, traveling from Libya to Italy PICUM19/09/2005 1 N.N. Syria shot by a Turkish coast guard while on a boat on its way to Greece MNS/Spiegel/NOB15/09/2005 1 Manuel Bravo (35, man) Angola suicide, found hanged at Yarl’ s Wood Removal Cr. (GB) so that his son could stay in GB NCADC/BBC/MNS/Statewatch/TI/Leedstoday/IRR15/09/2005 1 N.N. Congo died in Melilla Hospital (E/MA) after attempt to enter the Spanish enclave AFVIC/AI14/09/2005 1 Edmore Ngwenya (26, man) Zimbabwe suicide,found drowned at Salford Quays (GB) NCADC/Manchester Evening News/IRR13/09/2005 1 N.N. (24, man) Liberia found dead, on a street in Geneva (CH), expelled from immigration centre Le Courrier/Vivre11/09/2005 11 N.N. Eritrea drowned, off the coast of Italy near Gela, traffickers - 7 Egyptians - were caught Unita/MNS/GDS/MP/LS/BBC/NOB/Unipa10/09/2005 11 N.N. Eritrea found dead on Licata Beach (I), drowned after boat got stranded south of Gela (I) MNS/LR/VK10/09/2005 1 N.N. (44, woman) Albania shot by Greek border guard near the border with Macedonia MNS29/08/2005 2 N.N. Cameroon died of injuries sustained attempting to enter the Spanish enclave of Melilla (E/MA) APDHA/MP/IND/NOB19/08/2005 26 N.N. Sudan drowned, after boat capsized south of Malta MNS/NOB/Unipa16/08/2005 2 N.N. Africa drowned, jumped off the boat while disembarking in Lampedusa (I) G.Sicilia/Unipa13/08/2005 4 N.N. (men) Sub-Saharan Africa stowaways, suffocated in container coming from Casablanca (MA) in Rotterdam (NL) PICUM/NOB08/08/2005 9 N.N. unknown 2 drowned, 7 missing after boat capsized off the coast of Lesvos (GR) PICUM06/08/2005 1 N.N. (man) unknown drowned after his boat sank off the southern coast of Crete (GR) PICUM/NOB04/08/2005 23 N.N. (men) Mali, Senegal found dead on the coast of Tarfaya (Ma), drowned after boat capsized on way to E MNS/PICUM/NOB03/08/2005 1 N.N. (±30, man) unknown stowaway, found frozen in the landing gear of a plane in Brussels (B) BBC20/07/2005 2 N.N. unknown drowned after small boat capsised in attempt to reach Kos island in the Aegean Sea ORF13/07/2005 3 N.N. Somalia drowned, after their boat capsized off the coast of Turkey near Izmir MNS/NOB07/07/2005 1 Babak Ahadi (33, man) Iran suicide, set fire to himself at accommodation cr.in Bristol (GB) in fear of deportation. NCADC/IRR02/07/2005 1 Nusrat Raza (22, woman) Pakistan suicide, set herself on fire in Bradford (GB), depression after losing asylum appeal YP/IRR01/07/2005 1 N.N. (22, man) Iraq died of overheating, found on a parking place in Ludwigsfeld (D), smuggled paid $5000 ARI27/06/2005 1 Ramazan Kumluca (19, man) Kurdistan suicide, found hanged at Campsfield Removal Cr.(GB) after 3rd as. claim was refused TI/IRR/NCADC/BBC/PICUM/Independent26/06/2005 2 N.N. Tunesia drowned, after boat capsized off the coast of Turkey near Dikili MNS/NOB23/06/2005 27 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned in stormy waters off Malta; Maltese rescue-team came too late ORF/Unipa13/06/2005 12 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, after their boat sank off the coast of Morocco on their way to Spain APDHA13/06/2005 14 N.N. (2men,6 women,6 minors) Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, after shipwreck off the coast of Tanger on their way from Morocco to Spain. BBC/APDHA/AFVIC/NCAs/IstitutoInnocenti/NOB29/05/2005 2 N.N. Georgia blown in a minefiled between Turkey and Greece while crossing border MAG27/05/2005 11 N.N. unknown died from dehydration near Algerian border after vehicle broke down in desert NOB/Thestar25/05/2005 16 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa found in the Sicilian Channel (I), drowned after boat capsized south of Lampedusa (I) LR/NOB/Unipa12/05/2005 3 N.N. Africa stowaways, found dead in a container on a Danish ship between Morocco and Spain. MAG11/05/2005 1 N.N. (minor) Morocco found dead on a ship transporting migrants, stopped near the coast of Andalusia (E) AngolaPress03/05/2005 1 N.N. unknown drowned, found dead on the beach of Morro Besudo, Canary Islands (E) MNS25/04/2005 1 Shiar Ahmad (28, man) Syria suicide, found hanged after 2 months detention once repatriated to Syria from CH Tagesanzeiger/Swiss ParliamentDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 11

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source15/04/2005 24 N.N. Africa 5 drowned, 19 missing, after boat sank on its way from Libya to Italy PICUM10/04/2005 2 N.N. Morocco died of starvation on way to Spain,found on a boat drifting off the coast of Algeria AFVIC10/04/2005 16 N.N. Morocco reportedly drowned off the coast of Algeria on way to Spain AFVIC09/04/2005 1 Limbaya Ndinga (32, man) Congo suicide, found hanged in his flat in Middleton (GB) after asylum claim was refused Middleton Guardian/IRR04/04/2005 1 N.N. Mauritania blown in minefield in attempt to cross the Turkish-Greek border TI/MAG/DPA/taz04/04/2005 1 N.N. Tunesia blown in minefield in attempt to cross the Turkish-Greek border TI/MAG/DPA/taz01/04/2005 1 N.N. (3 months, child) Sub-Saharan Africa died of hypothermia in his mother’s arms on their boat to Spain PICUM31/03/2005 13 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa died of starvation on a boat drifting near El-Hierro (E) taz/NOB31/03/2005 1 N.N. (man) Sub-Saharan Africa died of starvation on a boat drifting near El-Hierro (E) APDHA/ORF/MAG25/03/2005 5 N.N. (men) China, Mongolia drowned, thrown off boat by smugglers 15 miles from Punta Secca (I) STR25/03/2005 1 N.N. (woman) China, Mongolia drowned, thown off boat by smugglers 15 miles from Punta Secca (I) STR25/03/2005 3 N.N. (men) China, Mongolia reportedly drowned, thrown off boat by smugglers 15 miles from Punta Secca (I) STR24/03/2005 6 N.N. China drowned, after they were forced to jump off, found off the coast of Sicily (I) PICUM/Statewatch/MNS/NOB/Unipa12/03/2005 11 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa found dead near the coast of Fum Wad, El-Aiun, West Sahara (MA) ACN/AFVIC/PICUM12/03/2005 50 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned in attempt to reach Canarias from Fum al-Wad, West Sahara (MA) ACN12/03/2005 30 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned,found dead near coast of Fum Wad, El-Aiun, West Sahara (MA) AFVIC/APDHA11/03/2005 11 N.N. Bangladesh found dead on a boat from Morocco to Spain MAG/MNS01/03/2005 1 Ali Jafari (25, man) Afghanistan missing, after being deported to Afghanistan, after a 18 months asylum in BG Evening Gazettein Mar 05 3 N.N. (girls) Nigeria died of thirst, travelling through desert to Tumu, Niger to get to LY border LESP/Gatti/Migreurop26/02/2005 35 N.N. (20-28, men) Morocco reportedly drowned near Oran (DZ) on the way from al-Hoceima (MA) to Spain AFVIC/ATMF/NOB26/02/2005 2 N.N. (20-28, men) Morocco died at hospital in Oran (DZ) after boat was found drifting off the coast of Tunisia AFVIC/ATMF/NOB25/02/2005 1 N.N. Morocco drowned, found dead in a boat drifting 12 km from Cap Blanc, Oran (DZ) YABI/AFP25/02/2005 2 N.N. unknown found dead on a boat drifting near Oran (DZ), from Morocco to Almeria (E) AFP/YABI25/02/2005 1 Ramazan Kaya (26, man) Turkey suicide, jumped out of window, depressed because couldn’t get staying permit in D taz/ARI22/02/2005 1 Ben Habra Saharaouis (man) Algeria suicide, found hanged during period of remand, Authorities tried to suppress the case NR21/02/2005 1 N.N. (man) unknown died of hypothermia shortly after arriving in Alboran (E) by boat MNS18/02/2005 9 N.N. Egypt drowned, after shipwreck off the coast of Libya, on way to Italy LR/CDS/PICUM18/02/2005 26 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned after shipwreck off the coast of Libya, on way to Italy CDS/LR14/02/2005 1 Vincent Shem (32, man) Ghana suicide, found hanged in HM Prison in Wandsworth (GB) Inquest/IRR07/02/2005 39 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned after 10-day sail from Al-Hoceima (MA) to Spain APDHAin Feb 05 2 N.N. Senegal drowned, after shipwreck off the coast of Morocco near El-Ayunan on way to Spain Le Monde25/01/2005 1 Vladislav Babayan (man) Armenia suicide, found hanged in Merksplas (B), in fear of deportation De Gentenaar23/01/2005 1 N.N. (25-30, man) unknown suicide, found hanged in prison in Sarnen (CH) Vivre19/01/2005 10 N.N. unknown found dead on a boat drifting 480 km suth of Canary Islands (E) PICUM/PAJOL/MAG/APDHA/MNS/NOB11/01/2005 1 Said Zigoui (44, man) Morocco suicide, jumped from hospital after recovered for self harm in Lamezia Terme (I) Cr. MP07/01/2005 1 Oury Jalloh (21, man) Sierra Leone burnt alive, found tied to a bed in a police cell in Dessau (D), case under investigation VRF/IND/St.W/VRF/SP/AN/MDR/ARI/PR/Afr.Courier07/01/2005 1 Laye-Alama Kondé Sierra Leone died in Bremen (D), forced to drink medication by police in search for drugs VRF/Statewatch/Karawane05/01/2005 1 N.N. Africa died of exhaustion, found dead on a beach in Fuerteventura (E) ANA/APDHA/NOB02/01/2005 1 N.N. Iran/Somalia drowned, after boat carrying 15 people sank off Turkish coast TP/PICUM/NOB02/01/2005 1 N.N. Iran/Somalia reportedly drowned, after a boat carrying 15 people sank off Turkish coast TP/PICUM/NOBin 2005 2 N.N. unknown suicide, found dead at Schipol Airport detention centre (NL) Nova TV(27/10/2005)in 2005 1 Abdullah Tokhi (35, man) Afghanistan murdered after forced rempatriation from GB to Afghanistan, asylum claim refused Independentin 2005 106 N.N. Nigeria reportedly abandoned in desert during repatriation to Niger (due to I-LY agreement) LESP/Gattiin Jan 05 1 N.N. (girl) Ghana attacked and torn apart by wild dogs in Madama, Niger whilst travelling to LY border LESP/Gatti/Migreurop30/12/2004 6 N.N. Morocco drowned near Targha (MA) on their way to Spain AFVIC30/12/2004 4 N.N. Morocco reportedly drowned near Targha (MA) on their way to Spain AFVIC30/12/2004 1 N.N. (man) Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, body found floating near Agaete - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (E) MNS/MUGAK/APDHA26/12/2004 1 N.N. (man) Sub-Saharan Africa dead body found floating near San Cristóbal de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (E) MNS/APDGA/MUGAK24/12/2004 1 N.N. (man) Sub-Saharan Africa dead body found near Gran Canaria (E) MNS/APDHA/MUGAK23/12/2004 13 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa dead bodies found on a boat drifting near Fuerteventura (E) AFVIC/SP/MP/MNS/PICUM/Vivre/APDHA/MUGAK/NO23/12/2004 2 N.N. (men) unknown bodies found on a boat carriyng about 37 people near Fuerteventura (E) MP22/12/2004 2 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa dead bodies found on a boat drifting near Fuerteventura (E) MNS/Vivre21/12/2004 2 N.N. Africa found dead on a boat 24 miles from Fuerteventura (E) APDHA/MUGAK21/12/2004 1 N.N. Africa reportedly drowned, after falling off boat 24 miles from Fuerteventura (E) APDHA/MUGAK20/12/2004 1 Razgar Rassool Hamad (24,man) Iraq died from hypothermia, body found outside a disused factory in West Bromwich (GB) BBC/IRR18/12/2004 1 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, body found in Lobos (E) 2 weeks after boat capsized off Fuerteventura MNS/MUGAK/APDHA17/12/2004 1 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, body found in Lobos (E) 2 weeks after boat capsized off Fuerteventura MNS/MUGAK17/12/2004 2 N.N. unknown died in attempt to enter into Melilla (E/MA), found dead on a cliff MUGAK16/12/2004 1 N.N. (man) unknown drowned, jumped off a vessel off the coast of Ghar Lapsi and Hagar Qim (M) MNS/MM/NOB/Unipa14/12/2004 1 N.N. (±19) Afghanistan drowned after boat carrying 17 people sank off Samos (GR) 4 days before MNS/NOB10/12/2004 3 N.N. Afghanistan drowned after boat carrying 17 people sank off Samos (GR) MNS/NOB10/12/2004 1 Necati Ozcan (man) unknown died in S.G.Hospital (London, GB) while in detention, reportedly of cancer IRR04/12/2004 1 N.N. (woman) Sub-Saharan Africa reportedly drowned after boat carrying 40 people capsized off Fuerteventura (E) MNS/MUGAK/APDHA04/12/2004 1 N.N. (man) Sub-Saharan Africa reportedly drowned after boat carrying 40 people capsized off Fuerteventura (E) MNS/MUGAK/APDHA04/12/2004 2 N.N. (22; 23) Turkey died after explosion in minefield in Evros (GR) trying to cross Turkish-Greek border PICUM/KI/MNS/NOB30/11/2004 1 N.N. (man) Africa stowaway, fallen from wheelbay of a plane,body found in Louvain (B) MNS28/11/2004 14 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa reportedly drowned during rescue operation of boat capsized near Antigua (E) AFVIC/Statewatch/APDHA/MUGAK/ABC/Raz28/11/2004 2 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, bodies rescued after boat capsized near Antigua (E) AFVIC/Statewatch/MUGAK/APDHA/ABC/Raz27/11/2004 1 Hemen Mahmood Faqia (40,m) Iraq drowned, found in River Tyne (GB) after agreement on voluntary repatriation IRR16/11/2004 1 N.N. Africa stowaway, found dead in wheelbay of a plane arrived in Paris (F) from Mali MNS14/11/2004 12 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, after boat capsized off the coast of Malta ANA/ANSA/Unipa14/11/2004 3 N.N. unknown blown up in a minefield at the turkish-Greek border, near Evros (GR) ORF/NOB13/11/2004 10 N.N. unknown drowned, after boat capsized in stormy waters off the coast of Malta MNS/NOB12/11/2004 5 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa reportedly drowned near Fuerteventura (E) during rescue attempt MNS/AFVIC/Libertaddigital/NOB12/11/2004 2 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned near Fuerteventura (E) during rescue attempt MNS/AFVIC/Libertaddigital/NOB10/11/2004 7 N.N. Somalia/Mauritania reportedly drowned, after boat from Africa capsized in Aegean Sea MNS10/11/2004 9 N.N. Somalia/Mauritania drowned, after boat from Africa capsized in Aegean Sea MNS/NOB07/11/2004 1 Kenny Peter (24, man) Nigeria suicide, fell from Colnbrook imm. Removal Centre (GB) trying to hang himself NCADC/IRR/Inquest/PPOin Nov 04 1 Bukola Ogunyemi Nigeria died after being beaten up at French airport for not having visa from Hungary MLKO28/10/2004 1 N.N. unknown drowned, found dead near Licata (I) LR/Unipa23/10/2004 1 N.N. (baby) Somalia born dead, thrown overboard before Maltese rescue team arrived ANA15/10/2004 28 N.N. unknown dead bodies found near Tarfaya (Ma) APDHA/MUGAK/AFVIC/DPA15/10/2004 1 John Kanau Manana (24, man) Kenia suicide, found hanged in his cell at Leicester prison (GB). NCADC/IRRDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 12

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source14/10/2004 1 N.N.(man) Egypt/Pakistan drowned after boat capsized 70 miles from Malta MP/Statewatch/MNS/di-ve news/Unipa14/10/2004 1 N.N. (man) Egypt/Pakistan reportedly drowned after boat capsized 70 miles from Malta MP/Statewatch14/10/2004 1 Majid Rafieei (32, man) Iran suicide, found hanged at his home in Sheffield (GB) after asylum claim was refused NCADC03/10/2004 22 N.N. North Africa drowned, after boat capsized 170 km off Tunisia ANA/CDS/MT/Vivre/MUGAK/StW./MNS/SFGate/DS/VK03/10/2004 42 N.N. North Africa reportedly drowned, after boat capsized off the coast of Tunisia ANA/CDS/Vivre/MUGAK/Statewatch/DS02/10/2004 75 N.N. Morocco/Tunesia drowned after their boat sank off the coast of Tunisia on way to Italy. PICUM/Unipa01/10/2004 30 N.N. unknown missing, reportedly drowned near Lampedusa (I) LR/Unipain Oct 04 50 N.N. unknown road accident, crushed in a truck that overturned in Dirkou, Niger, heading for LY border LESP/Gatti/Migreurop30/09/2004 2 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned after their boat capsized on way to Fuerteventura (E) APDHA29/09/2004 1 N.N. (40, man) Slovakia suicide, set himself on fire in Paris (F) in front of his embassy slovensko.com29/09/2004 2 N.N. (4, 5, boys) Somalia/Kurdistan drowned, fell into water playing near asylum centre in Harlingen (NL) VK27/09/2004 1 N.N. (23, man) Yugoslavia died in detention Centre due to pulmonay embolish, lacking medical care INDd26/09/2004 1 Ceife Yimene (24, man) Ethiopia suicide, found hanged in an emergency accommodation in Newcastle (GB) NCADC/IRR21/09/2004 4 N.N. unknown drowned, found dead on a boat drifting a few miles from Zarzis (TN) MP/AP/PICUM20/09/2004 5 N.N. Afghanistan drowned, after their boat capsized in stormy waters off of the Greek coast near Samos PICUM11/09/2004 1 Kalan Kara Karim (29, man) unknown died while in detention in Great britain GuardianUn./IRR/Scotman News10/09/2004 1 N.N. (32, man) Algeria reportedly drowned, found at border of Playa de la Hípica (E) and Beni-Enzar (MA) APDHA09/09/2004 8 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned 50 km from Entellada-Fuerteventura (E) MUGAK/APDHA/Statewatch09/09/2004 5 N.N. Africa reportedly drowned after shipwreck near Fuerteventura MUGAK/PICUM/MNS09/09/2004 1 N.N. (man) Morocco suicide, during his deportation from Almería (E) to Al-Hoceima (MA) MUGAK/APDHA/PICUM08/09/2004 1 N.N. (man) Congo suicide, found in Merksplas (B) detention centre, was denied medical help for depression UE/MNS/sgcv03/09/2004 2 N.N. (men) unknown drowned, found floating off the coast of Tánger (MA) APDHA/MUGAK/VK02/09/2004 1 N.N. (man) Maghreb drowned, body found near Benzú, Ceuta (E/MA) MUGAK/APDHA02/09/2004 1 Rafiq Sjirinov Azerbaijan died after being deported from Sweden to Azerbaijan. MNSin Sep 04 6 N.N.(±16, man) unknown reportedly drowned, after shipwreck between Capo Bon (TN) and Pantelleria (I) MP/Statewatch01/09/2004 1 N.N. (17, man) Nigeria suicide, found hanged in his cell in Bellinzone (CH) Vivre/MNS29/08/2004 2 N.N. unknown stowaways, bodies found in two trucks in Cairo (Egypt) on their way to Italy ANA29/08/2004 1 N.N. Morocco drowned, found floating near harbor of Algesiras (E) MUGAK/APDHA25/08/2004 1 Amor Knis (25) Tunesia stowaway, body found in the trunk of his girlfriend’s car in Genova (I) RAI/ANSA/ILM24/08/2004 1 N.N. (25, man) Morocco stowaway, found dead in the roof luggage rack of a car on way to Spain MNS23/08/2004 5 N.N. Afghanistan 1 drowned, 4 missing, boat capsized on way from Altinoluk (TR) to Lesbos Island (E) IMK22/08/2004 1 N.N. (man) Afghanistan drowned, body found after shipwreck by fishermen off the Turkish coast of Nordägäis DerStandard22/08/2004 4 N.N. Afghanistan reportedly drowned, missing after shipwreck off the coast of Nordägäis DerStandard21/08/2004 1 N.N. (man) Maghreb drowned, jumped overboard in fear of border guards near Motril (E) ELM/LOP/APDHA/MUGAK/StW21/08/2004 1 N.N. (25, man) Morocco stowaway, dead body found in Playa de Palmones-Los Barrios, Cadiz (E) LOP/MUGAK/APDHA/Statewatch21/08/2004 3 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, found in Los Pajaritos (E), after shipwreck near Fuerteventura (E) ELM/GRP/ANA/MUGAK/Statewatch/La Opinión21/08/2004 1 N.N. Mali drowned, body found in Los Pajaritos (E), after shipwreck near Fuerteventura (E) ELM/GRP/ANA/MUGAK/La Opinión21/08/2004 1 N.N. Maghreb dead body found on the beach in Granada (E) MUGAK/Statewatch21/08/2004 2 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned,after a shipwreck off the coast of Fuerteventura (E) Statewatch20/08/2004 1 N.N. (man) Nigeria suicide , found dead in detention centre in Rotterdam (NL), in fear of deportation MNS/VK17/08/2004 14 N.N. unknown drowned, found dead on the beach of El-Aaiún, West Sahara (MA) APDHA16/08/2004 4 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, found dead on the beach of El-Aaiún, West Sahara (MA) APDHA16/08/2004 16 N.N. unknown drowned, after boat capsized with 34 people on way to Canarias (E) APDHA15/08/2004 1 N.N. (man) unknown arm belonging to an asylum seeker found near Uznach (CH) Vivre13/08/2004 32 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa reportedly drowned; boat capsized with 39 people going to Fuerteventura (E) MC/MP/ILM/MUGAK/APDHA/MNS/DS/ABC/Raz13/08/2004 1 N.N. (woman) Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, after boat capsized on its way to Fuerteventura (E) MC/MP/ILM/GRP/MUGAK/APDHA/MNS09/08/2004 1 Chukwuemeka Onyegbule(23,m) Nigeria suicide, found hanged in Forest /Vorst Prison (Bruxelles), misterious circumstances ISMD/UE/INDbe/EmekaIst.08/08/2004 26 N.N. North Africa died in overcrowded boat trying to reach I from Libia, bodies thrown overboard Vivre/BBC/IRR/LaS/RO/LS/MUGAK/LR/DS/VK08/08/2004 1 N.N. (man) North Africa died during rescue of an overcrowded boat trying to reach Italy from Libya Vivre/BBC/IRR/LaS/RO/LS/MUGAK/Vivre/LR08/08/2004 1 N.N. (1, boy) Liberia died in overcrowded boat trying to reach Italy from Libya, thrown off the boat CDS/Vivre08/08/2004 1 N.N. unknown found dead, floating off the beach of Punta Carnero, Algesiras (E) APDHA07/08/2004 1 N.N. Africa died during rescue attempt by Italian authorities in Siracusa (I) ANA/ART05/08/2004 1 N.N. (30, woman) Sudan pregnant, reportedly thrown off a boat to Italy by other migrants LS/STR/ILM/Unipa05/08/2004 1 N.N. (man) Palestine died in minefield at TR-GR border with 4 Palestinians and 2 Moroccan who survived YaN02/08/2004 5 N.N. North Africa reportedly drowned, after shipwreck off the coast of Cadiz (E) ANAin Aug 04 1 Taher Mohamed Zanati Egypt drowned, after shipwreck off the coast of Libya MP/ANSAin Aug 04 1 N.N. Morocco stowaway, dead body found in a car in Cadiz (E) MUGAKin Aug 04 1 Ako Mahmood Ahmed (25, man) Iraq suicide, jumped off a bridge at Coventry shopping cr.(GB), suffered from depression IRR/NCADCin Aug 04 18 N.N. unknown drowned, found dead near Zelid (LY) LRin Aug 04 23 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned near Zelid (LY) LR/Unipain Aug 04 1 Edwin Ndupus (37, man) Nigeria died after police’s use of teargas, circumstances not clear Akinin Aug 04 5 N.N. (4 men; 1 woman) Sudan/Ghana drowned after dinghy capsized on way from Libya to Italy Servir31/07/2004 3 N.N. (men) Maghreb drowned near Punta Paloma in Tarifa (E), after patera capsized with 33 people MNS/MC/MUGAK/Terra/TN/Vivre31/07/2004 1 N.N., woman sub-Suharian drowned near Punta Paloma in Tarifa (E), after boat capsized with 33 people MNS/MC/MUGAK/Terra/TN/Vivre31/07/2004 1 N.N.(6 months) Sub-Saharan Africa drowned near Punta Paloma in Tarifa (E), after boat capsized ADN30/07/2004 1 Carlos Requelme (50,man) Chile suicide, found hanged in prison in Livorno (I), waiting to be put on trial RIS30/07/2004 10 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned after boat capsized with 33 migrants near Punta Paloma (E) APDHA28/07/2004 1 N.N.(34, man) Dominican Republic suicide, found hanged in prison in Busto Arsizio (I) after 4 days of detention RIS26/07/2004 1 N.N. (man) Sub-Saharan-Africa dead body found floating near the coast of Melilla (E/MA) MC/APDHA23/07/2004 1 Tung Tran Quang (23, man) Vietnam suicide, found hanged at Dungavel det. cr. (Scotland-GB),he was denied interpreter IRR/SC/The Herald/NCADC21/07/2004 1 N.N. (20, man) Cuba stowaway,frozen in landing gear of airplain from Dominican Republic in Düsseldorf SP19/07/2004 1 Sergey Barnuyck (31, man) Ukraine suicide, hanged himself in Harmondsworth Centre (GB) in fear of deportation IRR/MSN/ERB/NCADC09/07/2004 1 N.N. (man) Morocco drowned,body found in Lanzarote (E) MUGAK05/07/2004 5 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, found dead near Tripoli (LY) ANSA/Unipa02/07/2004 1 Nicolae Doru (37, man) Romania suicide, found hanged in prison in Frosinone (I) in fear of deportation RISin Jul 04 1 N.N. (25, man) Bangladesh suicide under psychiatric care at Akademiska S. in Uppsala after reject. of as.appl. MNSin Jul 04 1 N.N. (man) unknown stowaway, presumly died in cargo ship "Victoria", his body removed near Casablanca MNS01/07/2004 1 Salah Talbouz (28, man) Morocco suicide, found hanged in prison in Ivrea (I) RISin Jul 04 1 N.N. (man) Vietnam shot by the police in Purmerend (NL) in front of his flat IRR29/06/2004 9 N.N. unknown drowned after shipwreck near Capo Bon (TN) LR29/06/2004 6 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned after shipwreck near Capo Bon (TN) LR25/06/2004 1 Hussein Nasseri (26, man) Iran suicide, shot himself in his car after his asylum claim was refused (GB) SC/BBC/IRR/NCADC24/06/2004 1 N.N. unknown drowned, dead body found near Lampedusa (I) ILM/UnipaDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 13

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source20/12/2003 1 N.N. (10, girl) Jordania/Irak/Iran/Afghan. reportedly drowned, after boat sank off Turkish coast on way from Turkey to Greece MNS/NI/AP/SP/Kurier/Vielfaltletter/BBC/MUGAK/IMK12/12/2003 1 N.N. Sub-Saharan stowaway, suffocated on a cargo ship on way from Cameroon to Spain MNS/Statewatch12/12/2003 1 N.N. unknown drowned, after a shipwreck near Tripoli (LY), on the way to Italy IPL/Unipa02/12/2003 1 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, boat capsized during rescue attempt near Fuerteventura (E) MNS/GuardianUn./MUGAK/ABC/Raz02/12/2003 1 N.N. Marocco reportedly drowned, boat capsized during rescue attempt near Fuerteventura (E) MNS/GuardianUn/MUGAK/ABC/Raz02/12/2003 2 N.N. Gambia reportedly drowned, boat capsized during rescue attempt near Fuerteventura (E) MNS/MUGAK/ABC/Raz02/12/2003 11 N.N. Malia reportedly drowned, boat capsized during rescue attempt near Fuerteventura (E) MNS/MUGAK/ABC/Raz01/12/2003 1 N.N. (25-30, man) Sub-Saharan Africa body found near beach Fuente Caballos, Cadiz (E) SHin Dec 03 1 N.N. (man) unknown stowaway, reason of death unknown, body found in italian ship in Amsterdam’s harbour VKin Dec 03 1 Daniel (19, man) unknown dehydration, died of thirst while travelling to Europe through Sahara desert LESP23/11/2003 1 NN unknown drowned, reportedly trying to swimm Ceuta (E/MA), body found in Chorillo (E) MUGAK10/11/2003 1 N.N. (25, man) Iraq found dead on a boat drifting 25 n. miles south of Pantelleria (I) INDi/IPL/Unipa10/11/2003 1 Liang He (23, man) unknown suicide, found hanged at Bedford prison (GB) NCADC07/11/2003 8 N.N. unknown died of starvation in a small boat, set to arrive in Motril (E) Statewatch/MUGAK/MNS07/11/2003 2 N.N. North Africa died frozen in a boat carrying about 40 migrants to Motril (E) Indymedia/MUGAK03/11/2003 1 AbdulH.GhernoutOmar (31, m) Algeria hanged himself in police custody in Valetta in fear of deportation Malta Independent/MNS/FIDH03/11/2003 1 Paul Yorke (man) unknown found dead in his cell in Heathrow police station MNSin Nov 03 17 N.N. Morocco drowned after shipwreck near Larache (Morocco) SOSin Nov 03 1 N.N. (man) Russia suicide, hanged himself in Polmont Prison (GB) in fear of deportation PAIHin Nov 03 13 N.N. Morocco reportedly drowned, after shipwreck near Larache (Ma) SOS26/10/2003 1 N.N. (man) Bangladesh frozen to death in forest near Eisenstadt (A) after crossing Hungarian border MNS/Die Bunte26/10/2003 1 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned in the attempt to swim to Ceuta (E/MA) MUGAK25/10/2003 37 N.N. North-Africa drowned, bodies recovered/washed ashore after shipwrecking in bay of Cadiz (E) Statewatch/MNS/Indymedia/VK/AP/GuardianUn/Trouw25/10/2003 11 N.N. North Africa reportedly drowned, boat capsized in storm near Cadiz (ESP) MNS22/10/2003 37 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, after boat capsized near Rota (E) MNS21/10/2003 22 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned after boat capsized on way from Tunisia to Sicily (I) MNS/Vivre/TL21/10/2003 6 N.N. unknown drowned after boat capsized on the way from Tunisia to Sicily (I) MSN/WOZ/TL/Vivre21/10/2003 5 N.N. unknown drowned when boat sank off the Tunisian coast on way to Italy NOB/TL/IPL20/10/2003 13 N.N. Libya died of starvation on a boat from Libya to Italy being 20 days without food Miami Herald/TL/20/10/2003 1 Mohammed bin Duhri(20, man) Palestine suicide, found hanged at Belmarsh maximum security prison (GB) IRR/NCADC/ERB19/10/2003 12 N.N. Somalia found dead of cold/hunger on ship from Libya to Lampedusa (I) Statewatch/LR/MNS/YaN/Pogledi/GuardianUn/VK/SP/V19/10/2003 50 N.N. Somalia reportedly died of cold/hunger on ship from Libya to Italy, thrown overboard Statewatch/LR/MNS/Pogledi/GuardianUn/VK/SP/Vivre19/10/2003 1 N.N. (woman) Somalia died of hypothermia and starvation on ship fom Libya to Lampedusa (I) Statewatch/LR/MNS/YaN/Pogledi/GuardianUn/VK/SP/V18/10/2003 4 N.N. unknown drowned, bodies found on the beach in Larache (MA) APDHA/MUGAK17/10/2003 1 N.N. (young man) Somalia died on ship from Libya to Lampedusa (I) due to bad conditions Statewatch/MNS/LR/IPL17/10/2003 1 N.N. (15) Somalia died on ship from Libya to Lampedusa (I) due to bad conditions Statewatch/MNS/LR/SP/IPL17/10/2003 7 N.N. (adults) Somalia died when boat capsized near Lampedusa (I) on the way from Libya Statewatch/MNS/LR/SP/TL/Mugak/IPL/17/10/2003 1 N.N. (3 ) Somalia found dead on ship from Libya to Lampedusa (I) Statewatch/MNS/LR/SP/IPL/DPA17/10/2003 1 N.N. (13, boy) Somalia drowned after boat capsized near Lampedusa (I) on the way from Libya Statewatch/MNS/LR/SP/TL/Mugak/IPL09/10/2003 1 N.N. (±16, boy) Congo stowaway, frozen to death in undercarriage of Brazzaville (Congo) - Paris (F) flight AFP/MNS/Vivre04/10/2003 2 N.N. North Africa drowned in the waters of Bahía Feliz (E), their boat had been intercepted earlier AFP/MUGAK03/10/2003 1 N.N. (man) unknown drowned, ship sunk on way from North-Africa to Lampedusa (I) in international water YaN/GDS/ILM/IPL/TL03/10/2003 5 N.N. Iraq/Pakistan drowned near the Island of Evia (GR) trying to reach Greek coast by boat MNS/Flüchtlingsrat-Brandenburg/ILM03/10/2003 1 Lewon A. (48, man) Georgia Armenian, set himself on fire in Biedenkopf (D), asylum application was rejected MNS/ERB03/10/2003 1 N.N. (man) unknown shot by border guard while trying to cross border between Morocco and Spain MUGAK01/10/2003 2 N.N. (±30, men) Sub-Saharan Africa stowaways, suffocated in cargo ship on way from Ivory Coast to La Coruña (E) MNSin Oct 03 1 N.N. unknown died on a boat on the way from Tunisia to Sicily (I) Haarlems Dagbladin Oct 03 3 N.N. (2 children; 1 adult) unknown died on a ship and thrown overboard on way from Tunisia to Sicily (I) Haarlems Dagbladin Oct 03 5 N.N. North Africa dead bodies found in a refrigerator truck which took fire on way to Algesiras (E) SOS01/10/2003 3 N.N. Guinea drowned, jumped off vessel off the coast of Havre (F) NOB29/09/2003 7 N.N. Pakistan died in minefield trying to cross the Turkish-Greek border MNS/Flüchtlingsrat-Brandenburg/BBC23/09/2003 1 Vullnet Bytyci (18, man) Albania shot to death by border guard while trying to cross Albanian-Greek border AI18/09/2003 2 N.N. (man ±23, woman ±23) unknown drowned, while trying to swim from Morocco to Ceuta (E/MA) MNS18/09/2003 1 Soran Karim (23) Iraq Kurd, asylum seeker died in minibus collision while illegaly in Great Britain BBC09/09/2003 26 N.N. (21 men, 2 women) Pakistan/Asia drowned in river Evros on Turkish-Greek border when boat capsized BBC/Statewatch/AP07/09/2003 1 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, fell overboard after boat intercepted by coastguard near Fuerteventura (E) MNS/MUGAK04/09/2003 1 Tema Kombe (32, man) Uganda suicide, found hanged in toilet of psychiatric ward at Heatherwood Hospital (GB) icB/IRR/NCADC03/09/2003 1 Israfil Shiri (30, man) Iran set fire to himself, after being denied necessary medication in Manchester (GB) BBC/Socialist Worker/NCADC/IRR/Asylum Policy/gay.02/09/2003 1 N.N. (34,man) Algeria sans-papiers, jumped out of window trying to escape police check in Sartrouville (F) MNS/Grand Paris01/09/2003 2 N.N. unknown drowned after their overloaded boat sunk off the Tunisian coast, on way to Italy NOB01/09/2003 1 Vasiliy Todchuk (24, man) Russia suicide, found hanged in a building site in Govan, Glasgow (GB) NCADC/IRR30/08/2003 1 Andrej Donorov (34, man) Ukraine suicide, 11 days after being deported from NL to Spain, was mentally ill (schizophrenia) VK/NRC/Oz/Zelf30/08/2003 1 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, found dead near Lanzarote (E) MUGAK26/08/2003 1 N.N. (16,boy) Afghanistan stowaway, coming from Greece found dead in back of truck near Rimini (I) AFP23/08/2003 1 N.N. (33,man) unknown died after fight with another asylum seeker in asylum centre Harlingen (NL) Trouw/VK/PLi18/08/2003 1 N.N. (25, man) Liberia died of a heart attack after his arrival at refugee centre in Lampedusa (I) LR/IPL/Unipa17/08/2003 1 N.N. unknown drowned, dead body found near Tarifa (E) between rocks 2.5 meters under sea level MUGAK17/08/2003 1 Hekmat Karim Salih (29) Iraq kurd, stowaway, crushed to death in lorry going from France to Poole (GB) BBC/CARF/Kurdmedia/IRR14/08/2003 5 N.N. (3 children) Iraq/Sudan/Somalia drowned, trafficker made hole in boat on way from Ayvalik (TR) to Lesbos (GR) Twee Vandaag13/08/2003 5 N.N. (1 man, 4 women) unknown drowned, found dead on beach near Edremit (TR) MNS/AFP09/08/2003 1 N.N. (24, man) Chechnia died in violent confrontation with Moldovians in refugee centre Traiskirchen (A) MNS/Asyl in Not01/08/2003 10 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned after boat sank off the shore of Fuerteventura (E) MNS/AFP/MUGAKin Aug 03 13 N.N. unknown drowned, forced to jump into sea and threatened with a knife by 2 skippers. SOSin Aug 03 9 N.N. unknown drowned after shipwreck near Barbate (E) SOS31/07/2003 15 N.N. Africa drowned when boat capsized near Canary Island of Fuerteventura (E) AFP/MNS/MUGAK/Statewatch28/07/2003 1 N.N. Africa drowned off the coast of Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands (E) AFP/MUGAK27/07/2003 1 Erdogan Tahir (37, man) Turkey died of thirst, body found hanging from train in railway station of Gorizia (I) IET/ILP25/07/2003 1 N.N. Africa drowned off the coast of Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands (E) AFP/MUGAK19/07/2003 21 N.N. unknown drowned, found dead off the coast of Libya IPL/Unipa18/07/2003 25 N.N. unknown drowned, after two shipwrecks occured near Sur de Aiun (MA) MUGAK15/07/2003 1 Cheibani Wague Mauritania soffocated after police maltreatments and physical abuse in Vienna (A) IRR/Malmoe/COE14/07/2003 5 N.N. North-Africa drowned after shipwreck near Barranco H.-Tarifa (E), bodies found by Guardia Civil Statewatch/AFP/MNS/GuardianUn/MUGAK14/07/2003 30 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, after shipwreck near Barranco Hondo-Tarifa (E) MNSDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 15

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source09/07/2003 1 Elmas Ozmico (40, woman) Turkey died of septicaemia at Dover Hospital (GB), after her pleas for a doctor were ignored GuardianUn/Inquest/BBC/IRR06/07/2003 1 Faizullah Ahmedi (19, man) Afghanistan suicide, hanged himself in house in Blackburn (GB) awaiting decision on asylum claim IRRin Jul 03 15 N.N. unknown drowned while being transferred to a Guardia Civil launch near Fuerteventura GuardianUn01/07/2003 1 Hüseyin Dikec (man) unknown suicide, set himself on fire in Aliens Office of Gütersloh (D) in fear of deportation ERBin Jul 03 2 N.N. unknown bodies found by life boat crew in the water in the Channel, dead trying to enter Britain IRR29/06/2003 9 N.N. Libya drowned, vessel capsized near Capo Bon (TN) on way to Italy MNS/NOB/IPL/Vita/TL/Unipa23/06/2003 2 N.N. (women) Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, dead bodies found flooting in front of Tarifa (E) MUGAK20/06/2003 189 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, boat capsized on way from Libya to Italy near port of Sfax Statewatch/MNS/AFP/GuardianUn/ABC/Observer/LR/Y20/06/2003 20 N.N. unknown drowned, boat capsized on way from Libya to Italy near port of Sfax Statewatch/MNS/AFP/GuardianU/ABC/Observer/LR/Ya18/06/2003 1 N.N. (25, man) Ivory Coast stowaway, drowned, jumped overboard a containership in English Channel BBC/MNS/YaN/IRR16/06/2003 63 N.N. North Africa reportedly drowned, ship sank on way from Tunisia to Lampedusa (I) Statewatch/MNS/AFP/TG/PLi/IND/Nouvel Obs./TN/AG16/06/2003 3 N.N. (men) North Africa drowned, ship sank on way from Tunisia to Lampedusa (I) Statewatch/MNS/AFP/TG/PLi/IND/LR/IPL/CNNit/ILN/C16/06/2003 4 N.N. (women) North Africa drowned, after boat sank on way from Tunisia to Lampedusa (I) LR/IPL/CNNit/ILN/CDS/TL14/06/2003 30 N.N. Marocco reportedly drowned when dinghy capsized near Tarifa on way to Spain MNS10/06/2003 2 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa reportedly drowned, boat capsized during rescue attempt by Guardia Civil (E) Statewatch/MNS/MUGAK10/06/2003 9 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, boat capsized during rescue attempt by Guardia Civil (E) Statewatch/MNS/MUGAK05/06/2003 2 N.N. Morocco drowned, trying to avoid detection by coastguard near city of Salobreña (E) MNS/MUGAK/APDHA05/06/2003 6 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, trying to avoid detection by coast guard near Salobreña (E) MUGAK/APDHA02/06/2003 3 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa reportedly drowned, boat capsized during rescue attempt near Fuerteventura Statewatch/MNS/MUGAK02/06/2003 9 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, boat capsized during rescue attempt near Fuerteventura (E) Statewatch/MNS/MUGAKin Jun 03 1 N.N. (man) Kurdistan found dead in the back of a Greek truck at the border between Italy and Slovenia IRRin Jun 03 1 N.N. India dead body found in a forrest not far from the border between Ukraine and Slovakia IRRin Jun 03 2 N.N. unknown drowned, dead body found in Ceuta (E/MA), they tried to reach coast by swimming MUGAK31/05/2003 15 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, boat capsized during rescue attempt near Fuerteventura (E) Statewatch17/05/2003 1 N.N. (33, man) Congo rejected asylum seeker found dead in a bus shelter in Boxmeer (NL) MNS/ANP15/05/2003 4 N.N. (men) unknown drowned, bodies found in fishing net near Lampedusa (I) LR07/05/2003 1 Olga Blaskevica (29, woman) Latvia murdered by partner in Harmondsworth detention centre (GB), awaiting deportation CARF/Metropolitan Police/IRR/NCADC06/05/2003 5 N.N. (men) Morocco drowned, dead bodies found near he beach of Sid Kacem, Tanger (MA) MUGAK06/05/2003 4 N.N. (women) Morocco drowned, dead bodies found near beach of Sid Kacem, Tanger (MA) MUGAK05/05/2003 1 Liu Jin Wu (35, man) China suicide, denied access to interpreter, suffered from paranoid psychosis MNS/The Herald/NCADC/ERB/IRR02/05/2003 1 Nadim Hussaini (18, man) Afghanistan fell from bridge over M60, at Stockport (GB) after his asylum claim was rejected IRRin May 03 1 N.N. (minor) Morocco suffocated, trapped on the border-fence in Melilla (E/MA) SOS01/05/2003 1 N.N. unknown drowned, found floating near Lampedusa (I) TL26/04/2003 1 N.N. unknown dead body found in a boat intercepted in the Gulf of Cadiz (E) MUGAK25/04/2003 2 N.N. unknown drowned after shipweck in Lanzarote (E) MUGAKin Apr 03 10 N.N. unknown dead bodies found in the coasts of Lanzarote (E) SOSin Apr 03 76 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, dead bodies found on the beach in Tarifa (E) SOS25/03/2003 1 N.N. (32, man) Iraq asylum seeker, set fire to himself in Diever (NL) after being caught stealing MNS/VKin Mar 03 12 N.N. Africa dead bodies found in the touristic area of Costa Teguise (E) SOSin Mar 03 1 N.N. Somalia blown in minefield at the border between Turkey and Greece IRR28/02/2003 1 N.N.(26, man) India dead body found near Kamanitsa (UA) few meters from UA-SK border NOB25/02/2003 1 N.N. (man) Mali or Gabon stowaway, fell from plane wheelbay under flight path to airport near Paris (F) MNS24/02/2003 1 Sarkawat Hussein (18, man) Iraq crushed to death trying to climb lorry in Calais (F) ferry terminal on his way to GB AFP/MNS/NO23/02/2003 1 N.N. (young man) Iraq hit by lorry in Calais (F), trying to reach Great-Britain as a stowaway Vivre22/02/2003 1 Djedjik Fatiha (39) Algeria suicide, hanged herself with scarf in police cel in Emmen (NL) in fear of deportation DVHN20/02/2003 12 N.N. Sub-Saharan-Africa died of thirst/hunger after 14 days at sea, going from Morocco to Fuerteventura (E) PUB/NOB/MUGAK12/02/2003 1 Osuigwe C. Kenechukwu (22) Nigeria died of lack of medical care in refugee transit centre Thurhof in Oberbüren (CH) Vivre/MNS/Indymedia/Augen auf/07/02/2003 18 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned after being lost at sea near Fuerteventura (E) IRR03/02/2003 1 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, tried to swim to Spain body found floating in a bay south of Ceuta (E/MA) MNSin Feb 03 2 N.N. Morocco suffocated, stowaway in a bus on a ferry going from Nador (MA) to Almería (E) SOSin Feb 03 3 N.N. (men) Sub-Saharan-Africa drowned, trying to reach Melilla (E/MA) swimming from Beniezar (MA), cold sea fatal SOSin Feb 03 1 N.N. unknown stowaway, died attempting to disembark from a boat in Motril-Granada (E) IRR31/01/2003 1 Mikhail Bognarchuk (42) Ukraine suicide, found hanged by his shoelaces in toilet at Haslar removal Centre (GB) IRR/NCADC/CARF/MNS23/01/2003 2 N.N. Turkey stowaways fell out of wheel-bay in China, hid in wrong plane in France MNS19/01/2003 6 N.N. Iraq frozen to death in drifting boat near S.M. di Leuca (I) coming from Turkey MNS/Vivre/AFP/AP/TL19/01/2003 26 N.N. Nigeria drowned while trying to reach the Canary Islands (E) from Morocco MNS/Vita19/01/2003 23 N.N. unknown died of hypothermia on a drifting boat near Leuca (I) coming from Turkey MNS/Vivre/AFP/AP/TL18/01/2003 1 Mariame Getu Hagos (25) Somalia died of asphyxhiation during deportation from Paris (F) to Johannesburg (SA) NCADC/AI/AN/VK/Vivre/MNS/borderzerolist/IND/JT/St18/01/2003 2 N.N. unknown dead bodies found on the beach in Motril (E) MUGAK17/01/2003 19 N.N. Sub-Saharan-Africa drowned near Tangers (MA) hoping to reach Spain clandestinely by sea MNS/Vivre/MUGAK16/01/2003 1 N.N. unknown dead body found in the beach of Ceuta (E/MA) MUGAK15/01/2003 12 N.N. (men) Sub-Saharan Africa drowned when duck boat sank off the coast of Fuerteventura (E) MNS/APDHA/MUGAK/IRR15/01/2003 2 N.N. (women) Sub-Saharan Africa reportedly drowned after duck boat sank off the coast of Fuerteventura (E) MNS/APDHA/MUGAK/IRR15/01/2003 10 N.N. unknown drowned when small boat sank near Canary Island of Fuerteventura (E) MNS/ Spits/ AFP15/01/2003 2 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned when small boat sank near Fuerteventura (E) MNS/ Spits/ AFP14/01/2003 1 Foussini Baraya (31,man) Burkina Faso suffocated in his vomit, seriously ill in border prison Amsterdam South-East (NL) VK/AC/AFVIC/CW/demo13/01/2003 2 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa stowaways, died after creeping into the hold of a Cypriot ship bound for Cadiz (E) IRR/MUGAK12/01/2003 9 N.N. Africa drowned, boat sank on its way to Spain near Fuerteventura (E) NOB12/01/2003 5 N.N. Africa reportedly drowned when boat sank near Fuerteventura (E) NOB09/01/2003 6 N.N. Iraq died of hypopthermia on a Greek boat headed to Italy IRR/Vita09/01/2003 23 N.N. Iraq reportedly drowned near S.M. di Leuca (I) in attempt to reach Italy on a Greek boat Vita08/01/2003 3 N.N. (± 25) India died of exhaustion after journey through mountains between Slovakia-Ukraine NOB/Mumbaicentral08/01/2003 1 Said B. (29, man) Morocco died after being run down while attempting to hide under a coach in Ceuta (E/MA) IRR/MUGAK04/01/2003 2 N.N. Burundi died on Thracian (TR/GR) border straying into marked minefield in thick fog KI02/01/2003 3 N.N. Morocco died of toxic inhalation in fire deliberately started in police prison in Malaga (E) MNS/MUGAK/APDHA02/01/2003 7 N.N. Algeria/Morocco drowned, boat crashed on rocks sank near Tarifa off southern coast of Spain VK/AP/DPA/AFP/Statewatch/MUGAK02/01/2003 10 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned after shipwreck in the Mediterranean Sea, near Tarifa (E) MLKO02/01/2003 1 N.N. (man) Palestine died of toxic inhalation during arson attack at a police station in Malaga (E) MNS/MUGAK/APDHAin Jan 03 5 N.N. (men) unknown drowned, dead bodies found on beaches on Dodecanese island Symi in Greece KI/IRRin Jan 03 1 N.N. (man) unknown drowned, corpse found on beach on the island Evia in Greece KIin Jan 03 1 David Mamedor (45) Georgia Kurd, suicide in Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock (D) after rejection of asylum application WB/FR-NRW/NW/MNSin Jan 03 1 N.N. (woman) unknown drowned, found dead on beach on Symi island (GR) KI/IRRin 2003 1 Olivier (±20, man) Niger suffocated, ate money to pay smugglers to avoid robbery at military check in Agadez(Niger) LESPDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 16

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source30/12/2002 1 Ricardo Barrientos (54) Argentina died of cardiac arrest during deportation from Paris (F) to Buenos Aires (ARG) NCADC/AI/NOB/AN/Vivre/AFP/borderzerolist/LeMonde28/12/2002 1 Zafar Mohammad (16, man) Afghanistan suicide, set himself on fire at Gribskov refugee centre (DK), in fear of deportation. ERB27/12/2002 3 N.N. Morocco burnt at pol.st. in Malaga.Ref. started fire after 2days detention.Pol.didn’t open doors SOS/MUGAK/APDHA26/12/2002 7 N.N. unknown drowned after overcrowded boat coming from MA capsized near Tarifa (E) IRR25/12/2002 4 N.N. unknown drowned, when inflatable dinghy sank off the coast of the island Chios (GR) AP25/12/2002 4 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned,dinghy sank off the coast of the island Chios (GR) AP24/12/2002 2 N.N. (2, girl; man) Iraq Kurds, drowned trying to swim ashore when boat sank near coast of Korfu (GR) MNS/AP24/12/2002 1 Sirous Khajehb (29, man) Iran suicide, found hanged in Huddersfield (GB), wrongly told asylum claim was refused IRR/YT/NCADC19/12/2002 10 N.N. Iraq/Afghanistan drowned, 2 vessels got caught in a storm off the island Evia (GR) MNS/AP19/12/2002 10 N.N. Iraq/Afghanistan reportedly drowned, when 2 vessels got gaught in a storm of the island Evia (GR) MNS/AP16/12/2002 1 N.N. (young man) Iraq found death by police under a truck at toll station of Saint-Omer (F) near Calais NOB/Telegraaf13/12/2002 1 N.N. Africa died of exhaustion after long trek, found near Greek village at GR-TR border NOB02/12/2002 1 N.N. (±12, boy) Ghana stowaway, found frozen in undercarriage of plane from Ghana at Heathrow (GB) GuardianUn/Annanova/Telegraph/Myjoyonline/IRR/Isti02/12/2002 1 Immanuel Duah (±12, boy) Ghana stowaway, found frozen in undercarriage of plane from Ghana at Heathrow (GB) GuardianUn/Annanova/Telegraph/Myjoyonline/IRR/NC01/12/2002 44 N.N. Gambia, Ghana, Somalia drowned when boat sank on way from Bodrum (TR) to Kos (GR) IRR/TL/Vitain Dec 02 1 Mahmot Slav (18,man) Iraq stowaway, died after attempt of jumping off a Patras (GR)-bound truck IRRin Dec 02 4 N.N. Romania stowaways, found dead in a shipping container due to depart from Livorno (I) IRR30/11/2002 12 N.N. unknown drowned, boat shipwrecked near coast of Tripoli (Libya) going to Italy VK/MNS/DPA30/11/2002 56 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, boat shipwrecked near coast of Tripoli (Libya) going to Italy VK/MNS/DPA30/11/2002 32 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, when boat sank between Western Sahara (MA) and Canarian Islands (E) VK/AFP21/11/2002 1 N.N. (23) Armenia suicide in Szombathelyi Detention Centre in Hungary MGHR15/11/2002 1 Lata Aradinovic (34) Serbia Roma, set fire to himself in Syke (D) after his asylum aplication was rejected ARI13/11/2002 2 N.N. Africa drowned when inflatable dinghy capsized near Larache off Moroccos coast AFP13/11/2002 4 N.N. Africa reportedly, drowned when dinghy capsized near Larache off Moroccan coast AFP02/11/2002 1 A.K. (23) Albania fatally injured by border guard in Messopotamia area of Kastoria (GR-AL border) GHM/OMCT/YaN/ProAsylin Nov 02 1 N.N. (32, woman) Iran died of hypothermia, after long treck across Turkish border into Greece. IRRin Nov 02 1 Farideh Karimi (42, woman) Iran no medical care into asylum centre in Appelscha (NL), too late found cancer MAG/VK21/10/2002 2 N.N. (1 man, 1 child) unknown drowned, their bodies were found off the northeastern coast of Lesbos (GR) MNS16/10/2002 6 N.N. (3 girls) unknown drowned, bodies found near Lesbos (GR) all six where wearing life vests MNS/NCAs11/10/2002 5 N.N. North Africa stowaways, suffocated inside a trailer on its way from Agadir (MA) to Sevilla (E) MNS/FR/taz/Tagesspiegel/AFP10/10/2002 2 N.N. (women) Nigeria drowned, ship capsized off Turkey's western coast on its way to Greece AFP10/10/2002 7 N.N. Nigeria/Iran reportedly drowned, ship capsized off Turkey's western coast on way to GR AFP08/10/2002 2 N.N. (2 women) Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, boat capsized near Barbate (E) avoiding detection by SIVE cameras MNS/AFP08/10/2002 14 N.N. (7 women, 7 men) Sub-Saharan Africa reportedly drowned, boat capsized near Barbate (E) avoiding detection by SIVE MNS/AFP02/10/2002 1 Beverley Fowler (32, woman) Jamaica suicide, found hanged in Durham prison (GB), in fear of deportation NCADC/IRRin Oct 02 1 N.N. (18) Congo suicide, jumped under train in Zwolle (NL) in fear of deportation MNSin Oct 02 9 N.N. Africa drowned when smal boat on its way to Sicily (I) capsized near Tunisian coast AP/Tagesspiegelin Oct 02 1 N.N. Africa reportedly drowned, small boat on its way to Sicily (I) capsized near Tunisian coast AP/Tagesspiegelin Oct 02 3 N.N. (man) Africa drowned off the coast at Barbate (E) when a boat with 42 imigrants sank IRRin Oct 02 6 N.N. (women) Africa drowned off the coast at Barbate (E) when a boat with 42 imigrants sank, 1 pregnant IRRin Oct 02 5 N.N. Africa reportedly drowned off the coast at Barbate (E) when boat sank IRRin Oct 02 8 N.N. unknown drowned, boat sank trying to reach island Mayotte (F) from Comoron Islands AFPin Oct 02 12 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, boat sank between island Mayotte (F) and Comoron Islands AFPin Oct 02 1 N.N. unknown drowned, body was discovered by fisherman in the western Peloponnese (GR) IRR26/09/2002 3 N.N. Palest./Sudan/Shri Lanka drowned, when fishing boat heading for Lesbos (GR) sank near Narli (TR) HRFT/AFP26/09/2002 10 N.N. Palest./Sudan/Shri Lanka reportedly drowned, when fishing boat heading for Lesbos (GR) sank near Narli (TR) HRFT/AFP22/09/2002 15 N.N. (men) Tunisia drowned, forced by smugglers to swim ashore near Scoglitti (south Sicily, I) VK/MNS/IRR/TL/LR/MUGAK/Vita22/09/2002 1 Muhamed Sarad (60) Bangladesh died when security forces tried to stop 70 people crossing the Iranian-Turkish border HRFT16/09/2002 1 N.N. (±25, man) Cameroon stowaway, froze to death in wheel bay of airplane from Cameroon to Paris (F) Morgeng./MNS15/09/2002 36 N.N. Liberia/North Africa drowned, boat with more than 100 refugees aboard capsized south of Sicily VK/AP/Morgengr./MNS/HRFT/ICARE/IRR/inq7/HRA/R15/09/2002 1 N.N. (15, man) Liberia/North Africa drowned, after boat with more than 100 refugees capsized south of Sicily VK/AP/Morgengr./MNS/HRFT/ICARE/IRR/inq7/HRA/R14/09/2002 1 Ramo Suljic (37; man) Serbia hanged himself in a refugee centre in Germany in fear of deportation ARI12/09/2002 1 N.N. (man) Morocco stowaway, found dead inside container with 10 immigrants in Algeciras (E) MNS/IRR05/09/2002 2 N.N. (±18, men) North Africa drowned, forced by smugglers to swim ashore near Tarifa (E) MNS04/09/2002 1 Peiman Bahmani (29) Iran stabbed to death in the street where he lived in Hendon area, Sunderland (GB) Socialist Worker/IRRin Sep 02 9 N.N. (men) Liberia drowned, when ship capsized 200 meters from coast south of Sicily (I) SPin Sep 02 1 N.N. (man) unknown drowned, when ship capsized 200 meters from coast south of Sicily (I) SPin Sep 02 1 N.N. (15, girl) Liberia drowned, when ship capsized 200 meters from coast south of Sicily (I) SPin Sep 02 13 N.N. unknown drowned after boat capsized, found at beach near Kenitra (MA) Trouwin Sep 02 1 N.N. (20) Azerbaijan suicide, hung himself after negative decision on his asylum application in NL MNSin Sep 02 5 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, were abandond near Greek coast in boat that later capsized IRR/MUGAKin Sep 02 1 N.N. unknown drowned, was abandoned near Greek coast in boat that later capsized IRRin Sep 02 2 N.N. Pakistan drowned, were abandond near Greek coast in boat that later capsized IRRin Sep 02 3 N.N. (women) Liberia drowned, after ship capsized 200 meters from coast of Sicily (I) SP31/08/2002 5 N.N. unknown Kurds, stowaways found suffocated in truck near Napels (I) coming from GR OBV/MUGAK28/08/2002 1 N.N. Turkey Kurd, died near village Vyssa (TR/GR border) after straying into marked minefield KI22/08/2002 9 N.N. Africa drowned near Fuerteventura (E) traffickers forced them to swim ashore ANP/AFP19/08/2002 4 N.N. Morocco stowaways, already decomposing bodies were found inside lorry in Billabona (E) MNS/taz/AFP09/08/2002 2 N.N. Kurdistan Kurds, died on refugee boat between Italy and Greece Kurdish Observer06/08/2002 1 N.N. (±25, man) North Africa drowned, found dead on the beach of Los Carabos in Melilla (E/MA) MNSin Aug 02 2 N.N. (women) unknown Kurds, found dead on by smugglers abandoned refugee boat near Bari (I) KO01/08/2002 11 N.N. Morocco/Sub-Sah. Afr. drowned, forced by smugglers to swim ashore near Tarifa (E) VK/Reu/The News/MNS/HRA/MUGAK01/08/2002 17 N.N. Morocco/Sub-Sah. Afr. reportedly drowned, forced by smugglers to swim ashore near Tarifa (E) VK/Reu/The News/MNSin Aug 02 5 N.N. (minor) Iraq Kurds, stowaways found suffocated in truck in Avellino (I) going from BG to I DPA/MNS/HRFT01/08/2002 2 N.N. (women) Morocco/Sub-Sah. Afr. pregnant, drowned, forced by smugglers to swim ashore near Tarifa (E) VK/Reu/The News/MNS/HRA/MUGAK30/07/2002 1 N.N. (23, man) Cameroon stowaway, died of hypothermia in wheel bay of airplane from Rio to Paris (F) AP/MNS30/07/2002 1 Samba Fofana (25) Kenia died of two consecutive heart attacks in police station on Fuerteventura (E) Statewatch/IRR21/07/2002 2 N.N. unknown drowned, collision of Italian customs patrol boat and dinghy near Vlora (Al) Statewatch/VK/TL/Vita21/07/2002 15 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, collision of Italian customs patrol boat and dinghy near Vlora (Al) Statewatch/VK21/07/2002 5 N.N. Albania drowned after collision with Italian border guard ship near Vlora (AL) VK09/07/2002 1 David Metrevelli Georgia suicide, hanged himself in detention centre in Malaga (E) in fear of expulsion MNSin Jul 02 2 N.N. Kurdistan Kurds, stowaways in lorry from Greece to Italy crushed to death by the load HRFTin Jul 02 1 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, small boat with 19 migrants was wrecked off the coast of Fuerteventura (E) IRRDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 17

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death sourcein Jul 02 4 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, small boat wrecked off coast of Fuerteventura (E) IRRin Jul 02 1 N.N. unknown dead body found in police station in Fuerteventura (E) MUGAKin Jul 02 1 N.N. unknown dead body found at the border between Ceuta (E/MA) and Morocco MUGAKin Jul 02 1 Ahmet Moh. Irak (19, man) Kurdistan stowaway, found dead in a lorry on a ferry from Patras (GR) to Brindisi (I) IRRin Jul 02 1 N.N. Kurdistan stowaway, found dead in a lorry on a ferry from Patras (GR) to Brindisi (I) IRR27/06/2002 5 N.N. Somalia drowned, boat bringing them from Turkey to Kos (GR) sank near Datca (TR) VK/MNS/HRFT/IRR27/06/2002 6 N.N. Somalia reportedly drowned, boat from Turkey to Kos (GR) sank near Datca (TR) VK/MNS/HRFT/IRR24/06/2002 1 Mubarek Yagderi (32) Afghanistan died when taxi driver made car accident in attempt to escape (TR-GR) border police HRFT24/06/2002 1 N.N. (2) Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, fell off overloaded rubber boat after it collided against rocks near Spain MNS23/06/2002 1 Tina (3) China/Iran died after lack of medical treatment in asylum seeker centre Vught (NL) NRC19/06/2002 1 Sillih Peder (23) Bangladesh shot by security forces when trying to enter Turkey near Aslanyazi HRFT/ProAsyl19/06/2002 1 Cahir (28) Bangladesh shot by security forces when trying to enter Turkey near Aslanyazi HRFT19/06/2002 3 N.N. Africans drowned when boat capsized near Canary Island Lanzarote (E) MNS15/06/2002 10 N.N. (young men) unknown drowned, forced to swim to a ship which would have carried them from TN to I Spits/MNS/MN/TL12/06/2002 1 N.N. (man) Russia reportedly drowned when canoe capsized on the way from France to Great Britain CARF/IRR11/06/2002 1 N.N. Pakistan drowned, corpse was found at the shore of Menderes district (TR) HRFT10/06/2002 5 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, missing after boat sank near Antigua (Canary Islands, E) MNS10/06/2002 1 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, body found off the coast of Tuineje (Fuerteventura, E) MNS08/06/2002 1 N.N. Kurdistan drowned when smugglers forced them to swim ashore near Puglia (I) HRFT08/06/2002 4 N.N. Kurdistan reportedly drowned when smugglers forced them to swim ashore near Puglia (I) HRFT/ECRE/Vita/TL08/06/2002 1 N.N. Pakistan drowned, dead body found at the shore of Menderes district (TR) HRFT05/06/2002 1 N.N. unknown Kurd, shot death during fight between illegal immigrants in refugee camp in Calais (F) VK/SP29/05/2002 4 N.N. Pakistan found dead on beach of Maydanoz in Izmir province in Western Turkey Spits/MNS/HRFT29/05/2002 1 Hamid Mahmut Pakistan found dead on beach of Maydanoz in Izmir province in Western Turkey Human Rights Foundation Turkey26/05/2002 1 N.N. (boy) Moroccan died in attempt to enter Melilla (E/MA), got trapped in frontier fence and suffocated MNS23/05/2002 1 Hiva Fazil Emin (32) Iraq died when lorry with 35 refugees inside turned over near Köprüköy (TR) HRFT22/05/2002 1 Hidir Akay Turkey shot to death on a vessel near Cyprus by Turkish coast guards, on way to Italy MNS/Vivre/Parool/HRFT16/05/2002 1 N.N. (±30, man) West Africa stowaway, found dead in the wheelarch of a flight from Ghana to Great Britain. IRR15/05/2002 1 N.N. (±30, man) West Africa stowaway found in undercarriage of plane from Accra (Ghana) at Heathrow (GB) Telegraph13/05/2002 11 N.N. (2 children) Kurdistan Kurds, drowned when boat capsized crossing river Sava between HR and BH MNS/HRFT13/05/2002 1 Muhittin Ay Kurdistan Kurd, drowned when boat capsized crossing river Sava between Croatia and Bosnia MNS/HRFT/NCAs12/05/2002 1 N.N. Africa stowaway, found in Deuil-la-Barre (F) reportedly fell from airplane wheel-bay MNS11/05/2002 1 Forsina Makoni (79, woman) Zimbabwe suicide, set fire to herself after her asylum claim was refused Socialist Worker/NCADC/IRR10/05/2002 6 N.N. (men, women) unknown drowned when their boat capsized off the Spanish coastline IRR10/05/2002 7 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned when their boat capsized off the Spanish coast IRR07/05/2002 1 Shiraz Pir (25, man) Pakistan suicide, found hanged in Bristol (GB), after his asylum claim was refused NCADC/CARF/IRR/ERB/BBCin May 02 1 John Jackson (18) Tanzania jumped off a ship in the Corinthian Gulf (GR) died several hours later in a hospital IRRin May 02 1 N.N. Tanzania reported missing after he jumped off a ship in the Corinthian Gulf (GR) IRRin May 02 10 N.N. Afghanistan died of cold, dead bodies were discovered by police in the area of Kaldiran (TR) IRRin May 02 5 N.N. Pakistan died from cold, dead bodies were discovered near Menteres (TR) IRRin May 02 9 N.N. (minors) Afghanistan died of hypothermia, found dead by police in the area of Kaldiran (TR) IRR24/04/2002 11 N.N. (10 men, 1 women) Africa drowned, when boat smashed into reefs near the Canary Island of Lanzarote (E) AFP/ARI/VK/StGallerTagblatt/BBC17/04/2002 3 N.N. (men) unknown drowned, ship carrying immigrants turned over and sank north of Naxos (GR) AFP/IRR17/04/2002 25 N.N.(20 m, 1 w, 4 children) unknown missing, ship carrying immigrants turned over and sank north of Naxos (GR) AFP/IRR15/04/2002 1 N.N. Kurdistan Kurd, shot dead during fight between illegal immigrants in refugee camp in Calais (F) SP14/04/2002 1 N.N. (young man) Uganda stowaway, frozen to death in undercarriage of airplane from Uganda to London (GB) allAfrica/IRRin Apr 02 3 N.N. Bangladesh stowaways, suffocated in lorry, thrown out on parking place near Catalca (TR) HRFT27/03/2002 1 N.N. unknown died in minefield near river Evros (GR) trying to cross the Turkish-Greek border AFP/MNS/AP20/03/2002 1 Sezgin Sayan (24) Turkey died in minefield near river Evros (GR) trying to cross the Turkish-Greek border MNS/Vivre/HRFT/AP20/03/2002 1 Tahsin Esen (22) Turkey died in minefield near river Evros (GR) trying to cross the Turkish-Greek border MNS/Vivre/HRFT/AP15/03/2002 1 N.N. (young man) Sub-Saharan Africa stowaway, his body got caught in the axle of a lorry from Morocco to Melilla (E/MA) MNS12/03/2002 1 Mohsen Amri (27, man) Iran suicide, in Birmingham (GB) after his asylum claim was refused NCADC/CARF/IRR11/03/2002 1 N.N. Albania reportedly drowned, tried to reach Otranto (I) in a overcrowded dinghy MNS/CNN/AFP/DPA/Vita11/03/2002 6 N.N. Albania dead bodies found in Otranto (I) attached to their dinghy with a rope AFP/MNS/CNN/DPA/Statewatch/Vita07/03/2002 12 N.N. (7 men, 5 women) Nigeria, Sudan, Turkey drowned, when vessel capsized in rough sea between Lampedusa (I) and Malta VK/MN/MNS/AFP/CNN/DPA/ANP/SZ/Rheinpfalz/State07/03/2002 47 N.N. Nigeria, Sudan, Turkey reportedly drowned, missing after vessel capsized in rough sea near Malta VK/Migrant News/MNS/AFP/CNN/DPA/ANP/SZ/Rheinpin Mar 02 11 N.N. unknown drowned off Lanzarote, Canary Islands (E) after boat shipwrecked on reefs IRRin Mar 02 1 Riaz Omar Faruq Pakistan picked up by police at border BG-MK, shot to death by police near Skopje (MK) IRR/MNSin Mar 02 1 Syed Bilal Pakistan picked up by police at border BG-MK, shot to death by police near Skopje (MK) IRR/MNSin Mar 02 1 Asif Javed Pakistan picked up by police at border BG-MK, shot to death by police near Skopje (MK) IRR/MNSin Mar 02 1 Khalid Iqbal Pakistan picked up by police at border BG-MK, shot to death by police near Skopje (MK) IRR/MNSin Mar 02 1 Ijaz Ahmad (20) Pakistan picked up by police at border BG-MK, shot to death by police near Skopje (MK) IRR/MNSin Mar 02 1 Hussayn Shah Pakistan picked up by police at border BG-MK, shot to death by police near Skopje (MK) IRR/MNSin Mar 02 1 Muhammad Riaz India picked up by police at border BG-MK, shot to death by police near Skopje (MK) IRR/MNS20/02/2002 1 N.N. (man) unknown crushed to death by a train inside the Channel-tunnel on his way to Great-Britain MNS/AP/IRR20/02/2002 3 N.N. (men) Africa drowned, trying to swim from Morocco to Melilla (E/MA) MNS/MUGAK20/02/2002 1 Nariman Tahmasebi (27, man) Iran suicide, found hanged in Lewes Prison (GB) IRR18/02/2002 1 N.N. (man) unknown stowaway, fell from a train in the Channel-Tunnel between France and GB APMNS/IRR17/02/2002 1 Seval Sebahtin Rasin (26) unknown beaten to death by border police when trying to cross the Bulgarian-Turkish border AI15/02/2002 1 B.H. (74, woman) Iraq suicide, hanged herself because of bad conditions in asylum centre near Allbruck (D) SAGA/ARI/IRR12/02/2002 1 Furat Orak (22) Turkey Kurd, suicide, shot himself to death after deportation from Germany to Turkey ARI12/02/2002 4 N.N. Africa drowned, vessel capsized, bodies found near or on a beach near Cádiz (E) MNS/MUGAK11/02/2002 1 N.N. (17, boy) Iraq suicide in Red Cross Centre Copenhagen (DK), asylum application was turned down MNS/Grön Ungdom/IRR10/02/2002 9 N.N. Morocco/Sub-Sahar. Afr. drowned when overloaded boat capsized near Cadiz (E) Freies Wort09/02/2002 1 Hüseyin Vurucu (40) Turkey Kurd, suicide, jumped in front of train in Stadtallendorf (D) in fear of deportation INDd/jW/IRR04/02/2002 1 N.N. unknown frozen, trying to cross the snow covered border between Bulgaria-Northern Greece MNS03/02/2002 1 N.N. unknown died in detention centre in Belgium because of medical neglect AIg02/02/2002 1 N.N. (man) Albania hit by propellor of motor boat when he jumped off the boat to swim to Italian coast Reu01/02/2002 2 N.N. (men) Morocco stowaways suffocated hidden in false compartment in bus from MA to Spain MNSin Feb 02 1 N.N. (woman) Nigeria asylum seeker died in child birth in Dublin (IRL), hospital did not know medical history MNin Feb 02 1 N.N. (man) Turkey Kurd, stowaway suffocated in container during crossing from Greece to North Italy NWin Feb 02 1 Mohamad Hussein Tamana Iran suicide, in Schneckenstein asylum seekers hostel (D) in fear of deportation IRR31/01/2002 1 Najaat Alrikabi (5 months) Iraq died after being refused medical treatment in detention centre in Leusden (NL) NRCDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 18

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source04/07/2001 1 N.N.(man) unknown drowned off the coast of Sicily (I), reportedly thrown overboard by traffickers ANSAin Jul 01 11 N.N. Morocco reportedly drowned, after struggle to keep afloat in small vessel near Almeria (E) MNSJin ul 01 3 N.N. Africa drowned, forced to cross back over a river towards Greece by Turkish soldiers MNSin Jul 01 15 N.N. Africa reportedly dead, forced to walk back and forth between the Turkish/Greek borders MNS28/06/2001 1 N.N. Africa died in a dinghy near Tarifa (E) on the way from Morocco to Spain Mugak27/06/2001 1 N.N. (man) North Africa died of inhalation of toxic gas of the motor of a boat on way to Spain Mugak/GARA/MNS24/06/2001 1 N.N. (woman) unknown suicide of asylum seeker in Gimo reception Centre (S) MNS16/06/2001 1 N.N. (man) unknown drowned, jumped in sea from vessel when detected and hit his head on his way to Spain MNS14/06/2001 1 Mohammed Ayaz (21, man) Pakistan stowaway, fell in carpark in Richmond from wheelbay of plane Bahrein-London (GB) OBV/IRR14/06/2001 6 N.N. Iraq/Afghanistan drowned when vessel hit a rocky islet near Mykonos (GR) and sank MNS14/06/2001 4 N.N. (3 children) Iraq/Afghanistan reportedly drowned, when vessel hit a rocky islet near Mykonos (GR) and sank MNS14/06/2001 1 N.N. (man) Pakistan stowaway, frozen to death in wheelbay on flight from Bahrein to Heatrow airport (GB) MNS12/06/2001 1 N.N. (young man) North Africa drowned, body washed ashore on the coast of Tarifa (E) Mugak/Gara11/06/2001 17 N.N. (men) India reportedly drowned, trying to cross the river Morava, border between CZ/SK AP/IRR/Der Standard11/06/2001 1 N.N. (man) India drowned, trying to cross the river Morava, border between Czechia and Slovakia AP/IRR/Der Standard11/06/2001 1 N.N. (man) North Africa reportedly drowned on his way to Spain, found on a beach in Tarifa (E) MNS/ELM/PUB11/06/2001 5 N.N. Albania drowned when raft sank near Puglia (I) MNS10/06/2001 12 N.N. Albania drowned after dinghy loaded with migrants sunk near Trani (I) IRR/Vita/TL/LSin Jun 01 1 N.N. (man) North Africa drowned, found at the beach of Banhos Árabes near Bolonia/Cadiz (E) PUB30/05/2001 15 N.N. Sub-Saharan Africa reportedly drowned, near Fuerte Ventura (E) after patrol boat intercepted vessel MNS/IRR/Mugak/EP/AFP29/05/2001 1 N.N. (25, man) Yugoslavia died of severe burns after fire in asylum seekers centre in Werdau (D) ARI24/05/2001 1 N.N. (man) North Africa drowned near Cadiz (E) when small boat capsized MNS/ELM24/05/2001 1 N.N. (young man) Africa reportedly drowned, found dead on beach near Melilla (E/MA) MNS23/05/2001 1 N.N. Nigeria suicide, found hanging after arrest in Soto del Real (E) Mugak22/05/2001 2 N.N. (25-30, men) unknown died in marked minefield, crossed into Greece from Turkey via Evros river Athens News Agency21/05/2001 3 N.N. unknown died in minefield in Greece trying to cross the Turkish-Greek border DPA/Athens News Agency21/05/2001 1 Shurat Tamo (14) Iraq Kurd, suicide in refugee centre De Lier (NL) after rejection of asylum application PRIME13/05/2001 1 N.N. (20) Iran found in wheelbay of Iranian plane at Teheran airport trying to reach Europe Reu12/05/2001 1 N.N. (man) Morocco dead body found near Tarifa (E) Mugak09/05/2001 1 N.N. unknown died in a dinghy on the way from Morocco to Tarifa (E) Mugak09/05/2001 1 N.N. North Africa dead body is discovered after 188 migrants were intercepted near Tarifa (E) Mugak08/05/2001 1 N.N. (45) Morocco found dead at coast near Tarifa (E) trying to cross Strait of Gibraltar NW/Mugak/ELM/ DiarioVasco06/05/2001 3 N.N. Somalia killed in car accident, car fell into river in north-west Romania heading for H MNS/IRR01/05/2001 1 Samson Chukwu (27, man) Nigeria died in Granges (CH), suffocated during deportation to Nigeria AugenAuf/CCSI/SOS-CH/BAZ/LeTemps/AI/MNS/NOBin May 01 1 Sinnathamby Thevathasan, 33 Sri Lanka died of cardiac problems, after fleeing from Germany to France for fear of deportation ARI18/04/2001 1 N.N. (25, man) Vietnam fell into a water filled quarry near Putzkau (D/CZ) trying to escape police control EIS/NW/LausitzerRundschau/FreiePresse/MNS/IRR/A17/04/2001 3 N.N. (2 women, 1 man) Georgia frozen to death at Belles mountain (BG/GR) trying to walk to Greece MNS17/04/2001 1 N.N. (man) Ghana frozen to death at Belles mountain (BG/GR) trying to walk to Greece MNS12/04/2001 1 N.N. (young man) Afghanistan electrocuted trying to get on board clandestinely a Eurostar train at Calais (F) MNS06/04/2001 1 N.N. (30) North Africa died of falling from a cliff trying to flee from the Guardia Civil near Tarifa (E) MNS/Mugak/EP29/03/2001 1 Yusuf Isler Turkey skeleton found in minefield between Greek-Turkish border ProAsyl29/03/2001 1 Adnan Cevik (26) Turkey expelled Turk, died in minefield at GR/TR border returning to Germany after torture ProAsyl28/03/2001 1 N.N. (man) unknown body found at beach near Tarifa (E) reportedly drowned while trying to swim ashore MNS/AP24/03/2001 2 N.N. (1 man, 1 woman) Kurdistan died when boat of Italian navy crushed their boat in the Canal Otranto (I) GARA23/03/2001 1 N.N. (man) North Africa stowaway, found dead on motorway near Darro (E) preportedly fallen from lorry MNS23/03/2001 1 N.N. (30, man) North Africa drowned on his way to E, found in advanced state of decomposition near Tarifa (E) EP/GARA22/03/2001 1 N.N. (40, man) Guinea killed by Morroccan refugee who did not want to be deported from jail in Almeria (E) GARA21/03/2001 1 N.N. (±25) Maghreb drowned after boat was crushed, bodies washed ashore on beach near Tarifa (E) MNS/DiarioVasco/Gara21/03/2001 7 N.N. (men) unknown drowned on their way to Spain, found near Tarifa (E) Gara21/03/2001 2 N.N. (women) Maghreb drowned, found dead on beach near Tarifa (E) after boat was collided MNS/DiarioVasco/Gara21/03/2001 1 N.N. (man) Maghreb drowned, found dead on beach near Tarifa (E), after boat was collided MNS/Diario Vasco/Gara16/03/2001 1 N.N. (man) Iraq drowned near the coast of Melilla (E/MA) after being forced overboard by smuggler MNS/EP05/03/2001 1 N.N. (29) Morocco stowaway, found dead near Madrid (E) in container coming from Casablanca (MA) MNS04/03/2001 2 N.N. North Africa drowned after shipwreck occured 1 month before, bodies found near Tarifa (E) MNS/EPin Mar 01 1 N.N. (man) Turkey kurd, rejected asylum seeker shot trying to escape police in Jönköping (S) MNS22/02/2001 1 N.N. (2, girl) Pakistan died after insufficiant medical care at asylum seekers centre Waddingxveen (NL) MNS19/02/2001 1 Tommy Klen Mayola (19, man) Congo stowaway, froze to death in wheelbay on flight from Gatwick (GB) to USA NCADC/INexile/Telegraph/IRR19/02/2001 1 N.N. (29, man) Iran died in refugee centre in Wien, stabbed during a massive fight not stopped by guards YaN10/02/2001 2 N.N. (young men) North Africa bodies found in advanced state of decomposition near Tarifa (E) GARA05/02/2001 10 N.N. (young men) North Africa drowned near Tarifa (E) when small boat capsized trying to reach Spain MNS/NW/ELM/EP/Gara/DiarioVasco05/02/2001 1 N.N. (woman) Maghreb drowned near Tarifa (E) after small boat capsized in attempt to reach Spain MNS/NW/ELM/EP/Gara/DiarioVasco05/02/2001 1 N.N. (10, boy) Maghreb drowned near Tarifa (E) after small boat capsized trying to reach Spain MNS/NW/ELM/EP/Gara/DiarioVasco05/02/2001 1 N.N.(17-18,man) Maghreb drowned near Tarifa (E) after small boat capsized trying to reach Spain MNS/NW/ELM/EP/Gara/DiarioVascoin Feb 01 2 N.N China murdered after they failed to pay smugglers on their way from Hungary to Austria IRRin Feb 01 1 Idris Demir Turkey Kurd, rejected asylum seeker shot by policeman in Jönköping (S) trying to escape IRR/MNS01/02/2001 1 N.N. (±30, man) Iraq stowaway, hit mortally trying to jump on freight train through Channel tunnel(GB/F) MNS/IRR25/01/2001 7 N.N. Africa reportedly drowned, boat missing after drifting off Spanish coast near Almeria (E) MNS22/01/2001 1 N.N. (man) Maghreb drowned after reportedly colliding border guard patrol ship near Tarifa GARA21/01/2001 6 N.N. North Africa 1 body found, 5 reportedly drowned after small boat capsized near Tarifa (E) MNS20/01/2001 1 N.N. (man) Kosova stowaway, found on ferry from Oostende (B) to Dover (GB), jumped from ship IRR/NCADC18/01/2001 1 Shokrolah Khaleghi (27, man) Iran suicide, found hanged in asylum hostel in Leicester (GB) after his asylum claim was refused CARF/MNS/Statewatch/IRR/NCADC/IRN12/01/2001 1 N.N. (63, man) Libanon died of severe burns after fire in asylum seekers centre in Eschwege (D) ARI10/01/2001 1 Renat Istanderov (25) Kazhakstan suicide for fear of forced deportation from Belgium MNS06/01/2001 1 N.N. (man) Morocco drowned, arts found on the beach of Bolonia, Tarifa (E) Gara/Diario Vasco03/01/2001 12 N.N. (8 men, 4 women) Ecuador irregular migrant workers, died in van accident near Murcia (E) MNSin Jan 01 1 N.N. (20) West Africa suicide, hang himself from a bed sheet in deportation custody in Schaffhausen (CH) CARF/IRRin 2001 2 N.N. Tunesia stowaways, found suffocated in the hull of a ship in Brindisi (I) IRR01/01/2001 25 N.N. unknown stowaways, reportedly drowned when freighter sunk in stormy sea near Antalya (TR) DPA/Reu/MNS/Morgengr./MN/NW/LaOpiniónin 2001 1 Khorany Abdulhablb Afganistan drowned in Aegean sea on its way from Turkey to the Greek island Lesbos (GR) Den Blankenin 2001 5 N.N. Afganistan drowned in Aegean sea on their way from Turkey to the Greek island Lesbos (GR) Den Blankenin 2001 1 Gevour Gworkiyan (20) Armenia suicide, jumped in front of train in Den Bosch (NL) PRIME01/01/2001 6 N.N. India, Pakistan stowaways, drowned when ship sunk in stormy waters near Antalya (TR) La Opinión31/12/2000 1 N.N. (23, woman) Bulgaria froze to death at Belles mountain (GR/BG) trying to reach Greece illegally MNSDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 20

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source27/12/2000 1 N.N. (30, man) Sub-Saharan Africa died of hypothermia in the mountains near Ceuta (E/MA) on his way to Spain DiarioVasco25/12/2000 1 Michael Fonseca (16) Cuba stowaway, fell out of undercarriage of British Airways plane near Gatwick airport (GB) MNS/Parool/Telegraph24/12/2000 1 A. Vazquez Rodriguez (17) Cuba stowaway, fell out of undercarriage of British Airways plane near Gatwick airport (GB) MNS/Parool/Telegraph21/12/2000 2 N.N. Albania burned alive in car crash near Thessaloniki (GR) trying to enter Greece illegally MNS21/12/2000 1 N.N. Iraq Kurd, drowned after being forced overboard by smuggler near Otranto (I) MNS/ELM21/12/2000 2 N.N. (1 man, 1 woman) unknown reportedly drowned, forced off by smuggler near Otranto (I), woman was pregnant MNS/ELM21/12/2000 1 N.N. North Africa drowned, found on beach of Bolonia (E) MNS21/12/2000 1 N.N. (±25, man) North Africa reportedly drowned after shipwreck near Tarifa (E) trying to reach Spain ELM/EP21/12/2000 1 Saeed Alaei (26, man) Iran suicide, found hanged in Nelson, Lancashire (GB) after his asylum claim was refused CARF/IRR/NCADC19/12/2000 1 Rasoul Mavali Iran suicide, hanged himself after having received deportation order (NL) IFIR18/12/2000 1 Ebune Christian Ecole (30,man) Cameroon died of heart failure during deportation from Budapest International Airport (H) Reu/UNHCR/MNS/MGHR/IRR/HHC/MUGAK/NCADC17/12/2000 2 N.N. (men) Morocco drowned, found dead near Tarifa (E) ELM16/12/2000 1 E.H.T. (24 ) Morocco reportedly drowned, found at beach near Tarifa (E) MNS/EP16/12/2000 1 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, found at beach near Algeciras (E) MNS16/12/2000 1 N.N. (minor) Algeria died of cold and exhaustion after having reached the coast of Ceuta swimming (E/MA) MNS/ELM/ DiarioVasco16/12/2000 1 N.N. (±25, man) North Africa drowned, found dead at the coast near Tarifa (E) in advanced state of decomposition ELM15/12/2000 1 N.N. (32, man) China suicide, jumped out of train window near railway station Thyrow (D) ARI15/12/2000 27 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned after boat with 27 people sank off near Gulf of Almería (E) ELM/GARA14/12/2000 2 N.N. (minors) North Africa drowned, found dead near the coast of Tarifa (E) MNS14/12/2000 1 N.N. (minor) North Africa drowned, found dead in Spanish territorial waters near Ceuta (E/MA) MNS11/12/2000 1 Gebeyehu E. (33) Ethiopia suicide, for fear of deportation in Kriftelk (D), authorities denied his psychotic condition IRR09/12/2000 3 N.N. (young man) Sub-Saharan Africa drowned after their boat was crushed on the way to Spain, found near Cadiz (E) Diario Vasco08/12/2000 1 A. Subramaniam (17, man) Sri Lanka suicide, hanged himself with shoelaces in detention centre Hannover-Langenhagen (D) Morgengr./Statewatch/FR-NieSa/ProAsyl/IRR/HRS08/12/2000 1 N.N. (man) North Africa drowned on his way to Spain, found near Ceuta (E/MA) DiariodeNoticias06/12/2000 1 Mohamed Said Ahattach (17) Morocco run over by truck on N-340 near San Roque (E) after disembarking illegaly from dinghy EP/ELM05/12/2000 1 Saulius Gonta (19) Lithuania reportedly fell out of a truck in front of a car near El Ejido (E) EP04/12/2000 1 N.N. (man) North Africa died of toxic gas near Tarifa (E) trying to cross the Strait of Gibraltar in small boat MNS/ELM04/12/2000 1 N.N.(±30, man) Africa reportedly drowned, found in Spanish territorial waters near Ceuta (E/MA) MNS/GARA/ELM04/12/2000 2 N.N. (men) Sub-Saharan Africa drowned, dead bodies found on a beach near Castillejos (E) ELM/GARA/MNS03/12/2000 1 Abdelhadi Lamhamdi (23) Morocco shot dead on beach of Tarifa, Cadiz (E) by police while disembarking small boat EP/ELM/LV/MNS/Diario/VSF/MUGAK03/12/2000 1 Kwuami Aziaku Prempe (42) Togo suicide, hangs himself in his house in Salzwedel (D) for fear of deportation ARIin Dec 00 1 N.N. Sri Lanka died of exhaustion in desert crossing the Russian-Kazakh border on way to Germany MNSin Dec 00 1 N.N. (man) Bosnia stowaway, died by asphyxiation trying to enter Sweden illegally in boot of car MNS01/12/2000 1 Hossein (30) Bangladesh asylum seeker, committed suicide in Stockholm (S) in desperation Nätverket mot rasismin Dec 00 3 N.N. (2 men, 1 pregn. woman) Africa drowned, dead bodies found near Ceuta (E/MA) VSFin Dec 00 1 N.N. unknown drowned on his way to Spain, found near Ceuta (E/MA) DiariodeNoticiasin Dec 00 1 N.N. (25, man) Rwanda no medical care, seriously ill in border prison Amsterdam South-East (NL) VK28/11/2000 1 Samuel Bardhi (6 month) Kosovo died of pneumonia in Kärnten (A), dispute of responsibility within government RosaAntifa/Format/DerStandard/DieGrünen/DPA/Malm25/11/2000 1 N.N. (man) Sierra Leone floating near Ceuta (E/MA), drowned trying to enter Spanish fortified enclave by water MNS17/11/2000 1 N.N. (±20, man) unknown stowaway, died after he was run over by the lorry he was hiding in in Dover (GB) IRR15/11/2000 2 N.N. (men) Bangladesh shot by Turkish border guards trying to enter Turkey illegally from Iran MNS11/11/2000 1 N.N. (±27, man) unknown drowned on his way to Spain, body found dead near Tarifa (E) DiarioVasco09/11/2000 1 Hajzer Mehmeti Kosovo Roma, killed after participating in return project to village of origin near Pristina (XZ) ERRC09/11/2000 1 Agron Mehmeti (15) Kosovo Roma, killed after participating in return project to village of origin near Pristina (XZ) ERRC09/11/2000 1 Istref Bajrami Kosovo Roma, killed after participating in return project to village of origin near Pristina (XZ) ERRC09/11/2000 1 Isuf Ahmeti Kosovo Roma, killed after participating in return project to village of origin near Pristina (XZ) ERRC05/11/2000 6 N.N. Turkey reportedly drowned in river Sava (HR/BH) when small boat capsized MNSin Nov 00 2 N.N. Tunesia drowned attempting to swim 23 km to Patelleria (I) after their small boat capsized IRR01/11/2000 1 N.N. (man) North Africa drowned, found dead near Tarifa (E), trying to cross the Strait of Gibraltar MNS01/11/2000 1 N.N. (man) Albania leader of a group of refugees in border town Florina shot dead by Greek police MNS01/11/2000 1 N.N. (man) Romania died after car accident, trying to escape border guards near Reitzenhain (CZ-D) ARI01/11/2000 1 Bledar Qosku (23) Albania fatally injured by border guard in Messopotamia area of Kastoria (GR-AL border) GHM/OMCT30/10/2000 3 N.N. (man) North Africa found dead off coast near Ragusa (I), reportedly thrown overboard by traffickers MNS30/10/2000 1 Halil Aygun Kurdistan killed by border guards, caught trying to escape from bordercamp Szombathely (H) MLKO29/10/2000 1 Arman A. (2) Armenia burned in fire in refugee centre in Hamburg (D) ARI29/10/2000 1 Atak A. (3) Armenia burned in fire in refugee centre in Hamburg (D) ARI26/10/2000 1 N.N. (man) Iraq kurdish stowaway, found suffocated in container of Greek ship MNS24/10/2000 1 N.N. unknown found dead on beach near Tarifa (E) trying to cross the Strait of Gibraltar MNS24/10/2000 1 N.N. unknown found dead on beach near Almeria (E) trying to cross the Strait of Gibraltar MNS22/10/2000 3 N.N. (men) Moldova/Romania died in van accident near Thessalonoki (GR) MNS18/10/2000 5 N.N. (men) Iraq kurds, found dead at edge of motorway, Foggia (I) reportedly suffocated in van MNS/IRR18/10/2000 1 Mustafa Amir (22) Iraq kurd, found dead at edge of motorway near Foggia (I) reportedly suffocated in van MNS13/10/2000 1 Ferrid Xhevdet (25) Albania died in isolation cell of detention centre Steenokerzeel (B) after trying to escape MRAX/MNS/Statewatch/IRR04/10/2000 1 N.N. (man) India stowaway, died when lorry hit a bridge near Cheb (CZ) VK/taz/NOS teletext/DPA02/10/2000 1 N.N. (29, man) Russia sans-papier, jumped out of fast driving train in (D), afraid of deportation DPA/IRR29/09/2000 1 N.N. (21, man) Pakistan stowaway, froze to dead in wheelbay of Lufthansa airplane at Frankfurt (D) airport taz/IRR/ARI/BBC19/09/2000 1 N.N. (13, boy) Bosnia suicide, jumped from church tower in Villach (A) afraid of deportation der Standard16/09/2000 2 N.N. (men) India stowaways, suffocated in container on ship in the harbour of Korinthos (GR) taz/IRN05/09/2000 2 N.N. (1 man, 1 woman) Africa drowned in Moroccan territorial waters, trying to reach Spain in small boat MNS/GARA05/09/2000 7 N.N. Africa reportedly drowned in Moroccan territorial waters, on way to Spain MNS/GARA03/09/2000 1 N.N. (man) North Africa drowned on his way to Spain, found near Bahia Plata (E) Mugak01/09/2000 2 N.N. Turkey killed in minefield on Greek-Turkish border trying to cross illegally MNS30/08/2000 1 Altankov Dagwasoundel (28) Mongolia fell to death from 6th floor window, trying to escape detention in Berlin Köpenick (D) ARI/FRBer/Liga für Mr./MNS/taz29/08/2000 1 N.N. Turkey killed in minefield on Greek-Turkish border trying to cross illegally MNS29/08/2000 7 N.N. (4 men, 3 children) Iran drowned in river Sava (HR/BH) trying to travel illegally to Western Europe MNS/AFP/taz/IFIR29/08/2000 5 N.N. Iran drowned in river Sava (HR/BH) trying to travel illegally to Western Europe MNS/AFP/taz/IFIR28/08/2000 5 N.N. unknown drowned, when fisher boat sank near Isola Capo Rizzuto (I) IRR28/08/2000 1 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned in river Oder (D/PL) near Genschmar German Government26/08/2000 7 N.N. (men) Iraq, Afgh., Iran drowned near Kos (GR), when small boat capsized AFP/AP/BBC26/08/2000 1 N.N. (woman) unknown drowned near Kos (GR), when small boat capsized AFP/AP/BBC26/08/2000 16 N.N. Iraq, Afgh., Iran missing, reportedly drowned near Kos (GR), after small boat capsized AFP/AP/BBC13/08/2000 4 N.N. unknown drowned, dinghy sunk decomposing bodies washed ashore in Almería (E) InformeRaxen12/08/2000 1 N.N. unknown found dead floating near Almeria (E) reportedly trying to reach Spain MNSDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 21

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source08/08/2000 2 N.N. (women) unknown drowned, reportedly forced by traffickers to jump into Adriatic Sea near Bari (I) taz/MNS08/08/2000 2 N.N. unknown missing, reportedly forced by traffickers to jump into Adriatic Sea near Bari (I) MNS07/08/2000 1 N.N. (man) Iraq died of injuries, jumping out of police van near Györ (H) trying to escape deportation AFP06/08/2000 1 N.N. (man) unknown stowaway, crushed to death in back of a truck on his way to Spain Mugak05/08/2000 1 N.N. unknown found dead, reportedly drowned while trying to reach Spain MNS/Mugak/EP05/08/2000 32 N.N. unknown drowned, when ship sank near Tanger (E), authorities did not help in rescue Mugakin Aug 00 24 N.N. Turkey drowned when Turkish boat with 31 immigrants capsized in the Aegean Sea ICAREin Aug 00 1 N.N. unknown found dead, reportedly drowned while trying to reach Spain MNS30/07/2000 1 fetus (±6 months) Sierra Leone unborn baby died after bad treatment of mother at Roissy airport (F) MNS30/07/2000 1 Jasmin Mohamad Ali (29) Iraq suicide, laid down in the middle of a highway in Germany for fear of deportation ARI27/07/2000 1 N.N. (man) Sub-Saharan Africa reportedly drowned, missing near Arinaga (E) trying to go to Spain from Morocco Mugak24/07/2000 2 N.N. (men) Kurdistan drowned, after falling into the Adriatic Sea (I) in a collision with a police boat MNS/VK24/07/2000 2 N.N. (1 woman, 1 man) Africa found dead near Tarifa (E), reportedly drowned trying to reach Spain taz/MNS/VK24/07/2000 2 N.N. (men) North Africa found near Ceuta (E/MA), reportedly drowned trying to reach Spain MNS/VK23/07/2000 1 N.N. (±22, woman) Morocco found dead near Ceuta (E/MA), drowned trying to reach Spain MNS/DiariodeNavarra/EP/Mugak23/07/2000 1 N.N. (young man) Morocco drowned near Algeciras (E) after shipwreck of a boat carrying other 36 migrants DiariodeNoticias/EP22/07/2000 2 N.N. unknown found dead near Tarifa (E), reportedly drowned trying to reach Spain MNS/VK18/07/2000 1 N.N. (young woman) unknown drowned, found floating in state of decomposition near the coast of Barbate (E) MNS17/07/2000 1 Mahalil Silva Shri Lanka died, kept on Lanarca airport (CY) for 11 days while being denied proper medical care ISAGC13/07/2000 1 N.N. (man) unknown drowned near Bojador, Canary Islands (E) ELM/Mugak/ABC/Raz13/07/2000 13 N.N. (man) unknown reportedly drowned near Bojador, Canary Islands (E) ELM/Mugak/ABC/Raz10/07/2000 1 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned in river Oder (D/PL) near Groß Breesen German Government08/07/2000 1 Negmiye Beraj (10 month, child) Kosovo died, left alone on Italian shore by trafficker fleeing approaching police MNS/IRRin Jul 00 1 N.N. Africa found dead in Fuerteventura (E), reportedlydrowned trying to reach the Canary Isl. VKin Jul 00 2 N.N. Africa found dead near Tarifa (E), reportedly drowned trying to reach Spain VK23/06/2000 1 Pat (22, woman) Nigeria asylum seeker, committed suicide in Dublin (IRL) for fear of deportation Irish Times19/06/2000 1 Lin Rul Zhen China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Gao Yue Ru China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Lin Guang China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Ke Mei Zhu China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Yang Jiao Hua China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Li Yong China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Lin Zhao Hang China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Lin Chen Xing China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Sun Dao Xian China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Cheng Kam Kwon China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Lin Li Guang China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Kuo Chien Ming China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Xue You Jie China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Cai Fang Quing China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Ni Yan Hua China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Lin Yi Hua China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Gao Jun Wei China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Zheng Bo Ying China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Lin Guo Liang China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Cao Xiang Ping China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Chen Xing Zhong China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 He Chang Ming China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Xue Di Di China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Cao Xian Xin China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Jiang Jan Ming China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Lin Ming Gui China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Jiang Bin China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Lin De Bin China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Chen Yi Hua China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Li Zheng Guang China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Lin Ming Kun China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 He Yu Yuan China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Lin Tong Hui China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Lin Tong Yong China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Ke Yong Min China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Ye Qi Ban China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Dong Ti Di China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Li Xiao Xiang China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Lin Bin China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Weng Rui Ping China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Lin Fa Ming China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Lin Bing China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Lin Ming Hui China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Lin Bin Jian China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 He Hua Shun China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Yang Xin Xiaun China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Lin Feng Di China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Yao Zhong Ai China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 He Ming Qiang China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Lin Xian Long China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Chen Jin Tian China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Lin Xin Chai China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Shi Wen Jie China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Ding Xiang You China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 You Long Zhong China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Lin Xue Luan China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O19/06/2000 1 Li Zhen Quan China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/ODeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 22

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source19/06/2000 1 Guo Ting Xing China suffocated in sealed trailer of a truck on ferry from Zeebrugge (B) to Dover (GB) VK/Parool/dpa/AP/Mugak/Reuters/AP/NBK/NCADC/O06/06/2000 1 N.N. unknown drowned, forced by traffickers to jump into Adriatic Sea near Otranto (I) MNS/taz04/06/2000 2 N.N. Dominican Republic stowaways, found dead in undercarriage of airplane at Stockholm (S) airport taz/ICARE/Ananova/MNS04/06/2000 1 N.N. (39, man) Afghanistan suicide, rejected asylum seeker set himself on fire in refugee home Rüsselsheim (D) ARIin Jun 00 2 N.N. Africa stowaways found dead on Maltese freighter, reportedly suffocated or poisoned Mugak30/05/2000 1 N.N. (young man) Morrocco died of burns and crushed head after falling from underneath lorry near Rinconcillo (E) MNS/EP19/05/2000 5 N.N. North Africa drowned when vessel sank in the Straits of Gibraltar near Tarifa (E) I Care/Town Crier19/05/2000 1 N.N. (16, girl) North Africa drowned when vessel sank in the Straits of Gibraltar near Tarifa (E) I Care/Town Crier17/05/2000 1 Hamid Sabur (5) Afghanistan asylum seeker, died due to lack of medical attention in 'pension detention' in Gols (A) MNS/Malmoe14/05/2000 3 N.N. (2 men, 1 woman) unknown drowned after boat carrying immigrants sank near Cadiz (E) I Care/The Entertainer Online/ABC/Raz14/05/2000 10 N.N. unknown missing, reportedly drowned after boat carrying immigrants sank near Cadiz (E) I Care/The Entertainer Online/ABC/Raz14/05/2000 2 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned trying to cross the Strait of Gibraltar (E) I Care/The Entertainer Online12/05/2000 1 N.N. (30) Albania died by jumping into 300 metre deep gorge trying to flee border police in Greece MNS12/05/2000 6 N.N. (16, boy; 5 men) North Africa drowned, when dinghy hit a reef and sank near Tarifa (E) MNS/EP10/05/2000 9 N.N. Afgh./Bangl./Pak. shot by Turkish border police, trying to cross Turkish/Iranian border illegally taz/DPA/AFP07/05/2000 1 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned in river Oder (D/PL) near Kienitz German Government07/05/2000 2 N.N. (men) North Africa drowned, bodies found in advanced state of decomposition near Tarifa (E) MNS07/05/2000 3 N.N. unknown drowned, when small boat capsized near Tarifa (E) MNS07/05/2000 11 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, missing after small boat capsized near Tarifa (E) MNS06/05/2000 1 Naimah H. Algeria committed suicide in asylum seekers transit station (detention) at Frankfurt (D) airport taz/Pax Christi/FR/IRR/MNS05/05/2000 1 Hytime Hadjari (18) Albania drowned after their small boat collided with coast guards near Otranto (I) taz/Giuliano News Chronicle/AFP/IRR05/05/2000 1 Sulko Yenci (25) Albania drowned after their small boat collided with coast guards near Otranto (I) taz/Giuliano News Chronicle/AFP/IRR05/05/2000 13 N.N. Albania drowned after their small boat collided with coast guards near Otranto (I) taz/Giuliano News Chronicle/AFP/LS/Vita/TL05/05/2000 3 N.N. Albania missing, reportedly drowned after collision with coast guards near Otranto (I) Giuliano News Chronicle/LS/Vita/TL04/05/2000 1 Lubomir B. (40, man) Slovakia died in police custody in Wien (A) after being arrested for illegal stay SOS/Menschenrechte/Malmoe03/05/2000 12 N.N. Africa drowned near El Ayhun (MA) after small boat capsized on way to Canaries (E) taz02/05/2000 1 Richard Ibekwe Nigeria died in a detention centre in Wien (A) after being beaten by police AFP/AHDA/I Care/Malmoe02/05/2000 1 Khouyi Mbarek (13) Morocco found dead at shore in Scicli (I), reportedly thrown overboard as stowaways Giuliano News Chronicle02/05/2000 1 N.N. Morocco found dead at shore in Scicli (I), reportedly thrown overboard as stowaways Giuliano News Chronicle02/05/2000 1 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned in river Neiße (D/PL) near Porajow German Governmentin May 00 7 N.N. Iran drowned in river Sava (HR/BH) trying to travel illegally to Western Europe MNSin May 00 1 N.N. Morocco found dead in Cadiz (E) reportedly hit by van in which he travelled to Spain Mugakin May 00 1 N.N. unknown drowned after boat carrying 20 immigrants sank near Tarifa (E), others missing Mugakin May 00 1 N.N. (man) North Africa semi-decomposed body, found on coast of Ceuta (E/MA) Mugak01/05/2000 1 N.N. (man) unknown died in minefield in Nea Vissa region (GR) near Turkish border MNS30/04/2000 2 N.N. (men) unknown reportedly drowned, after ship wreckage near Cadiz (E) Diario de Navarra30/04/2000 20 N.N. unknown drowned, found near Malaga (E) after ship wreckage near Cadiz (E) Diario de Navarra30/04/2000 1 N.N. unknown fell from underside truck, run over by car disembarking ferry in Algeciras (E) Diario de Navarra30/04/2000 1 N.N. Maghreb drowned, found dead 550 meters from Ceuta (E/MA) Diario de Navarra29/04/2000 20 N.N. North Africa drowned when small boat sank in storm near Tarifa (E) on way to Spain MNS29/04/2000 1 N.N. North Africa drowned, body found in advanced state of decomposition near Tarifa (E) MNS23/04/2000 1 N.N. (man) Romania found dead floating in Evros river (GR/TR) reportedly trying to cross border MNS23/04/2000 1 N.N. (young woman) China stabbed to death in Netherlands by compratiot asylum seeker for fear of deportation MNS23/04/2000 1 N.N. (young woman) China suicide after killing compatriot asylum seeker in fear of deportation in NL MNS22/04/2000 1 N.N. (man) Algeria drowned, found dead 200 meters from Melilla (E/MA) EP19/04/2000 1 Kalin Mohammed Fati (26) Iraq Kurd, drowned when smugglers tried to escape border police near Italian coast Giuliano News Chronicle15/04/2000 3 N.N. (2 women, 1 man) Africa drowned (one woman pregnant) when boat sank near the Canary Islands (E) AFP/MNS/Diario Vasco/TAZ15/04/2000 5 N.N. Africa missing, reportedly drowned when boat sank near the Canary Islands (E) AFP/MNS/Diario Vasco14/04/2000 1 N.N. Ukraine reportedly drowned in river Oder (D/PL) near Lebus German Government14/04/2000 2 N.N. (men) Morocco stowaways, found dead in the trailer of a truck at the port of Almeria (E) AFP/EP13/04/2000 1 N.N. (man) Morocco stowaway, drowned, jumped from ship to avoid border control in port of Genova (I) Giuliano News Chronicle/ANSA08/04/2000 1 N.N. (woman) unknown crushed to death by truck in Sussex (GB) trying to immigrate to Britain illegally VK/No Pasaran/IRR/NCRM07/04/2000 1 Kandan Ravi (12) Sri Lanka disappeared after being 'released' from detention prison in Berlin (D) ARI03/04/2000 1 N.N. (man) North Africa died after being rescued from small boat by border police near coast of Almeria (E) MNSin Apr 00 1 Glynnis Cowley (40, woman) South Africa suicide in Liverpool (GB), after her asylum claim was rejected, mother of 3 children IRR/CARF/NCADCin Apr 00 1 N.N. (man) Morocco drowned while trying to cross the strait of Gibraltar in a small boat AFPin Apr 00 8 N.N. Morocco missing, reportedly drowned trying to cross the Strait of Gibraltar in small boat AFPin Apr 00 1 N.N. unknown found dead near Ceuta (E/MA), reportedly drowned while trying to reach Spain Mugak25/03/2000 6 N.N. (3 men, 3 women) Iraq Kurds, drowned near the island of Kos (GR) reportedly after vessel capsized MNS/taz25/03/2000 3 N.N. (minors) Iraq Kurds, drowned near the island of Kos (GR) reportedly after vessel capsized MNS25/03/2000 1 N.N. (man) North Africa found dead, floating near the port of Ceuta (E/MA) MNS24/03/2000 1 N.N. unknown found dead near Nassau-Frauenstein near D/CZ border German Government24/03/2000 5 N.N. (4 men, 1 woman) unknown drowned on their way to Spain, found near Cadiz (E) Gara23/03/2000 1 N.N. Nigeria died in a refugee centre in Györ (H) under suspicious circumstances MGHR/Hungary22/03/2000 1 N.N. (man) Romania reportedly drowned trying to cross the river Morava (A/SK), trying to reach A Salzburger Nachrichten22/03/2000 3 N.N. (2 men, 1 woman) Africa drowned after small boat capsized near Ceuta (E/MA) MNS/GARA20/03/2000 1 N.N. (woman) unknown found off the coast of Brindisi (I) reportedly trying to cross the sea to Italy ANSA14/03/2000 1 Nasim Sarbat unknown died after fire caused by rebellion in detention centre Seraino Vulpitta di Trappani (I) ANSA/ILM/CDS11/03/2000 3 N.N. (men) Pakistan drowned trying to cross the river Donau (A/SK) illegally to reach Austria AFP/Salzburger Nachrichten/MNS11/03/2000 1 N.N. (man) Afghanistan drowned trying to cross the river Donau (A/SK) illegally to reach Austria AFP/Salzburger Nachrichten/MNS10/03/2000 1 Nassim (man) Tunesia died after fire caused by rebellion in the detention centre Vulpitta in Trapani (I) MP/ARCI/L.B.CPT/GdV/quibla/INDi08/03/2000 1 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, found in water purification plant Frankfurt Oder (D) German Government06/03/2000 1 N.N. (20, man) Africa died during deportation, jumped out of ferry which should have deported him; Bari (I) ILM04/03/2000 1 N.N. unknown found dead near Olbernhaus near D/CZ border German Governmentin Mar 00 1 Sahin Coba Turkey Kurd, suicide in Weil im Schönbuch (D) for fear of deportation ANin Mar 00 1 Murat Islak Turkey Kurd, suicide in Kirchheim/Teck (D) for fear of deportation ANin Mar 00 4 N.N. unknown floating corpses found in Strait of Otranto (I), reportedly trying to cross illegally IRRin Mar 00 2 N.N. Macedonia died in fire in factory (undocumented workers' home) in Legnano (I) IRRin Mar 00 2 N.N. (2, 6, children) Macedonia died in fire in factory (undocumented workers' home) in Legnano (I) IRRin Mar 00 1 N.N. (woman) Macedonia pregnant, died in fire in factory (undocumented workers home) in Legnano (I) IRRin Mar 00 1 Zdzislav Dudca (40) Polish homeless migrant, died in fire in empty carriage he slept in at Napels (I) train station IRRin Mar 00 1 Bogdan Rajka (40) Polish homeless migrant, died in fire in empty carriage he slept in at Napels (I) train station IRRin Mar 00 1 Zahid Mubarek (19, man) Asia murdered in GB after being placed in a prison cell with a known violent racist IRR/BBC/Mojuk/GuardianUn/zahidmubarekinquiry/StaDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 23

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source28/02/2000 2 N.N. Asia died after their boat was pursued by Italian coast guards IRR19/02/2000 17 N.N. (men) Morocco drowned, after ship wreckage near Canary Islands (E) GARA15/02/2000 1 Sultan Dogan (21) Kurdistan suicide, because of bad living conditions in asylum centre near Allbruck (D) SAGA/ARI15/02/2000 2 N.N. North Africa drowned on their way to Spain, found near Bolonia (E) DiarioVasco09/02/2000 15 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, small boat disappeared on Adriatic Sea near Italy Giuliano News Chroniclein Feb 00 1 Djamel Hanoun (28) Algeria 'sans-papier', died of acute asthma being afraid of going to doctor in Corsica (F) No Pasaranin Feb 00 15 N.N. Morocco missing, reportedly drowned after small boat capsized near El Ayun (MA) Mugak30/01/2000 1 Senida P. (26) Bosnia suicide, jumped out of 8th floor window in Frankfurt a. M. (D) for fear of deportation ARI25/01/2000 1 Ali Güzel Kurdistan hanged himself in refugee home in Singen (D) because of disgraceful treatment/lodging ARI24/01/2000 1 Robertus Grabys (49, man) Lithuania suicide, found hanged in Harmondsworth detention centre (GB) for fear of deportation NCADC/CARF/IRR18/01/2000 1 Christian Elmarasi Egypt committed suicide through intoxication in JVA Landshut (D) IMEDANA14/01/2000 1 N.N. (29, woman) Ukraine froze to death in the Belles mountains (BG/GR) trying to enter Greece MNS14/01/2000 1 N.N. (24, man) Romania froze to death in the Belles mountains (BG/GR) trying to enter Greece MNS13/01/2000 1 N.N. unknown died after fire caused by rebellion in detention centre Seraino Vulpitta di Trappani (I) ILM/CDS13/01/2000 1 N.N. (25, man) Albania drowned, tried to escape repatriation by jumping from the ferry 'Vega' in Brindisi (I) ILM13/01/2000 1 N.N. (boy) Ivory coast tried to escape deportation by jumping from merchant ship 'Jolly Rubino' in Genova (I) ILM12/01/2000 1 N.N. (young man) Sub-Saharan Africa died of exhaustion in hospital, Melilla (E/MA), caught in storm trying to go to Spain EP07/01/2000 6 N.N. (men) Kurdistan died in van accident trying to reach Thessaloniki (GR) from Turkey MNS07/01/2000 1 Brahim Akrouk (36) unknown died after fire caused by rebellion in detention centre Seraino Vulpitta di Trappani (I) ILM/CDS05/01/2000 1 Vedat Yuksel (22) Turkey hit his head when boat driver tried to escape the border police near Otranto (I) ILM05/01/2000 1 N.N. (±25, man) North Africa drowned, near Tarifa (E) trying to reach Spain swimming from a dinghy EP04/01/2000 2 N.N. (20, 28, men) North Africa drowned trying to reach Spain crossing the Strait of Gibraltar in small boat MNS/EP03/01/2000 1 N.N. (young man) China hit his head when forced out the boat quickly by smugglers near Otranto (I) ILM03/01/2000 2 N.N. (young men) North Africa drowned, bodies washed ashore near Cadiz (E) EP03/03/2000 1 Nelson Quinones-Palacios Columbia died in Mannheim prison (D) because of lack of medical treatment ARIin Jan 00 1 Riza Karadag (38) Kurdistan asylum seeker in NL, died as stowaway in plane bound for the USA IRRin Jan 00 1 N.N. (minor) Africa sans-papier, died afterjumping down cliff trying to cross border in Melilla (E/MA) Mugakin Jan 00 1 N.N. (man) North Africa reportedly drowned, decomposing body found in the Strait of Gibraltar Mugakin Jan 00 1 N.N. (man) North Africa drowned trying to cross Strait of Gibraltar, found dead near Tarifa (E) Mugakin 2000 1 Mohsen Lalei Iran rejected asylum seeker died near Eskilstuna (S) when he went into hiding MNS01/01/2000 1 N.N. (man) China drowned in the straits of Otranto (I) trying to reach Italy ILM01/01/2000 1 N.N. (man) Albania drowned in the straits of Otranto (I) trying to reach Italy ILM01/01/2000 1 Artur Muradov (±35) Azerbaijan suicide, hanged himself in a psychiatric hospital in Mülhausen (D) ARI31/12/1999 1 N.N. (man) unknown missing, reportedly drowned in the straits of Otranto (I) trying to reach Italy ILM31/12/1999 14 N.N. Albania drowned in the Adriatic Sea when dinghy sank, trying to reach Italy DPA/Morgengr./taz/VK/CDS/LS/TL31/12/1999 1 Lenja Leci Albania drowned in the Adriatic Sea when rubber boat sank, trying to reach Italy DPA/Morgengr./taz/VK/CDS/LS/TL31/12/1999 1 Amed Agaj Albania drowned in the Adriatic Sea when rubber boat sank, trying to reach Italy DPA/Morgengr./taz/VK/CDS/LS/TL31/12/1999 4 N.N. (women) Moldova drowned in the Adriatic Sea when rubber boat sank, trying to reach Italy DPA/Morgengr./taz/VK/CDS/LS/TL31/12/1999 39 N.N. a.o. Kurdist., Asia drowned in the Adriatic Sea when rubber boat sank, trying to reach Italy DPA/Morgengr./taz/VK/CDS/LS/TL31/12/1999 39 N.N. Kurdish., Asia drowned in the Adriatic Sea after dinghy sank, in attempt to reach Italy DPA/Morgengr./taz/VK/CDS/LS/TL29/12/1999 3 Rabah, Nashreddine, Jamel (men) Tunesia died after fire caused by rebellion in detention centre Vulpitta di Trapani (I) CDS/taz/Mugak/MP/ARCI/L.B.CPT/GdV/quibla/INDi26/12/1999 1 N.N. (25, man) Tanzania stowaway, died trying to swim to Sicilian coast (I) after being kept as slave on ship ILM25/12/1999 1 Mohamed Ben Said (39) Tunisia imprisoned illegally in detention camp, died while proper medical care denied ILM22/12/1999 1 Marun Adeba (2) Iraq froze to death in refrigerated lorry while trying to reach Greece from Turkey NCADC22/12/1999 1 Basil Adeba (4 ) Iraq froze to death in refrigerated lorry while trying to reach Greece from Turkey NCADC21/12/1999 1 Maulut Rozga (3) Iraq froze to death in refrigerated lorry while trying to reach Greece from Turkey NCADC21/12/1999 1 Zdravko Nikolov Dimitrov Bulgaria shot by German policemen in Braunschweig (D) when he resisted his deportation FR-NieSa/DIR-Büro/taz/Osnabr. Zeit/ARI21/12/1999 1 N.N. Vietnam found drowned in the Neisse at the Polish/German border near Bad Muskau (D) BT-Drucksache18/12/1999 1 N.N. (young woman) Congo committed suicide in detention centre in Luxemburg awaiting expulsion MNSin Dec 99 17 N.N. unknown drowned near the Canary Islands (E) trying to reach them in small boats Informe Raxenin Dec 99 1 N.N. (22, man) unknown drowned trying to escape police who caught immigrants' boat near Fuengirola (E) Mugakin Dec 99 5 N.N. unknown drowned when small boat sank near El Aaiun (MA) on way to Canary Islands (E) Mugak/ABC/Razin Dec 99 10 N.N. unknown missing, after small boat sank near El Aaiun (MA) on way to Canary Islands (E) Mugak/ABC/Razin Dec 99 2 Ramsi, Lofti (men) Tunesia died after fire caused by rebellion in the detention centre of Vulpitta in Trapani (I) MP/ARCI/L.B.CPT/GdV/quibla/INDi25/11/1999 1 H.S. (30,man) Tunisia arrested for stealing a chicken, hanged himself in jail when he got expulsion order (I) ILM20/11/1999 1 N.N. China reportedly suicide, found hanged in toilet of Frankfurt Main (D) airport BT-Drucksache19/11/1999 1 Fode Kenate Guinea presumed dead, dissapeared after being deported from Buren (D) to Ghana ARI19/11/1999 1 Ibrahim Kante Guinea presumed dead, dissapeared after being deported from Buren (D) to Ghana ARI19/11/1999 1 Umar Balde Guinea presumed dead, dissapeared after being deported from Buren (D) to Ghana ARI19/11/1999 1 Ibrahim Camara Guinea presumed dead, dissapeared after being deported from Buren (D) to Ghana ARI17/11/1999 1 Hamida Mujanovic (42) Bosnia went 'voluntarily' back from Germany to Bosnia, died there of lack of medical treatment ARI07/11/1999 2 N.N. (men) Syria/Iraq drowned near Turkish coast, boat capsized in bad weather on way to Greece AFP01/11/1999 2 N.N. (men) unknown reportedly Albanians, drowned near Brindisi (I) after small boat sank AFP/taz/ILM/FECL01/11/1999 2 N.N. (women) Moldova drowned near Brindisi (I) after small boat sank trying to reach Italy AFP/taz/ILM/FECL01/11/1999 11 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned near Brindisi (I) after boat sank trying to reach Italy AFP/taz/ILM/FECL01/11/1999 12 N.N. Iraq Kurdish stowaways, died of fume poisoning on ferry Patras (GR) to Lecce (I) Statewatch/VK/Ya Basta!/taz31/10/1999 5 N.N Iraq Kurds, died in minefield while trying to cross Turkish-Greek border near Kipi AP/taz31/10/1999 1 N.N. unknown Kurd, drowned thrown into water near Otranto (I) by smugglers for fear of coast guards FECL28/10/1999 1 Esawy Rashedal (25) Kurdistan died, being forced overboard by smugglers of small boat near Otranto (I) IRR28/10/1999 1 Ali Sismek (29) Kurdistan died by a bad fall into the river Isonzo (I/SI) trying to cross the border ILM12/10/1999 1 N.N. (±20, man) unknown stowaway, electrocuted trying to exit a freight train in a goods yard in Wembley (GB) IRRin Oct 99 1 Nestor Z. (17) Burkina Faso suicide, jumped from refugee hostel on a houseboat into river Elbe in Hamburg (D) ARI01/10/1999 6 N.N. (3 women, 3 men) Romania stowaways, found suffocated in Cyprus registered ship in Sevilla (E) harbour MNS/Mugak27/09/1999 1 N.N. (minor) Algeria drowned trying to reach Ceuta (E/MA) in small dinghy MNS/Mugak19/09/1999 1 Roberto Garcia Q. (47) Cuba stowaway found dead in the wheelbay of an Alitalia airplane at Milano (I) airport MNS15/09/1999 3 N.N. unknown drowned, small boat capsized off the coast of Tarifa (M) trying to reach Spain MNS/Mugak07/09/1999 2 N.N. (men) India undocumented workers, reportedly suffocated in van near Mantova (I) IRR/ILM07/09/1999 1 Faiz Ahmed (43) Pakistan undocumented worker, suffocated in van near Mantova (I) on way to Germany IRR/ILM07/09/1999 1 Nadeem Ahmad (26) Pakistan undocumented worker, suffocated in van near Mantova (I) on way to Germany IRR/IILMin Sep 99 4 N.N. unknown drowned near Cadiz (E) reportedly while trying to reach Spain by boat MNS30/08/1999 1 Rachid Sbaai (19) Marocco suicide, set fire to himself in detention centre Büren (D) for fear of deportation MNS/Statewatch/ARI29/08/1999 1 N.N. Sri Lanka stowaway, found dead in lorry heading towards Italy near Hajdu-Bihar (H) MNS26/08/1999 3 N.N. Iraq Kurds, died in minefield crossing Turkish-Greek border near Nea Vissa (GR) MNSDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 24

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source23/08/1999 1 N.N. (31) Algeria immigrant, reportedly drowned, found dead at the coast of Melilla (E/MA) MNS21/08/1999 1 Felix Garcia (28) Cuba stowaway, found dead in wheelbay of British Airways airplane at Gatwick (GB) airport MNS/Telegraph19/08/1999 1 Ousmane Sow Guinea asylum seeker, died under suspicious circumstances after deportation from Germany ARI16/08/1999 40 N.N. Kosovo Roma, drowned in the Adriatic Sea trying to reach Italy in small boat Romnews/Independent/Tampere Digest/LS/Vita16/08/1999 60 N.N. Kosovo Roma, reportedly drowned in the Adriatic Sea trying to reach Italy in small boat Romnews/Independent/Tampere Digest/Vita/LS12/08/1999 1 N.N. (75,woman) Yugoslavia Roma woman, died after a three days crossing of the Adriatic Sea in Brindisi (I) ERRC12/08/1999 1 Manikam Thanividirasa (40) Sri Lanka hanged himself after release of detention centre Büren (D) for new asylum application Hilfe MenschenAB04/08/1999 1 Tau Zohrd (43, woman ) Iraq Kurdish woman, drowned thrown into Adriatic Sea by traffickers near Italy Morgengr./IRR/MNS/ILM02/08/1999 1 Koita Yaguine (14, boy) Guinea stowaway, frozen to death in undercarriage of Conakry (Guinea) to Brussel (B) flight VK/Morgengr./Trouw/PUB/IRR/MNS/NCADC02/08/1999 1 Tounkara Fodé (15, boy) Guinea stowaway, frozen to death in undercarriage of Conakry (Guinea) to Brussel (B) flight VK/Morgengr./Trouw/PUB/IRR/MNS/NCADCin Aug 99 1 N.N. (man) Iraq Kurdish stowaway, crushed to death in Dover (GB), hanging on the underside of lorry IRRin Aug 99 1 N.N. (young woman) China died before or after smugglers threw her into the Adriatic sea near Brindisi (I) IRR/Giuliano News Chroniclein Aug 99 18 Family A. (9 children) Albania Roma, drowned in the Adriatic sea when boat sank on way to Italy Rom e.v.30/07/1999 1 Bogdan Wszedybil (46) Poland suicide, got desperate by not getting a residence permit after 10 years stay in France MNS/Mugak/IRR24/07/1999 9 N.N. Morocco drowned, small boat hit rocks while trying to reach the Canary Islands (E) MNS24/07/1999 1 N.N. (28, woman) Vietnam burned (with her two children) in fire in refugee centre in Bad Kreuznach (D) ARI24/07/1999 2 N.N. (3; 6) Vietnam burned in fire in refugee centre in Bad Kreuznach (D) ARI15/07/1999 1 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned in river Neisse (PL/D) near Nieder Neuendorf Interior Ministry Germany11/07/1999 1 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, part of body found in border river Neisse near Keuner Wehr (D) German Government07/07/1999 38 N.N. (16-26) North Africa drowned in the straits of Gibraltar after ship captain refused to transport them SOS09/06/1999 1 Bouna Wade (minor) Senegal stowaway, found dead on the runway of Abidjan (Ivory Coast) airport (4th attempt) MNS28/05/1999 1 Aamir Moh. Ageeb (30, man) Sudan suffocated under helmet used to hold him down during deportation from Frankfurt airport (D) taz/AP/SZ/CNN/VK/Statewatch/Trouw/MNS/Reuters/K27/05/1999 5 N.N. (2 minors) unknown drowned, small boat collided with police boat in Adriatic Sea near Otranto (I) MNS/AFP/LS/NCAs21/05/1999 19 N.N. Angola conscientious objectors, missing since deportation from Portugal to Angola IAADH18/05/1999 2 N.N. North Africa stowaways, suffocated in a Moroccan lorry near French- Belgian border MNS16/05/1999 22 N.N. (8 children) Albania drowned in the Adriatic Sea near Vlorë (AL) trying to reach Italy MNS/AFP/IRR/ILM/Vita16/05/1999 1 N.N. (woman) Albania drowned in the Adriatic Sea near Vlorë (AL) trying to reach Italy MNS/AFP/IRR/ILM/Vita16/05/1999 1 N.N. (3) Albania drowned in the Adriatic Sea near Vlorë (AL) trying to reach Italy MNS/AFP/IRR/ILM/Vita/NCAs16/05/1999 1 N.N. (5) Albania drowned in the Adriatic Sea near Vlorë (AL) trying to reach Italy MNS/AFP/IRR/ILM/Vita/NCAs10/05/1999 1 Alabamou Mamah (30) Togo suicide, jumped into river Main in Würzburg (D) after asylum application was rejected ARI/ FR06/05/1999 13 N.N. unknown 3 dinghies with 40 people on board sank 100 km south of Arzila (E), 27 rescued ELM05/05/1999 13 N.N. (5 men, 2 women) Morocco found dead on Moroccan coast, drowned trying to cross the strait of Gibraltar MNS/Informe Raxenin May 99 1 Moshen Sliti (41) Tunisia died of heartattack after delayed medical help in detention centre of Arenc (F) MNS/IRR/EUMC01/05/1999 1 Marcus Omofuma (25,man) Nigeria suffocated during deportation from Wien (A) to Sofia (BG), he had his mouth taped Statewatch/Morgengr./Ravage/IRR/AFP/BBC/Rosa An19/04/1999 12 N.N. (4 children; 8 adults) Pakistan/Afghanistan reportedly drowned in river Tisza trying to cross Ukranian-Hungarian border taz/AFP/IRR/iN exile16/04/1999 1 K. Hamasediq Abdullah (45) Iraq found dead under a bridge in Dessau (D) after asylum application was rejected ARI12/04/1999 1 N.N. unknown drowned in river Neisse (PL/D) near Görlitz reportedly trying to cross the border Interior Ministry Germany23/03/1999 1 Veluppillai Balachandran (39) Sri Lanka suicide after hunger-strike in deportation prison Moers (D) for fear of deportation NCADC/IRR20/03/1999 1 N.N. unknown immigrant, reportedly drowned, found dead at the beach of Ceuta (E/MA) Informe Raxen12/03/1999 1 Emin Acar (17) Turkey presumed dead, dissapeared after being deported from Stuttgart (D) to Turkey ARI04/03/1999 1 N.N. Polish reportedly drowned, dead body found in border (D-PL) river Neisse near Ostritz (D) German Government03/03/1999 1 Khaled Abuzarifeh (27, man) Palestine suffocated being gagged by police during deportation from Zürich airport Kloten (CH) Statewatch/Morgengr./Pressesp. Rassis./IRR/MNS/AI/17/02/1999 1 Azmon Qaka (29 days) Kosovo died in hospital in Maglie (I) after being thrown in the sea by smugglers ILM10/02/1999 1 Amed Dauda (18 ) Mali stowaway trying to escape from police drowned in Guadalquivir river near Sevilla (E) IRR/MNS03/02/1999 1 Idris Tey (31) Tunisia drowned near Siracusa (I) 'illegal' immigrant tried to swim ashore from a vessel MNS/ILMin Feb 99 2 N.N. (babies) Bosnia died in bad hygienic conditions in refugee nomad encampment at Muratella (I) IRR31/01/1999 1 E.L. (28) Phillipines committed suicide with belt in JVA München (D) IMEDANA12/01/1999 1 H. Merkebu Getachew Ethiopia suicide by hanging himself in detention centre Lübbecke (D) ARI11/01/1999 1 N.N. (man) Kurdistan stowaway crushed to death under the weels of a lorry leaving the ferry of Dover (GB) MNS/IRR04/01/1999 1 Berzan Öztürk Kurdistan set fire to himself, Stuttgart-Stammheim prison (D) in solidarity with Kurdish prisoners ARI/AP/ZAGin Jan 99 1 Elvane Vuciterna Albania/Kosovo drowned near Brindisi (I) after their small boat collided with another boat IRRin Jan 99 1 Tarik Vuciterna (18 months, c.) Albania/Kosovo drowned near Brindisi (I) after their small boat collided with another boat IRRin Jan 99 1 N.N. (15, girl) Albania/Kosovo drowned near Brindisi (I) after their small boat collided with another boat IRRin Jan 99 3 N.N. Albania/Kosovo drowned near Brindisi (I) after their small boat collided with another boat IRRin Jan 99 1 Süleyman Aksoy Turkey Kurd, suspicious death in the Turkish army after deportation from the Netherlands AC/MNS/ARI/Fabel van de Illegaalin 1999 1 Cipriano I. M. Angola undocumentated worker died during 'illegal' work in Caspe (E) by falling from a tractor IRRin 1999 1 Margota Romania Roma baby, died of heart attack when police raided camp in Casalino (I) IRRin Jan 99 1 Savas Cicek Turkey Kurd, suspicious death in the Turkish army after deportation from the Netherlands AC/MNS/ARI/Fabel van de Illegaal/Nederlands Dagblain 1999 1 N.N. (woman) Sri Lanka suicide, asylum seeker jumped in front of a train in Russelheim (D) ARIin 1999 1 N.N. unknown drowned, while trying to enter Germany 'illegally' ARI01/01/1999 1 N.N. (3 weeks, child) Kosovo found dead in a lorry by French custom officer IRR31/12/1998 2 N.N. Kurdistan drowned when boat carrying 'illegal' immigrants sank in the Aegean Sea (GR) AFP/MNS31/12/1998 9 N.N. unknown reportedly drowned, boat carrying 'illegal' immigrants sank in Aegean Sea (GR) AFP/MNS29/12/1998 1 N.N. Kurdistan frozen to death and mutilated by wolves in the forest near Nimfopetra (GR) MNS29/12/1998 1 N.N. (39, woman) Ukraine died of hypothermia in Avelinno (I) being kept in slavery by an Italian Baker MNS26/12/1998 1 Tesfa Bizuneh Ethiopia suicide, jumped out of 3rd floor of hospital in München (D) being afraid of deportation IMEDANA/ZAG23/12/1998 2 N.N. North Africa drowned, small boat carrying 'illegal' immigrants sank near Cadiz (E) MNS23/12/1998 22 N.N. North Africa reportedly drowned, small boat carrying 'illegal' immigrants sank near Cadiz (E) MNS21/12/1998 3 N.N. Morocco drowned, small boat carrying 'illegal' immigrants sank near isle Alboran (E) MNS/taz20/12/1998 3 N.N. North Africa drowned when boat carrying 'illegal' immigrants sank near Ceuta (E/MA) AFP/MNS/taz20/12/1998 5 N.N. North Africa reportedly drowned when boat carrying 'illegal' immigrants sank near Ceuta (E/MA) AFP/MNS/taz10/12/1998 30 N.N. Morocco reportedly drowned when boat to Spain sank in the Straits of Gibraltar AFP/VK10/12/1998 1 N.N. North Africa drowned in the strait of Gibraltar when small boat capsized MNS10/12/1998 32 N.N. North Africa reportedly drowned, missing after small boat capsized in the strait of Gibraltar MNS06/12/1998 8 N.N. Sierra Leone drowned near Malta on their way to Italy, reportedly thrown into sea by smugglers AP/MNS02/12/1998 1 J. Danielle Algeria pregnant, suicide, found hanged at police station in Ceuta (E/MA) while in detention AFP/IRR/AIin Dec 98 1 Lin Yan-Guang (35, man) China suicide, asylum seeker suffering from depression in hospital in Brentwood (GB) CARF/IRR/NCADC27/11/1998 3 N.N. (baby, woman, man) Albania drowned when dinghy collided with speed boat near Brindisi (I) MNS/AFP/Reu27/11/1998 4 N.N. Albania reportedly drowned, dinghy collided with speed boat near Brindisi (I) MNS/AFP/Reu25/11/1998 27 N.N. Morocco reportedly drowned, small boat capsized near Tanger (MA) on the way to Spain MNS/AFP/Statewatch17/11/1998 1 A. Rassal (34 ) Iraq hit by a train near Soufli (GR) after swimming the Evros (Turkish border) MNS14/11/1998 1 Harrinder Singh Cheena (16, b) India hanged himself in youth prison Halle (D) for fear of deportation SZ/MNS/ARI/ZAG09/11/1998 1 Solomon Mforbei Fusi (15) Cameroon stowaway fell in Lauchringen (D) from undercarriage of airplane between Africa &CH AP/MNS/NZZ/ZAGDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 25

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source02/11/1998 1 Kamran Gord Iran suicide in asylum seekers centre Slagharen (NL) Trouw/Prime31/10/1998 1 fetus (4 months) Rwanda airport Zaventem (B) during attempt to expel Blandine K (20) her unborn baby died MNS31/10/1998 1 John Madu (31) Nigeria 'sans papier' bled to death in Liége (B) after being denied medical treatment BBC/MNS/IRR25/10/1998 4 N.N. (baby, 2 women, man) Albania drowned when dinghy collided and caught fire after leaving Port of Vlorë (AL) MNS/AFP/ARD/ZDF25/10/1998 16 N.N. Albania missing, reportedly drowned, boat collided after leaving Port of Vlorë (AL) MNS/AFP/ARD/ZDF20/10/1998 1 Irini P. (20) Belarus 'illegal' committed suicide in Thessaloniki (GR) being forced to work as a prostitute MNS06/10/1998 1 Daniel Kassa Mehari (32) Ethiopia suicide, jumped from railway bridge near Magdeburg (D) died of injuries in hospital ARI/ZAGin Oct 98 1 Mehretab Kidane (28) Eritrea suicide, hanged himself at the day of his final asylum appeal hearing in London (GB) IRR/iN exile/CARF/NCRM/NCADCin Oct 98 1 N.N. (woman) China died of heart failure, attempting to cross the Malse river into Austria from Czechia IRR29/09/1998 1 N.N. (18, man) Hungary hanged himself in a detention centre in Austria after being caught by border-police IRR22/09/1998 1 Semira Adamu (20, woman) Nigeria suffocated to death by pillow, being forcibly deported from Belgium VK/CCLE/AFP/MNS/IRR/AI/MN/Kein Mensch/IAS/Vivr17/09/1998 1 N.N. Macedonia reportedly drowned, found near D/PL border near Bahren-Zelz (D) ARI17/08/1998 1 N.N. Albania shot by police in train from Belgium to Italy when border patrol controlled identities MNS/IRR06/08/1998 1 N.N. (minor) Kurdistan stoned to death by smugglers on the Adriatic sea when he refused to pay extra MNSin Aug 98 1 N.N. (girl) Morocco drowned in the Mediterranean during third attempt to enter Spain illegally IRRin Aug 98 1 N.N. unknown stowaway, seen falling down from an aircraft near Heathrow airport (GB) MNS/OBV/IRRin Aug 98 1 Saber Abdelh Morocco undocumented worker dies in disputed circomstances in Sicilian (I) detention centre IRR30/07/1998 1 Isuf Kosumi Kosovo died in car crash in Weisenborn (D/CZ border) trying to escape border control Radio Bayern 5/ WB/ARD/ZDF/Statewatch/OL/ARI/ZA30/07/1998 1 Valdet Rezita Kosovo died in car crash in Weisenborn (D/CZ border) trying to escape border control Radio Bayern 5/ WB/ARD/ZDF/Statewatch/OL/ARI/ZA30/07/1998 1 Xhevdet Krasnici Kosovo died in car crash in Weisenborn (D/CZ border) trying to escape border control Radio Bayern 5/ WB/ARD/ZDF/Statewatch/OL/ARI/ZA30/07/1998 1 Sali Emini Kosovo died in car crash in Weisenborn (D/CZ border) trying to escape border control Radio Bayern 5/ WB/ARD/ZDF/Statewatch/OL/ARI/ZA30/07/1998 1 Artan Dauti Kosovo died in car crash in Weisenborn (D/CZ border) trying to escape border control Radio Bayern 5/ WB/ARD/ZDF/Statewatch/OL/ARI/ZA30/07/1998 1 Zaim Dauti Kosovo died in car crash in Weisenborn (D/CZ border) trying to escape border control Radio Bayern 5/ WB/ARD/ZDF/Statewatch/OL/ARI/ZA30/07/1998 1 Lumni Brahimi Kosovo died in car crash in Weisenborn (D/CZ border) trying to escape border control Radio Bayern 5/ WB/ARD/ZDF/Statewatch/OL/ARI/ZA28/07/1998 5 N.N. Tunisia stowaways, died in Genua (I) when vessel set fire NOS/Reu./BBC26/07/1998 5 N.N. Unknown drowned near Cadiz (E) while trying to reach Spain in small boat IRR25/07/1998 1 Mehmet K. (24 ) Kurdistan asylum seeker died of anxiety psychosis in emergency ward of clinic in Karlsruhe (D) MNS20/07/1998 8 N.N. North Africa drowned near South of Italy being forced overboard when spotted by coast gards AFP/CDS06/07/1998 2 N.N. unknown drowned because of strong current trying to swim across the river Tresa (I/CH) NZZ06/07/1998 7 N.N. Morocco found drowned at beach in Ceuta (E/MA) after boat capsized in Street of Gibraltar IRR/IPS/MNS05/07/1998 38 N.N. unknown drowned near Melilla (E/MA) on their way to Spain ELMin Jul 98 1 Sofonias Alemseged (22) Eritrea asylum seeker suicide, hanged himself in Brixton prison (GB) IRR/CARF/NCRM/NCADC01/07/1998 1 Haydar Findik (±27) Kurdistan died in asylum seekers centre Altenburg (D) after being refused medical help FR-Thüringen/taz/AN/ZAG30/06/1998 7 N.N. Morocco drowned near Ceuta (E/MA) when small boat capsized TAZ29/06/1998 2 N.N. (minors) Africa died of starvation on a boat from Libanon to Cyprus full of 'illegal' immigrants MNS22/06/1998 1 N.N. (boy) North Africa drowned near Spain when his small boat smashed against a rock MNSin Jun 98 38 N.N. Morocco drowned near Melilla (E/MA) on their way to Spain when their small boat capsized LR01/06/1998 1 Hasan Akdag (21) Kurdistan set himself a fire in detention centre Lingen (D), 2nd asylum aplication was rejected FR-NieSa/MNS/Morgengr./ZAG16/05/1998 1 Karim Hassan Palestine hanged himself in Nieuwersluis (NL) after being 8 months in detention AC/VPRO15/05/1998 1 N.N. Macedonia drowned near the Oder (D), jumped of a bridge chased by border guards MOZ/ZAG14/05/1998 1 N.N. (man) Sudan died fallen or pushed from a 4th floor window of a detention centre in Breda (NL) VK02/05/1998 3 N.N. Albania drowned after boat accident near Vlorë (AL) trying to cross the Adriatic sea MNS02/05/1998 1 Nouredine El Amrani (26, man) Morocco committed suicide in detention centre Kronach (D) after living 2 years in detention taz/ZAG16/04/1998 2 N.N. (22; 26, men) Morocco blown up while trying to cross the Greek-Turkish border through a minefield MNS12/04/1998 1 Asan Asanov (51) Macedonia died after deportation from Germany to Kocani (MK) while being severely ill ARI/ZAG08/04/1998 1 N.N. Bangladesh died in car accident in Klingental near CZ/D border ARI/ZAG03/04/1998 1 N.N. (23, man) Algeria shot by policeman (NL) after reportedly threatened detention guards with a knife MNSin Apr 98 1 N.N. Romania discovered stowaway, drowned in the Ostsee (D) after jumping off the ship ARI/ZAG19/03/1998 1 N.N. (man) Nigeria stowaway suffocated in the hold of a Jamaican vessel on his way to Ireland MNS16/03/1998 13 N.N. North Africa drowned (disappeared) in the Street of Gibraltar when a Marocain ship sank PUB16/03/1998 10 N.N. North Africa reportedly drowned near the coast of Cadiz (E) after their boat capsized MNS15/03/1998 1 Sharif Hussein Ahmed Somalia suicide in Graz (A) after winning ECHR case but refused residency by Austria MNS/UNHCR14/03/1998 1 Adrian Lucian Cretu (17) Romania died in car accident in Burgenland (A) being chased by border police Presse05/03/1998 1 Edmond Kapraku (30) Albania fell into the sea trying to reach Italy and cut into pieces by a propeller screw IRR02/03/1998 1 N.N. (25, man) Romania died of bullet wounds at the BG-GR border during attempt to cross the border by car MNSin Mar 98 1 N.N. (47, woman) Ethiopia committed suicide in Italy, obsessed for fear of non-renewal of residence permit IRRin Mar 98 1 Aimer Busher Tunisia missing after jumping in the Straits of Messina (E) hoping to swim ashore IRR28/02/1998 1 Muhamet Islami Gjeli (70) Kosovo murdered by Serbs in Liskoshan (Kosovo) after being deported from Germany ARI/ZAG28/02/1998 1 Naser Islami Gjeli (37) Kosovo murdered by Serbs in Liskoshan (Kosovo) after being deported from Germany ARI/ZAG28/02/1998 1 Beqir Sejdiu (36) Kosovo deported asylum seeker (D) killed in Quirez (Kosovo) by Serbian security forces IRR/ZAG21/02/1998 1 N.N. (21, woman) Somalia drowned, found dead in river Rein near Köln (D) ARI/ZAG13/02/1998 1 Sadik Genc Turkey presume dead, dissapeared after being deported from Bremen (D) to Turkey ARI09/02/1998 5 N.N. Albania drowned near Brindisi (I) trying to cross the Adriatic sea, MNS/IRR09/02/1998 5 N.N. Albania reported missing near Brindisi (I) trying to cross the Adriatic sea MNS/IRR08/02/1998 1 N.N. (man) Azerbaijan stowaway, found in the undercarriage of a plane from Baku to Gatwick airport (GB) IRR07/02/1998 1 N.N. (man) unknown stowaway, found frozen in undercarriage of plane from Baku (AZ) to London (GB) MNS/IRRin Feb 98 1 N.N. (50, woman) Armenia suicide in police cell in Renkum (NL) asylum application was rejected twice Responsin Feb 98 3 N.N. Iraq drowned trying to swim across the Meric river between Turkey and Greece The Observer19/01/1998 1 N.N. Albania mortally injured by a boat's propeller on his way to Italy FR/MNS08/01/1998 1 Issah M. (30) Togo presume dead, dissapeared after being deported from Germany to Togo ARI05/01/1998 1 N.N. (24, man) Kurdistan set himself on fire his application for asylum was rejected for 2nd time (D) FR/MNS/ZAGin 1998 4 N.N. North Africa found dead in an irrigation ditch near La Jonquera (E) SOS Racismoin 1998 1 N.N. (20, man) North Africa stowaway, reportedly suffocated near Almeria (E) during journey hidden in a lorry SOS Racismo31/12/1997 1 Salko L. (39 ) Bosnia suicide, hanged himself in the psychiatric wing of the Tegel detention centre (D) CARF/ARI/ZAG13/12/1997 1 N.N. unknown drowned in river Neisse (PL/D) near Forst reportedly trying to cross the border Interior Ministry Germany/ZAG26/11/1997 1 N.N. unknown drowned in river Oder (PL/D) near Frankfurt reportedly trying to cross the border Interior Ministry Germany/ZAG20/11/1997 12 N.N. Albania reportedly drowned in Adriatic sea when dinghy got a leak MNS/VK/taz/AFP/Reu./FECL/Vita/LS/TL20/11/1997 5 N.N. Albania died of hypothermia on Adriatic sea when dinghy got a leak MNS/VK/taz/AFP/Reu./FECL/Vita/LS/TL07/11/1997 1 Akim (24 ) Togo jumped out of window because of police raid in his appartment block in Bremen (D) NCADC/Int. Menschenr. Ver. Bremen/ARI/ZAG27/10/1997 1 N.N. unknown drowned in river Neisse (PL/D) near Görlitz reportedly trying to cross the border Interior Ministry Germany/ZAG22/10/1997 4 N.N. North Africa drowned near Tarifa on their way to Spain EP/MNS/Statewatch22/10/1997 13 N.N. North Africa reportedly drowned near Tarifa (E) on their way to Spain EP/MNS/Statewatch18/10/1997 1 N.N. unknown drowned in river Oder (PL/D) near Frankfurt reportedly trying to cross the border Interior Ministry Germany/ZAGDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 26

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source18/10/1997 1 N.N. unknown frozen to death near Kipsdorf (D) near border Interior Ministry Germany/ZAGin Oct 97 1 Vikas Singh Unknown stowaway froze to death in wheel bay during flight to London (GB) IRR16/09/1997 14 N.N. Morocco drowned near Tanger on their way to Spain VK/taz/EP/MNS/ELM16/09/1997 10 N.N. Morocco reportedly drowned near Tanger on their way to Spain VK/taz/EP/MNS/ELM15/09/1997 3 N.N. Iraq killed by mines trying to cross the Turkish-Greek border, 11 others injured taz/AP/FR/Int. Herald Tribune / MNS12/09/1997 1 N.N. Afghanistan found dead in river Neiße (D/PL) near Bahren/Forst ARI/ZAG09/09/1997 1 Afrim Magastena (24) Kosovo-Albania consc. objector, hanged himself at refugee hostel in Prenzlau (D) for fear of deport. CARF/ARI07/09/1997 1 N.N. (man) unknown found drowned in river Neisse in Sachsen (D) when trying to cross the PL-D Border ARI/ZAGin Sep 97 26 N.N. North Africa drowned when trying to cross the Strait of Gibraltar Morgengrauen, IRR31/08/1997 1 Kwame Osei (±30) Ghana jumped under a train at Eberstadt (D) under threat of deportation Morgengr./CARF/ARI/ZAG27/08/1997 1 Zülfü Demirkan Turkey reportedly dead, dissapeared after being deported from Frankfurt (D) to Turkey ARI22/08/1997 1 N.N. (woman) unknown found dead in the river Neisse near Ratzdorf (D), trying to cross the border illegally MOZ/ZAG16/08/1997 1 Ali Polat Turkey Kurd, reportedly dead, dissapeared after being deported from Germany to Turkey ARI09/08/1997 1 N.N. unknown drowned in river Neisse (PL/D) near Ratzdorf reportedly trying to cross the border Interior Ministry Germany/ZAG02/08/1997 7 N.N. North Africa drowned near Pantelleria (I) when their boat sank on way to Italy taz/DPA/TLin Aug 97 4 N.N. (men) Morocco found dead in a ditch near Pineda (E), reportedly asphyxiated hidden in a lorry MNS01/08/1997 1 Mohamed Boughnahmi Tunesia drowned, found dead near Pantelleria (I) TL30/07/1997 1 Ibrahim A. Turkey Kurd, reportedly dead, dissapeared after being deported from Germany to Turkey ARI26/07/1997 1 Mihai Sandu (25) Romania found drowned near Oldenburg (D) shortly after threat of deportation FR/MNS/taz/NW/OL/ZAG11/07/1997 1 N.N. unknown drowned in river Neisse (PL/D)near Zentendorf reportedly trying to cross border Interior Ministry Germany10/07/1997 1 Halina Halim (44 ) Afghanistan found drowned at river Neisse (D/PL) near Guben, daughter (10 years) is missing ZAG04/07/1997 1 N.N. (26) Togo drowned in river Mosel near Schweich (D) when trying to escape from police Trierer Volksfreund/ZAG27/06/1997 2 Liu Zen G., N.N. China/unknown killed in bus accident, when D/PL authorities forced quick return FFM/Pro Asyl/FR/MNS/ZAG20/06/1997 1 N.N. unknown drowned in river Neisse (PL/D) near Hirschfelde reportedly trying to cross border Interior Ministry Germany/ZAG17/06/1997 1 N.N. Afghanistan drowned in river Neisse (PL/D) near Bad Muskau reportedly trying to cross border Interior Ministry Germany12/06/1997 24 N.N. Morocco drowned near Tanger (E) on their way to Spain AFP/taz/Tagesschau/EP/MNS/VK/MUGAK12/06/1997 7 N.N. Morocco reportedly drowned near Tanger (E) on their way to Spain AFP/taz/Tagesschau/EP/MNS/VK10/06/1997 1 N.N. Afghanistan drowned in river Neisse (PL/D) near Guben reportedly trying to cross the border Interior Ministry Germany/ZAG09/06/1997 1 F.F. (27) Egypt committed suicide with belt in JVA Augsburg (D) IMEDANA/ZAG04/06/1997 1 Bektas Heval (26) Kurdistan burnt to death in refugee hostel in Friedrichshafen (D), assumed arson attack taz/DPA/Querblick/MNS/CARF/ZAG02/06/1997 1 N.N. (baby) Afghanistan drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Görlitz taz/German authorities/FR/MNS/SZ/ZAGin Jun 97 23 N.N. North Africa drowned near Tanger on their way to Spain when their boat capsized EP/MNSin Jun 97 1 Dinari Elai Ben Lazar North Africa died after 3-month hunger strike in protest at detention without trial (I) CARF22/05/1997 1 N.N. unknown drowned in river Oder (PL/D) near Frankfurt reportedly trying to cross the border Interior Ministry Germany/ZAG06/05/1997 1 N.N. (16) Bosnia suicide in asylum centre Chur (CH) Bündner Tagblatt/SFHin May 97 1 N.N. (33, man) Russia suicide in penal institution Halle (D) for fear of deportation ARI/ZAG26/04/1997 1 N.N. unknown drowned in river Neisse (PL/D) near Bad Muskau reportedly trying to cross border Interior Ministry Germany/ZAG15/04/1997 1 N.N. (man) Senegal died in hospital, found with hypothermia and frostbite near Deutschneudorf (D) ARI/ZAG03/04/1997 1 Peter San Pedro (25) unknown walked infront lorry after release from arrest on suspicion of being illegal in Kent (GB) NCRM01/04/1997 1 N.N. unknown drowned in river Neisse (PL/D) near Köbeln reportedly trying to cross the border Interior Ministry/ZAG28/03/1997 87 N.N. Albania drowned when refugee boat capsized after colliding with Italian army ship Reu/taz/VK/MNS/SD/Statewatch/LS/MP/Vita23/03/1997 1 N.N. (12, boy) Kenya killed by plane wheels during stowaway attempt on Nairobi-Gatwick (GB) flight CARF/GuardianUn/IRR16/03/1997 11 N.N. Morocco/Lebanon died in van accident in Gerona (E) being pressed between boxes DPA/taz16/03/1997 18 N.N. Iran/Iraq drowned when boat capsized between Kas (TR) and Kastellorizon (GR) MNS/FR/Libération12/03/1997 1 Vijay Sainu (19, man) India stowaway froze to death in wheel bay during flight Delhi-Heathrow (GB) IRR/OBVin Mar 97 1 N.N. (boy) Nigeria stowaway froze to death in wheel bay during flight from Nigeria to London (GB) IRR15/02/1997 1 N.N. (man) unknown found frozen/drowned at river Neisse (D/PL) near Ostriz SZ/ZAG02/02/1997 2 N.N. North Africa stowaways found dead in Pasajes (E) on Cypriotic ship 'Deike' taz/DPA/Statewatch02/02/1997 1 Ivan Zamecznik (35) Croatia suicide of civil war refugee in Regensburg (D) fearing close deportation taz/ARD/ZDFvideotxt/MNS/CARF/IMEDANA/ZAGin Feb 97 1 N.N. Africa stowaway found in Delfzijl (NL), suffocated in ship from Cameroon AD11/01/1997 3 N.N. Morocco drowned in the Strait of Gibraltar when small boat sank taz/EP/MNS11/01/1997 7 N.N. Morocco reportedly drowned in the Strait of Gibraltar when small boat sank taz/EP/MNS10/01/1997 3 N.N. (minors) Kosovo died in fire in refugee container without fire protection in Monheim (D) taz/Monitor/Berliner Ztg./ARI/CARF/ZAG10/01/1997 1 Herbert Gabbidon (68) Jamaica died in Walsall (GB) in police custody while police tried to deport him NCADC04/01/1997 1 Jean Masinga Zaire suicide in detention centre Neuenburg Cernets (CH) following depression SFH/IRR/CARFin Jan 97 1 Vasyl Balakin (26) Ukraine hanged himself from a scaffolding in Trieste (I) after expulsion order IRRin Jan 97 1 N.N. Tunesia smashed his head when trying to land with a group in Lampedusa (I) ILM/IRRin Jan 97 2 N.N. Tunesia died on a ship journey to Lampedusa (I) ILM/IRR/Italian authoritiesin Jan 97 2 N.N. Africa stowaways died by hunger in container on Kenyan ship in Antwerpen (B) Le Soir/La Libre Belgique/MNSin Jan 97 2 N.N. Africa stowaways died by inhaling insecticides in Ghanan ship in Saint-Malo (F) Le Monde/Libération/MNSin 1997 1 M'Bicha Zaire died in Bruxelles Airport (B) during expulsion procedure because of 'pillow' Públicoin 1997 1 Bouasrai Benothmane Algeria thrown out of window during arrest in Algeria after deportation fr. Belgium Vers l'Avenir/Solidaire/IRR/CARFin 1997 3 N.N. Nigeria/Liberia stowaways died on a Danish vessel because of poisonous gas BAZin 1997 2 N.N. (men) Africa stowaways, died of poisonous gas in hold of cargo ship on way to Amsterdam (NL) AmsStadsbladin 1997 40 N.N. unknown killed, shot and buried by gendarmes, were caught crossing TR-Iran border at Baskale (TR) StreetJ/NoHuman25/12/1996 283 N.N. (men, women, children) India/Pakist./Sri Lanka drowned after international sinking by Greek captain of a vessel near Malta taz/UNHCR/DPA/MNS/ZDF/LR/VK/FR/IRR/MUGAK/EU25/12/1996 1 Anpalagan Ganeshu (17) Sri Lanka drowned after international sinking by Greek captain of a vessel near Malta MNS06/12/1996 1 P. Subramaniyam (35, w) Sri Lanka died frozen and exhausted on CZ/D border near Eggersberg VK/SZ/Morgengr./BGS/ZAGin Dec 96 1 Mustafa Diffalah Algeria suicide by jumping out of window after refusal of residence permit in France CARF24/11/1996 1 Alfa Biyao Sabi Touré (35) Togo suicide, hanged himself in JVA Lörrach (D) fearing deportation and persecution Pro Asyl/MNS/ZAG06/11/1996 1 Mohammed Sharkeri Iran suicide facing repatriation (S) FARR/MNS04/11/1996 1 Senad Becirovic Bosnia suicide when ordered to leave Germany SZ/FR/MNS/ZAG03/11/1996 3 N.N. (young men) China hit by train near Ventimiglia (I) while trying to walk to France on railway line IRR27/10/1996 1 N.N. (man) unknown drowned in river Oder (D/PL) near Lebus MOZ/FFM/ARI/Bundesregierung/ZAG21/10/1996 1 N.N. unknown found dead by police near Cádiz (E) Mugak16/10/1996 4 N.N. unknown found dead by police near Cádiz (E) Mugak11/10/1996 3 N.N. unknown found dead by police near Tánger (MA) Mugak09/10/1996 25 N.N. Morocco drowned in Strait of Gibraltar when small boat sank ELMin Oct 96 1 Mohamed Korrich Algeria suicide by jumping out of train in Italy, fearing deportation to Slovenia CARF/IRR/ILMin Oct 96 1 N.N. (man) India stowaway fell from weelbays, airplane landing in London (GB) from New Delhi (India) MNS23/09/1996 1 Ahire Naruna Awaifo (25) Nigeria killed in demonstration in Guinea Bissau after expulsion from Spain MNS/EP/AI21/09/1996 1 N.N. (36) Ukraine died in arson attack against refugee hostel in Menden (D) ZAG12/09/1996 1 N.N. Morocco stowaway, drowned in Bay of the Seine (F) after jump from the ship MNS/Le MondeDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 27

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source09/09/1996 1 N.N. unknown drowned in river Oder (D/PL) near Frankfurt trying to cross the border illegaly BT-Drucksache/ZAG08/09/1996 1 N.N. unknown found dead in the fuselage of an airplane in Frankfurt am Main (D) BT-Drucksache/JW/ZAG07/09/1996 2 N.N. (men) unknown drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Görlitz SZ/FFM/ARI/Bundesregierung/ZAG05/09/1996 1 N.N. Morocco shot dead while trying to enter country illegaly, Ceuta (E/MA) ABC04/09/1996 1 N.N. (minor) Bangladesh reportedly suicide, found dead in court of youth refugee centre in Berlin (D) ARI/ZAG02/09/1996 1 Ibrahim Demiri Albania drowned near Puglia (I) after fall off motor-boat pursued by customs/border police ILM/IRRin Sep 96 1 N.N. Russia stowaway, found frozen to death in wheelbay on flight from Russia to Rome (I) MNS25/08/1996 1 N.N. unknown drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Görlitz trying to cross the border illegaly BT-Drucksache/ZAG22/08/1996 1 N.N. unknown drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Guben trying to cross the border illegaly BT-Drucksache06/08/1996 1 Lenley Nestor Yengnagueba Togo jumped from the window when deportation police rung at his door in Stockholm (S) Svenska Dagbladet/Dagens Nyheter/FARR01/08/1996 1 N.N. (32, man) Albania suicide, kills himself by shooting in Gelsenkirchen (D) ZAGin Aug 96 1 Metin Akbel Turkey reportedly dead, dissapeared after being deported from Germany to Turkey ARIin Aug 96 1 Ivica Matic (34 ) Serbia went 'voluntarily' to Sarajevo for fear of violent deportation from Germany, stept on mine ZAGIn Aug 96 1 Mohammed Yaqoob (49, man) Pakistan denied for 7 month visa for medical care to GB, died 48 hours after being granted it IRR29/07/1996 1 El Hassam Rizk Morocco found dead with many wounds in head, Cieza (E) ELM/Diario Vasco29/07/1996 1 N.N. Ghana stowaway found suffocated in Coruña (E) Egin28/07/1996 1 N.N. Maghreb found dead with many wounds, Aitona (E) Diario Vasco/Egin16/07/1996 1 N.N. Kurdistan suicide, hanged himself in Kassel prison (D) IRR14/07/1996 1 Juri Palienko (49) Ukraine suicide in detention centre in Erding (D) AN/JW/ARI/ProAsyl/ZAGin Jul 96 1 N.N. Nigeria suicide, hanged himself in Kassel prison (D) jW/IRR01/07/1996 1 Amir Salehi Iran suicide by burning himself in Crailo (NL) as protest to long asylum procedure VK30/06/1996 1 N.N. Iraq died in a mine field near Alexandropolis (GR) Diário de Notícias30/06/1996 3 N.N. Iraq/Algeria died in a mine field when trying to cross the Turkish-Greek border Diário de Notícias/BRC30/06/1996 1 Reza Hashemy Iran died in mysterious circumstances after repatriation, as.claim refused by Dutch auth. MNS/NRC/AD/Trouw/CARF29/06/1996 2 N.N. (18, 21, men) Romania fell to death in Altenberg (D) on flight from border control D-CZ SZ/ZAG25/06/1996 1 Victor Onag Hnor Nigeria suicide, jumped in the Havel/Berlin river (D) after threat of deportation Asyl in der Kirche/ARI/ZAG10/06/1996 1 N.N. Nigeria died in suspicious circumstances in refugee centre Ter Apel (NL) fearing traffickers VK/Focus06/06/1996 1 Jude Akubakar (16) Sierra Leone drowned in Hamburg (D) fleeing from assumed policemen ND/OL/FR-H/ARI/ZAGin Jun 96 1 Mohamed S. Iran suicide after Swedish authorities wanted to review his successful asylum claim Artikel1427/05/1996 1 Yemu Kebede (27) Ethiopia suicide, hanged himself in hospital Hellersen (D) ARI/ZAG26/05/1996 1 N.N. unknown drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Sagar trying to cross the border illegaly BT-Drucksache26/05/1996 2 N.N. (20) Algeria suicide, died in fire in Kassel prison (D) FR/JW/BerlinerZtg/ZAG21/05/1996 1 N.N. Morocco found dead by police near Cádiz (E) Mugak17/05/1996 1 N.N. Morocco found dead by police near Cádiz (E) Mugak11/05/1996 1 N.N. Maghreb drowned near San Amaro/Ceuta (E/MA) on his way to Andalusia SOS/Egin/Police26/04/1996 14 N.N. unknown drowned, found dead off the coast of Lampedusa (I) TL25/04/1996 1 Apedo Lossou-Gavo Togo suicide, hanged himself in Landshut (D) after rejection of his asylum application MNS/ProAsyl/AG3F/JW/ZAG25/04/1996 26 N.N. Sri Lanka/Africa drowned near Vieste (I) when two boats got into heavy sea taz/TL25/04/1996 1 N.N. Iran suicide, hanged himself in Haarlem (NL) after asylum application was rejected VK25/04/1996 4 N.N. (men) Sri Lanka drowned, in stormy waters near Vieste (I) TL25/04/1996 2 N.N. (women) Shri Lanka drowned in stormy waters near Vieste (I) TL24/04/1996 1 N.N. Romania drowned in Le Havre (F) trying to embark on Canadian ship MNS/Le Figaro24/04/1996 1 Tatjana I. Kabakchieva Bulgaria drowned in the river Oder (D/PL) trying to cross the border illegaly FFM/ND/Uckermark-Kurier/ZAG23/04/1996 1 N.N. unknown found dead in the river Neisse near Frankfurt (D), trying to cross the border illegally Bt-Drucksachein Apr 96 1 N.N. Romania stowaway, thrown overboard ship by sailor on way from Algecircas (E) to Canada MNS22/03/1996 1 Abdellah E.K. Morocco drowned near Barbate (E) after jumping overboard fearing police control SOS/Egin22/03/1996 1 N.N. Morocco drowned near Barbate (E) after jumping overboard fearing police control SOS/Egin16/03/1996 1 Ibrahima Sey (29) Gambia died after attack by CS-spray whilst handcuffed at police station London (GB) MNS/NCRM15/03/1996 1 N.N. Iraq drowned after jumping from a cargo ship near Hamburg (D) Jelpke/JW15/03/1996 1 Noorjahan Begum (35, woman) Bangladesh fell to death from balcony of her home trying to flee from immigration officers (GB) NCADC/IRR12/03/1996 2 N.N. Romania stowaways, ordered overboard into make-shift raft on way from Spain to Canada MNS11/03/1996 1 N.N. Albania drowned while trying to cross the Straits of Otranto ILM02/03/1996 1 N.N. Sudan died while trying to evade port officials in Melilla (E/MA) Diario de Noticias/IRR29/02/1996 4 N.N. Liberia drowned, forced to jump from Maltesian ship at Gran Canaria (E) Egin22/02/1996 1 Jean-Baptiste Malan (33, man) Ivory Coast suicide in Murrhardt (D) fearing deportation on the same day taz/Morgengr./jW/ZAG26/01/1996 1 N.N. (19) Algeria set fire to his bed being kept in detention centre Bergen (N) longer than allowed Samora/Svenska Dagbladet/Statewatch25/01/1996 1 Enver Bolut (45) Kurdistan suicide in Delmenhorst (D) fearing deportation taz/Morgengr./ARI /ZAG23/01/1996 1 Thavalojan Kandasamy Sri Lanka suicide in detention centre/police prison Linz (A) fearing deportation Der Standard/SOS Mitm./Asylkoord.22/01/1996 1 Mohammed Chetef Nigeria suicide in Norway, being held 9 months by police doubting his identity CARF18/01/1996 1 Christelle Makodila Nsimba (6) Zaire died in arson attack against refugee hostel in Lübeck (D) IRR/Independent/BAIN news/ZAG18/01/1996 1 Christine Makodila (19, woman) Zaire died in arson attack against refugee hostel in Lübeck (D) IRR/Independent/BAIN news/ZAG18/01/1996 1 Françoise Makodila Landu (27,w) Zaire died in arson attack against refugee hostel in Lübeck (D) IRR/Independent/BAIN news/ZAG18/01/1996 1 Jean-Daniel Makodila Kosi (1) Zaire/Germany died in arson attack against refugee hostel in Lübeck (D) IRR/Independent/BAIN news/ZAG18/01/1996 1 Legrand Makodila Mbongo (4) Zaire/Germany died in arson attack against refugee hostel in Lübeck (D) IRR/Independent/BAIN news/ZAG18/01/1996 1 Miya Makodila (12) Zaire died in arson attack against refugee hostel in Lübeck (D) IRR/Independent/BAIN news/ZAG18/01/1996 1 Monica Maiamba Bungo (27, w) Angola died in arson attack against refugee hostel in Lübeck (D) IRR/Independent/BAIN news/ZAG18/01/1996 1 Nsuzana Bunga (6, girl) Angola died in arson attack against refugee hostel in Lübeck (D) IRR/Independent/BAIN news/ZAG18/01/1996 1 Rabia el Omari (17, man) Libanon died in arson attack against refugee hostel in Lübeck (D) IRR/Independent/BAIN news/ZAG18/01/1996 1 Sylvio Bruno C. Amossou (27,m) Togo died in arson attack against refugee hostel in Lübeck (D) IRR/Independent/BAIN news/ZAG17/01/1996 1 Igor Horvat Bosnia suicide, found hanged in Den Bosch prison (NL) Dk14/01/1996 1 Peter Q. Ghana died after 3 months coma following a police interrogation in Antwerp (B) Chris de Stoop11/01/1996 3 N.N. (1 woman, 2 minors) Iraq drowned when thrown out from the Turkish boat near Island Kos (GR) Ta Nea/MNS09/01/1996 1 N.N. India found dead while trying to enter Lithuania illegaly MNS03/01/1996 1 A Yhan Kurdistan suicide, hanged himself after refusal of asylum application in France IRR/Libérationin Jan 96 1 N.N. Albania drowned near Valona (I) when small boat had problems in bad weather IRR/ILM28/12/1995 2 N.N. Africa stowaways found dead when the boat reached the port of Antwerp (B) MNS/Le Soir/CRIDA report17/12/1995 1 Naen Akram (24, man) Pakistan drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Zels-Bahren LausitzerR/TS/ND/FFM/LRBrand/ZAG15/12/1995 2 N.N. Benin stowaways died when they fell into the hold of the ship in Senegal Le Soir/MNS13/12/1995 1 Necmettin T. (17, man) Kurdistan suicide, set himself on fire in Hamburg (D), his application for asylum was rejected ZAG01/12/1995 2 N.N. Albania drowned after capsizing of boat near Otranto (I) VK/IRR/ILM/CDS/FECL/TL01/12/1995 17 N.N. Albania reportedly drowned after capsizing of boat near Otranto (I) VK/IRR/ILM/CDS/FECL30/11/1995 19 N.N. Albania drowned after dinghy sank off the Italian coast in Channel of Otranto (I) TL19/11/1995 1 N.N. Zaire died after jumping from an appartment building to avoid arrest by aliens police (NL) Trouw/MNSDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 28

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source06/03/1995 1 Liberia unknown suffocated stowaway in Valencia (E), found on ship from Ivory Coast EP/Egin/Diario/Statewatch06/03/1995 1 N.N. unknown suffocated stowaway in Valencia (E), found on ship from Ivory Coast EP/Egin/Diario/Statewatchin Mar 95 1 N.N. (baby) unknown died after doctors refused free help at the hospital near Rome (I) CARF/IRR/Searchlight26/02/1995 1 Abiyou Tilaye (37, man) Ethiopia suicide in detention centre Würzburg (D) taz/SZ/AN/ESG/ProAsyl/ZAG26/02/1995 1 N.N. Albania shot by a policeman near Florina (GR) when 11 Albanians were arrested Libération/MNS13/02/1995 1 Bat Bold Mongolia died in detention centre Carlslund (S) after refusal of medical first aid FARR10/02/1995 1 N.N. Gambia asylum-seeker stabbed to death in Hamburg-Bremen train (D) CARF/IRR/Searchlight09/02/1995 1 Yohannes Alemu (27, man) Ethiopia suicide, jumped in Donau river for fear of deportation in Regensburg (D) Morgengr./AN/ESG/ZAG02/02/1995 1 Sammy Nelson (26, man) Liberia beaten to death by police during blitz operation in container camp in München (D) Was geht ab?/IRR/ZAGin Feb 95 1 Valentina Featherstone Latvia suicide fearing the deportation of her mother in County Durham (GB) Independent/NCRM/IRRin Feb 95 1 Zinaida Mitzofanova Latvia suicide fearing deportation in County Durham (GB) Independent/NCRM/IRR21/01/1995 1 Kazim K. Turkey frozen to death in Rehefeld/Erzgebirge (D) on his flight via Czechia to Germany Infobrief ASYL /GSA Pirna/ZAG20/01/1995 1 Amar M. Tair (26, man) Algeria suicide, hanged in det. cen. in Wittlich (D) after interview with DZ Consulate 2 days before JW/Was geht ab?/Morgengr./ProAsyl/ZAG17/01/1995 2 N.N. (men) Ghana stowaways, found poisoned by pesticides in a cargo ship in St. Malo (F) CARF/MNSin Jan 95 1 Gnanasegaram Selvarajah Sri Lanka died after racist attack ignored by staff of the hospital in Palermo (I) CARF/IRR/Searchlightin Jan 95 1 N.N. Algeria asylum-seeker, psychiatric patient, beaten to death in Amersfoort (NL) CARF/IRR/Searchlight15/01/1995 1 Papie Mukuna Zaire suicide fearing deportation in asylum centre Den Helder (NL) PRIME08/01/1995 4 N.N. (27,w; 3 children) Serbia burnt in container in refugee center in Mellendorf near Hannover (D), by arson attack GuardianUn/taz/ARI/ZAG04/01/1995 2 N.N. (2, 4, girls) Kosovo died in fire in a refugee centre in Zell im Wiesental (D) Konkret/ZAG01/01/1995 1 Akim Mama Morocco suicide, hanged himself awaiting deportation in police headquarter in Paris (F) CARF/IRR/Searchlightin 1995 1 Mathias Zohere (man) Ivory Coast suicide, hanged himself in Ivory Coast prison, after asylum claim was rejected in Germany ZAG28/12/1994 1 M.D.D. (woman) Dominican Republic suicide fearing expulsion in Bilbao (E) Egin23/12/1994 1 Mamoudu (27) Guinea found dead on ship in Santurtzi (E), locked in a cabin in RUS/D/B Egin16/12/1994 1 Shiji Lapite Nigeria suffocated by a neck lock during his arrest by London policemen (GB) Independent/MNS/Searchlight/1990/NCRM16/12/1994 1 N.N. unknown died on one of three rubber rafts with 63 refugees in Baltic sea, near Gotland (S) FECLin Dec 94 1 N.N. Iraq died on a refugee boat with 62 refugees to Gotland (S) MNS01/12/1994 1 Jeyakumar R. Sri Lanka suicide in St. Gallen (CH) fearing deportation Arbeitsst. Asylfragen/TA29/11/1994 4 N.N. Algeria stowaways, drowned after jump into the Seine (F) when discovered Le Monde/MNS/de Stoop17/11/1994 9 N.N. Rwanda drowned when two Turkish boats carrying them sank near Pserimos (GR) Ta Neain Nov 94 1 Moussa Touibregueba Algeria reportedly dead, dissapeared after being deported from Frankfurt (D) to Algeria ARI26/10/1994 1 N.N. Albania drowned after capsizing of boat with 17 refugees in the Adriatic Sea MNS23/10/1994 1 Joseph Nnalue (31) Nigeria died falling from 4th floor in London (GB) during immigration control raid GuardianUn./IRR/MNS/Indep./CARF/NCADC/NCRM18/10/1994 2 N.N. (babies) Kurdistan found dead near Cesine-Otranto (I) after shipwreck TL16/10/1994 1 Abdullah J. (35, man) Morocco suicide, hanged himself with tshirt in prison in Ludwigsburg (D) in fear of deportation Pro Asyl/SZ/ZAG12/10/1994 2 N.N. (women) Albania drowned after capsizing of 2 boats in the Channel of Otranto (I) MNS/FECL/TL12/10/1994 10 N.N. Albania missing after sinking of 2 boats in the Channel of Otranto (I) MNS/FECL/TL12/10/1994 1 N.N. (minor) Albania reportedly drowned after boat capsized in the Channel of Otranto (I) TL06/10/1994 1 N.N. (man) Sri Lanka drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Gross-Gastrose ARI /ZAG01/10/1994 2 N.N. Morocco drowned in the Mediterranean Sea before reaching Pantelleria (Italy) ILM/IRR30/09/1994 2 N.N. Morocco missed, after capsizing of boat with 30 refugees near Pantelleria (I) MNS28/09/1994 1 Romni Bukurjie Haliti (23, w) Kosovo Roma, burnt in container refugee camp in Herford (D) by arson attack taz/Jelpke/CARF/ZDF/ARD/Berliner Ztg.28/09/1994 1 Navgim Haliti (11, boy) Kosovo Roma, burnt in container refugee camp in Herford (D) by arson attack taz/Jelpke/CARF/ZDF/ARD/Berliner Ztg.27/09/1994 2 N.N. (±70, man, woman) Bosnia fell to death during trip to reach their doughter in mountains in Bayerischzell/Alpes (D) ZDF/BGS/German Government/ZAG04/09/1994 1 Lampo. Kanapathippillai Sri Lanka drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Zasieki ARI/Morgengr./ZAG04/09/1994 1 Mosses Raian Sri Lanka drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Zasieki ARI/Morgengr./ZAG04/09/1994 1 Pava Sathiarathi Sri Lanka drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Zasieki ARI/Morgengr./ZAG04/09/1994 1 Sellaiah Subathira Sri Lanka missing, reportedly drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Zasieki ARI/Morgengr./ZAG04/09/1994 1 Sutharsan Kanthasamy Sri Lanka drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Zasieki ARI/Morgengr./ZAG04/09/1994 1 Thevek Pathmanathan Sri Lanka missing, reportedly drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Zasieki ARI/Morgengr./ZAG04/09/1994 1 Alosies Jeyaratnam Sri Lanka drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Zasieki ARI/Morgengr./ZAG04/09/1994 1 Arunagiri Rasaiah Sri Lanka drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Zasieki ZAG30/08/1994 1 Kola Bankole (30, man) Nigeria died during deportation trip from D to Nigeria after he was bundled up and then sedated taz/pro asyl/IRR/Statewatch/NCADC/VRF/ZAG25/08/1994 1 N.N. (man) Nepal drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Forst ARI/BGS/ZAG23/08/1994 1 N.N. (man) Algeria drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Guben ARI/BGS22/08/1994 1 N.N. (man) unknown drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Guben ARI/BGS/ZAG21/08/1994 2 N.N. (minors) Kosovo frozen to death near Swedish refugee camp, after police refused efficient search Svenska Dagbladet/MNS13/08/1994 1 N.N. (20, man) Morocco reaching Antwerpen (B) as stowaway, drowned while trying to escape Le Soir/MNSin Aug 94 1 N.N. Bosnia suicide in Gelsenkirchen (D) after refusal of his move to his relatives ZAG25/07/1994 1 N.N. (man) Croatia suicide, in police station in Bayern (D) 2 days before the planned deportation Jelpke/ZAG25/07/1994 1 J.K. (man) Yugoslavia suicide, hanged himself in the hospital of Wasselburg am Inn in Germany ZAG18/07/1994 1 Mohamed F. B. (14 ) Morocco died when he fell into the water climbing a ship to Spain Transmed.-Line Egin09/07/1994 1 Gabriel Juliao Mavonda (21, m) Angola suicide, jumped off a building scaffold for fear of deportation in Berlin (D) taz/ZAG03/07/1994 1 Sinathamby Mohanadas (26, m) Sri Lanka suicide, hanged himself in a wood for fear of deportation in Hattorf (D) taz/ProAsyl/ARI/Stern/ZAG03/07/1994 1 N.N. (man) Iran suicide, hanged himself in JVA Bützow in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (D) wib/FR Nie-Sa/ZAG30/06/1994 1 Halim Dener (17, man) Kurdistan murdered, was hanging ERNK posters when plainclothes policeman shot him in Hannover (D) ZAG29/06/1994 1 Moussa Daoudi (28, man) Algeria suicide, jumped out of the window in det. center in Homberg (D) after asylum was rejected ProAsyl/ARI/ZAG29/06/1994 1 N.N. (19, man) Kurdistan hanged himself in penal institution in Vechta (D) for fear of deportation KlaroFix/ZAG22/06/1994 1 Mohamed Badaoui (9) unknown died of fume poisoning after arson attack on refugee centre in Bochum (D) ARI15/06/1994 1 N.N. (19, man) Romania shot in the head by policeman in Kyritz (D) ARI/ZAG02/06/1994 1 Zhou Zhe Gun (43, man) China suicide, strangled himself in det. centre Volkstedt (D) after asylum application was rejected ProAsyl/OL/CARF/ZAGin Jun 94 1 N.N. Macedonia tortured to death in Macedonia after his expulsion from the Netherlands AD/MNS29/05/1994 1 Kuldeep Singh (man) India killed by the Indian airport police in New Delhi 2 days after deportation from Germany ProAsyl/OL/ZAG24/05/1994 1 N.N. (man) unknown drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Görlitz ARI/BGS/ZAG09/05/1994 1 N.N. (20, man) Algeria suicide, died of injuries after a fire in his cell in deportation prison in Dresden (D) ARI/Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Justiz07/05/1994 7 N.N. unknown drowned when small boat capsized near Malabate/Ceuta (E/MA) Diario Vasco05/05/1994 1 Owusu Mensa (26, man) Ghana suicide, hanged himself with towels in detention centre of Stadelheim in München(D) Pro Asyl/ESG/ZAGin May 94 1 N.N. Turkey threatened with deportation, found hanged in police station Hengelo/NL CARF27/04/1994 1 Kwanele Eldah Siziba (27, w) Zimbabwe fell to death in London (GB) on her flight from police fearing deportation IRR/MNS/Voice25/04/1994 1 N.N. (woman) Romania drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Rothenburg trying to cross the border ARI/BGS/ZAG20/04/1994 1 N.N. (40, man) Albania died in fire in refugee centre Gieboldehausen (D) Konkret/ZAGin Apr 94 1 N.N. Angola died jumping from a train near Cierne nad Tisou (SK) during deportation UNHCRin Apr 94 1 N.N. Africa/Ghana stowaway beaten to death and thrown overboard by Danish crew near Ghana MNS/Libération/Le Nouveau Quotidien22/03/1994 1 N.N. (man) unknown drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Guben ARI/BGS/ZAGDeaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 30

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 16-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgfound deadnumbername country of origin cause of death source16/03/1994 1 N.N. (22, man) Kosovo shot in his head by police near Bad Endorf (D) after chasing his car, he was asylum seeker taz/CARF/IRR/ZAG12/03/1994 1 Jasminka (11, girl) Bosnia died after arson attack against her Roma family on refugee centre in Humboldt-Gremberg (D) ARI/ZAG11/03/1994 1 N.N. (man) unknown drowned in river Neisse (D/PL) near Zittau ARI/BGS/ZAG25/02/1994 1 N.N. (18, man) Romania shot in his back by policeman near Trebnitz (D) during car inspection ARI/ZAG07/02/1994 1 Raina Jovanovic (61, woman) Bosnia died after arson attack against her Roma family on refugee centre in Humboldt-Gremberg (D) ARI/ZAGin Feb 94 5 N.N. Kurdistan missing, reportedly drowned in the Mediterranean Sea before reaching Italy ILM/IRR01/02/1994 1 N.N. (man) Zaire stowaway, drowned, thrown overboard by the crew of a German cargo ship OL/ZAG31/01/1994 1 Okwudiliri Collins Nigeria stowaway, died 'falling' from the Russian ship 'Sovetstivk Hudozhuik' near Tanger Diario Vasco27/01/1994 1 Son Ha Hoang (25, man) Vietnam suicide in München-Ramersdorf (D) set himself on fire after his asylum claim was rejected IRR/CARF/ESG/SP/FR-NRW/ProAsyl/ZAGin Jan 94 4 N.N. Romania stowaways, suffocated in container in Felixstowe (GB) de Stoop/IRRin Jan 94 1 N.N. Syria suicide in hospital (Norway) after waiting 2 years for asylum decision CARFin 1994 1 N.N. (baby) Kurdistan run over by a car in the dark after having reached the Italian beach Il Manifesto/IRR Race Auditin 1994 2 N.N. Romania drowned when trying to escape detention centre Fort Walem (B) de Stoopin 1994 1 Lejla Ibrahimovic Bosnia suicide after refusal of British Home Office to give visa to her husband GuardianUn./Statewatch/IRRin 1994 1 N.N. Romania smashed by trash collector when hidden in container in Niesky (D) Spiegel/Offene Grenzen-Offene Menschen/SZin 1994 4 N.N. unknown drowned in Danube near Hungarian-Austrian border ZDF/Hungarian authoritiesin 1994 2 N.N. Rwanda drowned stowaways, thrown overboard by Dutch ship captain on the way to Greece Eleftherotipra/MNSin 1994 1 N.N. Peru suicide during border police arrest by jumping out of train near Freiburg (D) on way to Basel ZAGin 1994 1 N.N. unknown suicide for fear of detention in Türingen (D) ZAG25/12/1993 1 Emanuel Thomas Tout (23, man) Sudan died because of injuries from suicide attempt in detention centre Herne (D) ProAsyl/taz/SP/WIB/FR-NRW/ZAG25/12/1993 1 N.N. (man) Turkey died due arson attack on refugee center in Kaltenkirchen (D) CARF/ZAG11/12/1993 1 Ignace Mabassa Gabon died lacking medical care in prison for 'illegals' Bois-d'Arcy (F) Libération08/12/1993 1 Emmanuel Ehi O. Omah (23,m) Liberia suicide, hanged himself in detention centre Regensburg (D) for fear of deportation ESG/OL/CARF/ProAsyl/ZAGin Dec 93 1 N.N. Yugoslavia suicide by jumping into the sea at detention centre Hellevoetsluis (NL) CARF23/11/1993 1 Haydar Kaya Turkey reportedly dead, missing after being deported from München (D) to Turkey, kurd origin ARI12/11/1993 1 N.N. (2, boy) Yugoslavia dies of fume poisoning after fire in asylum seeker centre in Bad Waldsee (D) ARI/ZAG10/11/1993 1 Mihail Bunja (23, man) Romania frozen to death after jumped out train in Schwandorf (D) escaping control and deportation IMEDANA/OL/ZAG25/10/1993 1 N.N. (man) Ethiopia suicide for fear of deportation in Diedersdorf near Bremen (D) Diakonie Seelow/Büro für Asylfragen/ZAG15/10/1993 1 Massivi Daniel Lopez (27, man) Angola suicide, hanged himself in detention centre in Trier (D) ProAsyl/OL/ZAGin Oct 93 1 N.N. Kurdistan deportation from Switzerland, murdered by militiamen in Kurdistan Caritas/DAZ10/09/1993 1 N.N. (man) Macedonia drowned in Rhine while trying to cross the border from Austria to Switzerland TA/OAZ02/09/1993 2 N.N. (man, woman) unknown jumped out of window to escape fire in asylumseekers centre in Biberach (D) ZAGin Sep 93 1 N.N. Zaire drowned in river Seine (F) on his flight from police / residence check CARF15/08/1993 1 N.N. Angola drowned in a river in Paris trying to avoid a police identity check MNS09/08/1993 1 N.N. (2) Libanon died in fire, caused by overheating of bedroom in a refugee centre in Emsteck (D) ZAG01/08/1993 1 Joy Gardner (40, woman) Jamaica died of brain damage after struggle with immigration/deportat. officials in London/GB IRR/MNS/Times/Independent/Statewatch/NCADC/BBC23/07/1993 1 Nazmieh Chahrour (23, woman) Palestine suicide in prison in Berlin (D) after being told she would be deported CARF/AR InfoNetw/taz/ZAG17/06/1993 1 Abdi Atalan (41, man) Kurdistan shot by Nazis in front of a refugee hostel in Dülmen (D) CARF/Konkret/ZAG10/06/1993 1 N.N. (man) Mozambique injured during a fire in the refugee centre he lived at in Dresden (D), died the next day ZAG26/05/1993 1 N.N. (1) Eritrea died in suspected fascist arson attack in Heppenheim in Hessen (D) CARF/ZAG26/05/1993 1 N.N. (2) Eritrea died in suspected fascist arson attack in Heppenheim (D) CARF/ZAG26/05/1993 1 N.N. (4) Eritrea died in suspected fascist arson attack in Heppenheim (D) CARF/ZAG06/05/1993 1 Miroslawa Kolodziejska (59, w) Poland suffocated by border police at Frankfurt/Main (D) airport with some cloths Wib/FR-NieSa/FR/ProAsyl/ZAG01/05/1993 1 Yilma Wondwossen B. (31, man) Ethiopia suicide, drowned Teltowkanal’s Berlin (D) after rejection of asylum application taz/ProAsyl/ZAG23/04/1993 1 N.N. (25, man) Senegal asylum-seeker was found hanged in a police cell in Eislingen (D) for fear of deportation IRR/CARF/ZAG07/04/1993 1 N.N. Zaire shot at point blank range during interrogation in police station in Paris (F) Le Monde/MNS01/04/1993 2 N.N. (28, 35) Albania killed by train in Balerna (Swiss Alpes) walking on the railway to CH TA/NZZ23/03/1993 1 N.N. (27, man) Afghanistan suicide, jumped out of window of refugee centre (D) ARI20/03/1993 1 N.N. (22) Albania killed by train in Coldrerio (Swiss Alpes) walking on the railway to CH TA/DAZ/NZZ16/03/1993 1 Turan Pekoz (43, man) Turkey suicide by setting fire to himself at Immigration Office Croydon (GB) IRR03/03/1993 1 N.N. (man) Turkey committed suicide in penal institution Dinslaken (D) WIB/FR-NieSa/ZAG26/01/1993 1 Bush Bacuma Sri Lanka suffocated in bus compartment near Wien (A) Asylkoordination Austria/SP26/01/1993 2 N.N. Sri Lanka suffocated in bus compartment near Wien (A) Asylkoordination Austria/SP26/01/1993 1 Pieris Sri Lanka suffocated in bus compartment near Wien (A) Asylkoordination Austria/SP26/01/1993 1 Wasantha di Barrova Sri Lanka suffocated in bus compartment near Wien (A) Asylkoordination Austria/SP22/01/1993 1 Lorin Radu (21) Romania shot in front of the police station of Stassfurt in Sachsen-Anhalt (D) when tried to escape taz/Konkret/jW/ZAG20/01/1993 1 Robert Karandja-Kouria (39) Kenia suicide, jumped in front of metro in München (D) asylum application was rejected ARI/ZAG04/01/1993 1 Kwaku Agyei Ghana suicide in Moosach near München (D) after being told he was to be deported IRR/CARF/ESG/ZAGin 1993 1 Jaffarzadeh Iran died after deportation from Austria in the Evin-prison in Teheran Asylkoordination Austriain 1993 3 N.N. unknown drowned in the river Oder/Neisse (D/PL) trying to cross the border illegally Jelpke/Interior Ministry Germanyin 1993 1 N.N. Yugoslavia found dead at the border Germany/Austria/Czech Rep. Jelpke/Interior Ministry Germanyin 1993 1 Kimpua Nsimba Zaire suicide, found hanging at Harmondsworth detention centre (GB) 5 days after arrival CARF01/01/1993 1 Gerry Johnson Liberia died of exhaustion/exposure, found in rail container in Feldkirch (A) Neue Vorarlberger Tageszeit.01/01/1993 11 N.N. Albania drowned after their boat hit a cliff in the Channel of Otranto (South Adriatic) CDS/MNS/TL01/01/1993 2 N.N. (25, man; 18, woman) Romania died because of an arson attack in a refugee camp in Baden-Wüttemberg (D) ZAGTOTAL15551Deaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 31

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 15-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgAbbreviationssuicideCommitted suicideunder trainJumped in front of a trainjumped out Jumped out of ....frozenFroze to deadminefieldDied in a minefieldpoisonedPoisoned him/herselfhungerstrikeDied of hungerstrikehangedHanged him/herselfstarvationDied of starvationplaneStowaway on planetruck/carStowaway in car or truckboatStowaway on boattrainStowaway in trainsuffocatedDied of suffocationdrownedDrownedno medical treatWas refused medical helptraffickingTraffickingmurderedMurderedcar accidentDied in car accidentarson attackArson attackfrontier policeFrontier policepolice custodyDeath in police custodyput on fireSet him/herself a firedeportationDied during deportationin detentionDied in detention centrein prisonDied in prisonasylum/refugee centerDied in asylum/refugee centerimmigration policeKilled by immigration policeCrossing borderDied trying to cross a borderself organisedSelf organisedstowawayStowawayAbbreviations SourcesAbbreviationsSource20ME 20 minutes.es, Newspaper (E) KI Kathimerini - Greece International English Language Newspaper (GR)20Mf 20 minutes.fr, Newspaper (F) Kinisi Kinisi - NGO (GR)762 762-antifa, website (D) KISA KISA, NGO (CY)ABC ABC, Newspaper (E) Klarofix Klarofix, Monthly Magazine in Leipzig (D), dissolvedAC Autonoom Centrum, NGO (NL) KO Kurdish Observer , Newspaper (Kurdistan)ACN Agencia Canaria de Noticias, Canarian Press (E) Konkret Konkret , Magazine (D)Ach Achourouk, Newspaper (TN) KUNA Kuwait News Agency, News Agency (Kuwayt)AD Algemeen Dagblad, Newspaper (NL) Kurdmedia Kurdish Media, Media (Kurdistan)ADN Allgemeine Deutsche Nachrichten Agentur, News Agency (D) Kurier Kurier, Media (A)adn adn diario, Newspaper on line (E) L.B.CPT Libro Bianco, Inquest on Detention Centres (I)AdnK AdnKronos IGN, Press Agency (I) La Libre Belgique La Libre Belgique, Newspaper (B)aduc Trouw, Newspaper (NL) LaN La Nuova Sardegna, Newspaper (I)ADUC Associazione per i diritti degli utenti e dei consumatori (I) LaNVenezia La Nuova Venezia e Mestre, Newspaper (I)AEDH Association Européenne pour la défense des Droits de l’Homme, NGO (F) LAR Luxembourg Against Racism, NGO (L)AFFIT Affari Italiani, newspaper on line (I) LaS Ladysilvia, Media (I)AFP Agence France Press, News Agency (NL) LAT Los Angeles TimesAfr.Courier The African Courier, Magazine (Africa) LatinAHTribune Latin American Herald Tribune, News Online (GB)Afrik Afrik LausitzerR Lausitzer Rundschau, Newspaper (D)AFVIC Amis Familles des Victimes de l'Immigration Clandestine, NGO (Morocco) Le Courrier Le Courrier, Newspaper (CH)AG3F Antirassistische Gruppe für freies Fluten, NGO (D) Le Figaro Le Figaro, Newspaper (F)AHDA Association for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa, NGO (A) Le Matin Le Matin, Newspaper (MA)AI Amnesty International, NGO Le Monde Le Monde, Newspaper (F)Aid Amnesty International Germany, NGO (D) Le Nouveau Quotidien Le Nouveau Quotidien, Newspaper (F)AIM Alternative Information Network, NGO (CH) Le Soir Le Soir, Editorial (B)AKIN Aktuelle Informationen, Magazine (A) Le Soleil Le Soleil, Newspaper (SN)Aktion Zuflucht Büro Antirassistischer Initiativen / Aktion Zuflucht, NGO (D) Le Temps Le Temps, Newspaper (CH)AlgerieMonde Algerie-Monde Media (DZ) LEAP Ligali equality for African peolpleAlicenews ALICE News, Media (I) Leedstoday Leedds Today, Newspaper (GB)Aljazeera Aljazeera, Media, (Arabia) LESP L' espresso, Magazine (I)allAfrica allAfrica Global Media, Foundation (USA) Les Temps d'Algerie Les Temps d'Algerie, Newspaper (DZ)AllWAfrica All West Africa, Online news (Africa) Libération Libération, Media (F)AmsStadsblad Amsterdams Stadsblad, Newspaper (NL) Libertaddigital Libertad Digital, Media (E)AN Antifaschistische Nachrichten, Magazine (D) Liberazione Liberazione, Magazine (I)ANA Anarcotico, Network for Comunication (I) Liga für Mr. Liga für Menschenrechrechte, NGO (D)Ananova Ananova, Media (GB) LOP La Opinion Coruna, Newspaper (E)Anatolian The New Anatolian, Newsonline (Anatolia) LPC LA Presse Canadienne, Newspaper (Canada)Anarkismo Anarkismo.net, Media (EU) LRM La Repubblica Metropoli, Newspaper (I)AngolaPress Angola Press, National Agency (Angola) LR La Repubblica, Newspaper (I)ANSA Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata, Italian News Agency (I) LRBrand Landesregierung Brandenburg, Goverment (D)AOL America On Line news, News Online (USA) LS La Sicilia, Newspaper (I)AP Associated Press Amsterdam, Media (NL) LSW LaSiciliaWeb, Online News (I)APDHA Asociacion Pro Derechos Humanos de Andalucia, NGO (E) LV La Vanguardia, Newspaper (E)Aps Agence de presse Senegalaise, News Agency Senegal MAC Monsters and Crititcs, Online News (USA)ARCI Arci report, weekly magazine on line of ARCI Association (I) MadD Madrid Digital. Online News (E)ARD Allgemeine Rundfunk Deutschlands online, Media (D) MAG Magenta, NGO (NL)ARI Antirassistische Initiative Berlin (D) Mail Online Daily Mail Online, Newspaper (GB)ART Articolo 21, Media (I) Malmoe Malmoe, NGO (A)Artikel14 Artikel14, Magazine (S) Malta Independent The Malta Independent, Newspaper (M)ASCA Agenzia Stampa Quotidiana Nazionale, Italian News Agency (I) Manchester Manchester Evening News, Newspaper (GB)AsianT Asian Today, newspaper (GB) Mareeg Mareeg, News Blog (Somalia)ASKV Amsterdams Solidariteits Komitee Vluchtelingen / SV, NGO (NL) MB MoroccoBoard.com, Online News (MA)ASSI Accion Social Sindical Internacionalista, News Online Deaths (E) are listed if they MCcan be put down to "Fortress Marina Civil, Europe" Association (E)(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 1

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 15-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgAsyl in der Kirche Ökumenische Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Asyl in der Kirche - Berlin, NGO (D) MDR Mitteldeutscher rundfunk, Media (D)Asyl in Not Asyl in Not-Unterstützungkomitee politisch verfolgte Ausländer, NGO (A) Mediapart Mediapart, Online Newspaper (FR)Asylkoordination Österreich Asylkoordination Österreich, NGO (A) MET Metro, Newspaper (I)AthensNewsAgency Athens News Agency, National Agency (GR) METR<strong>OF</strong> Metro (F)ATMF Association des Travailleurs Maghrébins de France, NGO (F) Metropolitan Police Metropolitan Police, Service Online (GB)Augen Auf Augen auf - Zivilcourage zeigen!, NGO (D) MGHR Mahatma Gandhi Human Rights Organisation, NGO (H)AugenAufCH Augen auf - Zivilcourage zeigen!, NGO (CH) Miami Herald The Miami Herald, Newspaper (USA)Aujourd'hui Aujourd'hui Le Maroc, Newspaper (MA) Middleton Guardian Middleton Guardian, Newspaper (GB)AVUI AVUI, News Online (E) Migrant News December 18 Online Network / Rights of Migrants Workers, NGO (B)BAIN news Berlin Antiracist Information Network (D) MigrantsOM MigrantsOutreMer, Media (F)BAZ Basler Zeitung, Newspaper (CH) Migreurop Migreurop, NGO (F)BBC British Broadcasting Company, Media (GB) Mirror The Mirror, Newspaper (GB)BELT Belt Ibérica, Company for Social Security (E) MLKO Martin Luther King Organisation, NGO (H)Berliner Ztg Berliner Zeitung, Media (D) MM Malta Media, Media (M)Berria Berria, Newspaper (E) MNS Migration News Sheet, Magazine (GB)BGS Bundespolizei, Border Police (D) Monitor Monitor, News Online, Media (NL)BIS Body, Identity, Space, NGO (GB) Morgengr. Morgengrauen - Antirassistische Zeitung, Magazine (D)Bladi Bladi, news online (MA) MornStar Morning Star - Newspaper (GB)BLINK Black Information Link, National Organisation (GB) Moscow Times The Moscow Times, Newspaper (RUS)BMBigotry Monitor, weekly human rights newsletter on antisemitism, xenophobia and religious MOZ persecution in the former Märkische communist Oderzeitung, world and western Newspaper Europe (D)Book:LosInvisiblesDeKolda Los Invisibles de Kolda, Jose' Naranjo, (Editorial Peninsula, 2009). Graduated in Complutense MP University in Madrid Melting en 1994, Pot he Europa, studied Project and followed of Radio the Melting migration Pot phenomena (I) to Canary Islands and stowaways transit. In order to pBorderlineEU Borderline-Europe, NGO (D) MRAX Mouvement Contre Le Racisme, L'Antisèmitisme Et La Xénophobie, NGO (B)Borderzerolist Borderzerolist, Cultural Association (I) MSN MSNBC.com, Online NewsBoston The Boston Globe, Newspaper (USA) MT MoroccoTimes, Media (MA)BostonH Boston Herald, Newspaper (USA) MUGAK Centro De Estudios y Documentación Sobre Racismo y Xenofobia, Archive (E)BRC British Refugee Council, NGO (GB) Myjoyonline My Joy Online, Media (Ghana)BTB Belfast to Brussels, Blog (GB) Mumbaicentral Mumbai Central, Media (India)BT-Drucksache BT-Drucksache, Government (D) NA Never Again Association - Stowarzyszenie Nigdy Wiecej, NGO (PL)Budapestsun Budapest Sun, Newspaper (H) NAN News Agency Nigeria, News Agency (Nigeria)Bundesregierung Bundesregierung, Government Online (D) Nätverket mot rasism Network Against Racism - Nätverket Mot Rasism, NGOBündner Tagblatt Bündner Tagblatt, Newspaper (CH) NBF Nigerian Best Forum, Blog (Nigeria)CadSER CadenaSER, Media (E) NBK Nederland Bekent Kleur, NGO (NL)Can7 Canarias7, Newspaper (E) NCADC National Coaltion of Anti-Deportation Campaigns, NGO (GB)Canadian The Canadian Press, Newspaper (CA) NCAs News Central Asia, News Agency ( Turkmenistan)CARF Campaign Against Racism & Fascism, NGO (GB) NCRM National Civil Rights Movement, NGO (GB)Caritas Caritas International, NGO ND Neues Deutschland, Newspaper (D)CaucKnot Caucasian Knot, News Online (RUS) Nederlands Dagblad Nederlands Dagblad, Newspaper (NL)CCLE Collectif Contre les Expulsions - Liège, NGO (B) Nerja Nerja News, Online News (E)CDS Corriere della Sera, Newspaper (I) Neue Vorarlberger Tageszeit Neue Vorarlberger Tageszeit, Media (A)Cesdop Centro Studi e Documentazione Provinciale sulle dipendenze e l'emarginazione (I)News24 News24, Media (South Africa)CF Casa free, Newspaper (MA) Newsaust News from Australia, Media (Australia)CGIL Confederaziione Generale Italiana del Lavoro NewsD NewsDesk, Online News (S)Chabacka Chabacka, network of NGOs/blog (MA) NI Nigeria Independent, Online News (Nigeria)ClandestinE Clandestina/clandestinenglish, network and blog (GR) NMNH Social Impact - Agency No Milk No Honey, NGO (A)CMG Concerned Migrant Group (MA) No Pasaran No Pasaran / Reflexes - Antifascist Magazine, NGO (F)CNN Cables News Network, Media (USA) NOB No Border Center - International NetworkCNNit Cables News Network Italy, Media NODO50 Contrainformación en Red, News OnlineNoHumanNo Human is Illegal, blog (Iran)COE Directorate General of Human Rights, Council of Europe Office (F) Nopoliceraids No Police Raids, NGO (NL)Congoo Congoo, Newspapr (USA) NOS Nederlandse Omroep <strong>Stichting</strong> (NL)Connect ConnectAfrica, news online Nouvel Obs Nouvel Observateur, Media (F)CorAdriatico Corriere Adriatico, newspaper (I) NR No Racism, Media/NGO (A)CPD C'est pour dire, Blog (F) NRC NRC-next, Media (NL)CPH The Copenhagen Post, Media (DK) NT Nigerian Tribune, Newspaper (Nigeria)CR Comite Rechtsherstel, NGO (NL) NU Nu.nl, Online newspaper (NL)CRACPE Collectif de Resistance Aux Centres Pour Etranger, NGO (B) NW Neue Westfälische Zeitung, Newspaper (D)CRIDA reportCentre de Recherche et d'Information sur la Démocratie et l'Autonomie, Arachive (F) NYboatNew York Boat Show, Online news (USA)CRIDEM Convergence Répulicaine pour l'Instauration de la Democr. en Mauritanie (MA) NYtimes The New York Times, Newspaper (USA)CV Comite de Vigilance Aubervilliers, NGO (F) NZZ Neue Züricher Zeitung, Neuspaper (CH)CypMail Cyprus Mail, newspaper (CY) OBV Operation Black Vote, NGO (GB)Dagens Nyheter Dagens Nyheter, Newspaper (S) OCPM Obra Católica Portuguesa de Migrações, NGO (P)DAZ aaa CH Newspaper ODILI Odili.net, Media (Nigeria)De Gentenaar De Gentenaar, Newspaper (B) ODP Observatorio de Prensa, Newspaper (E)De Stoop Chris de Stoop, Journalist (NL) Odysseus Odysseus -Academic Network Legal Studies Immigration Asylum, NGO (B)Deia Deia, Media (E) OL Off Limits - Antirassistische Zeitschrift, Magazine (D)deleteTB Delete The Border, Global Network Online (USA) OMCT World Organisation Against Torture, World's Coalition of NGOs, INGO (CH)demo Demo.e, Blog (NL) OpenGrenzen Open Grenzen - Frontières Ouvertes, NGO (B)LaDemo La Democracia ORF Österreichischer Rundfunk - Minderheitenredaktion, Magazine (A)Demotix Demotix, online news (GB/International) Osnabr.Zeit Osnabrücker Zeitung, Newspaper (D)Den Blanken Den Blanken, Photojournalist (NL) PAIH Positive Action in Housing, NGO (GB)DerBund Der Bund, Newspaper (CH) PAJOL Pajol , NGO (F)DerStandard Der Standard, Newspaper (A) PANOR Panorama, Magazine (I)Diagonal Diagonal Periodico (E) Parool Het Parool, Newspaper (NL)Diario Diario Madrid, Media (E) Pax Christi Pax Christi International, Catholic Movement for Peace, INGO (B)Diario de Navarra Diario de Navarra, Media (E) PerCat El Periodico de Cataluña, Newspaper (E)Diario de Noticias Diario de Noticias Navarra, Media (E) Peterboroughtoday Peterboroughtoday, Newspaper (GB)DiarioRJ Diario Rojo y Negro, Newspaper of Trade Union Party (E) PICUM Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, INGO (B)DiarioVasco El Diario Vasco, Media (E) PlaZa Plaza Luxemburg, News Agency (L)Die Bunte Die Bunten Zeitung, Magazine (A) PLi Planet Internet, Media (NL)DIR-Büro DIR-Büro (D) Pogledi Pogledi, Media (Serbia)di-ve news di-ve.com, Editorial (M) Polbe Bernese Police, Website of Bernese Police (CH)Diversity Diversity is Chaos, blog (USA) PORTS Ports Muth Today, Newspaper (GB)DM DeMorgen, Newspaper (B) PR Peace Reporter, Magazine on Line from Amnesty International and Missionary Service News Agency (I)DN Daily News, Newspaper (USA) PR Prison Radio, NGO (USA)DNA Diario de Noticias de Alava, Newspaper (E) Pravda Pravda, Newspaper (RUS)DNG Diario de Noticias de Gipuzkoa, Newspaper(E) PrensaGrafica La Prensa Grafica, Newsonline (El Salvador)DokAg Dokumentationsseite Ageeb, Website about a Death Case PrensaGrafica La Prensa Grafica, Newsonline (El Salvador)Doorbraak Doorbraak, Online news (NL) PrensaLibre Prensa Libre, Newsonline (Guatemala)DPA Deutsche Presse Agentur, Media, (D) Presse Die Presse, Newspaper (A)DS Danderyds sjukhus, hospital (S) Pressesp. Rassis. Pressespiegel Rassismus, Newspaper (CH)Deaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 2

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 15-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgDVHN Dagblad van het Noorden, Media (NL) PresseTv Presse TV, Online News (Iran)DW Deutsche Welle Radio, Media (D) PRIME Participating Refugees in Multicultural Europe, NGO (NL)EADT24 EADT24, Suffolk & Essex online, News Online (GB) PRO PRO Radio, Broadcasting (I)EarthT Earth Times, News Online (USA) ProAsyl Pro Asyl - Bundesweite AG für Flüchtlinge, NGO (D)EB European Business, Media Provincias Las Provincias, Newspaper (E)ECRE European Council on Refugees and Exiles - EU Office, NGO (B) PUB Público, Newspaper (P)EFE EFE, News agency (E) Publico Público, Newspaper (E)Egin Egin, Basque Media (E) QNE Qui Nord Est, News Online (I)Eindhovens Dagblad Eindhovens Dagblad, Newspaper (NL) Querblick National Association of Young People in Care / Youth Parliament (GB)EIS Eberswalder Infosystem, Media (D) quibla Quibla.net, News Online (F)EITB24 Basque News and Information Channel, Media (E) QUOTI le quotidien D'OranEl Pueblo de Ceuta El Pueblo de Ceuta, Newspaper (E) Quotidiano Quotidiano, online news (I)ELC El Correo, News Online (E) Radio Bayern 5 Bayerischer Rundfunk, Media (D)ElDia El Dia, Newspaper (E) RAI RAI, Italian National Public Service Broadcasting, Media (I)ELM El Mundo, Newspaper (E) Rawstory The Raw Story, Media (USA)Eltelegramma El Telegramma de Melilla, Newspaper (E) Raz La Razon, Newspaper (E)ElW El Watan, Newspaper (DZ) RepublicR Republic Report New York, Online News (US)Emeka Ist Emeka Ist Tot, Website about a Death Case REF Ressau Education sans Frontieres, NGO (F)ENAR European Network Against Racism, NGO (B) Respons ReSpons Evenementen Monitor, Newsletter (NL)EHAR Ennahar Online, Online News (DZ) Reu Reuters News Agency, Media (NL)EP El Paìs, Newspaper (E) RF Radio France, Radio (F)EpolisR E Polis Roma, Newspaper (I) Rheinpfalz Rheinpfalz, Newspaper (D)EPP Eppendorfer, Newspaper (D) RIS Ristretti, Documentation Centre (I)EPress Europapress, News Agency (E) RO Roma One, Newspaper (I)ERRC European Roma Rights Center , INGO (H) RochdaleObs The Rochdale Observer, Newspaper (GB)ESG Protestant Student Movement - Evangelische Studenten Gemeinde, NGYO (D) Rom e.V. Rom e. V., NGO (D)essexchronicle This Is Essex, Newspaper (GB) Romandie Romandie News, online news service (F)EUMC European Union Monitoring Centre Racism & Xenophobia, IGO Romnews The Romnews Society, Network Online (D)Euronews Euronews, News (EU) Rosa Antifa Rosa Antifa Wien, NGO (A)Europe1 Europe1, radio and online news (FR) RoterP Roter Pressespiegel (A)Evening Gazette Evening Gazette, Newspaper (GB) RoundTown Round Town News, online Spanish news (GB)Evening Standard Evening Standard, Newspaper (GB) RP Res Publica, Newspaper (D)EveningTimes Evening Times, Newspaper Scotland (GB) RTE Radio One World - RTE Multi-Cultural Radio Service, Media (IRL)EveryOne Group Group for International Cooperation on Human Rights Culture Rue89 Rue89, online news (F)Exodus Exodus Network , NGO (S) Sachsisches Staatm Justiz Sachsisches Staatministerium für Justiz, Government (D)EXP Expatica, International Web Information Service (NL) SAGA Südbadisches Aktionsbündnis gegen Abschiebungen, NGO (D)Fabel van de Illegaal De Fabel van de Illegaal, NGO (NL) Salam Association SalamFaiNoti Fai Notizia, online news source (I) Salzburger Nachrichten Salzburger Nachrichten, Newspaper (A)Falter Falter, weekly magazine, Wien (A) Samora Samora, Magazine (N)Faro El Faro, online news (E) SAP Sindacato Autonomo di Polizia, independent police trade union website (I)FARR Flyktinggruppernas och Asylkommittéernas Riksråd, NGO (S) SBS Six Billion Stories, Newspaper (AU)FE Fortress Europe, NGO (I) SC The Scotsman, Newspaper (GB)FECL NE SCOT Scotland Today, Broadcasting (GB)FFM Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht und Migration, NGO (D) SD SüdDeutsche Zeitung, Newspaper (D)FIDH Fédération Internat des Ligues des Droits de l'Homme, INGO (B) Searchlight Searchlight - Education Trust/Publishing Services, Magazine (GB)FIEI Federazione Italiana Emigrazione Immigrazione, Federation (I) Seneweb Seneweb News, online news (Senegal)FMLN Fmlnminnesota, Blog (USA) Servir Servir, Magazine (I)Focus Focus, Magazine (NL) SetDirecta Setmanari Directa, Newspaper (E)FocusNews Focus, News agency (BG) SFH Schweizerische Fluchtlingshilfe, NGO (CH)FORBES Forbes, Magazine (USA) SH Sociedad Hispavista, Media (E)FR Frankfurter Rundschau, Newspaper (D) slovensko.com Slovensko, Guide to Slovakia (SK)France24 France 24 International News, News Online SM SundayMail, Media (GB)FRO Radio FRO, Radio 105,0 MHZ, Linz (A) SmartG Smart Groups, Service For Group Comunication, dissolvedFR-B Flüchtlingsrat Bayern - Refugee Council, NGO (D) Socialist Worker Socialists Worker, Newspaper (GB)FR-BB Flüchtlingsrat Brandenburg - Refugee Council, NGO (D) SoirInfo Soir Info, online news (Ivory Coast)FR-Ber Flüchtlingsrat Berlin - Refugee Council, NGO (D) Solidaire Solidaire, Media (B)Freie Press Freie Press, Media (D) SOS SOS Racismo - Madrid, NGO (E)Freies Wort Freies Wort, Media (D) SOS-Menschenrechte SOS Menschenrechte, NGO (A)FR-H Flüchtlingsrat Hamburg - Refugee Council, NGO (D) ShieldsG Shields Gazette, Newspaper (GB)FR-NieSa Flüchtlingsrat Niedersachsen, Refugee Council, NGO (D) SP Der Spiegel, Newspaper (D)FR-NRW Flüchtlingsrat Nordrhein Westfalen, Refugee Council, NGO (D) Spanish Authorities Spanish Authorities, Government (E)Frontexplode Frontexplode, blog and campaign (GR) Spits Spits, Newspaper (NL)FR-Th Flüchtlingsrat Thüringen, Refugee Council, NGO (D) Sparta Spartacist League/U.S.FTRC Federation des Tunisiens pour une Citoyenneté des deus Rives. NGO (F) SSF Solidarite Sans FrontieresGARA Glasgow Anti Racist Alliance, Multi Agency (GB) ST Statewatchgara.net GARA, News Online (E) STAMPA La Stampa, Newspaper (I)Gatti Fabrizio Gatti, Journalist (IT) Stern Stern, Magazine (D)Gaymengc Gay Men Gran Canaria, Media (E) StGallerTagblatt St. Galler Tagblatt, Newspaper (CH)GazzettaSud Gazzetta del Sud, Newspaper (I) STR Stranieri in Italia, Magazine (I)Gazzettino Il Gazzettino, Newspaper (I) Streatham StreathamGuardian, Newspaper (GB)GDS Giornale di Sicilia, Newspaper (I) StreetJ Street Journalist, online news (Iran)GdV Girodivite, News Online (I) Stuff Stuff, Newspaper (NEW Zeland)German Government German Government, (D) SudQ Sud QuotidienGFP German foreign Policy, Web site (D) SunaT Sunatimes,GHM Greek Helsinki Monitor / Minority Rights Group, NGO (GR) SUR Diario Sur, Media (E)GiovaniE Giovani Emissione / Youth Issues, Community group website (I) Svenska Dagbladet Svenska Dagbladet, Newspaper (S)GiulianoNewsChronicle Giuliano Chronicle (I) Sveriges Sveriges Radio, Radio (S)GloDP Global Detention Project, research project (CH) Swiss.ch Swiss Info, News Online (CH)GLOPRO Global Project, Media (I) SZ Süddeutsche Zeitung, Newspaper (D)Grand Paris Grand Paris, Newspaper (F) TA (CH)GRAPPE Groupe de Reflexion el d'Action pour une Politique Ecologique, NGO (B) Ta Nea Ta NeaThe News, Media (GR)Grön Ungdom Green Youth - Grön Ungdom, NGYO (S) Tagesanzeiger Tagesanzeiger, Newspaper (CH)GRP Grupo Payn, Travel Agency (Argentina) Tagesschau Aktuelle Nachrichten, Media (D)GRR Rai Giornale Radio, radio station (I) Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel, Newspaper (D)GuardianUn. The Observer Guardian Unlimited, Newspaper (GB) Tampere Digest Nettime-Tampere Digest, International Mailing ListGuidaS Guida Sicilia, News Online (I) taz Die Tageszeitung, Newspaper (D)Haaba Haaba, News Online (Africa) TDN Turkish Daily News, Newspaper (TR)Haarlems Dagblad Haarlems Dagblad, Newspaper (NL) Telegraaf De Telegraaf, Newspaper (NL)HaberT Haber Turk, Online news (TR) Telegraph Telegraph, Newspaper (GB)Hamburger Abendblatt Hamburger Abendblatt, Newspaper (D) Tempo Il tempo, Online News (I)Deaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 3

List of 15551 documented refugee deaths through Fortress Europe16/06/2011Documentation on 15-06-2011 by UNITEDUNITED for Intercultural Action, European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugeesPostbus 413 NL-1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778, fax 31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org, www.unitedagainstracism.orgHEXAM The Huddersfield daily examiner Terra Terra, Newspaper (E)HHC Hungarian Helsinki Committee, NGO (H) Tgcom Tgcom, Multimedia (I)Hiergeb Hiergeblieben, On line Database (G) The News International The News, Media ( Pakistan)Hilfe MenschenAB Hilfe für Menschen in Abschiebehaft Büren, NGO (D) The Standard The Standard, Newspaper (GB)HimalayanTimes The Himalayan Times, Newspaper ( Nepal) TheEntertainerOnline The Entertainer Online, Media (E)HNS Hactivist News Service, News Online (F) TheGlobe The Globe and Mail, Newspaper (Canada)HRA European Human Rights Centre,GO (GB) TheHerald The Herald, Newspaper (GB)HRW Human Rights Watch, NGO (International) TheNews The NewsHRFT Human Rights Foundation of Turkey, NGO (TR) Thestar The Star, Newspaper (South Africa)HRS The Human Rights Server (D) TI The Indipendent , Newspaper (GB)Humano Periodismo Humano, Online News (E) Times The Times, Newspaper (GB)HURINet Human Rights Information Network, NGO (GB) TimesM The Times of Malta, Newspaper (M)HURRIYET Hurriyet Daily News (TR) Tiroler Tageszeitung Tiroler Tageszeitung, Newspaper (A)IAADH Iniciativa Angolana Antimilitarista para os Direitos Humanos, NGO (D) Tisc Tiscali Notizie (I)IANS Inmigration Advocates Network, NGO TL Terrelibere, Media (I)ICARE Internet Centre Anti Racism Europe, Media (NL) TN TeleNoticies, Media (E)icB icBerkshire, Media (GB) TNE The Northern Echo (UK)icC icConventry, Media (GB) TodZam Today's Zaman, Newspaper (TR)icliverpool icLiverpool, Media (GB) Top News Top News, News Online (India)icS icScotland, Media (GB) TownCrier The Town-Crier, Newspaper (GB)Ideal Online News Granada (E) TP Turkish Press, Media (TR)IET Istituto Euromediterrane di Trieste, Foundation (I) Tribuna Nueva Tribuna, News Online (E)IFIR International Federation of Iranian Refugees, INGO (NL) TribuneGeneve Tribune de Geneve, Newspaper (CH)IHFHR International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, INGO (FIN) Trierer Volksfreund Volksfreund, Newspaper (D)IHRC Islamic Human Rights Commission, NGO (GB) TS Think Spain, Newspaper (E)ILD Il Domani, Newspaper (I) TunisieSoir Tunisia Soir, online news (TN)ILM Il Manifesto,Newspaper (I) TW Turkish Weekly, Newspaper (TR)IlMess Il Messaggero, Newspaper (I) TweeVandaag Twee Vandaag, Opinionpanel, Television Program (NL)ILN Il Nuovo, Newspaper (I) TySp Typically Spanish, News Online (E)ILP Il Piccolo, Newspaper (I) Ua UaedigestIM Il Mattino, Newspaper (I) Uckermark-Kurier Uckermark Kurier, Newspaper (D)IMA International Migrants Alliance, NGO (Hong Kong) UE Universal Embassy, Forum Ambassade Universelle, NGO (B)IMEDANA Institut für Medien und Projektarbeit , NGO (D) UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, GOIMK IMK Menschenrechtsinformationsdienst, Magazine (D) UNMIK UNMIK Division of Public Information, News Online (XZ)INDbe Independent Media Center - Belgium, International Info Network (B) UnSarda L'Unione Sarda, Newspaper (I)INDd Independent Media Center-Germany, International Info Network (D) Unità Unità, Newspaper (I)Independent The Independent, Newspaper (GB) UPP Uppmana, Anti Racism Magazine OnlineINDgb Independent Media Center-Great Britain, International Info Network (GB) USAToday USA Today, Newspaper (USA)INDi Independent Media Center - Italia, International Info Network (I) UxbGaz Uxbridge Gazette, Newspaper (GB)INDm Independent Media Center-Marseille, International Info Network (F) Vatan Vatan Gazetesi, Newspaper (TR)Indymedia Independent Media Center, International Info Network (D) VDG La Voz de Galicia, Newspaper (E)INexile Inexile, Magazine of the British Refugee Council (GB) Verdad La Verdad, News Online (E)INF Infinito Edizioni Vers l'Avenir Vers l'Avenir, Editorial (B)info L'Info, online news (F) Vielfaltletter Vielfalt Newsletter, Magazine (A)Informe Raxen Bulletin of Movimiento contra la Intolerancia, NGO (E) Vita Vita, Magazine (I)inq7 Inquirer 7, Media (USA) Vivre Vivre Ensemble, NGO (CH)Inquest INQUEST - United Campaigns for Justice, NGO (GB) VK De Volkskrant, Newspaper (NL)Interior Ministry Germany Interior Ministry Germany Government (D) Vluchteling Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen, NGO (B)IntHeraldTribune International Herald Tribune, Newspaper (F) VOA VOA News, News Online (USA)IP The Islandpacket - Southern Beaufort Counly's News & Information Source (USA) Voorvlucht Voor Vluchtelingen, Yahoo Group List (NL)IPL Italy Peace Link - Telematica per la Pace, Association (I) VRF The Voice Refugee Forum / Africa Forum, NGO (D)IPS International Youth Press Service (DK) VSF Voix Sans Frontieres International Broadcast CampaignIPSNA Inter Press Service News Agency Was geht ab? Was geht ab?, NGO (D)IRAINC Iranian Refugees Alliance, NGO (USA) waz Wolfsburger Allgemeine, Newspaper (D)Irish Times The Irish Times, Newspaper (IRL) WB Westfalenblatt, Newspaper (D)IRNInternational Refugee News, International Federation of Iranian Refugees, INGO (NL) WIBAKIRR Institute of Race Relations, NGO (GB) WIK Internet EnciclopediaISAGC Immigrant Support Action Group Cyprus, NGO (CY) WIKO Wiener Integrationskonferenz, network and helpdesk for NGOs (migration)ISMD Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland, NGO (D) WOL Web of lstafford, BlogIstitutoInnocenti Istituto degli Innocenti, Institute (I) WP Waging Peace, NGO (GB)Italian Authorities Italian Authorities, Government WSWS World Socialist Web Site, Internet Center of International Committee of the Fourth InternationalItalyMAG ItalyMaga, Media (I) Xinhua Xinhua News Agency (PRC)Javno Javno, Media (HR) Ya Basta! Associazione Ya Basta!, NGO (I)Jelpke PDS-Bundestagsabgeordnete, Member of the Bundestag (D) Ya.I Yahoo Italia, Notizie (I)JT Jungle World, Newspaper (D) Ya.N Yahoo News, Media (USA)jW junge Welt, Media (D) YABI Yabiladi, Media (Morocco)KZ Kantonspolizei Zurich, Police Authority (CH) YatchingWorld Yatching & Boating World, Magazine (GB)Kaosenlared Kaos En La Red, Media/contra-informacion (E) YT YorkshireToday, Newspaper (GB)Karawane Karawane, NGO (D) ZAG Zeitschrift Antirassistischer Gruppen - Antirassistische Initiative Berlin (D)Kein Mensch Kein Mensch ist Illegal, NGO (D) ZDF Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen, Media (D)Khaleej Khaleej Times Online, Newspaper (United Arab Emirates) ZDFvideotxt Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen Videotext, Media (D)ZelfZelfmoord, Blog (NL)Deaths are listed if they can be put down to "Fortress Europe"(border militarisation, asylum laws, accommodation, detention policy, deportations, carrier sanctions…) page 4

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