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Introduction to MicrocalorimetryMalin SuurkuuskTA Instruments, Sweden

Introduction to MicrocalorimetryMalin SuurkuuskTA Instruments, Sweden

TA Instruments Design, Manufacture <strong>and</strong> Service Microcalorimeters Thermal analysis Instrumentation Dynamic Vapor Sorption Instrumentation Rheometers <strong>and</strong> Dynamic MechanicalAnalyzers Subsidiary of Waters Corp since 1995 ~500 employees worldwide Based in New Castle, DE Manufacturing/Support sites: Utah (US) - Microcalorimetry Pittsburgh (US) Hüllhorst (Germany)

Microcalorimetry Center~35 employeesFull Training centerFull Service centerApplications LabTA InstrumentsApplications support10 scientistsUS GermanyJapan SwedenChina IndiaMicrocalorimetryManufacturing / Service / Apps SupportLindon, Utah

MicrocalorimetryVirtually all chemical <strong>and</strong> physical processes result ineither heat production or heat absorption.Calorimetry quantifies the amount <strong>and</strong> rate of heat releasein terms of heat flow, heat <strong>and</strong> heat capacity.Calorimetry is a non-specific technique making it ideal forstudying almost all kind of physical <strong>and</strong> chemicalprocesses in life sciences, material sciences <strong>and</strong> withinthe pharmaceutical field.

How does calorimetry differ from otherphysical techniques?Calorimetry is nondestructive <strong>and</strong> noninvasiveAll kinds of processes; Chemical, Physical <strong>and</strong>BiologicalNot dependent on the physical shape of the sampleSolids, liquids <strong>and</strong> gases can be studiedNo chemical derivatization or immobilizationNo need for sample preparationNon-specificMicrocalorimetry continuously <strong>and</strong> directly measuresthe process under study - Real-time data

Microcalorimetric TechniquesIsothermal Titration Calorimetry – ITCFor characterization of binding reactions between proteins <strong>and</strong> lig<strong>and</strong>s or othermacromoleculesFor enzyme kineticsDifferential Scanning Calorimetry – DSCFor the characterization of the thermal stability of proteinsIsothermal Microcalorimetry - TAMAmpoule calorimetryFor stability, compatibility, polymorhism & amorphicity assessmentRH perfusion calorimetryFor amorphicity & crystallinity assessment, hydration <strong>and</strong> swellingSolution calorimetryFor amorphicity & crystallinity assessmentTitration calorimetryEvaluation of drug effect on living cells

Scanning MicrocalorimetrySensitivemWµW nWMoreSensitiveDiscovery DSCMC DSCNano DSCDiffusion-bonded Sensor50-Sample AutosamplerSample Size: up to 20 mgScan Rate: 0.1 – 100°C/min3 – samples1 – referenceSample Flexibility≤ 1 mL sample Vol.Scan Rate: 0 - 2°C/min1 – sample1 – referenceIn-solution sample300 µL active cell Vol.Scan Rate: 0.001 - 2°C/minAutomated sample h<strong>and</strong>ling

Isothermal MicrocalorimetrySensitivemWµW nWMoreSensitiveTAM AirTAM III & TAM 48MC DSCNano ITC8 – samples8 – reference20 mL sample Vol.Temp Range: 5 to 90°C3 – samples1 – referenceSample Flexibility≤ 1 mL sample Vol.Temp Range: -40 to 150°C1-48 – samplesSample Flexibility1-20 mL sample Vol.Temp Range: 15 – 150°C1 – sampleMax Sensitivity1 mL or 190 µL cellsTemp Range: 2 – 80°C

Biopharmaceutical Characterization ToolsAnalytical techniques to accurately evaluate <strong>and</strong> monitor:StructureFunctionCompatibilityProduct MicroheterogeneityProduct Stability

Microcalorimetry in BiopharmaceuticalCharacterizationDifferential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)• Domain Structure• Thermal stability• Pre-formulation evaluationIsothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC)• Lig<strong>and</strong> – Target interactions / binding• Thermodynamic binding profile• Inhibitor Identification & Characterization• Isothermal Microcalorimetry (IMC)• Stability <strong>and</strong> compatibility

Thermodynamic Driving ForcesSpecific BindingIntermolecular – lig<strong>and</strong> bindingIntramolecular – protein foldingProteins - Complex BiomoleculesMacroscopic systems surrounded by solventStructure Energetics – complexFavorable <strong>and</strong> unfavorable forcesEnergetic Driving Forces∆H (Enthalpy) ∆G (Gibbs free energy)∆S (Entropy) ∆C p (Heat capacity)

Thermodynamic Driving Forces Definition∆GGibbs Free Energy of formationspontaneous reactions have a negative G valueK aBinding constantn∆H∆S∆C pStoichiometry# of binding sites per molecule of targetEnthalpyindicates specific hydrogen bond formation, van derWaals forces <strong>and</strong> ionic interactionsEntropyindicates hydrophobic or non-specific bond formationHeat capacityindicates conformational changes occurring upon binding

Thermodynamic Driving Forces Relationships∆G= ∆H−T∆S∆G= −RTlnK B∆C p=∆HT22− ∆H−T11

ITC & DSC: Complimentary Tools∆G, ∆H, ∆S <strong>and</strong> ∆Cp are properties ofany associating systemThey are composed to varying degreesof contributions from:Binding reactionConformational changes during a reactionChanges in a molecule’s solvation statusProtonation status

DSCDifferential ScanningCalorimetryMain calorimetric technique used in thecharacterization of the thermal stability ofproteins

110100908070605040302010DSCT mArea = ∆H cal∆C p50 60 70 80 90 100Temperature (°C)Partial Molar Heat Capacity (kJ K -1 mol -1 )

Why use Nano DSC?DSC is the only technique that allows thedirect measure of T m , ∆C p <strong>and</strong> ∆H. DSC allows for calculation of entropy (∆S) <strong>and</strong>free energy (∆G).Equally useful for macromoleculesCompatible with essentially any buffer oradditiveRequires very small sample concentrations<strong>and</strong> volume

Nano DSC SensitivityHow much protein is required for a DSC experiment?200HEW Lysozyme in 0.20 M Glycine Buffer, pH 4.0 (2 °C/minute)180Molar Heat Capacity (kJ K -1 mol -1 )1602 µg1401205 µg10010 µg806025 µg4050 µg100 µg20400 µg055 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95Temperature (°C)

Nano DSC Design

Benefit of Capillary Sample CellData obtained with a DSC with “Coin<strong>and</strong> Cylindrical ” shaped sample cellData obtained with a Nano DSC withcontinuous Capillary sample cell4020070.788.95040Stable baselineafter unfoldingheat rate / µJ s -1-20-40-60-80Precipitating proteinafter unfoldingheat rate / µJ s -1302010-100-1200-140-1040 50 60 70 80 90 100 11040 50 60 70 80 90 100 110temperature / °Ctemperature / °CPurified human IgG 1 monoclonal antibody in physiological buffer; 0.5 mg/mL

Nano DSC ApplicationsBiopolymer – Conformation &SolvationAbsolute Heat Capacities, isrequired to correct temperaturedependency of ITC dataBiopolymer StabilityProtein / DNA / RNA DenaturationBiopolymer StructureDomain <strong>and</strong> Subunit OrganizationBio-EngineeringMutant ProteinsLig<strong>and</strong> InteractionsDrug Binding to Proteins orNucleic AcidsMembrane StructureLipid Bilayers, MembraneproteinsPressure PerturbationLipid/biopolymer structure<strong>and</strong> solvation (G, H, C p , C v ,α [thermal coefficient ofexpansion], β[compressibility])

Types of Experiments Addressed by Nano DSCDetermine the T m Temperature at which half the molecules are unfolded. Indication of the stability of the molecule.Analyze a single macromolecule, or macromolecularcomplex Stability Measure binding affinity (high affinity)Measure the heat capacity change (∆C p ) of amoleculeMeasure the enthalpy (∆H) of unfolding ofmacromolecules or macrolmolecular complexes (Tm).Experimental approaches are applicable to allmacromolecules

DSC – Domain Structure252015Data: SAMPLE5DSC_cpModel: M2StateChi^2 = 3361644.85449Tm1 60.00 ±0.1541H1 1.14E5 ±2.44E3Tm2 69.83 ±0.0890H2 1.47E5 ±2.21E3kcal/mole105020 30 40 50 60 70 80 90Temperature ( o C)

Power of DSCPlasminogenStructure of plasminogen(MW=83,000 Da) is organized in 7cooperative domains which meltindependently over differenttemperature rangesDSC Strength:Deconvolution analysis of themelting profilesEnthalpy <strong>and</strong> temperature arethermodynamic parametersspecifying the system <strong>and</strong> theirfunctional dependenceInformation on the states of thesystem populated over theconsidered temperature range* Peter L. Privalov <strong>and</strong> Anatoly I. Dragan, 2006

IgGT max(˚C)∆H cal(kJ/mol)∆S cal(kJ/molK)mutA 57.1 570 1.7mutB 57.6 669 2.0WT 64.9 529 1.6IgG control (red)Mutated #A (green)Mutated #B (blue)Wen, J.; Jiang, Y. American Pharm. Rev., 2008, 11, 98.

Liquid Formulation Stability Increases in T m correlate with improved stability of IL-1R DSC data can reliably predict the rank order of stability for various additivesExcepient Mole Ratio T m ( o C)Control - 48.1SugarsManitolGlucose2037203746.749.6Polymers /PolyolsPEG (300)EthanolEthanol7779761749.448.743.8SaltsNaClCaCl 271771753.141.1SurfactantsPluronic F68Tween 804546.645.8Glucose/NaCl 2037 / 717 52.2Remmele, et. al., Pharmaceutical Res. 15, 200-208 (1998)

Liquid Formulation Stability Evaluation of Preservatives <strong>and</strong> IL-1RT m %AggregationControl 50.8 1.5Phenol 50.3 3.0m-Creosol 48.4 5.1Benzyl alcohol 45.2 16.5Control in 100 mM NaCl in 20 mM NaCitrate% Aggregation determined by SECRemmele,,Pharmaceutical Res. 15, 200-208 (1998)

Membranes/membrane protein interactions Membrane proteins are mostlyhydrophobic, DSC can provide indication of a proteininserted into a specific membrane Specific changes in lipid thermogram indicateshow protein interacts with membrane Most techniques are affected bycloudiness, light scattering. DSC is notaffected DPPC – green, 2-3 molecules ofmembrane protein added to DPPC (othercurves). Shift in T m identifies that proteinembeds into DPPC bi-layer.

Importance of van’t Hoff enthalpyIs N ↔ U ?K eq = [U]/[N];∆G = -RTlnK eq ;∆G = ∆H - T∆S Fit DSC data to two-state model to determine K eq at temperatures intransition, evaluate ∆H vH . Curve is the van’t Hoff plot per mol of N ↔ U‘cooperative unit’. Fit enthalpy under curve is ∆H vH . ∆H cal is directly measured energy per mole protein. ∆H vH is calculated energy per mole cooperative unit. If ∆H vH = ∆H cal , then co-operative unit = protein, <strong>and</strong> N ↔ U

Importance of van’t Hoff enthalpyComparison of measured (∆H cal ) <strong>and</strong> calculated (∆H vH )enthalpy can provide information into the biopolymerstructure.If ∆H vH = ∆H cal , then N ↔ UMW Co-operative unit = MW protein (two-state model valid)If ∆H vH < ∆H cal , then MW Co-operative unit < Mw proteinIntermediate unfolded states are likely present, N ↔ I ↔ U(two state model invalid)If ∆H vH > ∆H cal , then MW Cooperative unit > MW proteinProtein forms oligomers N n ↔ nU (two-state model valid)

Importance of heat capacityThe heat capacity of a folded protein isdue to its specific sequence (majorfactor), hydration (minor) <strong>and</strong> noncovalentinteractions (2 o <strong>and</strong> 3 o structure)(minimal).Change in heat capacity during unfoldingprimarily reflects changes in hydrationKnowing molecular weight <strong>and</strong>concentration of the protein allows thepartial molar heat capacity of the proteinthroughout the scan (e.g. 37 o C) to bedetermined.Practical implications: protein with lowerheat capacity is more rigid, moreselective when binding a lig<strong>and</strong>. Proteinwith higher heat capacity is more flexible,less selective.

OligomerizationEffect of sample concentration dependence of T m is a test foroligomerization.

How to determine if unfolding is kineticallycontrolled? Scan rate dependence of T m indicates that N <strong>and</strong> U are not inequilibrium. Their concentrations change at a rate equal to the sum of theunfolding <strong>and</strong> refolding reactions. Increasing temperature faster thansystem responds distorts T m <strong>and</strong> shape.

Membrane protein structureMicrograms of a membrane proteincan represent weeks of work <strong>and</strong>require detergents for solubilizationNano DSC obtained high-quality scansusing 20 µg (0.3 picomoles) of a70,000 Da complex (non-palmitoylated <strong>and</strong>partially palmitoylated SNAP-25) consisting of3 membrane proteins Thermogram very well fit by 3transitionsPartial chemical derivatization <strong>and</strong>stabililization of complex easily verifiedby DSC

Measuring Molecular Interactions with DSCDSC Binding Data Increasing amounts ofinhibitor shows T m shiftas more binding occurs Binding constant can beestimated Tight binders up to 10 20M -1 can be runExcess Cp / kJ mol -1 K -180706050403020100Rnase A – 2’CMP0.3 mM0.15 mM0.075 mM0.05 mM0 mM0.75 mM1 mM1.25 mM1.5 mM DSC is a quick way ofscreening whether twomolecules interact-1035 45 55 65 75 85Temperature / °C

Nano DSC Automation SystemNano DSC Autosampler System: True program-<strong>and</strong>-walk-away functionality Most reliable, sensitive Nano DSCavailable Reliable liquid h<strong>and</strong>ling autosampler fromSpark Holl<strong>and</strong> Easy conversion of Nano DSC tosingle sample (or manual) configuration Utilizes minimum bench space Superior signal-noise at lowsample concentration Both Nano DSC <strong>and</strong> Autosamplerprogrammed from same software Temperature controlled sample storage(4°C – Ambient) Two 96-well sample plates Programming for up to 96 samples withmatching buffers

Nano DSC AutosamplerWash Buffer forSample H<strong>and</strong>lingSyringeSample H<strong>and</strong>lingSyringeSample DeliveryLine to Nano DSCTemperatureControlledSample Storage AreaSample PlateBuffer Plate

Nano DSC Autosampler PerformanceRaw Heat Rate / µJ/s302520151050-5Raw Heat RateNano DSC AnalysisAutosampler System2 mg/mL1 mg/mL0.5 mg/mL0.2 mg/mL0.1 mg/mLGlycine Buffer30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80Temperature / °CExperiment Parameters:Instrument: Nano DSCSample: LysozymeScan Range: 10 – 80ºCScan Rate: 1ºC / minSample Buffer: GlycineSample Vol: 1mLA/S & DSC Protocol:1. Initial cell wash2. Cell conditioning scan3. Cell wash4. Buffer scan5. Cell wash6. Sample scan7. Cell wash8. Buffer scan9. Final cell wash2 SamplesEachmg/mL

Nano DSC Autosampler PerformanceMolar Heat Capacity / kJ/mol·K4035302520151050-5-10-15Nano DSC AnalysisAutosampler SystemLowest concentration 0.1 mg/mLMolar Heat CapacityExperiment Parameters: Instrument: Auto Nano DSC Sample: Lysozyme Scan Range: 10 – 80ºC Scan Rate: 1ºC / min Sample Buffer: Glycine Sample Volume inautosampler tray: 1mL Small shift in magnitude oflowest concentration sample,which could indicate errors inactual concentration used toconvert to Molar HeatCapacity units.40 45 50 55 60 65 70Temperature / °C

Nano DSC Autosampler Performance ResultsLysozyme SampleConcentrationT m(ºC)∆H(kJ / mol)2 mg/mL 55.28 ±0.02 399.0 ±2.81 mg/mL 55.35 ±0.07 398.5 ±2.10.5 mg/mL 55.48 ±0.07 397.0 ±1.40.2 mg/ml 55.70 ±0.01 395.0 ±2.80.1 mg/mL 56.00 ±0.01 393.0 ±1.4Published Values @ pH 2.41-10 mg/mL55.25 – 58.75 377 – 439

Summary DSC is the only technique for directly determining the enthalpy of theunfolding of a biological polymer. DSC is a direct measurement of the thermal stability <strong>and</strong> molecularstructure of biopharmaceuticals Comparison of ∆H cal to ∆H vH provides unique information about theunfolding pathway (oligomerization, intermediates, aggregation). Sample concentration dependence of T m is a sensitive test of higherorderassociation. Scan rate dependence of T m is the key test for equilibrium unfolding.

ITCIsothermal Titration CalorimetryMain calorimetric technique used incharacterization of binding reactionsbetween proteins <strong>and</strong> lig<strong>and</strong>s or othermacromolecules

ITC∆G=∆H-RTlnK a=∆H-T∆SK an

Why use Nano ITC? Completely general technique ITC measures the production <strong>and</strong> absorption of heat Direct measure of Enthalpy Provides information on thermodynamics of thereaction Technique of choice for affinity measurements Natural, unmodified lig<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> substrates can beused Requires neither immobilization or labeling Equally useful for macromolecules <strong>and</strong> smallmolecules Compatible with essentially any buffer oradditive Reactions conducted isothermally at anytemperature between 2 to 80 o C

Nano ITC DesignChoice of Sample Cell Volume190 µL1.0 mL

Binding interactions Measure the affinity of bindingbetween two or more molecules(complex)Protein-Protein, Protein-DNA, Protein-RNA,Protein-LipidProtein-Carbohydrate, Protein-Metal ionDNA-DNA, DNA-RNA, DNA-Metal ionProtein-Nanomaterial, DNA-Nanomaterial,Antibody-NanomaterialEtc. – Any interacting moleculesProtein-ProteinInteractionResearchers identify the affinity of an interaction, so they can then try <strong>and</strong>block/strengthen the interaction to influence a therapeutic-cellular response.Drug discovery,Enthalpy <strong>and</strong> stoichiometry provide additional informationType of binding (hydophobic/H-bonding)

ITC ApplicationsMolecular Binding StudiesQuick <strong>and</strong> accurate affinitiesBinding stoichiometriesInhibition of protein protein interactionInvestigate structure-function relationshipsAffinity <strong>and</strong> mechanism of action screeningSpecific vs. non-specific bindingQuality <strong>and</strong> process controlProtein engineering assessmentValidate virtual modelsReaction KineticsK M, V max, k catEnzyme Inhibition

Enthalpy/entropy compensation in drug design1 2 310kcal/mole50-5-10∆G∆H-T∆S-15-20Entropy Hydrophobic interactions Solvation entropy due to releaseof water (favorable)Enthalpy Directly associated to number <strong>and</strong>strength of H-bonds broken or formed Choice of solvent important

ITC: Biopharmaceutical Characterization

Proton LinkageM + L + BM + LB + H +ML + BH + ; ∆H reactionML + H + ; ∆H bindingBH + ; ∆H protonP/ nW2000-200-400-600-800∆H reaction-1.0000 50 100 150 200Time/min∆H protonIGF-I to the soluble extracellularIGF-I receptorData from Hallén, D., Thermometric Application Note 22024 (1997)

Quality Control-250% active0Protein Quality Anti-quinidine antibodybatches comparedkcal/mole of injectant-4-6-8-10Fully active Activity of antibodiesimmobilized on metalbeads quantitativelymeasured0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0Molar Ratio

Why run Both ITC <strong>and</strong> DSC?The complete thermodynamic profile of anassociating system is composed of :Binding reactionSpecific interactionsNonspecific interactionsConformational changes during a reactionUnfolding <strong>and</strong> refoldingStability changesChanges in a molecule’s solvation statusWater accessible polar <strong>and</strong> nonpolar surfacesProtonation statusSolvent ionic strength

Power of DSC <strong>and</strong> ITC TogetherITC provides global thermodynamic profile of energeticsof molecular binding reactions.DSC provides details on energetics of molecularconformation changes, subunit folding, complex stability,etc.Together ITC <strong>and</strong> DSC enables the underst<strong>and</strong>ing ofcomplex contributions of molecular <strong>and</strong> sub-moleculardriving forces, binding mechanisms <strong>and</strong> subunit <strong>and</strong>complex stability.

Studying enzyme kinetics by ITCEssentially all enzyme reactions produce heat. Studyingkinetics by ITC is fast, easy, with little methodsdevelopment required: simply titrate a known amount ofsubstrate into the enzyme solution, <strong>and</strong> measure the totalheat produced. When heat production stops, the reactionis finishedRate of an enzyme reaction is calculated by:Rate of heat production per unit substrate is known, so:

Enzyme application 1: Simple kinetics, single injection Single injection method: versatile, fast, canbe used to study fast <strong>and</strong> slow kineticsInject [S] > K M , [E]Penicillin: 15 µL, 10.2 mM injectionPenicillinase: 950 µL 7.7 x 10 -11 Mheat rate / µW1614121086420AA: raw data (instrument response)B: rate of hydrolysis (normalized for [E])-20 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500time / s1800Replot B as Lineweaver-Burk plot(1/velocity vs. 1/[S]); V max = y-intercept,K M = x-intercept, k cat = V max /[E total ]rate / s -11600140012001000800B600K M = 30.7 µMV max = 1.4 x 10 -10 mol s -1k cat = 1950 s -140020000 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160[S] / µMEssentially no methods development

Enzyme application 2: Enzyme inhibition, single injection2.52ABlue: 10 µL 5.1 x 10 -7 M trypsin injectedinto 950 µL 1.44 x 10 -4 M BAEERed: plus 1.36 x 10 -4 M benzamidineTotal heat identical (∆H = -6.33 kcal/moleBAEE)(-) inhibitor: K M = 4.17 µM; V max = 0.091µMol/s, k cat = 17.8 s -1(+) inhibitor: K M = 35.1 µM; V max = 5.9 x10 -4 µMol/s, k cat = 0.11 s -1 , K i = 18.4 µMheat rate / µW1.510.500 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000time / s20rate / s -118B16141210864200 20 40 60 80 100 120 140[S] / µM

Enzyme application 3: Enzyme catalysis, multiple injections Enzyme (between 5 x 10 -11 to 2 x 10 -8 M) insample cell, substrate (between 2 x 10 -5 to5 x 10 -1 M) in syringe Determine rate by measuring dQ/dt when 2-10 µL of substrate injected Spike due to heat of dilution of substrate Signal establishes new steady state,reaction occurs at steady state, negligiblesubstrate converted to product in this time Second substrate injection: substrateconcentration increased, thermal output ofreaction increased (dQ 2 /dt). Rate of heatgenerated proportional to rate of reaction. Typically 10-30 injections, 2-5 min apart Example: penicillinase (1 mL, 7.7 x 10 -11 M,30 o C. Penicillin (30.6 mM), 20 x 5 µL, 5 minintervals. K M = 101 mM.

ITC <strong>and</strong> enzyme kinetics summaryEssentially all enzyme reactions produce heat, <strong>and</strong> socan be studied by calorimetry.No spectroscopic probes or colorimetric substrates arerequired. The natural substrate can be used, makingcalorimetry a versatile <strong>and</strong> universal assay method.The same approach can be used for all enzymes,requiring little or no methods development.

Summary ITC is a completely general technique, since all reactions produce orabsorb heat ITC is the technique of choice for determining K a , n <strong>and</strong> ∆H ofbinding reactions Only ITC provides a complete thermodynamic analysis of the bindingreaction. This is advantageous since determination of ∆G alone provides littleinformation on the specificity of the binding reaction. The concentrations of reactants required for ITC should satisfy:10 < K a [M] T < 1000 ITC is also a powerful <strong>and</strong> straightforward approach for determiningkinetics constants

Isothermal microcalorimetry Isothermal Calorimetry is a technique for a direct measurement ofheat production or consumption of a sample The heat production rate is directly related to the rate of reaction Total heat produced is related to the extent of the reactionP H ⋅k⋅ f= ∆(c)Heat flow (µW/g)1800016000140001200010000800060004000200000 1 2 3 4Time (d)Energy (J/g)1800016000140001200010000800060004000200000 1 2 3 4Time (d)

Benefits Universal – if anything is happening in the sample it will likely bedetected Non-specific – everything going on in the sample will be detected Sample preparation is not necessary Not dependent on physical state of the sample Non-destructive Direct Continuous Highly sensitive – measurements can be performed at or close toambient. No need for accelerated conditions

Isothermal Microcalorimetry– A universal techniqueChemistryPharmaceuticalSciencesLifeScienceMaterialScience

TAM III –a flexible multichannel microcalorimetric system 1 – 48 individual & independent calorimeters nW - mW sensitivity depending oncalorimeter

Calorimeters for TAM IIINanocalorimeter

The Flexibility of TAM IIISample sizeAbsolute Sensitivity

Sample h<strong>and</strong>ling system for TAMAll sample h<strong>and</strong>ling systems areavailable in 1, 4 <strong>and</strong> 20 ml sizesMacrocalorimeter ampoules areavailable in 120 mlGas or LiqPerfusionRHPerfusionTitrationVacuumPressure

Static measurementsStatic measurementsStabilityCompatibilityReaction kineticsAmorphicityPolymorphismCuringSafety assementMicroorganism growthEtc...

Irreversible denaturation of proteinsStability study of a monoclonal antibody:Abbott X in phosphate bufferDSC traceNLumry-Eyring:k1,k 2←⎯⎯→U1rate = ∑ ∆ Hk3⎯⎯→i⋅ PiAIsothermal calorimetry trace ofa at 4 different pHZhu et al (2010) Thermochim. Acta 499

Titration setup– Possibilities for adding <strong>and</strong> mixing Evaluate binding constants <strong>and</strong>thermodynamics Complex formation Cmc determinations Enzyme kinetics Mixing enthalpies Dissolution kinetics Absorption Reaction kinetics Swelling Drug effect on livingcells Etc...P,µW4. 2 3 4Time,hourK 1 =2.541 . 10 5 M -1∆H=55.79694 kJ/mol0.6 1.2 1.8[L]/[M],

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