Topics Morphological processes Derivation and Inflection Derivation

Topics Morphological processes Derivation and Inflection Derivation

Topics Morphological processes Derivation and Inflection Derivation

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<strong>Topics</strong>• Morpheme <strong>and</strong> morph• Allomorph• Phonological <strong>and</strong> suppletive allomorphs• Conditioning of the allomorphy• <strong>Morphological</strong> analysis<strong>Morphological</strong> <strong>processes</strong>• <strong>Derivation</strong>A process that creates new lexemes• <strong>Inflection</strong>A process that creates different forms of alexeme (word-forms)<strong>Derivation</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Inflection</strong><strong>Derivation</strong>read-sread [red]read-ingreadread-ableun-read-ableread-abilityread-erre-read• Change in meaning• Change in lexical categorynominalization verbalization adjectivalizationA N N V V AV N A V N ABut, not necessarily…N N V V A A

• Change in meaning<strong>Derivation</strong>• Change in lexical categorynominalization verbalization adjectivalizationA N (stupidity) N V (enslave) V A (doable)V N (singer) A V (whiten) N A (penniless)<strong>Derivation</strong>al <strong>processes</strong>• Affixation• Conversion (zero derivation)• Compounding• ReduplicationAnd other <strong>processes</strong>But, not necessarily…N N (humankind) V V (undo)A A (impossible)Affixation• Affixation can be category-determining.– An affix determines the lexical category of thecomplex word that it forms.การ- นัก- -less -ize• Head in syntax– is an indispensable element of a phrase– determines the syntactic category of thephraseAffix as head• An affix contains features which can bepercolated to an upper level.VAdjsuffixreli -able[Adj]The idea that an affix functions as a head is perhaps counter-intuitive. In“reliable” or “cooker”, for example, the meaning of the word seems tocome from the stem.

Affix as head• Is affixation necessarily a categorydeterminingprocess?co-exist co-author co-operativeAffix as head• Right-h<strong>and</strong> Head Rule (RHR): Inmorphology, we define the head of amorphologically complex word to be theright-h<strong>and</strong> member of that word. (Williams1981)Prefixation is not category-determining. Prefixes are notheads.• Is this rule universal?• Is “head” similarly defined in syntax?<strong>Derivation</strong>al processExerciseInput OutputLexeme XLexeme YInput OutputLexeme YLexeme Z• The output of one derivation serves as theinput to the next.favor favorablefavorable unfavorableTwo possible analyses of the complexword uncomfortably are given below.Which one is correct? Give arguments foryour position.a. [un- [[[comfort] –abl] –ly]]b. [[un- [[comfort] –abl]] –ly]favor unfavor unfavorable Is this possible?

<strong>Derivation</strong>al process• A binary systemTake a form <strong>and</strong> apply a function to it, thentake the output <strong>and</strong> another function on it.• Parasynthetic word-formation: conflation oftwo morphological templates resulting inattachment of a prefix <strong>and</strong> a suffixTree diagrams• Show the internal structure of complexwords• Draw tree diagrams of the following wordsinsightful Americanize oversimplificationTree diagrams• Words that look similar may have distinctstructures.pseudonaturalisticsupernaturalisticTree diagrams• There are forms that are ambiguous.undressedunzippedundoable• un with verb – revesative (which can be undone)• un with adjective – not (which cannot be done)

Meaning of derived words• A word is compositional if it is definedentirely in terms of its parts.ห้องเรียน ตีนแมว นักพนันbeheadbefriendbesiegebewitchCompositionality‘to remove someone’s head’‘to make yourself a friend to someone’‘to lay siege to’‘to place under one’s power as if bymagic’Japanese: shima-guniisl<strong>and</strong>-country• Are these forms compositional?Complex words in the lexicon• Rule <strong>and</strong> idiosyncratic properties ofindividual words• Inheritance treeEach node inherits all the properties of thedominating nodes, <strong>and</strong> may haveadditional unique properties, which arealso specified on that node.Complex words in the lexicon• Information that is provided by dominatingnodes is not specified.• Full specification approachThe existence of a rule does not imply thatthe outputs cannot be stored individually.doer teacher cooker washer

Conversion(Zero-derivation)• Conversion changes a word’s lexicalcategory without changing its form.• From Clark (1995)Don’t hair me.I broomed her.I’m supermanning.Will you chocolate my milk?• house ท้องOther derivational <strong>processes</strong>• Compounding• ReduplicationAnd other <strong>processes</strong>

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