Chelmsford & District Advanced Motorcyclists - CADAM

Chelmsford & District Advanced Motorcyclists - CADAM Chelmsford & District Advanced Motorcyclists - CADAM


Chelmsford & District Advanced MotorcyclistsRegistered Charity No. 1111635Registered Charity No. 1111635 • Affiliated to Group No: 7251Affiliated to Group No: 7251February/March 2013BonnieRebornTriumph T120vBonneville RebuildChairman’s LipWhere We’re Going,We Don’t Need Roads!Saxon MicolightsLights, Camera ActionOn the road with HertsTraffic Management SystemsThe Harlow ClassicCar & Bike ShowInformation on a new event.Glamour ModelsNews on the lateststunning modelsFrom the ForumSample of current chatCommunication Breakdown?Getting Chatty with ItWhat’s On?

<strong>Chelmsford</strong> & <strong>District</strong> <strong>Advanced</strong> <strong>Motorcyclists</strong>Registered Charity No. 1111635Registered Charity No. 1111635 • Affiliated to Group No: 7251Affiliated to Group No: 7251February/March 2013BonnieRebornTriumph T120vBonneville RebuildChairman’s LipWhere We’re Going,We Don’t Need Roads!Saxon MicolightsLights, Camera ActionOn the road with HertsTraffic Management SystemsThe Harlow ClassicCar & Bike ShowInformation on a new event.Glamour ModelsNews on the lateststunning modelsFrom the ForumSample of current chatCommunication Breakdown?Getting Chatty with ItWhat’s On?

The <strong>CADAM</strong> CommitteeChairmanJonathan Harmanchairman@cadam.orgVice ChairmanCraig Ansonvice.chairman@cadam.orgTreasurerStephen Fallstreasurer@cadam.orgGroup SecretaryTravis Martinsongroupsec@cadam.orgOUR AIMS<strong>Chelmsford</strong> and <strong>District</strong> <strong>Advanced</strong> <strong>Motorcyclists</strong>(<strong>CADAM</strong>) is one of many groups across the countrywhose aim is to improve motorcycling road safety byhelping people prepare for, and pass, the Institute of<strong>Advanced</strong> Motorists (IAM) <strong>Advanced</strong> Motorcycling Test.Our group is affiliated to, but not subservient to,the IAM. However, because we share the same aims,we often seem to speak with one voice.<strong>CADAM</strong> is run by volunteers and serves the districtsof Essex in and around <strong>Chelmsford</strong>. As well as helpingpeople to pass the <strong>Advanced</strong> Test, we run the groupas a club, so that once you have passed, you will stillwant to stay on and take part in our other activities.We provide:Structured instruction to prepare for the IAM<strong>Advanced</strong> Motorcycling Test. You can choose a coursethat runs on Saturdays or one that runs on Sundays.These courses are designed to take even relativelyinexperienced riders and raise their riding to IAMtest standards.When on a club run, be it an evening ora weekend event, speed limits must beobserved. We have no exemption andadvanced riding does not need to involvehigher speeds. When approaching hazardsappropriate care must be taken. On clubsruns you are running as <strong>CADAM</strong> and underthe IAM banner.Membership SecretaryDean Scrivenermembership@cadam.orgChief ObserversTy Boughen &Dennis Kitterridgechiefobserver@cadam.orgRecruitmentPromotion Officerassociaterep@cadam.orgTraining Co-OrdinatorDoug Prassertrainingcoord@cadam.orgO2W EditorMark Ansteyeditor@cadam.orgCommittee MemberPhil DraperCommittee MemberSteve GreenWebmasterCraig Ansonwebmaster@cadam.orgMachine control days to increase your machinehandling skills. These sessions are held off the publicroad, so we can explore your capabilities and those ofyour machine in safety.Social runs over challenging routes (no motor-ways,thanks!) to interesting places. Weekends away to ridesome new roads, normally out of Essex.Monthly group meetings, often with a talkfrom a speaker on an interesting topic to do withmotorcycling.On 2 Wheels – This newsletter, keeping you up todate with what’s happening.Want to know more? Call our general enquiriesnumber 07790 656 687 – or just turn up at a meetingand introduce yourself to a committee member!Future Events – listings and directionscan be found on the back cover.Do not bring this into disrepute. Also theMarker system will be used. Anyone notfamiliar with this system please speakto one of the run organisers who will runthrough this for you.Thanks and safe riding.Jonathan Harman,Chairman, <strong>CADAM</strong>motorcycles.findthebest.comwww.sportrider.comTiffany Coates visits onFebruary’s Group NightIssue 30 • February/March 2013 • www.cadam.orgChairman’s Lip…A quick mirror check and the grainy silhouette of anotheryear spent becomes more shaded with every passingbroken white centre line. The reflection in the clocks arenot speed and revs, but thoughts tainted with regret as toall things on two wheels we may have failed to achieve oraspire to, in the year just gone.Fear not! Whilst another yearmay have passed, the bestmotorcycling moments ofyour life are just a twist of thewrist away - as we will soonwitness the birth of the newmotorcycling dawn of 2013.So in the meantime, turn thekey and prod the button to thelatest edition of your O2W!!In typical Cadam fashion, avery warm welcome to ournewest members who havetaken up the challenge: PhilipCross, James Keteleers andRichard England - welcome tothe world of Cadam and I wishyou may happy miles with us.By joining the ranks of Cadamyou have already identified thatit is enthusiasm for motorcyclingand not age, sex or choice ofmachine; that ultimately unitesriders who develop their skillsto the level required to passthe <strong>Advanced</strong> Motorcycle Test.So please make best use of theopportunities to ride with yourObservers - and good luck.The past month has been atesting time of our website andnerve. We need to expressgratitude to Craig Anson, PhilDraper and Dave McLean forrescuing our website from thecusp. Thank guys!I have not really had my earto the wall of the motorcyclemanufacturers these last months.However I note that the testreports on the Triumph 675Rglow as brightly as its BremboMonoblock callipers on a trackday. Hinckley have also beenbusy with the 1050 Tiger. A midlife make over provides 10 extraponies, new bodywork, exhaustand swing arm. Apparently itdoes not drink so much either.The Rocket 3 Roadster andTouring have also had a handfrom the make up department.The Augusta Brutale 800 maynot be that practical (buy a usedSTX1300 and save a wad!) butfor chilling out on a summersday... (er, I wonder, does anyoneremember those?)Something that did catchmy gaze is Honda’s take3

Issue 30 • February/March 2013 • www.cadam.orgon a modern air cooled classic. Honda launchedtheir CB1100 on home turf 3 years ago, but hastaken this long to arrive on our shores (have heardof a slow boat to China. Did they row the boat toEngland??) It looks a beautiful recreation of theiriconic air cooled in line fours of the seventies andeighties, but at £9,000 I would need a little moreconvincing – and then some.I did note that KTM have added a 390cc Duketo their range of bikes. It should just about offera full motorcycle and proper biking experiencewith big bike looks and equipment – for under£5000. Did I mention that for considerably moreyou could be astride the 690 Duke R? Well I havenow and it comes with Akrapovic and WP bling.The 1290 Super Duke R has now been riddenfor the first time in prototype form – and it looksquite promising.This could be one for those that prefer ‘green’and not ‘black’ beneath their rubber. Honda is tooffer an off road school along similar tracks tothat offered by BMW. Their chosen party piecealso being in Wales. CRF 250’s and 400’s are yourweapons of choice, so maybe more appealing thanthe German artillery pieces? No prices yet.On the subject of German artillery, the last weekof January in South Africa bore witness to thelaunch of what is probably BMW’s most importantbike ever – the new GS. Tragically, said launch wasmarred by the death of Kevin Ash. Kevin Ash 53,was a world renowned motorcycling journalist andhad written regular features for many publicationsfrom MCN to the Daily Telegraph and was ridingone of the new bikes at the time. The lid is stilltightly shut on what exactly happened, obviouslypending the findings of the investigation by boththe locals and BMW Motorrad. As such I feel itappropriate to bow ones head – and not blowthe GS’s trumpet. (You can do that by browsingthe bike press between now and the UK launch).The 19th day of this year saw the introductionof the new driving licence regs and at the sameCategory Minimum Test Vehicle Description Min ageAMA two-wheeled machine of 50 cubic centimetres (cc) capacity or 16 years(Moped) less; and have a top design speed of no more than 28 mph (45km/h)A1(SmallMotorcycle)A2(MediumMotorcycle)A(LargeMotorcycle)A two-wheeled machine and at least 120cc and no more than125cc capacity; have an engine power output no more than11 kilowatts (kW) - 14.6 brake horse power (bhp); and becapable of at least 55 mph (90 km/h)A two-wheeled machine of at least 395cc; have an enginepower output of at least 25kW (33 bhp) and not exceeding35kW (46.6 bhp); and have a power to weight ratio notexceeding 0.2kW per kilogram.* If the engine power output of the motorcycle has beenrestricted to fit sub- category A2, the power output of themachine before restriction cannot be more than double thatobtained after restrictionA two-wheeled machine of at least 595cc; and have an enginepower output of at least 40kW (53.6 bhp)17 years19 years24 years(21 yrs viaprogressiveaccess)time DVLA are also issuinga revised style of drivinglicence. These new regseffect new motorcyclists,particularly as a new drivingcategory – A2 has beenintroduced. So there are now4 categories of motorcycleentitlement or groups toget our heads around: AM,A1, A2 and A. It is not theeasiest thing to understand,so have copied the chartbelow from the web, asit’s the best learning aidI could find.On the subject of Januaryand on the home front, in Aprilour first Group nightof 2013 was a reallyinformative presentation from Saxon Microlights.Thanks Joan. (Sorry I failed to appear, butwas being scanned by a box of MRI tricks).On the back of their visit I hope to arrange aCadam trip to North Weald during the summermonths to witness the magnificent men andwomen in their flying machines. Some thing notto be missed!Tiffany Coates will have the floor and our fullattention come February’s Group Night. For thosenot in the know, Tiffany is the female (and much,much, more attractive) equivalent of Austin Vince.Tiffany is the worlds foremost female adventurebike rider and has ridden nearly 200,000 milessince her first adventure. Her first adventurewas supposed to be for nine months, but Tiffanyjust kept riding – for two and a half years – andfour continents!We have another lovely lady to grace our AprilGroup night. Inky Anne! Inky Anne or Anne GarnishInky Anne, another lovely lady,preparing to grace our Group Night,to use her real name, only started motorcyclingat the age of 33 and having got hooked on trackdays decided to give being a passenger in a racingsidecar outfit a go. And go she did! She hascompeted in numerous F2 and F350 events andhas this year been invited to the TT and Oliver’sMount to name a few. If you wonder where thename Inky Anne comes from – well I don’t thinkyou will get to find out! Hopefully Anne will notmind if I let on that she has a tattoo on her backwhich took over 35 hrs needle time (Ouch!!)Mick Gowlett’s wife Jen has not seen much of himthese winter evenings, for Mick has been busyamongst the cobwebs in his potting shed. Mick hasnot been nursing his new seedlings – but planningtwo fantastic Cadam trips! The first trip is in Mayand is to the Eifel Region of Western Germany, inthe narrow valley of the Rur River at Monschau.Having done this trip twice, I cannot rate it enough.You will see why...The second trip is at the end of AugustPhoto by Peter Schiazza for WI Life (April 2012)5

and is a little closer to home.In fact, Mick will be guiding youto England’s largest and possiblymost rural county and nextyears Tour de France will starthere... You don’t need to putyour answers on a post card, butdo keep your eyes peeled onthe Cadam website.D–Day will probably go downas the most successful invasionin history. So over the secondBank Holiday weekend inMay, I am planning a weekendaway to explore and see forourselves the turning point ofWWII. Least we forget whatwe owe so many.This time of year pot holes areone of our biggest enemies.Particularly on unlit sectionsof tarmac during the hours ofdarkness. Its reassuring to notethen that revenue spendingon highways was down 6%between 2010-2011. It isestimated that between 2011-2012 it was down 13% and tocheer us up it is on course tofall another 11% between 2012-2013. Apparently is nought to dowith materials or workmanship,but all to do with the expansionof water as our climate continuallydances between a couple ofdegrees either side of zero thistime of year.As a side (seems they havenot surveyed motorcyclesor riders yet) Porsche, AstonMartin and Jaguar pilots areamongst the most likely to getcaught speeding. Particularlyif your des res happens to bein Bournemouth, Dorchesterand Liverpool. If you steer aFiat, Proton or Rover and likeCanterbury, Ilford and London– then your doing just fine!Hmmm – does this prove theyhave wider, bigger, straighterribbons of tarmac in the southwest and that Ilford and Londonare just too congested to getcarried away??In line with tradition and witha serious exhaust note, MarchGroup night is our AGM. Whilstthis may not be the most grippingevent on the map, it is one of themost important – none more sothan this year. Not only has ourTreasurer had to move on, butso does our Group Secretary.I cannot say this any louder:“Cadam needs your help”.The engine that powers yourgroup is down to just 6 cylinders.We need to run on 8 tomaintain the same standards ofequilibrium and need to engageall 12 cylinders for improvedGroup performance. To be fair,you only get out of your Groupwhat you put in – put poor fuelin your bike and you get poorperformance. So please givesome thought to removing yourhelmet and gloves and steppingforward. Thank you.Finally, the grime reaper cameafter me twice in one day lastweek. He was wearing a hugesmile across his chest andcircling his sharpened scytheabove my head. A male in a greyPeugeot 207 accelerated out ofthe exit of McDonald’s car parkat the Boreham services straighttowards my brightly colouredliquorice all sort. Then followedthe sound of biting tyres intotarmac as he changed his mindand stopped about 6 inchesfrom my left knee. Not longafterwards riding along the A12in lane 3, I met his accomplice.Strangely enough in anotherPeugeot. A very mature female,overdosed on slap, suddenlydecided she wanted me andtried to put me into the centralbarrier. It was a good effort,as I still don’t know how I gotaway with it. All I know is thatour conversation that followedwas not of a loving nature.Not helped by those immortalwords: “Sorry, I did not see you!”This time of year we are all a bitrusty – me obviously included.So the motto here is to makesure we are covered head tofoot in ‘day glow Derek paint’(I was) and always remember topresent your bike (I didn’t) toother traffic every time.Kind Regards & Safe RidingJH.Issue 30 • February/March 2013 •“Where we’re going,we don’t need roads!”Doc Brown. Back to the FutureJanuary club night saw a fascinating presentationby Joan Walsh of Saxon Microlights,on an alternative, to the norm, form of transportfor Cadam! For those who were unable to attendthe evening, or would like to know more,here’s what Saxon Microlights do!Joan performing a fly-past in ‘Hoppy’Our main goal is to introduce people to the delights of flying microlight aircraft. Many people whofly with us plan to do so only once as an adventure sport activity among many others – just for theexperience. We offer a variety of gift vouchers which you can give to a loved one (or yourself) as apresent for a special occasion. We find that many who come once, come again; but they come backto learn how to fly. We do that too!Learning to fly a microlight is a very satisfying challenge from the first time you handle the controls,through gaining sufficient skills to land the aeroplane, eventually being sent away for your first solo flight(with nobody else aboard), and finally the General Skills Test where you prove to a flight examiner thatyou are ready to take full responsibility for your own flying and to take a passenger with you. Somepeople choose to spend a summer putting in a lot of effort to gain their licence in one push; otherschoose a more relaxed approach, flying once a month or so. This latter approach takes longer, butevery training flight is a flight, and our intention is to make every flight a pleasure.7

Issue 30 • February/March 2013 • www.cadam.orgWe operate from an active airfield and onsummer weekends (and often during the weektoo) we can often be found at our ‘dispersal hut’sitting in the shade of the poplar trees and sippinga cup of tea or a cool soft drink while discussingthe previous flight. When the weather is poor, wecan retire to the school office for ground schoolto explain some of the theoretical subjects or topractise some of the flight exercises in our full sizemicrolight simulator.What we flyThruster T600N – the school’s workhorseOur school microlight is a Thruster T600N 450(Jab) nicknamed Grasshopper (or ‘Hoppy’ forshort). The Thruster is a well-established marquefor microlight training, and was made famous inthe popular book, Propellerhead. Our aircraft,a modern version of the type, is near the midpointin terms of microlight performance, so ourstudent pilots are well placed to transfer either tothe faster (more expensive) modern machines orto move onto older, lighter, and more affordableclassic microlights, such as the AX3 or our privatelyoperated Thruster TST.Cyclone AX3 – an old favouriteOver the winter of 2007/8 we renovated an oldAX3 microlight. We used her as a way to teachSaxon Microlights students about microlightaircraft maintenance. The team who renovated herwill operate her as a syndicate machine, while wewill retain an interest so that she will also be theschool’s reserve training aircraft. In the spirit of theclub, she’s been given a name: Myhmi (pronouncedMimi). This came from the view of her dancinggently on her wheels in the wind, all dressed inher faded pink and white finery. When she wasyoung it was red and white, but age and the sunhad faded the dyes – but now, fresh for 2012, wehave bought her some new clothes; her red andwhite are shiny and bright and her windscreen isfresh and clear.We also use our FNPT for flight training. It is afull size simulator modelled as an accurate replicaof the school’s Thruster and allows students topractice flight exercises in a relaxed environmentand at lower cost than in the air. It can also be usedwhen the weather prevents flying or during thelong winter evenings.Where we areWe are based at North Weald Airfield, a historicairfield which is famous for its important role inthe defence of Britain during both world wars. It isconveniently located near the Harlow/<strong>Chelmsford</strong>exit on the M11 and close to the M25. Thislocation makes it easy to reach from London,Essex, and surrounding counties (Hertfordshire,Kent, Cambridge, and Bedfordshire).Our club facilitiesOur ground school facilities and simulator roomare based on site at North Weald airfield. Wemade the move early in 2009. After a lot of workcleaning up and providing our own facilities wewere ready to open for business by May. Then inSeptember 2011 we were given the opportunityto move to a better location on the airfield. Afteryet more cleaning and redecoration, we moved injust before Christmas.We are here Tuesdays to Saturdays by appointmentor if we have work that needs to be done there.On Wednesdays and Saturdays we’ll be here,whether or not we are flying, from about noonto at least 5pm.When we’re preparing the aircraft to fly, we’ll be atthe ‘dispersal hut’ under the poplars. This is where youmight find us if you are booked in for a trial lesson.Who we areWe have been involved in microlight flying since1993 and were both occasional glider pilots beforethat. Before founding the Saxon Microlights flyingschool, Joan Walsh had a successful career as aChartered Engineer practising firstly in the aircraftindustry, then in a wide variety of computer-basedengineering projects. She is now our full time flyinginstructor and is responsible for the training armof the business.In addition to instructing, as a Flight Examiner, sheis also authorised by the CAA to conduct thewritten and practical tests leading to the issue of aUK National Private Pilot’s Licence or to revalidatea lapsed licence. Joan has also been active withinthe BMAA, first quietly behind the scenes, thenbetween 2006 and 2012 as a member of thegoverning council.Ginge Sunley is involved in the business part timeand is responsible for the ground operations,especially aircraft maintenance and safety. In hisspare time, Ginge is renovating a classic biplanefrom the early days of microlight flying. Joan alsowrites occasional magazine articles, mostly aboutmicrolight flying.9

our ground training facilities to North Weald too.We still retain a link with the farm because wevisit there for the club ‘summer camp’ and get ourpilots used to operating within the restrictions ofa farm strip.Why ‘Saxon’ Microlights?We’re often asked! For starters, Saxon is anappropriate name for any organisation operatingin Essex; during the dark ages it was the county ofthe East Saxons.Lights,Cameras,Action!Issue 30 • February 2013 • www.cadam.orgA little historyHaving spent some time based as a private aircraftat the farm, our aeroplane was temporarilymoved to Rayne Hall Farm near Braintree in 2004.We flew her from here to Sheepcoates Farm nearMaldon whenever we needed to do flight trainingwhile we assessed the suitability of the site as apermanent base for the school. The aeroplane wasmoved there in the early summer of 2005 andwe continued training using Sheepcoates Farmas our base. We received no serious complaintsand applied for planning permission to base therepermanently, but this was refused at the start of2006. We were given the opportunity to moveback to the farm, which has been the home tolight aircraft since the 1950’s and is operated byYak-11 display pilot, Angie Soper. This field, whilestill definitely a farm strip, had better facilities andwe built a small office and briefing room withinone of the factory units there. It also becamethe home of our flight procedures trainer.In early 2007 we were given permission tooperate training flights at North Weald Airfield,and later that year we moved our Thruster therealong with the hut which had been our home atSheepcoates Farm. In 2009 we were able to moveThat’s not our real reason though. Before westarted flying microlights, Ginge was a workingfisherman licensed to operate out of Maldon, onthe River Blackwater. He owned a series of boatsthrough his fishing career, but the last one (andhis favourite) was a fast dory which he namedafter the Saxon heritage of the town. Along withthe boat Ginge had a goodly collection of fishboxes,all marked with the boat’s registered name“Saxon”. It seemed logical to us, to name thebusiness after the boat – especially as it meant wewouldn’t have to change the name on the boxes.It’s as simple as that.Our logo takes the Seaxe heraldic symbol used inmany Essex coats of arms and, unconventionally,crosses them. The addition of feathered wingsrepresents lightweight flight. In our club badge, werepresent the feathers in silver except for thosepilots who have been given their wings by our CFIwhose badges have golden feathers.So there you have it.! The nearest towns to usin London, Essex and Hertfordshire (Herts) areBrentwood, Romford, Ongar, Epping, Harlow,<strong>Chelmsford</strong>, Waltham Abbey, Basildon, Maldon,Whitham, Braintree and Bishops Stortford..For information please, call Joan on 07885 039 502 or 01245 267 637Herts Traffic Management Ltd.,is a specialist temporary trafficmanagement company withdepots in Braintree, Gatwickand Watford.We are a specialist provider fortemporary road schemes andcontrols (diversions, closures, temptraffic lights, pedestrian crossingsetc) for various clients rangingfrom utility companies to majorHollywood production companies.Since August 2011 Herts hasbeen utilising motorbikes toconduct scheduled and randomcompliance, quality controland audits of our installations,operations and operatives.In August 2011, I initiallyproposed and trialled theconcept using my own personalbike to conduct site inspection.Although my bike wasn’t the idealmodel it did prove the concept.This has now evolved and ourthird bespoke BMW R1200RT isbeing delivered this week.They carry our corporate liveryincluding amber beacons plusvideo capability.In addition to our ‘bread andbutter’ site inspections, we use thebikes more & more ‘on location’for many major film productions.Sporting events, concerts etcare now requesting the bikesattend as we can provide a fastand efficient response to anyissues that may arise.Historically I have only lookedto ex – Traffic Motorcycle Policeto pilot these machines as I canbe sure they have had the finesttraining, can cope with the hoursin the saddle and still performthe tasks required. Having saidthat, I am very willing to talkto others who may beinterested, but they must 11

Issue 30 • February/March 2013 • www.cadam.orgCopperpot Events Ltd presentsTheHarlow ClassicCar & Motorbike ShowHarlow Rugby ClubRam Gorse, Elizabeth Way,Harlow, Essex CM20 2JQonSaturday 6th July 2013FREE*to displayCars &Motorbikes* With a booking formCylinder head is in surprisinglygood condition with no visibledamage. The head was reworkedby Len Paterson of The CylinderHead Shop when the UK wentover to unleaded. The lefthand pushrod was found tobe around 10mm shorter thanthe other three! This was on theinlet side – possible cause of thepoor running?A quick Google suggests thatit may be a T140v pushrod,wonder if it was wrongly usedduring the original factory buildor the rebuild?A little bit of damage isvisible and the black par t isactually loose and falls off ifturned upside down! goodjob that didn’t go down thepushrod tube.All chrome will need replacingor re-plating, will have to thinklong and hard what to do thereand any advice welcome. It willbe a long term rebuild, but I willpost as and when work getsdone. Any help and commentsappreciated. Paul ReeveFollow online at: Admission:£6.00 Adults£3.00 Children£15.00 Family Ticket2013 sees the launch ofour Harlow Classic Carand Motorbike Show.It will be held on Saturday 6thJuly, and will feature live bands,fun things for kids to do too,including a bouncy castle, facepainting, and model racing cars.There will also be things for theadults too; Various food vehicles,a bar (open till 20:30). At thistime, the organisers are also inthe process of arranging campingfacilities so that those who wishto have a drink or two, need notdrive home afterwards!In addition, there are plans forCraft Stalls and hopefully someAuto Jumble Stalls too. The eventwill be open to the public from11:00 – 17:00 and will hopefullybecome an annual event!For further information or for a booking form (if you wish to display cars orbikes), please contact Tracey Harvey on 07951462645 (after 4:30pm please)or by email: copperpotevents@gmail.com15

The following information was sent to me via email to advertise products being sold bychamps 1:12 Triumph TR6 1961 - and Red/Silver I thought Diecast that it Model might Road be of Bikes interest to you! Not cheap,ichamps er Diecast but 1:12 Model less Triumph expensive Road Bikes TR6 than 1961 the - Red/Silver real thing Diecast and with Model no Road running Bikes costs! For more information 17/01/2013 visit: 11:01 has released a1:12 diecast model of the 1961Alternative imagesTriumph TR6 in red and silver.It was some seven years ago bike in Germany as their subject. We sent the original imagesthatTriumphwe paidTigera100visit1939to- Silveral product descriptionKevin and over again, but by then much of the work on the model had been1:12Additional product descriptionCliff at Ace£99.99s has announced a 1:12 diecast Classics model in of South the 1961 Triumph completed. TR6 in The red and result silver. is In a its replica 2012 Part that, 2 whilst very nice, is not quitements, Minichamps London revealed to photograph that they would their be producing what a we 1:12 had replica expected of a 1958 and Triumph hoped for. Rather than a copy of a nutrd. We were, immaculateTriumphwe admit,Tigerjust and a100little1939miffed well-known- Silveras they normally and talk bolt to perfect us about factory their classic bike, bike the subjects, Minichamps1:12RECENTLY model replicates VIEWED ITEMS theAdditional product descriptionthe British Triumph ones. But TR6. ours £99.99 is We not to sent question all why. the And kind then of their Triumph model makers TR6 that sent us one an might email with find on the street Triumph or in TR6 a classic 1961 -Red/Silver 1:12f a bike that pictures they had and found measurements in Germany and photographed. dealership. They were All a the little basics bit confused are and there, but this is a bike that, in theabout someMinichampsof the detail,andas the bikethenwasn’tforgotlike someinterveningthey’d seen in50theiryears,referencehas beenbooks.amendedWell, weand modified. Of course,rofess to be an authority on sixties Triumphs, but even we could tell that their pictures didn’t depict a DIECAST DIARYabout it. Then, some six months it’s still identifiably and unequivocally a TR6 and it might only be a realrd at all, but a TR6. But, in truth, it wasn’t even a very nice or original TR6, so we suggested that weago, Kawasaki we were 750SS contacted H2 - Gold 1:12 by the aficionado who will spot the modifications, but our own preferenceroject on, which is what £99.99 has happened. The first thing we did was to persuade them not to replicate aGerman model-maker with is always to help Minichamps to get the bikes as close as they canrd at all. The Thunderbird had been a legendary machine, but by the early sixties it was a shadow of itssomeCUSTOMERquestions.TESTIMONIALSIt soon became be to the specification that applied when they came out of thef. And whilst that bathtub bodywork was distinctive, it was not the sexiest bike in the range. Instead,clear that The usual our photographs excellent had factory. Perhaps we’re being a little precious. It’save persuaded Minichamps to make is a 1961 what TR6. we have persuaded Minichamps to make is a 1961 TR6.NUREMBERG a nice model, TOY we FAIR justmodel from CMC; worthbeeneverylostpenny.andServicethat the company wish Minichamps had copied the Ace Classics machine, which wasKawasaki 750SS H2 - Gold 1:12had excellent found and a highlyinformation £99.99 less than original Delivery actually information the factory’s 1961 official press bike.Issue 30 • February/March 2013 • www.cadam.org17/01/2013 11:0117/01/2013 11:01My Account About Us Contact Us Delivery FAQ's My Account Online My Account Catalogues About Us About Contact St Martins Us UsModelsContact DeliveryUs FAQ's DeliveryOnline Catalogues FAQ's Online St Cadam Martins Catalogues Models Forum.StForMartinsthoseModelsof you that nowhold up your hands, let me now tell you thatThe world's number one seller of collectible The world's diecast The number world's models one number seller of one collectible seller of diecast collectible modelsdiecast modelsit can be found on the Cadam web site! It isPlease feel free to contact our UK based call centre on : +44 (0) Please 844 887 feel free 8888 to contact our Search UK based / Product call centre Codeon : +44 (0) 844 887 8888 Search / Product CodePlease feel free to contact our UK based call centre on : +44 (0) 844 887 8888 theSearchplace/ Productfor banterCodeand discussions aboutall things biking. The following is just a sampleDiecast Brands » »ianteKyoshoIXOModel MinichampsAUTOartAmalgamMattelSparkBianteKyoshoIXOModel Diecast IconsTrueScale Brands MiniaturesNorevSun » »StarWIT'sShow all brandsModern IconsTrueScale F1 Models MiniaturesNorevSun » »StarWIT'sShow all brandsModern F1 Models » »Classic MinichampsAUTOartAmalgamMattelSparkBianteKyoshoIXOModel F1 Models » »IconsTrueScale MiniaturesNorevSun StarWIT'sShow all brandsModern F1 Modelsfrom»what’s»being talked about at the moment.Minichamps Triumph TR6 1961 - Red/Silver 1:12Road Classic Cars F1 » » Models » »Motorsport Road Cars Models » » » »Obviously we don’t have the space nor theMotorbike Models » »Motorsport Models » »ands > Minichamps RELATED Rossi Diecast PRODUCTS » »Diecast Brands > Minichamps > Triumph TR6 1961 - Red/Silver 1:12SHOPPING BASKETSigned Motorbike> TriumphModels ModelsTR6» »1961»- Red/Silver 1:12SHOPPING BASKETneed to re print all the comments here, but ifRELATED Specialist Rossi Diecast PRODUCTSModels » »Diecast Brands > Minichamps > Triumph TR6 1961 Basket - Red/Silver empty 1:12you Basket haven’t empty done so before, SHOPPING log in BASKET and join in.amps Triumph Signed TR6 Models 1961 » » - Red/Silver Minichamps 1:12 Triumph TR6 1961 - Red/Silver 1:12Specialist Models » »Manufactured by : MinichampsYou might learn something Basket or empty be prompted toMinichamps Triumph TR6 1961 - Red/Silver 1:12Scale : 1:12Manufactured by : MinichampsManufactured BULLETINSby : Minichampsjoin the debate.BULLETINSScale : 1:12Scale : 1:12Limited edition number : 1008Manufactured by : MinichampsBULLETINSLimited edition number : N/ALimited edition number : N/A Hi -Visibility, why bother?Scale : 1:12Product code: P133550 Product code: P133550Product code: P133550Availability : Pre-Order What is a pre-order? Availability Email Address : Pre-Order Limited edition What is number a pre-order? : N/A If it ever gets warm enough to ride again, weEmail AddressAvailability : In StockYamaha RD350 LC 1980 -Product code: P133550 will pull on our hi–viz jackets, ‘Coz we areAdd to wish listWhite/Red 1:12Add to wish list£119.99£99.99Availability : Pre-Order What is IAM’, a pre-order? and head out covered Email Address in more yellow£119.99£119.99than the Italian Army.Yamaha RD350 LC 1980 -White/Red 1:12£99.99Alternative imagesAlternative images£119.99From the Forum...There might well be, amongst our manymembers, those who are not aware of theAdd to wish listBut is Hi - Viz really effective?This is a link to an article in the Grunidan fromone of their push-bike blogs: end of that article in-turn links to aMinichamps has announced a 1:12 diecast model of the 1961 Triumph TR6 in red and silver. In its 2012 Part 2literature review/report from the TRL thatAnnouncements, Minichamps revealed that they would be producing a 1:12 replica of a 1958 Triumphsuggests the jury is still out on whether hi–vizThunderbird. We were, we admit, just a little miffed as they normally talk to us about their classic bike subjects, RECENTLY VIEWED ITEMSis consistently effective in all road conditionsespecially the British ones. But ours is not to question why. And then their model makers sent us an email withTriumph TR6 1961 -Minichamps has announced a 1:12 diecast model of the 1961 Triumph TR6 in red and silver. or In its environments. 2012 Part Red/Silver 2 ie: 1:12 what stands out like apictures of a bike that they had found in Germany and photographed. They were a little bit confused andAnnouncements, Minichamps revealed that they would be producing a 1:12 replica of a 1958 beer Triumph mat on a billiard table under one setconcerned about some of the detail, as the bike wasn’t like some they’d seen in their reference books. Well, wewouldn’t Thunderbird. profess to be We an were, authority we on admit, sixties just Triumphs, a little but miffed even as we they could normally tell that their talk pictures to us about didn’t their depict classic aof conditions bike DIECAST subjects, DIARY may not RECENTLY work as VIEWED well, if at ITEMS all,Thunderbird especially at all, the but British a TR6. ones. But, in But truth, ours it wasn’t is not even to question a very nice why. or original And then TR6, their so we model suggested makers that sent wefive us an miles email down with the road or Triumph under TR6 different 1961 -Red/Silver 1:12take the pictures project of on, a bike which that is what they has had happened. found in The Germany first thing and we photographed. did was persuade They them were not a to little replicate bit confused alighting and conditions later in the day.Thunderbird concerned at all. about The Thunderbird some of the had detail, been a as legendary the bike machine, wasn’t like but by some the early they’d sixties seen it was in their a shadow reference of its books. Well, weFor example: there is Pelican crossing nearformer self. And whilst that bathtub bodywork was distinctive, it was not the sexiest bike in the range. Instead,wouldn’t profess to be an authority on sixties Triumphs, but even we could tell that their pictures didn’t depict a DIECAST DIARYwhere NUREMBERG I work in TOY central FAIR London that I crossThunderbird at all, but a TR6. But, in truth, it wasn’t even a very nice or original TR6, so we suggested to get to that where we I have parked the bike. Waitingtake the project on, which is what has happened. The first thing we did was to persuade them for not the to replicate lights to a change I have noticed that atrecommended.despatch date if ordered now : At this stage Estimated the manufacturer Thunderbird despatch of at date this all. if The replica ordered Thunderbird has now not : At given this had stage us been a the a legendary manufacturer machine, of this replica but by has the not early given sixties us ait was a shadow of itsPeterlease date, CUSTOMER so we cannot TESTIMONIALSsay when it will be precise despatched. former release self. You date, And will so whilst not we be cannot that charged bathtub say when until bodywork this it will be was despatched. distinctive, You it will was not not be the charged sexiest until bike this in the range. Instead,night, especially in wet conditions that it isvery difficult to pick up cyclists and indeed thesmaller PTW’s. This is because the strongerand higher headlights from buses and carstotally overwhelm the sight picture, so all Ican see is a great bank of light coming in mydirection. And remember this is in CentralLondon, one to the better lit areas in the UK.Sometimes I am able to detect a cyclistwhen they get caught as a silhouette againstsomeone else’s lights, ie they become visibleby the very absence light. But otherwise thereis no reflection from hi–viz or anything elseto pick up and if were in a car I would havebeen committed to a manoeuvre before theysuddenly got close enough to see.My simple mind says this is because the lightis going the wrong way, so the hi–viz doesn’twork, but I suppose that Mr. Plant will tell methe proper Fizz-icks definition.My opinion from all this?Wearing a hi–viz top and a white (or yellow)helmet cannot do any harm, but do not relyupon it keep you safe and to part the trafficlike Moses standing by the Red Sea in all timesin all conditions. If the driver that hit yousaid he did not see you, he just may be tellingthe truth, from his view point you really diddisappear into the background.Therefore especially in urban conditions andat night, ride Roadcraft to the max, everyoneis trying to kill you and no one can see you.Perhaps the next stage following the researchon adaptive camouflage, is the creation ofadaptive visibility?Russ17

CommunicationBreakdown?<strong>CADAM</strong> MEMBERR E VIE W SCellular Line Interphone F5sHopefully, this write up will give you all a honestview about the above Bluetooth head set.What’s in the box?Well there are a few versions: A single unit, twinunit, trio unit and I believe a quad unit. The pricefor a single unit retails around £165 whilst the twinunit retails at around £325.This is where ebay or a raffle is your friend. OneBay, the price various tremendously, so thereit would be luck of the draw and final priceis dependent on how much the individual isprepared to pay. So, I can’t comment too muchon your own purse strings.The kit I have comprised of two units. Each hada boom microphone (suitable for an open facehelmet) and a microphone suitable for full facehelmets, various velcro pads and replacementfoam covers for the mouth piece, one USB leadand a twin charger, (allowing you to charge bothunits simultaneously), silicon for the connections,two different mounting brackets for each unit, ascrew driver and finally, an instruction manual!InstallationI own a Shoei XR1100 full face helmet and theinside cheeks and head pad are very easy toremove, so I could gain access without any issues.One ear piece, the right hand one, fits nicely intothe ear recess. Here it’s best to run the wire overthe top of where your head would be, this wireis also the antenna for the radio. Likewise, the lefthand ear piece fits into the LHS recess, but thisalso contains wiring for the microphone and RHSear piece. It also has the larger wire that plugs intothe unit – which is mounted on the outside of thehelmet on the LHS.Once I plumbed it all in, I replaced the helmetspadding, having to make a minor cut to the plasticedging where it fits inside, to allow the larger wireto fit how I liked it (I have OCD!).Pairing of both units was already done and thepairing of the Bluetooth to my Blackberry wasvery simple. The Radio tuning was not so goodit has to be said! So far, I have failed to tunein a couple of stations I like. Having said that,when riding to work in London, I prefer to listento the traffic rather than the radio. So this isn’tsuch an issue.I haven’t installed the second unit yet, but duringinstallation I tested the communication/intercomand this sounded fine.Issue 30 • February/March 2013 • www.cadam.orgHaving used it when answering a phone call, thesound wasn’t too bad, and the good thing is, thatwhen a call is received, all you do is say ‘Hello’ andthe call is answered!I’m soon to have a birthday and my friends arebuying me a Garmin Zumo 660 which alsointerfaces into the unit, so once this gets installedI’ll have everything running of the one unit.Overall impressionsPackaging and contents very good, but the manualneeds further work on – it was translated fromItalian and so has limitations, as do instructions onspecial features such as the radio tuning. But, if likeme you hate instructions, you can play around andlogically work things out fairly quickly.Value?Well again, that’s subjective and depends on whatyou are prepared to pay. Personally, I think £325 israther steep. I think they could quite easily drop£100 off a twin boxed set and £50 to £75 off asingle unit.Would I recommend one? As above really, if youget it cheaper than the recommended price, thenI’d say yes!Anyway I hope the above is helpful. If anyonewants to see one in the flesh, you’ll see it flashingblue on my helmet next club night!Trevor Jordan19

How to Find UsClub NightsThe Sports Pavilion, <strong>Chelmsford</strong> Police HQ,St. Margaret’s Road. 19:30 for 22:00 startunless otherwise stated. Please refer to<strong>CADAM</strong> events listing for dates.Apologies, but we will need to collect £1.00from each member present on club nightsto cover the cost of hiring the room.Guest speakers and the occasionalraffle are being planned for some of themeetings. For more details or suggestionsfor future events, please contact a memberof the committee.Thank you and we look forward toseeing you soon.<strong>CADAM</strong> What’s On? 2013Visit the Forum and Events Calendar at for more detailsof all events listed. Check regularly as events are regularly added or amended.We look forward to seeing you soon.MarchTues 12 th Group Night –AGMEPSA. 19:30.AprilTues 9 th Group Night –Inky Anne(TT Sidecar Racer)EPSA. 19:30.MayTues 14 th Group Night –Essex GlidingEPSA. 19:30.JuneTues 11 th Group Night –RoadcraftEPSA. 19:30JulyTues 9 th Group Night –EPSA. 19:30.AugustTues 13 th Group Night –EPSA. 19:30.SeptemberTues 10 th Group Night –EPSA. 19:30.OctoberTues 8 th Group Night –EPSA. 19:30.NovemberTues 12 th Group Night –EPSA. 19:30.DecemberTues 10 th Group Night –EPSA. 19:30.Your Club Needs You!If you have any suggestionsthat you feel may benefit theclub and its members, then wewould love to hear from you.That might includesuggestions (or niggles) abouttraining, club nights, rideoutsor this magazine.We are a team of volunteersand it is important to us thatthe club operates to benefitall members.If you have any suggestionsplease don’t hesitate tocontact one of the committeeat a club night, on a ride outor via the emails listed above.Better still, why not comealong to a Committee Meetingand get involved. With yourhelp we can make riding saferand fun.

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