iReport Ultimate Guide - Nimsoft Library

iReport Ultimate Guide - Nimsoft Library iReport Ultimate Guide - Nimsoft Library


iReport Ultimate GuidecomponentsBarcode 293custom components 63, 93, 299List 277Table 285CONNECTION 103connectionscreating 174in report generation 171JDBC 174See data sourcestypes 172Connections/Datasources 195creating a report 25crosstabscreating 307datasets 308defined 307properties 316CSV 195Add node as field 190comma-separated values 173Connections/Datasources 195PersonBean 185custom components. See components.custom languages. See query languages.Ddata sourcesconnections 172, 173CSV 195exporting 208HadoopHive 201Hibernate 198importing 208importing and exporting 208in report generation 171JavaBeans 99, 171, 173, 182, 185JRDataSource 37, 91, 171, 203, 205JREmptyDataSource 198JRXmlDataSource 192password 176subdatasets 172subreports 154types 171, 172XML 187databasesample database 25, 155datasetsSee also subdatasetsand subdatasets 299charts 226dataset runs 278for List component 277for Table component 285in charts 226, 228in Charts Pro 257in crosstabs 308in Gantt charts 270in Maps Pro 247in Widgets Pro 266runs 278, 291, 301types 228DATASOURCE 103date textfields 346declaring objects 95, 101, 106default template 59, 112default values 132DetailEval 332drivers 175, 176, 177, 178EEJBQL 173elementsand bands 63attributes 70bands. See bands.custom components 63, 299custom properties 72defined 63formatting 68generic elements 63, 93in Table component 287inserting in reports 64position properties 70properties 66Report Inspector 70types 63entitiesEntityCodes class 250expressions 248IDs 244in resource bundles 252localizing entity names 243entity IDs 243evaluation license 10evaluation times 348evaluation types 109executers, query. See query executers.extensions 43Ffields 96Java types vs. SQL types 180fields providers. See query languages.fieldsMap 333FieldsProvider 210filter expressions 180Flash chartsand Fusion 241Charts Pro 252358

Indexcomponents 241embedded in Java applications 276limitations of JasperReports implementation 276localizing 276Maps Pro 242rendered objects 242Widgets Pro 261fontsbasic features 123character encoding 131extensions 125for PDF files 85, 123, 125in static text and textfields 84properties 84, 132styles 71, 131TrueType 124Unicode 131formatting tools 68, 345frames 91Fusion 241, 242GGantt chartscreating 271datasets 270properties 271generic elements 63, 93getBundle 328getFieldValue 205getLastPageTime 336Groovy 38Group Header 111groupsattribute groups 333bands in groups 45, 112defining 112in report templates 140nesting order 113, 142properties 121HHibernate 198HQL 173, 198HTML output 30, 242hyperlinks 93hypertext. See hyperlinks.IIDE 333, 337Import 208Increment When 226Incrementer 316installing iReport 16internationalization. See localizing.iReportcompiling 14installing 16JDBC connections 21iReport Professional 10, 241ISO-639 324JJasper files 32JasperReportextensions 43JasperReports Professionalcustom components and generic elements 93embedding in Java applications 276license 10jasperreports.jar 334Jaspersoft Professional 13Javaand Windows 13Java Class Library 334java.util.HashMap 333JavaBeans 99, 171, 173, 182, 185JavaScript 38versions required 13JDBC connections 21, 174JDBC driver 176JDBC drivers 175, 177, 178JFreeChart 223, 230JRAbstractScriptlet 331JRAbstractSVGRenderable 80JRChart 230JRCTX files 230, 233JRDataSource 37, 91, 167, 171, 181, 203, 205JRDefaultScriptlet 331JREmptyDataSource 167, 198JRExporter 37JRFileSystemDataSource 206, 208JRFillGroup 333JRRenderable 80JRViewer 37JRXML files 32, 138JRXmlDataSource 192JTable 82LlanguagesJava types vs. SQL types 180XPath 187languages. See query languages.license 10, 276listscreating 277datasets and subdatasets 277List component 277performance consideration 284localizationbarcodes 297subdatasets 301localizing359

Indexcomponents 241embedded in Java applications 276limitations of JasperReports implementation 276localizing 276Maps Pro 242rendered objects 242Widgets Pro 261fontsbasic features 123character encoding 131extensions 125for PDF files 85, 123, 125in static text and textfields 84properties 84, 132styles 71, 131TrueType 124Unicode 131formatting tools 68, 345frames 91Fusion 241, 242GGantt chartscreating 271datasets 270properties 271generic elements 63, 93getBundle 328getFieldValue 205getLastPageTime 336Groovy 38Group Header 111groupsattribute groups 333bands in groups 45, 112defining 112in report templates 140nesting order 113, 142properties 121HHibernate 198HQL 173, 198HTML output 30, 242hyperlinks 93hypertext. See hyperlinks.IIDE 333, 337Import 208Increment When 226Incrementer 316installing <strong>iReport</strong> 16internationalization. See localizing.<strong>iReport</strong>compiling 14installing 16JDBC connections 21<strong>iReport</strong> Professional 10, 241ISO-639 324JJasper files 32JasperReportextensions 43JasperReports Professionalcustom components and generic elements 93embedding in Java applications 276license 10jasperreports.jar 334Jaspersoft Professional 13Javaand Windows 13Java Class <strong>Library</strong> 334java.util.HashMap 333JavaBeans 99, 171, 173, 182, 185JavaScript 38versions required 13JDBC connections 21, 174JDBC driver 176JDBC drivers 175, 177, 178JFreeChart 223, 230JRAbstractScriptlet 331JRAbstractSVGRenderable 80JRChart 230JRCTX files 230, 233JRDataSource 37, 91, 167, 171, 181, 203, 205JRDefaultScriptlet 331JREmptyDataSource 167, 198JRExporter 37JRFileSystemDataSource 206, 208JRFillGroup 333JRRenderable 80JRViewer 37JRXML files 32, 138JRXmlDataSource 192JTable 82LlanguagesJava types vs. SQL types 180XPath 187languages. See query languages.license 10, 276listscreating 277datasets and subdatasets 277List component 277performance consideration 284localizationbarcodes 297subdatasets 301localizing359

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