iReport Ultimate Guide - Nimsoft Library

iReport Ultimate Guide - Nimsoft Library iReport Ultimate Guide - Nimsoft Library


iReport Ultimate GuideFigure 13-41 Specifying funnel value sets on the Widget Data tabWhen you add or modify a value set, the Value Set window lets you define expressions for the values and labels.Figure 13-42 Specifying a value set for a Funnel widgetWhen Value Expression refers to fields in your dataset; each record in the dataset generates one value in the funnel chart.This is how one value set can define all values in the funnel. In this example, Label Expression references the LABEL field ofour dataset and Value Expression references the VALUE field. Assuming both database fields contain strings, ValueExpression Long.valueOf("" + $F{VALUE}) is used to convert the string to the numeric format expected by thewidget.The Value Set tab also includes properties that apply to each value in the funnel. The simple view lets you set these propertiesstatically, or you can click Show Advanced Options to enter expressions that will set the properties dynamically based onyour data.In this example, a single value set generates the five values used to render the funnel. You can use multiple value sets, eachcontributing a single constant value or one or more dynamic values to be displayed together. For example, if you want torepresent values from several different fields of the same record, you will need to define a separate value set with its own valueexpression for each field. Having the ability to define several value sets enables you to add values to the funnel using differentstrategies. Gantt ChartThe Gantt Chart is the most complex chart, with its data defined by up to four different datasets. Figure 13-43 shows the maincomponents of a Gantt chart.270

Flash ChartsFigure 13-43 Example of a Gantt chartIn order to create a Gantt chart, you must define at least a category set, a process and a task. Due to its unique options, theGantt chart has more properties tabs than the other widgets.Figure 13-44 Gantt Configuration tab of the Gantt Properties window13.4.3.5 Category SetsA category set is composed of one or more categories; the categories appear in Gantt charts as column headings (seeFigure 13-43). Each category is defined by a time range and a label. The Gantt chart shown in Figure 13-43 has two categorysets, the first one has two categories, one labeled Q4 2009 and the other Q1 2010. The second category set contains fourcategories, one for each month. The date range of each category has been defined to correctly fit the time line, so Q4 2009spans from 2009-10-01 to 2009-12-31, October spans from 2009-10-01 to 2009-10-31 and so on.271

<strong>iReport</strong> <strong>Ultimate</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>Figure 13-41 Specifying funnel value sets on the Widget Data tabWhen you add or modify a value set, the Value Set window lets you define expressions for the values and labels.Figure 13-42 Specifying a value set for a Funnel widgetWhen Value Expression refers to fields in your dataset; each record in the dataset generates one value in the funnel chart.This is how one value set can define all values in the funnel. In this example, Label Expression references the LABEL field ofour dataset and Value Expression references the VALUE field. Assuming both database fields contain strings, ValueExpression Long.valueOf("" + $F{VALUE}) is used to convert the string to the numeric format expected by thewidget.The Value Set tab also includes properties that apply to each value in the funnel. The simple view lets you set these propertiesstatically, or you can click Show Advanced Options to enter expressions that will set the properties dynamically based onyour data.In this example, a single value set generates the five values used to render the funnel. You can use multiple value sets, eachcontributing a single constant value or one or more dynamic values to be displayed together. For example, if you want torepresent values from several different fields of the same record, you will need to define a separate value set with its own valueexpression for each field. Having the ability to define several value sets enables you to add values to the funnel using differentstrategies. Gantt ChartThe Gantt Chart is the most complex chart, with its data defined by up to four different datasets. Figure 13-43 shows the maincomponents of a Gantt chart.270

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