iReport Ultimate Guide - Nimsoft Library

iReport Ultimate Guide - Nimsoft Library iReport Ultimate Guide - Nimsoft Library


iReport Ultimate GuideTo access the chart properties, right-click the Charts Pro element in your report and select Edit Chart Properties from thecontext menu.The Chart Properties window has Chart Configuration, Chart Data, Trend Lines, and Hyperlink tabs.Figure 13-18 Chart Configuration tab of the Chart Properties windowThe Chart Configuration tab is used to configure the chart’s appearance. Properties that do not apply to the chart type youhave selected are disabled. For example, the X Axis Name is not active when using a Pie chart.For information about all the available properties, refer to the Fusion Charts HTML documentation at /ireportpro/FusionCharts_Enterprise/Charts/index.html.The value of every property on the Chart Configuration tab can be given as an expression. When you use the check boxes,fields, and value choosers on the tab, iReport creates a static value of the appropriate type for the expression. Alternatively,you can provide dynamic expressions that will determine the chart appearance based on the data available when the report isgenerated. To view and set custom property expressions, click Show Advanced Options.The Chart Configuration tab displays a list of properties and their expression values.256

Flash ChartsFigure 13-19 Advanced options on the Chart Configuration tabThe Simple Options view of the chart properties includes more apparent properties than the advanced view because it includesmany default property values. If you change a property from its default value, it appears in the advanced view with theoverriding value.In the Advanced view, you can edit the expressions for chart properties. It is important that expressions return the Java typesexpected for each property.• Properties that you toggle on and off with check boxes in the simple display must have an expression that evaluates to aBoolean value.• Numbers must return a valid numeric objects.• Many attributes are of type String.Click Add, Modify, or Remove to manage the properties in the list.You can add properties that are not supported in the Simple Options view; for example, the properties logoPosition andlogoURL specify how to display a logo in the chart.Note that some properties have default values that will apply if you remove them from the list. For reference documentationabout all properties that apply to Charts Pro elements, refer to the documentation at /ireportpro/FusionCharts_Enterprise/Charts/index.html.13.3.2 Specifying Chart DataOn the Chart Data tab, specify how your data should populate the chart. It provides the Dataset and the Dataset Items tabs.257

<strong>iReport</strong> <strong>Ultimate</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>To access the chart properties, right-click the Charts Pro element in your report and select Edit Chart Properties from thecontext menu.The Chart Properties window has Chart Configuration, Chart Data, Trend Lines, and Hyperlink tabs.Figure 13-18 Chart Configuration tab of the Chart Properties windowThe Chart Configuration tab is used to configure the chart’s appearance. Properties that do not apply to the chart type youhave selected are disabled. For example, the X Axis Name is not active when using a Pie chart.For information about all the available properties, refer to the Fusion Charts HTML documentation at /ireportpro/FusionCharts_Enterprise/Charts/index.html.The value of every property on the Chart Configuration tab can be given as an expression. When you use the check boxes,fields, and value choosers on the tab, <strong>iReport</strong> creates a static value of the appropriate type for the expression. Alternatively,you can provide dynamic expressions that will determine the chart appearance based on the data available when the report isgenerated. To view and set custom property expressions, click Show Advanced Options.The Chart Configuration tab displays a list of properties and their expression values.256

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