iReport Ultimate Guide - Nimsoft Library

iReport Ultimate Guide - Nimsoft Library iReport Ultimate Guide - Nimsoft Library


iReport Ultimate GuideFigure 13-6Map of EuropeThe map of Europe is composed of 46 entities that have the following IDs:Table 13-2 Entity IDs of European CountriesEntity ID Entity ID Entity IDAlbania 001 Iceland 017 Romania 033Andorra 002 Ireland 018 San Marino 034Austria 003 Italy 019 Serbia 035Belarus 004 Latvia 020 Slovakia 036Belgium 005 Liechtenstein 021 Slovenia 037Bosnia andHerzegovina006 Lithuania 022 Spain 038Bulgaria 007 Luxembourg 023 Sweden 039Croatia 008 Macedonia 024 Switzerland 040CzechRepublic009 Malta 025 Ukraine 041Denmark 010 Moldova 026 UnitedKingdom042Estonia 011 Monaco 027 Vatican City 043Finland 012 Montenegro 028 Cyprus 044France 013 Netherlands 029 Turkey 045Germany 014 Norway 030 Russia 046246

Flash ChartsTable 13-2Entity IDs of European Countries, continuedEntity ID Entity ID Entity IDGreece 015 Poland 031Hungary 016 Portugal 032In the case of Europe, the IDs don’t always reflect the name of the country or a region represented by the entity. In most cases,you must correlate the numeric ID with the geographical names in your data.To find the ID for the entities of a specific map, you can use the map demonstration website provided by Fusion Charts.Choose a map on that website, then find the ID for each of the map’s entities on the Data tab below the map.13.2.3 Specifying Map DataBased on the entity IDs for your chosen map, use the Map Data tab to specify how your data should populate the map. First,you need to define the dataset that is used with the map. Then, for each entity on the map, you can specify expressions torender a value, a label, and a fill color. Optionally, you can also specify a URL to make each entity an active link.The Map Data tab provides the Dataset, Entities, and Hyperlink tabs to make these settings.Figure 13-7Specifying the dataset on the Map Data tabOn the Dataset tab, specify the dataset to use and how to acquire its data. For Maps Pro elements, this tab behaves similarly tothe same tab in regular chart and crosstab elements. Refer to the crosstab and chart documentation elsewhere in this guide forinstructions on the fields of the Dataset tab.The Entities tab in Figure 13-7 lists the entity definition for your map. An entity definition specifies how your data isassociated with the entities on the map.247

Flash ChartsTable 13-2Entity IDs of European Countries, continuedEntity ID Entity ID Entity IDGreece 015 Poland 031Hungary 016 Portugal 032In the case of Europe, the IDs don’t always reflect the name of the country or a region represented by the entity. In most cases,you must correlate the numeric ID with the geographical names in your data.To find the ID for the entities of a specific map, you can use the map demonstration website provided by Fusion Charts.Choose a map on that website, then find the ID for each of the map’s entities on the Data tab below the map.13.2.3 Specifying Map DataBased on the entity IDs for your chosen map, use the Map Data tab to specify how your data should populate the map. First,you need to define the dataset that is used with the map. Then, for each entity on the map, you can specify expressions torender a value, a label, and a fill color. Optionally, you can also specify a URL to make each entity an active link.The Map Data tab provides the Dataset, Entities, and Hyperlink tabs to make these settings.Figure 13-7Specifying the dataset on the Map Data tabOn the Dataset tab, specify the dataset to use and how to acquire its data. For Maps Pro elements, this tab behaves similarly tothe same tab in regular chart and crosstab elements. Refer to the crosstab and chart documentation elsewhere in this guide forinstructions on the fields of the Dataset tab.The Entities tab in Figure 13-7 lists the entity definition for your map. An entity definition specifies how your data isassociated with the entities on the map.247

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