Office of Accounting Services Monthly Newsletter - Finance and ...

Office of Accounting Services Monthly Newsletter - Finance and ... Office of Accounting Services Monthly Newsletter - Finance and ...


Payroll continued...for overpayments unless the earnings are repaid in thesame calendar year.Form InformationTo view the Remarks section of a form, select the formon HRS, then hover over the action button on the rightof the form, finally select form remarks in the dropdown box. Helpful information such as payments paidon supplement, retirement, or leave information maybe noted.Pay basis 13 academic employees must either beseparated or continued for the Spring semester NOW.It is imperative that separation forms be loaded timelyas Payroll must notify insurance providers viaseparation form if the employee has health insurance.Insurers have a small window to offer COBRA insuranceto a separated employee.Appointment Dates for GAs must be on an actual workday. The first day of work for the spring semester is1/11/11. Please consult the academic completion tableto determine work days.Diplomas will not be issued to graduating studentswho have outstanding wage/salary overpayments. Inorder to receive diplomas on Commencement Day,students must clear overpayment balances by 4:30 pmon Monday, December 13, 2010.Aid Allocations Reaching LimitMany students with Federal Work Study andChancellor’s Student Aide are exhausting their funding.Please watch these accounts closely. The ETA timereport is a good monitoring tool. When a student iswithin $300 of their allocation limit, the report willindicate a double asterisk (**) next to their name.A Change in Source of Funds (XCSF) form must beprocessed to place a student on the correct account.Timely submission is imperative as the Payroll Officedoes not process retroactive transfers on students.IRS Individual Taxpayer IDPaid foreign visitors and those foreign students onscholarship who are not eligible for a Social Securitynumber should apply for an Individual TaxpayerIdentification Number (ITIN). These individuals arerequired to report payments to the IRS and thereforemust have an identifying number. LSU is a designatedacceptance agent, with authority to collect and submitIRS Form W-7 and the appropriate paperworknecessary to apply for the number. Individuals thatneed to apply for the ITIN may do so in the PayrollOffice, 204 Thomas Boyd Hall. To avoid delays at taxtime, apply NOW. The turnaround time for receipt ofthe number is approximately six weeks.4Address Changes or CorrectionsPlease verify that the address is correct on HRM andDirectory for employees who work in your department.Having a correct address is important when payrollinformation has to be mailed to an employee. Theemployee can update their address information viaPAWS. Please inform employees to go to their PAWSaccount under the Personal Preferences Link andupdate the address on the Directory Information Link.Note: Employees will need to submit a written requestto change an address for any insurance carrier. TheChange of Address form needed can be found on thePayroll or HRM websites.Wage and Student Timesheets Early DeadlinePayroll Voucher # Timesheets DueWage 065-30 Wednesday, Dec. 15 thStudent1st day of075-17 Thursday, Dec. 16 thDecember 21 st

Payroll continued...Special DeliveryTimely submission of ETA timesheets is especiallyimportant when there are holidays in the pay period.Calculations for overtime and holiday pay are performedautomatically when ETA timesheets are submittedcorrectly by the due date. When adjustments arereceived for prior pay periods, Payroll Office personnelmust spend valuable time to manually calculate ifovertime earnings are due, what rate should be used forovertime, etc.Holiday Pay for Eligible EmployeesIf an employee is in a paid status (including paid leave) onthe work day before or the work day after the holiday,the employee is due holiday pay for the entire holidayperiod. Please call Payroll or HRM with questions aboutan employee receiving holiday pay.Payroll Fraud is IllegalPlease remember the following:Employee timesheets should be completed for hoursactually worked, ensuring that the dates and time ofwork are correct.Supervisors are required to approve employeetimesheets and should ensure the timesheets areaccurate.Never return a completed and approved timesheet tothe employee.Do not accept a timesheet that is written in pencil orerasable ink.Any changes to the timesheet should be initialed bythe employee and the supervisor.Never load time for a previous pay period on ETA.Process separation forms immediately for terminatedemployees and remove them from ETA.In the case of a no-show employee, call the PayrollOffice immediately for instructions to have theappointment form nulled or voided. SeparationDates for GAs must be the actual last day worked.For academic GAs the last day worked for the fallsemester is 12/17/10.Financial Accounting & ReportingReporting ToolsOn-line ledgers/reports can be accessed by:Logging into PAWSSelecting Financial ServicesSelecting Reporting ToolsImportant NotesPopulate all parameters marked with an asterisk (*).Verify the data being entered is in the properparameter format. For example, November 30, 2010month end date should be entered as 20101130(YYYYMMDD).Verify mainframe access for that account,department or college.Adjust the print area through the Print Previewtoolbar function when printing reports.RemindersThe information pulled on the on-line ledgers/reportsis as current as the GL update from the previousnight.December GLS cutoff is scheduled for January 4,2011. Therefore, on-line ledgers for the entire monthof December can be viewed on January 5, 2011.Space StudyIn an effort to compile data for the FY 2012 Facilities &Administrative (F&A) rate calculation, we have startedconducting space surveys. Due to the magnitude of spaceincluded in the proposal, each college/unit will besurveyed every other year (FY 2011 – Cycle A; FY 2012 –Cycle B).Cycle A units will be contacted by a member of the spacesurvey team to schedule surveys. An individual withknowledge of the department’s space inventory, roomoccupants, and room usage should be present during thesurvey. Important information related to the space study(including the planning schedule) can be found at TransfersDepartments that are expecting deposits/wire transfersor missing funds should e-mail include as much information as possible related tothe funds.5

Payroll continued...for overpayments unless the earnings are repaid in thesame calendar year.Form InformationTo view the Remarks section <strong>of</strong> a form, select the formon HRS, then hover over the action button on the right<strong>of</strong> the form, finally select form remarks in the dropdown box. Helpful information such as payments paidon supplement, retirement, or leave information maybe noted.Pay basis 13 academic employees must either beseparated or continued for the Spring semester NOW.It is imperative that separation forms be loaded timelyas Payroll must notify insurance providers viaseparation form if the employee has health insurance.Insurers have a small window to <strong>of</strong>fer COBRA insuranceto a separated employee.Appointment Dates for GAs must be on an actual workday. The first day <strong>of</strong> work for the spring semester is1/11/11. Please consult the academic completion tableto determine work days.Diplomas will not be issued to graduating studentswho have outst<strong>and</strong>ing wage/salary overpayments. Inorder to receive diplomas on Commencement Day,students must clear overpayment balances by 4:30 pmon Monday, December 13, 2010.Aid Allocations Reaching LimitMany students with Federal Work Study <strong>and</strong>Chancellor’s Student Aide are exhausting their funding.Please watch these accounts closely. The ETA timereport is a good monitoring tool. When a student iswithin $300 <strong>of</strong> their allocation limit, the report willindicate a double asterisk (**) next to their name.A Change in Source <strong>of</strong> Funds (XCSF) form must beprocessed to place a student on the correct account.Timely submission is imperative as the Payroll <strong>Office</strong>does not process retroactive transfers on students.IRS Individual Taxpayer IDPaid foreign visitors <strong>and</strong> those foreign students onscholarship who are not eligible for a Social Securitynumber should apply for an Individual TaxpayerIdentification Number (ITIN). These individuals arerequired to report payments to the IRS <strong>and</strong> thereforemust have an identifying number. LSU is a designatedacceptance agent, with authority to collect <strong>and</strong> submitIRS Form W-7 <strong>and</strong> the appropriate paperworknecessary to apply for the number. Individuals thatneed to apply for the ITIN may do so in the Payroll<strong>Office</strong>, 204 Thomas Boyd Hall. To avoid delays at taxtime, apply NOW. The turnaround time for receipt <strong>of</strong>the number is approximately six weeks.4Address Changes or CorrectionsPlease verify that the address is correct on HRM <strong>and</strong>Directory for employees who work in your department.Having a correct address is important when payrollinformation has to be mailed to an employee. Theemployee can update their address information viaPAWS. Please inform employees to go to their PAWSaccount under the Personal Preferences Link <strong>and</strong>update the address on the Directory Information Link.Note: Employees will need to submit a written requestto change an address for any insurance carrier. TheChange <strong>of</strong> Address form needed can be found on thePayroll or HRM websites.Wage <strong>and</strong> Student Timesheets Early DeadlinePayroll Voucher # Timesheets DueWage 065-30 Wednesday, Dec. 15 thStudent1st day <strong>of</strong>075-17 Thursday, Dec. 16 thDecember 21 st

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