Ireland - Comhaltas Archive

Ireland - Comhaltas Archive

Ireland - Comhaltas Archive

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FOR COMHAL TAS TOURCONCERTAs a <strong>Comhaltas</strong> Ceolt6iri Eireann fiftyyear anniversary highlight, the<strong>Comhaltas</strong> North American TourGroup will be performing on OctoberS, 200 I at the University of NotreDame located in northern Indiana,USA <strong>Comhaltas</strong> Director GeneralSen. Labhnis 6 Murchu and PeteMurphy are shown discussing thearrangements at the recent CCENorth American Convention inToronto, Canada. Pete, a member ofthe CCE Mulligan-Quinn Branch inMineola, NY is a 1961 graduate ofNotre Dame and the sparkplug formaking this tour stop happen.Notre Dame is a university of tenthousand students, strong in spirit,tradition and heritage. Its founding isFrench, its tradition Catholic and itsheritage Irish. It was founded by Fr.Edward Sorin CSC and six brothersof the Holy Cross religious ordercame to America from Le Havre,France. They dedicated the universityto the Blessed Mother whose statuestands in gold atop the dome of itsmain building.In the early nineteen hundreds, NotreDame became well-known among theimmigrant Irish Catholic communityas an affordable school of higherlearning. In the I 920s its now famousfootball teams lead all USA collegesunder the banner "The Fighting Irish".Notre Dame is loved by thousands ofalumni and friends throughout theworld. It has a sense of place. The<strong>Comhaltas</strong> Tour Group willexperience an excitement and spiritof "Irish" hospitality that they willnever forget. The Notre Dame familylooks forward to the groupperforming before 12,000 fans at thepep rally on October S th, the eveningprior to the football game with theUniversity of Pittsburgh.On October 6 th , the CCE group willjoin the other 80,000 fans to enjoythe game and then go on for aperformance that evening inneighboring South Bend, Indiana. Thisevent will take place in Saint Patrick'schurch on Taylor St. and will besponsored by the Celtic HeritageSociety.The Notre Dame chant "Here Comesthe Irish" will have new meaning thisOctober S th weekend.Continued from page 32voicebox to the 'same demon'."Still, life is still very pleasant," headds.His eightieth birthday celebrationswere organised by the Omagh andCappagh/Badoney CCE brancheswith Brendan Harkin acting as Fearan Ti.Members of the Ulster Council ofCCE were in attendance, as wereArthur's family, his son Padraig,daughters Valerie, Mary, Deirdre andLaura and his sisters Rosaleen,Eileen and Rita. His deceased sisters,Mary and Nessa and his brotherFelix were also remembered.Musicians, singers, dancers andreciters paid tribute to Arthur withall that is best in Irish entertainmentand the night was voted atremendous success by all.Additional information provided byBrendan Harkin30

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