Ireland - Comhaltas Archive

Ireland - Comhaltas Archive

Ireland - Comhaltas Archive

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TREOIRof native speakers originally fromInniskea North.And Arthur also cameto know and appreciate the poetryand song of the great Mayo Gaelicpoet. Richard Barret.He later teamed up with his brotherin-law.Michael McMenamin where hepicked up the rudiments of carpentryand joinery which were to stand byhim throughout the rest of hisworking life.On his return to Omagh in 1950 helived for a while with his father inCannondale before moving to hispresent home in Centenary Park.From 1959 until 1972 he wasemployed by Pat O'Neill and workedat Campbell's Castle in Killyclogher asit was transformed into Knock-na­Moe Castle Hotel.After 1972 he was self-employed fora spell before taking up the positionof clerk of works with the newlyformedHousing Executive. He latertransferred to the MaintenanceDepartment and went on to becomeSenior Maintenance Officer.During the early I 960s.Arthur. hisbrother Felix and others helped toform a branch of <strong>Comhaltas</strong> Ceolt6iriEireann in Tyrone. This was shortlyafter CCE was established during theprevious decade. In later years. hebecame extremely active in theCappagh/Badoney branch passing onhis talents to others.As well as earning a reputation as anexcellent solo performer.Arthur alsoenjoyed prominence as a member ofhighly acclaimed bands like the Prideof Erin. the Strule O~ili Band and theCamowen Ceili Band. He is alsohighly regarded as a teacher of musicand his many former pupils in Omagh.Fintona. Clogher. Clanabogan.Drumquin. Cappagh and Badoney areproof positive of his talents andexpertise.Arthur retired from the HousingExecutive in 1986 and has sinceunfortunately had two encounterswith cancer. Five years ago doctorstreated him for cancer of the colonand three years ago he lost hisContinued on page 30GLEANN GEALCORBRAi AN tSEINPadraig 6 CearbhaillFonn: Gleanntan Airglinn AoibhinnMo bheannacht a chuirim le duthrachtAr G/eann Gael Corbrai an tSein.'S ar a mhuintir mhaireann go sach subhachCois Sionna sa cheantar deas meith.Ta na crainn sna coil/te go buachachMar (hoscadh ag cair na nean,Na cnoic le brat glas c/udaitheCois G/eann Geal Corbrai an tSein.Mo ghreidhin go deo iad ar sinsirThui/l C/U agus cail daibh rein,Ag cosaint creidimh is tire.'S ag sothru filiochta is leinn.Go maire ansud go sitheachAr muintir ghramhar dhil rein.Gan buairt na bran orthu coicheI nG/eann Geal Corbrai an tSein.Ta an tSionna go haoibhinn alainnIna lui go maorga buanLe baid is longa ar a barr geal'S lucht aermaiochta anso's ansud.Bionn sruth na Corbrai ag crananAg mea/lodh an tsaoil chun suain.Pagann sruth agus abhainn a cheileI nG/eann Geal Corbrai cois cuainThe above song. "Gleann Geal Corbrai an tSein" was a prizewinner atWriters' Week. Listowel. 1980.Padraig 6 Cearbhaill was a writer of poetry and prose in Irish and Englishand spent both his youth and retirement in Glin. Co. Limerick. He was also ahistorian. folklorist and a promoter of all things Gaelic. He founded "G16ragus Ceol an Ghleanna" in 1981. a branch of <strong>Comhaltas</strong> incorporating"G16r na nGael" and as everybody knows this organisation is stillflourishing in Glin. He spent his whole working life within the County ofLimerick working as a teacher of Irish.Glin now has its own Community Centre comprising a hall of 70ft x 42ft.The Seomra Cuartaiochta (visiting or rambling) a room of 44ft x 18ft.kitchen. toilets etc .. etc. Padraig would have welcomed this and would havebeen pleased at the involvement of Glin <strong>Comhaltas</strong> in the project. It ishoped in the near future to name The Seomra Cuartaiochta' after him inhis honour and it would be called Seomra Phadraig. Similarly. another greatnative son. Martin Mulvihill. will be honoured by naming the hall after him.Martin. as many know. was a great fiddle player and teacher of fiddle musicin America until his death in 1987.- Clar, Fleadh Luimni 200032

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