Jan 1921 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Jan 1921 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Jan 1921 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

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twiatawtta 1Iks total ISOUTH•a>/•••• TRgal Estate Section ••• • • •If every Tnttt CorapAny throughout the country would adopt the plan <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title and Trust Co.,the houdna-difficulties wojtld goon be greatly Improved..This company announces it will buy first 6* mortgages on Real Estate. In co-operation, the Lumber Companies,Bunders, Qarpeqtera and others are <strong>of</strong>fering their building materials and services at reduced prices.We believe you can build cheaper in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> today than in any part <strong>of</strong> the country. Get estimates onthe work you contemplate. The cost will convince-you that further delay will be <strong>of</strong> little benefit.<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Real estate Board.FRANK E. DARBYREALTOR<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>761 Asbury AvenueNew Jersey 'Beautifully located, modern, all the yearhome for Sale at a veryreasonable figure.Harry F. STANTONREALTOR<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>415 Eighth StreetNew JerseyI All bnsiness transacted through this <strong>of</strong>fice is in accordance with the following slogan: "This <strong>of</strong>fice does and maintainsUstrictfy a. brokerage business and is in no way interested in personal speculation" Results : A sale completed on theto labove principal or<strong>of</strong>its both Seller and Bayer. Write for listings and make yonr headquarters withaWClayton Haines Brick—Realtor411 Eighth Street <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, New JenevPost Office BuildingR. Howard ThornREALTOR408 Eighth Street<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> - .New JerseyB. Frank Smith Co.raa AT/TOR 81036 Asbury Avenue<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>New JerseyRealtors<strong>Ocean</strong> Coy, New JerseyClarence S. ScullREALTOR<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>624 Eighth StreetNew JerseyMrs. C. L. LakeREALTORSeventeenth Street and Wesley Avcnu*<strong>Ocean</strong> Gty : N. J.Notice that Charming Two-family Apartment now building on Seventh Street near Boardwalk.It is for Sale at LOW COST.Massey «5t EdwardsKIQHTH AND CSNTRAt. AVB.420 Eighth StreetNam UIU Hm* f I* rmJy/or tke Sttsom <strong>of</strong> 1911Hotel for SalePunished, ^^ Bedrooms, Bath, Good Location,Hot Water Heat, Centrally Located.PRICE JS RIGHTAskJOHN J.BBALTOR«»• BaO|«Tlt STvaBBT . OGCAN CITY. N. J.HESTER<strong>Ocean</strong> Qty, New JerseyEWING T. CORSONOccan QtyREALTOR757 Asbury AvenueCOMTLKTB LlatTIMCS OF ALL PmOI*BatTIEaT # William Morrison<strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue Below Eighth StreetTt»«o»ac«JOaSeph L. PeacockREALTORt3t Aaburr A Oona <strong>City</strong>: N. ].S. Johnson<strong>Ocean</strong> Qty, tycw Jersey .New JerseyWalter R. ChattinREALTOR1116 Aibury Avenue <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.Harry HayesCor. Thhty-lhkd and Atbury AvenueOcMaOtfNewjcneyMy ModJoseph 6. ChamploiiBuilding ContractorOCEAN CITY. N. J.Tenth Street and West AvenueLee & bourj\ fcarpenters \nd BaUdertN«TM W.N crrvfRUB artistic results In architecture can only beobtained when all units blend to produce a" wr harmonious whole. Very <strong>of</strong>ten a small detailcarelessly selected ot executed destroys an effect whichotherwise would be perfect.Let me design aad construct that building and 'you will be assured <strong>of</strong> a design that b architecturallycorrect and a building that possesses economy anddurablity in construction.My service guarantees the highest quality <strong>of</strong>materials, the best <strong>of</strong> workmanship and absolute satisfaction.H CttoliriatUHng ContractorBIS KIQHTM ST.OCCAM CITY. N. JLot* lot 3tbExpert AtcUtKtural SereinYOI 8I0.LD IAVEA Reliable BuilderTo erect your <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> cottage. Yoa cannot spare the timeto look after it closely jounclf aod mutt depend upon thehonesty oi the contractor. .-I have built for a large number <strong>of</strong> people and could refer you toany or all <strong>of</strong> them.Send for the list <strong>of</strong> names and photographs ol the bouses.OTIS M. TOWNSEND OCUJI0FBC8BUILDER ~ 4I; J.crrr.ttsn-OvpoUto P.O.S. B SWANSwan and Trout*>aaCT cat.Caroentersjo a SPCCI* r»t. C. TROUTand Buil u ers,_^:io«o Aaaunv AVKNUC OCCAN CITY N. J.B.I22O Aobury c.. ... rv«=rk <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>.Av.nu. BUIL.DEU H jOCALCB IN"NOVELTY"HEATERS. RANGES ANDGAS STOVESar T. BerberReal DelateIn 31st 8t. Section <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>Fine CoUjgrn fur Sale urKentLots Sold on TermsI can Rent yoa most anyCotugeTn'bur DistrictReal Estiate For SaleBIO BARGAINSCotUges. Apartments and Bungalows, furnished and unfurnishedSome estates in my hinds must be sold at sacrifice prices. This is thetime <strong>of</strong> year to buy Cottages and Lots at this Popular Seaside Resortvcry.Cheap. Apply toAlonzo CottonOI9 Aabury Avenua Oeoan <strong>City</strong>. N. J.FOR SALEAsbury Avenue, West Side, bet. Sixth and Seventh StreetsTwo desirable idj^ccnt building lots30x100Will be Mjlii chap to close an estate. Apply to any responsibleReal H»ute Broker.a*a>a>l CatalaTine Joseph I. Scull AgencyCw>n(T. CoraienTST ABBUMV AVsX.OOMN OITV. Ka.OCeiAN CITY, N. J. •kWork a Sawdaltyor<strong>of</strong>c. Bun.D£R •••»•|0v*ics: 8th fltOppo*it« P. O-OCKAN CITY. N\ J.<strong>On</strong>ly gslvanlied naiia nscd on 3' exterior work •— • -—±—>\Oeorge W. Harrl»Contractor, BttfUerand JoiSrf*£?MOmwLeander S. GorsonBUILDERios« wtsifv ««i.ocian crrv. m. 4.HUMBEIT C. P0MT1EREBUILDERan. 11.Harry R, MayKUIcm.LJ.Sab tad BeatALBERT G. GILBERT,PRACTICAL IOISE PAINTO645 'Aabury Avenue,OLiUMcm. a. J.BMImaua ImWairoll UM ol Jobs UMH « Uo/i ruiuVaniabM. Hh u itor Mm.AMo. John T. Inw It* mat oil l»o-Bterele TUea aaa Basilf. atcicM Mepalrtsa rtoaeUy All ** 111 To.la. Mass lltttfl ft.S.1QCO. 0. UAMS A CO. -piAsmus, HUGE surastucz amft. BK^ •«.AS) War* BS Msssat Uao PuialljAttaaaad To.OCCAM CITY. M iBRECKLEY'Snoumm AHO aV*Mw ^AittrmmmCLINTON L • ftCCKLtY,.••i> %afaoe turnWkat Is aattsved id bs iba tanoatosrued diveaeod ever psaosa wy a a*»psraltoa ls> tbta cwaly-ssa»?i»» (a* tt^r KisasCoejpariy at teaaowai awnai 1 _day at tts uiBas a Csv* May Uaurt.adrtHMi to Iki* epakdM dlvi-Mlas tbo eBiS)li»bo Ctty CosaailsHooats.II was blnlad by a eltyoincUlal ibo•Mott<strong>of</strong> Ibal Ibo rsllrood 1 la planningbaz JaiprovoasoaU for Ocosf Ctty.TSAH8PBB MONBVCONTRACTORS MOSTQUICKEN WORKAt a tpsctai ssssUoc <strong>of</strong> Ibo.boardTbaraday ayaiiloc ibo followlag nsolallooswtn adoptsd:Bo IIRaaoJrad, by lbs Board <strong>of</strong> Cooamls-cetebrsnt, Ibe Bev. Tboms* F. Blak*.price paid wsa ttt<strong>On</strong>. Mlet AbbottMies Carolyo Oevloo. <strong>of</strong> Ibie etly.spoul Iba Sew Year bolUays with loors <strong>of</strong> Oesan CMy. Nsw Jenay. po*rlloologo ool and urge people la •sva iba property aboold have b.roogblIba rector, urged bta besrvr* 10 atarirnsods la Trsoloa.bst Oesao <strong>City</strong> borrow a suss not ss iota Iba ebaosbsr. All bualosM a>« 110 000.ibo oew year itgbt by resolving 10leadCbrleUao lives wtd keeping ibedins, HUM, aodar sod by vinos <strong>of</strong> ars beoeflled by aoob so organ nalkui Vorsaer Jodgo Clsrsooo Cole reprsstauMlea Abbott, sod Oeorts A.Miss Btbal E. Lee, <strong>of</strong> tbto etty.reaolattoo.nils oous for lbs yssr 1818. sod If Ibo buelosa* an do oot Juio andepsot Iba wetk-ood wnb Ml** Blastbat Iba proper uBotts art bandy so> slleod tba assotlag*. toe eUsaiBor Boargeola lbs deraodaal.Mses was sleo eald by Ibe rector onLas Is FbJJadslpbla.NewYssr** Dsy, wbleb •*• IU» Faa«t;bortnd to ssseats a oott or ooloa la looks dead, but Ibe ebsaesr le slway*" Mlaess Manotrlto Mssbso and Flor*ascorsioJd tarn.soooaaplkiblog rssulu, sod, wbeo •ort Ibroogb the loetmastouiny <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong> lbs CtrcaaseMoo.aoot Pliscgi. ot Iblo etty. 'spool SewBo Htbere are bag things to be dooe. Ibl. wall directed eSort* oo tbo pan <strong>of</strong> barYear's Day In Phlladipbla.Bowlrsd, by lbs Bosid <strong>of</strong> Cossailsoa«M<strong>of</strong> Uossa CMy, Ifsw <strong>Jan</strong>sy, Mr. msalon aald Ibsl perbepe ooo Mr. Brick •poke <strong>of</strong> Ibo neeevliy <strong>of</strong> Ing Wuek sitsoded lo promptlyorganrtalloo "puu ibesi ovor.' bmtneas aseo sod rsawJaou cronslly. ro.sg sod csrpeoter-Howard T. Hcoll aod wife aod MiesOars Baa. <strong>of</strong> tbl* etty, bavo iwtorosd bsl Oesso CMy borrow a aos* oot •»• pan not am poet people 10 slleod rootioe bs boeloee* people 00 Aabory Sftooa Pneea n oaooskle. Apply AreberWelcb. Homer*' Polol. adv. 12 IS, 41.froara vMt lo Philadelphia. .Una: tHOO 00. oodar sod by vinos aseetloge, aod Ibolbougbt naa uean nd I00M 00 Ibo BoardwaiM workingJ. W. Herbert aad wife, <strong>of</strong> Pbllsv <strong>of</strong> us tills oous lor lbs ysar 1814, aodla ble alod tbal M aigbl bs well to more In bsrmouy ap~»p»Siml ooewtooe Lntr.-A eti ilsrllng Mint E»«r Hbsrppeu«il marssd id A. W. H.,I»DK. . Si. ,.dripbta. soaiaier rmrtiota <strong>of</strong> IMSbat Ibo props* omosra aia bartby solBW Bawsrd If rstarood 10 »J4 Ceo.dlj.sia oow sl ttt. Patareburg. Pla.irsl •»•, Apt. A. *d»« It.IborUad 10 szsnuo a DUO or ootsstosseara ssM aoas.Bo UBaaolvod, by lbs Board <strong>of</strong> CosaoHsilucara<strong>of</strong> Octso CMy, Naw Jarssy.bsl Octsa ( :iy borrow • sass oot axcar«tc«.IU ioaoo. aodsr ana by vb>tua*r€ ibo ysar«sd 00 prs-bo will sUad. allboo|b be would ootu dlopavssaol <strong>of</strong> Uass.Uass"feet <strong>of</strong>leodsd if too ateaber* eilact sa-11000 00 rroas "saalariocIssprovo.I csftlosslos" lo -pouro aod lifsttU»3Sfnai•oaidaTbs Rrv. Ueerge W. Vsrd NUd tbst•tatsrast 00 bapfovo-ba talt tbst ibo Cbaajber <strong>of</strong> CosaoMressssal cmifleMas" lo -polles sod Itfs- bae bad a good ysar aud bav played(usrd* "ao laiportsnt part lo lb* cooiaiuuu*.HW7lfnsB -dralgats" to "poliossod lifccosrde."It be* ttslpod lbs city sod *'Hy t'oas-t&LM rross ••vslot" to "<strong>On</strong> do-ailartooerpsnssonl." said Ibat bo woukt Ilka publicly tola ovsry way. Mr. YardIS. 00 rross •robbtab" u "<strong>On</strong> assart. Ctva bio beany eodurweut lo Mrseal."msnloo'e prsstdaurjr. eud U> o>o*rd•10 47 rross "Karbaas" la ••Orade-parti •itssafil."$1099 at frees -street*" lo -board.a*70e» froas 'eootlosso* expsoase-'lo °-*d*««tMlo*:."•470 as frosi -Uabl" lo -pabllelonatauoo."OPPICBK8 BLBCTBDy LeWiltlssa H. HosHb; loaer casn*.L«wle Usadley; ouiet (asrd. Wsluiruasllo.Maasbers af Oesso Cny Lodes. Ho.as. K. <strong>of</strong> K. WMb aseaibefs <strong>of</strong> PallKasrooy Lodga. <strong>of</strong> Plasaeolv Ills, willwere a sutler <strong>of</strong> f l»log him TsnliyIbo ooealoalloo woald d< ubtlaM' sppeal lo blsa, but bs "a* *iunr* wbeobs declared Ibat be doe* aot weal tuservo loo get as preeldeot <strong>of</strong>ibsebsoaber. Ma csoooi glte tbe orssoiuiKMilbs slUollou II sbould bs«e frooi hima* preatdeol. Hie perwusl liu*liaOsIre will not permit.pootlnoiog. bs NU It I* u dlsbavo ao executive o'Simiiiee wbK-bwould dlepoeo ot much <strong>of</strong> ibe ordiosrybnelnsae. eubieet lo lue »pprorsl<strong>of</strong> lbs ebsatbsr, Ibe leilir luabout ooea a otootb.CoodudlOeT. lbs speaker estd Ibsl Itwas b*s Iboogbt. for Ibe rrsM>o* arvooby bias, tbst lbs beIbeagbt M a jeer loa aouo. Tb*s>opao ttserotsry Mowe as* rerlettedae was Hatry A Mont* a* IMwmMr. Bncfc bcooa-bt up ibe aietter <strong>of</strong>esalolalnlng s mun iCBrteul txirvsu <strong>of</strong>iolbrassuoe> lo tbl* at/ Tbe ibougbllbs bareau UMJUI 10 ibect>y aad too travsliog poMio sod BIMla lao ttlsroala sf Ibe nsltwr* <strong>of</strong> tbe reTba. bowl aod ruoauog bou*eoeald slao get la> 00 a* en «su*-aass. Ibe *sesaer said It a'Msyoc Cwassptoatrass Iba Cbaasber <strong>of</strong> <strong>On</strong>ejaianja. lbsProaMseaivs baecae aad lbs OesaaOly Boat Batata Board, ibsss %o SMOIwaa Ibo awyor !• ssaao ploae. Tbosolicitor for SCIIOD. •'All lbs eooiraetors agreed to bavaI heir work oomploted wltblo Ibe pitod eat by Ibo board.8TJB8 8TBPMOTBBRTrmm* a wwelasM Ovew aal« a>*•aiw Avjajwn CaMsja.fcr[VottlMrStep. Taken lo I,loeWith Wldenlnff <strong>of</strong> CDr*lathUn Avenue.ID HIM wHb ibo plans <strong>of</strong> I bo eltyforlbo wtdaol<strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong> fufinthlan a'sanala Ibo vMalty <strong>of</strong> (fecund alrool, IboITIIJ I1ian»jkjil at Ibrlr w<strong>of</strong>klyaoibonssd piraotoe Piabtrsanrs aow)pa*ativo btdanriba molog and repainog <strong>of</strong> too iwo cottage*standing la Corlathisn sveoue, r*-qalrsd to bs ssovsd la order 10 wldwlbs etrost, sod submit lbe»e to Ih,board aad Ibe propeily owoere cooTboeootraet for certain <strong>of</strong> Ibo worlo ooojaoatioo wltb Ibis Improvemeawas awarded by lbs city e.n»e 11sloes, bat It will bs meensry 10 movIdeas boosts la order lo pruorsd wliibo work. *Tboaotloo<strong>of</strong> Ibo <strong>City</strong> Comml»*loasrs si Ibatr weekly oeet tog wsa takealtar CMy Bollcitoc Buewell told Ibesabsrs Ibal Ibis wa* Ibo uext aleIq Iba procosdluas.Abbott, <strong>of</strong> ibis city, bar etepmotber.Tba Ists Or. B. T. Abb-41, baebaod<strong>of</strong> Ibo d<strong>of</strong>sndsol, willed Ibal lbs rasa.denee, a large couags sl lbs eoroor <strong>of</strong>Khiblb eirsat aod Cooirsl avenao, boassrebod to Iboeomeruf Kigblb streaiand Aabory aveouo, wbera lbs boyileft lo bla wife, abo to rseelvs Ibe la-Slfcotecome, aod lost If sl soy time lbs rn. followed tbl* by burning a tin re at amsoy <strong>of</strong> Ibelr drill*. Theycome ibersfroai was ool eaOldrat •- ataka Tbolr wild yell* sad euaiorber need* aba eoold **tl Ibe property. tmas, tiCetber with lbs ringing <strong>of</strong>Tbo will provided Ibat 00 ber death, ebarob belle and lbs blowing <strong>of</strong> steamibereetdoeabould bo divided lasooa; wblatlss, bolped lo make ibo welcomehi* Ibrso dsogbUre, Mrs. LllUe, Mra. 10 Ibo oow ysar oooeaally ooley.Psrsoos sod -Miss Abbott..Mh Abbott, la bar salt, deratelost nbt eoOoenl esooay wseobtalood)for iba property, wbleb. a few sMolbaago. waa aoM by Mrs. Abbott loR.lpba ibl* etty, asylog tbst sll initrouboo Id bs e xnbined. se Ibo oooisiuoilybsa Ibe asm* Imerssta lo mmaioaFloyd eUmma txprewed tbelboagblbat wbso tbaetly bsss gsladsf. lhaivsou aod lbs Urns abould bs divided.so se lo give sll loll reals s soars. TooBoordwslk sod ibo baseb ar* iboriodpel altracttooa bers lolb**ass>Hf. Bs esM mat be ibooitii is*Boardwslk on ars wllllog 10 eooutbauIbalr Uiaro<strong>of</strong> mooey wben a*ked.Mr. eMmma agf red 10 be a BMaber<strong>of</strong> ibe rbssaber'a nosaca eomauusouiil si lesat Juoa l, aod be waaismed. Tbeoibera oamed 00 IbleoasmitUe ar* Claytoo Hsins* Brick.R. H. Jobu*oa. Iba Bev. M. M. Uww>ttd Jsaiae AuMla.Tbl* com aitttV* Is to eollett sod collect mooay s* aooo as a program forprcrsl aveou for Ibecomlug xjasxrbeeo ouilioed aod arrs<strong>of</strong>ad byMajor Cbampl 00 aDd bla coaimllleo.lo snawer lo a tjuaaltoo by Jobo J.o*nHj (>««a~ ll afera«iu>ra *T **M *»»•» *saiMt«rSVA BOOBaeeatni..NKAI. ESTATC AAwUtT• U*! WANTED! lOTeatmcat PropcrtT. Central Loos-: tloo, W*irrml.I Slut b*a Biigilii.' MUL C. OOEDINOI IMt «»•>»•• Ail esiL*. •>•NOTICEAU*l*fetUmi VUaliaro tloactil «i>d*Mo*JaaarCou

'*V'^7-tatc-snister, Retiredr. Vow Owttwa mind ooal» -no bobMo*>a»*1<strong>of</strong>kar», bB*poreta***dO.Srta*,-throaab Ma*« V Ib* 8earboroagb Ho-'yar, aad it waa coodarlac UMMatoMtby Mr*.Booty, <strong>of</strong> PkUadelpbla.aajobadtb*l«kaoouac* on tb*<strong>of</strong> BUtb atnat aadO. A. Xt- r«M Mlk«TbeCrty Commtsatooan Ibl* weaknesrved Ib* oaoal nqo**t from JohnUaeray Post. No. 40. G A. R. <strong>of</strong>Cap* May, for edntiibulloa* to b*lpdsfray Ib* *ip*oe* <strong>of</strong> decanting »•!•tars' graves lo Ib* cemrlertea or Cap*Slay County oo Manorial Day. Tbi*elty alway* oootrlbat** (IS. bat oo *cloa«H Uk*a at tbl* meetloa:, Ib*tetter btiog r*c*l**d aod Died fur fo>nn action.If an *d»*rtla*aj*ol In tb**JB»TUlflaiBBlBliiaii Boy*/ Clob Nawai Cbarl** L. CadwaUader.r<strong>of</strong> tba Itnalaim Mao's Comet,tba OenaaatowoBoyVCHSVesM a a*U*r~wbiea baa been raaJBaasMa to** naoll* tbal grsttfledtkaatam ekacgs <strong>of</strong> tbs work. tSpamAsa* sat permit recording ibe coo-UlstHm iaaal*aa to data. Bat aloe*tka attaraboold be ulareatlag totba»s*fla*M*Bb'* frtsod* who-bar*' M l*BV*a*M tor lat), K le prtnlad InNetH Wa baea mallad two tettsrs lo youItaatyoaaMk* a asoaroo*i to ao* <strong>of</strong> tbs wortkMataely. tbeI Boy* 1 Clob. bat to dataloo reply. Boy* wbo1 ay tfcM dab do ootI toa* aaadtt*, blgbwaya>Jokef BMBBfattBrtag rsal ajeoatwellsiBttsyatlbaasstaflacts<strong>of</strong>goodeturtoaod.aU ibamonwho boast <strong>of</strong>I'DI Of I . - .saetoprtatioaeJbr lae a««u jau or i«u.tat <strong>of</strong> SarptaaaatyiOtbars moat b*W* notI yoar batp, bat to*|tbal walit.•>•ttnmad. Makalt****»'I Of UMJaaaary a.wIDhaMai aBOatealiaa IDbail af UM ctertb. »lC«yBU**rMay Cooatyaf M«m<strong>of</strong>-Tb* laaalUM ptrvtiaB* *f.afB»Hkiym.. / • HBU> FOBSutton & Corson Co.General ContractorsQRADINQ AND STRCCT BUILOINONINTH ST. MO aiMP«6VAVI. OOKAM CITY. N. J.ORDINANCE No. 152.An otOlaaae* MaUae to lava Sir iba **ar•I Baal B>taa la* LOCAti BUUtjKT iasdorTh«rv. a. *.BaU Pboos, US.Xiuoaa l^t^AdailaMBndaarkaaanal.WOc*aa <strong>City</strong> C*n* Ot*«a Imsiadiat*Space economy and sudsdriven by propellerspecial featuresFOR SALB ONLY BVBERTRAri HILLMAN1220 Asbury AvenueOld Tornplk* near Soora- RaasdIO4-JPLEASANTVIUJE. N. JDR. DAVID M. 8AXEVSTaUUNAitY SUaOtOMData a Bo*«la>tya« noaTMViaaiMiA /VBMUBATLANTIC err*, M. 1.rilBiiltyC»»alVaatiiaa»iaaO.a.ajBi«aaCO.Os> He BACOIN 6O7 BlgfHtH mtMEMORIALSDUXABtUTTUAJM<strong>On</strong>tOB AMD TABStMMELLCO.TBI o a « L A • p n m n t i mcooraOAKLANDSENSIBLB^StXM ANY men and wo;nen, who. could wdl afiford coatJkr can,are dririag Oakland Sensible SxCoopes.Their selection waspronipcea uuiisitiy DT me ma » « a f » K > ^ « r a f j | « f j | a ^ « a } p istnrdf car represents and theQBQIBIBHBWBBI O'DCVBW&ABWTCCOska^OOXaCS CDawaVthe Oakland Sensible Six eSectsaver a long Berime <strong>of</strong> efficient.mill Couaa, JlUii To* Dam SaaUa. SlUSlSUfcU««BMiiiltatW>j*Wa«jlCHARLES SACKCentral • Garage<strong>City</strong> UUUSIATOOBUVBKY' New JerseyAnnouncementRealizing that building is <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>'s chief industry betweenseasons, and in order to encourage more construction thanis being done at this time, also knowing that many more operationswould now be under way, due to the pronounced drop inlabor and material cost, if mortgage funds were available forfinancing same, the Board <strong>of</strong> Directors <strong>of</strong> this Company hasarranged a plan whereby a limited amount <strong>of</strong> its funds may beloaned upon building operations not yet commenced.This Institution has committed itself tothis new departureknowing that the future <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> depends upon a continuation<strong>of</strong> the steady growth it has enjoyed during the past Forthis reason, we are glad to make this proposal to interested persons,and in this manner assist in the financing <strong>of</strong> new houses onapproved first mortgages.Full details may be had by application to the 1 Treasurer.OCEAN CITY TITLE 'AND TRUST COHPANYWM. K. UASSKV. PrnidentRUSSELL H. NVLTY. Sec and Tre*».HKNRV I) MOORK. Vice PresidentCLINTON B. PKICH. Title OfficerCLAYTON HAINKS BRICK. Vice PreaideotSTIRLING W COLK Trust OftccrJ. FITHIAN TATESi. SolicitorORGANIZED 1909.ASSETS OVER A MILLION AND AQUARTER DOLLARS.DR. CHAS. H. VAILOasresstbk FsyeJdaaoauunooiawniaiJaiBtmuav*Ha* . au-Jf*o—• Waiaal ues^SupposeWontti, HircMti t StNiauLAW orriccs•*• aj.ara BratlTkaai *». i»uafiaC.i>.a.4Should Comeand enter your house tonight—wouldyourvaluables be salt? ' You arc cure <strong>of</strong> absoluteprotection when you put your vaf<strong>of</strong>aks in ourvault, where yoa can rent a Safe Deposit Boxfar $3, $5 and $8 per year.FIRST NATIONAL BANKOCEAN CITY.1V..J.by Ib* eoooly frwboldara, wbo war*out only pl*a**d by Ib* aicalttatroadway, bat alao by raaaoa <strong>of</strong> tb*fact Ibal that Ib* work waa oa*apl*t*dcooaidcrtsly loatd* <strong>of</strong> Ib* ooolraotlima, aomatbioaj aooaoal lo ibaasptrt*oo*<strong>of</strong> tb* board la Cap* HayCoanly dartos Ib* laat f*w yaara.Tbl* road coooact* wltb Iba r*-c*oily balll boal**ard from tbtoeMylo UN fall <strong>City</strong> aod fonaa aootbarImportant llok lo Ib* good road ay*.lam from ban do wo ibroaab tbaeoiiDiy to Cap* May <strong>City</strong>.Mr. Conoo baa alao Dolabad Ib*pll* br*ak*at*r. for ibacUy, at Ib*oorlb polol, la wbleb work 12,000 pitlogwar* uaad: ib* lagooo balkbaadaod Ib* ll l tLOCAL BANK STOCKHARD TO OBTAINStanding Offer <strong>of</strong> #aas—BankPaid sa Per Cent. DividendIn ioao.-At Iba BMMlog <strong>of</strong> Ib* board <strong>of</strong> dlnetora<strong>of</strong> Ib* FUN Nallooal Baokb*M Friday ,'u*e*mbrr 41. a atmlaaoaaldlvtdaod <strong>of</strong> 6prre*otwaadoeterad, makl<strong>of</strong> tb* total di»Cf*aa*d from S50.000 lo1100,000, an Ibal Ib* bank now baa a[capital <strong>of</strong> 1100,000, a autplua <strong>of</strong> 1100.-IMA • - • " -OBJBCIIOH MADE(SOME NEW DIRECTORSBANKING INST1TTO FIRE CHIEFLiberty Co. Iff embers Suggest<strong>City</strong> Employ Out-<strong>of</strong>*Town Man for Job.According lo a letter read at tb*weakly sosaMlDg <strong>of</strong> In* Clly Commit.iroocr*. members <strong>of</strong> Ib* Liberty Flr*000, aod oodlvldad pr >dia 01110.874Tb* Daw atock, wb«n aold lo Augoat,waa placad at t-JOO par abara.and lb*r*ar* ataodlog udara now <strong>of</strong>ast, wilb oot a •bar* for aal*.MAOB GOOD SHOWINGCompany, No. S, are opposed to tb*r» elect loo or H. B. Coo«*r a* ebssf.TS* soggeetloa I* mad* Ibat, If a capableperson can oot be fbood bora, tb*city obtalu a man from eocae otbarplac*.Tb* letter I* a* follows:Commlaslobera <strong>of</strong> Oesaa <strong>City</strong>—Uaallecaca:—At tb* last nisetlag <strong>of</strong> Liberty Flr* Co.. No. 3,<strong>Jan</strong>uary a, <strong>1921</strong>, by uosolmoa* eot*I he escretsry was toetroctsd to notlfjryoar boaorsbl* body Ibat they en op.posed to Hamad B. Coo»*r being appointedchief <strong>of</strong> tbs flr* departmentaod Ib* cllay contract.Up lo Ooeaa Coonty, In* board <strong>of</strong>commtaslooare <strong>of</strong> Ibal eoooty na**Just aootpteu ib* four anile* <strong>of</strong> grar*lroad balll by Mr. Conoa. It I* oa* <strong>of</strong>Ib*llaka la Ib* road oooo*etu>gBeacb Ha*to wllb Baroegal.HITFI&BPI.TJOAecteloaM Bier*.Aaua>ta a. aa. a P. aa.HAND,ATTOtlNBY andCOUNSELLOR-AT-LAW.Stl OMIBTV *JBT*B.tOpaaalta ratawSSSSSlltSOFFICESApgar 8t Boswell,unnaB4^u^uOOAJI crrr. J. j.Heating AppliancesGas Radiators, Electric Heaters, Oil Heaters and Air-Tight Wood Keating StovesAIX VBU..KN0VN BRANDS.CALL ANDLOOK TKM OVER.Read Hardware Co.S48-SS0 Aaaawy A<strong>City</strong>, H. J.Aitemplloi lo toro lotoNlotb streetfrom Ashury a*soo*, Handay mornlag,wbll* oo ber way, to a closedsoto, lo Alltotlc cuy, Mr*. NettieMayer, <strong>of</strong> West Wildwood. lost cootrol<strong>of</strong> Ibe car. sod Ibe macbloe strucka flreplag eitb aueas force.The plug aea koocked wl <strong>of</strong> plac*and begao leaklrjg. aod °Jbe aolo araadamaged.Tb* BftchlD* we* lakso lo a nearbyg*r*g*, and later Ib* damage loIbe fireplug was repaired by watercompany woikmeo.Mrs Mater, wbo ga*e ber oame toPolice Chief Joboeou, waa acooaipsa-»*d feylore* fmnda.raexesiraaMaw**' CewieaM.Amateur photographers here eill b*loteresled ID lh« anoouociaiiot la in*•d**rtlMauai <strong>of</strong> Or. J. TboroU*Hugaea*lssal)«re lo Ibl* laaoe <strong>of</strong> looHtvnxaX. Tboa* knowing <strong>of</strong> pretty•pots lo Oc«au CMy sboald IntoIbelrcaaieraaua Ibeea at oooa. Parbap*aooa* tmatearpbolograpbtrknows <strong>of</strong> tntilracM** lourlor *l*w<strong>of</strong> • osllag* oar*. Try yoar akllt••JitilaiS' auaa*AI Ib* aoaoal m**llag <strong>of</strong> Ib* OcaaoCMy BolMlog aod Loaa Aasoclalioo|e)*tarday olgbl, B. B. Miller waara-•atetadatea) praatdaol aod RullaUaxralauuaod^Coctia C'oraoo dlraetf-• foribr«*y**ra aaob. To* olbar o . r»Oaorg* O. Adam* la pn*lreauln.deoL. B. Cartl* Roblosoa.'Towoaeod and Thomas Jrulaeud aodttora.HaoryTooro i'V.'ar*For Ib* Oret lime, Ihe asaorialioo lesoadatock In July laai year aod MSanarea wsr* uk*o. The oqmhertakro laat <strong>Jan</strong>uary waa IM makloga total <strong>of</strong> 8XH The total oumbar <strong>of</strong>sbara. lo fare* I* «3«sTb* aaatta1310,«M» Tb* amoaot losoedluring tlj* y**r wa* (ltM.814Thar* war* laaaed at Ihe meillog880 share* <strong>of</strong> Ib* 0*w aerie*.for Ib* oaal l*rm.W* f**l ibal, for Ib* good <strong>of</strong> tb# d*-partmaol, H. B. Coovar I* not capable<strong>of</strong>balogcbtaf. aad, ibat. If Ocaao <strong>City</strong>do** oot poaaaaa a capabl* aaao, w*woulddwould recommeod lbs *ppolatm*olI <strong>of</strong> an axpetienoed man fromother dr* depanauoLYoar*.JEWS C. BTXPHaaraow,«ec. <strong>of</strong> Liberty Flr* Co.Tbe letter was ordered received andBled sflsr Director Flebsr bad a*adslb*comm*ol that Ib* Llbany Co*s-Daay appears to waol Iu owa way.Tbe following letter from tbs UbeityCompany also wa* read by <strong>City</strong>Cletk MorrU:HOQ Joseph O. Cbamptoo,Mayor—Liberty Fir* Co., Na S. wlsb toy* Co., No. S. waab torecommend Ib* appolouoeol <strong>of</strong> WarnoHealth aa aaaMfSt eba*f for tb*nan taro-yawr Una.jDBUt C. etTKPHUBOW.Tb* l*u er we* reeelvad aod died, oocoottoo <strong>of</strong> Olraator Uampball.KatlbMaod baa b»ao —ra chif flaiMetatairA»ail»«rm«r»-William F. Uanlloeraod wife, wllbIbelr two aooa. William aod (Jeorf*.<strong>of</strong> tbia cuy, rttaioed borne Mondayfrom a abort 'wit lo Tacooy, wheiethey aluoded tbe atveomtb dirtbdayaoolraasxy oaJ*ora«oo* <strong>of</strong> ChartaaWare, wbo ua auomer vullor hare.John rJ. Lake and »if*. <strong>of</strong> Ibl* city,• en alao aapoug tb* gue-la.Aaiw *>•». oawacl.Mrs freak HcboaMer. <strong>of</strong> Ibis clly,wbo h flawing ber former bom* InDetroit, wrttrs her buabaod Ibat IbeFord pleat Iben to cloeed sod hasbeeo tor BOOM Um*. Notices b*«*beta poMrd Ibal operaOooe may bereaumad Kebroary 1.WM. H. CoujsaoN. |«.Aaao. M. Am. Boa. o. S.Civil Eotinetr asd SoncjaronyNOTIOETf TTTII niallBH BIIB*III i a*/- /». VMMAMLM•mm JUMumr MMM umWhen theBills Arrivetba aaaa wka acbackiag AccoaataaqaaattoBsbly baatb* adaaatag*.Bafcljr, coartmaaMly. «ocaralal*, apaadOy ava daapoaaaolmaobttgatioM.totNo —lag ant ma rrnagapoaaiblltty <strong>of</strong> argo-Sacara thaa*p.y-b,-ta aad talk wfek w<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>Tide and TrustCompany0C8AN CITY, N. J.The Place to ShopA rBV SUGGESTIONS FROMJONBS' MEN'S SHOPCTOV AVBNVB»Q4OaBath EobaTranllag BavBaaaluKMCkmaoCaUT artsNawkUaSUkMalflrrStlkBairt ~~'UadrracaxMUtUry BraabcaWallet I LcaUbcr)WtlcaCbaiaLeather Coat'Maw HatParana*Par CollarKalaCoatHUkHoatSuapraaVnLeather LrggtuaCigamu CaacAato GaaotWtaCoif UnkaTtc CUapiUaJacnbicf.JOSEPH BROADLEYPLUMBJNG and HEATING731 Asbury Avanu* Ooaan <strong>City</strong>, N. J.Phono «8-MGeo. F. SaxtonPAINTING. PARE* HANQING.GRAINING A« O DECORATING935 ABaaURV AVCNUCOCUNCm'*«••(. aa-aiRBPOBLIGAN GLOBGAINS MEMBERSMayor. Champion and j. p.Fo^Re-elected Presidentand Vice President.Tben waa a aoappy BMstlog <strong>of</strong> Iba'>e**o Clly Hepoblaeeo Clab at its•leedqusrtersThursday ***oiog. wbeoihefaJlowlog<strong>of</strong>flcan w*n r*-*l*tl*d:Prealdeal. sltyor C'bamploa; *ie*presMtat. FmbaUer Jobo 1>. Fos;••creury. Ctt* Clerk Harry A. Morna; Ireaeursr. tilj Treaaurar U. H.dcullFmbolder Kox prestded In lbs sboce<strong>of</strong> PreaUsoi Chsmploo. wbowaa unavoldaol/ kept from Ib* aM*tlog.at which there wsa a **ry g~niatteadeoce. so* eaacb tolereet wa*•bowo lo Ib* proceeding*.ttacratary Moms wae laatractsd towrite the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> ib* Nlatb WardRepobJlcao Club <strong>of</strong> Caotdso to aaowlainwhat would be required <strong>of</strong> memben<strong>of</strong> Ihe local club daslrtoglo go toWashington »llb the marching dab<strong>of</strong> Iba Caaaoea orgaahnuoo to attaod Ibe Inauganltoo In March..m..ia aain uaa O>*a SB ***BMS0tdr* chief for aereral yean.Tbe rsaolutloo read al a avesUog<strong>of</strong>ib* bnard two weeas before, awardingJacob Jacoby, <strong>of</strong> lots elly. tba oootractto reeao*e rubbtsb and •during Ib* year IGU1 for ams.7&,egalo reed aod adopted.OFFICERS BLBCTBDBEGIN SEWING FORSDMMBR FAIRMembers <strong>of</strong> afstbodist Ladles'Aid Society Meet BreryTuesday Afternoon.Tba meaabsri <strong>of</strong> tba Ladle** Atd 8odoty<strong>of</strong> tba First f. B. Chorea banhsgoo sawing for tbstr aoooal batar.It la earnestly desired by tba <strong>of</strong>floer*that all lbs womso <strong>of</strong> Ibe ebareb aseMtatbJ*work. Tbs society ••ember*will asset la tba ehareb sod eralatSa'etoakoeary Tossday aftsrooon'until rnrtbsr Dotto*. 'Tb* society, at It* anoaal mostlag,eiectad tbs following <strong>of</strong>flesn:PreaMeot. Mm B. W. Oaady; first*le* prsatdsat. Mr*.O W. Yard; ascood»k» pnaadeat, Mia. Beoj. U*o*danoo; ascntaiy. Mn, K. A. Conoa;CnMaiar. Mr*. K. A. Pottar flirndalescretary. Mra. US Adaaa*.Collectors—abova Blxlb suaat, Mra.Oaorga Btsekm»o; 8Utb lo 8r**oth.Mn. F. Marpby; Havenlb to Ksgbtb,M-a. 8- Bampano; Eighth to Hlolb.Mia Mary Conoo; Ninth la Tsotb,Mra. B. Ueoderaoo; below Tenth,Mr*. William Gibe.TbsfoUowlageoaamlttM*were *p-[potntsaiParaoosgs— Mrs. Wallw Back. Mr*.B. Fraak HmMb aod Mm W. K. Maa.a", o. m. *>• A. laahTb* followlug o«wly-*lect»d <strong>of</strong>fioara<strong>of</strong> Weebioguo Caap, Na ti. P. O. O.<strong>of</strong> A., <strong>of</strong> Ibla city, will be luataJted tomorrowiraoloc by DMrlet 1'iaaailaiilH. C. iDgerwII. <strong>of</strong> Wildwood:Peat praaldeal, Hugb Caoalagbam;pnatdani, Frank Bakatayi *>c* prett-leoLJpbo WetlaodfliJdeot^Jpho We-tl*nd; aaaactal -~.wury, ~E. C. Barrett; noordlag 'escr*-tary. Tbomaa M. MeClan; treeaum.Jobo B. Ktrby; cooductor. AoibaoyUaody: loapector, Ray mood Moon;irartsaa. E.'A. Bourfwoes. CalebCollins aod Fraocla Riggloe.;J.Flower—Mr*. Waa. take, Mrs. Oeo.JtOraai aod Mra. Jaaaaa Matt*.Uoro—Mm <strong>On</strong>rtlla Adaaaa.aurer—Mrs. B. W. Edwarda. Mra.K. A. Ooraocr«od Mrs. F. Morpoy.Oab-Kn. L. waalanB. Mrs. F.Baity aod Mrs. Howard Joboaoo.Pnaa-Mn. B. L. O<strong>of</strong>f.CoaaaMtaa* fot baaar.Aproo—Mr*. A. UUbert, Mrs. kC A.ortar, Mr*. Oeorg*Jaffrt**, -Mra.Beodrlokaoa, Mra. OrrtUa Adam* aodHit, 0*0.0Adaama.Faoay work—MJ*. W. Back, Mm C.tot, Mrs. B> W. Edward*. MmFraak Marpby, Mt*a Mary Conoa,Mm H. tt. Mawrrr, Mn. WUloa WUleuaod Maae Jolla Bcoll.Caks-Mxa. U. Hampeoa. Mr*. W.I Lake. Mra. Tboo-ae t«aeb, Mn HowardJuhaeoo. Mr*. B Fraak HaaMbaod Mr*. Lawl* HMal|ytbaatiak>*aBara af MS ffkaf.dooal ateak. Sa.t* Oiv Wl«aMIAksao. a/ isst aHf. ws* BMHjrpiaaa<strong>of</strong> L*al|*& f •iiasi. «s« «B*a*aTaBBBB% (CBBBBBI BBB^mBBBBa_Or. Hamebal P»«», xUraha W. aVtwants. J. aTsMalOr. Baodolpb Marsaull aatl ia Abbott.AUoo <strong>of</strong> Ik*wbaramtkl*Ofikaiooe _TMa aad TraatOoortHeoae, •eoea'tka aH*and Jobaj B.Tba dJtaataca artaraw. TbtyaatjClaytoa Riraaa BrtakyOampweU. J. M COCEAN CITY FISHING CLUB'SBIG PLANS FOR DINNER[«iSS?* 00 * set flnto a baocb <strong>of</strong>Cbrtatss** tree* at eiereoth stnM aodSS*.."-"f«^Ta»eolog~A rs£daottwo block* away saw iba name*aod tboogbt then was a aoto ablets.He taltp booed etty ball, aod ChSfCon«eraod Usmoal Prtce in a com.£oetloo cbaasjaa. daab«l lo lb*?liTbea LhMf Coo ear waa dlsnUseedand aoogbl tb* supposed Joker.".«V.P**.a W.MtwUsrry UaadMy.D. Ladlaas. WBeery D. Moors.JamaiU.HeBU.WaUtaaa'F.Joka tt HttesBaaa. J. Fftk*&Uowss«Tkat«.OU.H.•»• at BUa» Misass.Tb* JUlowtag etaasasaat af10.1SHSCHOOLBOYS HERBNOW BOXINGGOOD WORK INHEALTH CONTESTMiss afacNcal's Sixth GradePupils Stood Highest InNovel School Teat.goralloo la Maniato aiiplleaoie w«*banblp lo ib* Ooaaala<strong>City</strong> Bapypoblicao Clob. Tttay arr: Boca*r* C.Yoaog. Elaut d. HebanU, Jacoo Jaeoby,Jobo E, Traot, Krao L*ar. AItwrt Ugter. -Jack" Pagtaaaeb. Bay.aaood H. UIBord, Cbaria* U Ulflor ,WUIIaa* T. CarwKbao,UalMrtcVatHb. A frad T. Liark. Jotu. C. r***i-•uo, TboasacJ. PBJ k«r, Harry Uaj*aaod Aodnw B ItcalLTBBV OBT AMOXJVDOMO.B. CI' ilaaTtatalaThe following, ttom Ibe UarmaalowoBsye* Clab News <strong>of</strong> <strong>Jan</strong>uary TwUI **r*e lo show bow boy* <strong>of</strong> this organUatloa. wbotpsad ihtfr rammeraaaeooe lo Ooaan CMy. gat snood lbsworld sad an —^'-g ajoodi•A paptan psavaard bom rtaanuiAlne, tfootb Aaortea, fromJobaP.0*0000011. BOW as oBta* *a a ***rcbantllnw plyisg betweeo Iba DaMaiouts* aad Heath ASM•bows a wharf wab aaamnanl <strong>of</strong> salpplsg.*-" f u_.UUtheO B.C. sat* alSBBvamaT ftasaaat aa^^a>a^bx*BTaBBaa> BBBBBSB^.iwtna las aummary <strong>of</strong> ibereeulu <strong>of</strong> tba besilb club cool rat baldIn Ibe public schools during Ib*mootb<strong>of</strong> No«*mb*r: Mlas MaeNeal'aroom. aUlb grade, stood high***, with""per orou; eeeood, Mi«a Boyle'saigbib grade, 77 7 per cent;third, tils*Bsoedlct's room, Bflbgrade, 77 4 per ceot.; fourth. Mra Hilr-Hog Cole'a roots, drib grade. 77 1 perceol.; ana. Mn. M Kstcham'a roome**eolb grada, 73S par osot.; .tub.KM Morn*' room, fourth grad*. 711per eeoLi aaeoalb. Mra. J E VOPIroom, fourth crsde. 70 4 per ceoL Thiswaabaead ea afflmaii** euawen lotso daily health qaeatloo*. Number<strong>of</strong> rooms participant!*, to Iba coolest,7; cumber <strong>of</strong> poplla, 3i;learn) a**rage. 71.7 perotot.Pr<strong>of</strong>. Uogsr Introduced into Ib* la.osl sebooi* * ayetses U hyglsoe calledIbe "beallb dob." Tb* teacbere ba«*gt**o their besrty oxiparaUoo lo ib*work and halteve a great deal <strong>of</strong> goodwas aoonaiBlUbsd Ibroogb tt. Tbi* lashown by tb* laaproTBd appearance orlbs cbUdrso wbo alUod school.It a* tbs laUBlloo to conduct tb*BBsMh eiab pisn ooe* each aseaaaurIfe*emb*r and Marco. A oa* set <strong>of</strong>go—Una a will be mad* oat for Marco.OaaaaUsl svsaaa, Ibt* city.aaaBB* Ib* tnetalUltno <strong>of</strong> IIaHwajsteX-atarapparala* u>ready com peats eWal ooiat.dk^B^otaia BBaciaNy.Or. Wiboo V. CbnaUso. aw Ceo-—'""'" "" wishes to an-~ Ibe letaatbto eJX-Hay*d»^ti.FOB Rarr.—KarobbedooUageaod-•ail two twdioom •psrtm*oi wMbbatb. totla* waster. Hot water beat— "•stbl tsssaaabaa. Apply to CUr-8. Bssll. aSajbtb street aad <strong>Ocean</strong>L*d*.. MS.U.jAnnaal Bvent at aUU-Caxl-, ton, Phlladelpala. Pebroary'9—Surprise Featnres.Pneldeol Heory W. Blelwagon endI be mem ben <strong>of</strong> Ibe cummUle* tocharge sr* making elsboral* pnpsrallooefor the souusl bsaqost<strong>of</strong> tb*<strong>Ocean</strong> Clly Ki»ulng Club, wblob willbald at Iba Km Carltoo Hotel. Philadelphia,Wednesday evening, Febiosry8, at a cost ot M to eecn member.It It expected Ibat Iben wUI be alleast too member* aod guests at tbedinner.Tttete will be s comber <strong>of</strong> specialsurprise feat urea, aad none <strong>of</strong> themember* will tit'iao tnkllog <strong>of</strong> thesebefore ibe banquet.It^baa been arranged lo snow 600faster motion pMturee <strong>of</strong> Ib* <strong>Ocean</strong>Lily Pishing Club's casting touraanmer. TbaWUI Show Bam at Public Bxbiblttoo—WrestlingTooraaxneat Boon.For Iba past lao weak* the poptl* <strong>of</strong>Ib* public schools, aodor Ibe db-ectloa<strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>. Elmer E. Oogsr, pbyelesltrsjaer, bs*s beeo ncerrtog Inetroo-Ooo ta boxing sod wrestling and willcool loo* ibla training daring tb*tBoatb <strong>of</strong> <strong>Jan</strong>uary.TbeOoal* <strong>of</strong> to* annual wreatlbagloaroamtat wtll b* beid some Um*during to* Bret or seoood week taFebraary. Everyeoe wbo attendedLIAUapnalatookBarptaaUodrrtded praStaaillapayab*.D*po*H*nn*!**•meol^bald•lota >||| abow to* BI am li in <strong>of</strong> tbaeaatloal Uam la acttoo, aod Ibe dab'eiropby cup, a* wall a* Iboeelog Ib* Inoroameol aadwot Id a record bolden la UKTola dim alao will be abowo In oo*<strong>of</strong> IB* otovto* padui* hoo a** lo <strong>Ocean</strong>CWy oail ajaan, aod afterward Mwill be aold lo ib* Patba Newa, Ibte[orgaoUMaoo Ibao abowlag II lo Haoewa n'lewe la aiaoy eeaUooaaf la*Uuiied cttales.Tbe club alll bold lie rirM meaUOaT<strong>of</strong> Ibe year tomorrow erealog. It willbe, ea uaual, lo Ib* rooea* <strong>of</strong> Ib* PhiledajpbiaChamber <strong>of</strong> foeamero*.wbea Ib* iwann'i IropSan will beawarded.To Oae aod All—Oo oot forget tb*otd rettabla Bay Villa Leaodry. wbiebaasUahllebed lo 1(10. Try k oooa—Msplet* your laundry wall* yoawait.Ual£ situ at pboo*. MS-Wttty.wait.CajJ. wrata or pawnXI7 Bay areoo*. <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>Praoeee FnBad'.. 114. l£Prop.WAirmv.-Uo«or boat U lo Wi to**.Ub nlaaba* 4 eye** aogtaa. mauage, aeaenpttoo. aaaks<strong>of</strong> aogta* aadprtcs aod wbers boat sea as aeea. AeVdreaa W. B. Marpby. lai*et«n UaatiacUa,M0H.FUUaoek at. PfcUsV.Pa.adv^lABB.fjecslmortacasad kaallog af aayaeacrtataia. UallBt<strong>On</strong>aSB nni*Ma>a tMS Aaaary aiaaaa.BdT, l«.ta.Tryaatb* wrsstltng toorossasal la lbs highschool last yoar wUI recall tb* *artooaaxdtlog maicbta waich took plso*tbso. Toaa year, la addHloo to tbswrestling toomsaMal, a boxiog toaroaasnlwill bo hetd daring lbs lastwsek lo February. Tb* popU* wUI b*ciaeaHlad accord tog lo In* standardweigh la tecamalenrs. and tbe wtaaar<strong>of</strong> each wssght will reosr**It la pleased to bateTba pop4le an «_,uo**r tb* work, sod they urn eat talarg* DUaibcn toepractice after etbnoeboon. Oo these occajsoo*. Pr<strong>of</strong>, togar,wuh Ib* aaaasunre <strong>of</strong> AotboeyHalrsgo tad Uoorgs Oardtaar, baafiom 44 lokoowlsdg*sport.Pr<strong>of</strong>. Uoger say* that "boilag. a*an exardaa, BOdor ptepet eoouoi•a Ib* right splrtt. tsend beotacssl—tt imf»«« ,„ lrrtr'trol sod bow to aeasod blmtlf wbeoBeoasBsty arts**:" tU hellrres thatevery hoy ahooad learn lo baa.Ia all Ib* boots, bothOS. BOXAOWATOr. Tbomaa P. HoOoway,•aentary <strong>of</strong> iba Has?wUI ocoapy uBsptMCbejshkluvttad.Or.UaUoway,•tolook<strong>of</strong>ar tba80 boy* eager lo ce*to Ib* art <strong>of</strong> Ibla manlyWa_ "*"**t*»Sars. Fm.ley Intead laaatll aasai llardtng, ejaaa IbaF'tareuocaaacaj twisai""•»a, ••oouolaadeniayaBth* boots, botb ptotaakaad Soela, koock-ool biow* aadgtqg wUI oat b* permJttsal. Tb* baxlogwUI M jao*T*a totpetal* *aty.SPECIALSuits and r> —'-^^fMsaitto OrderThrea$45.00

.<strong>City</strong> Sentinel..*. CURTIS ROBIN8ONcmr. . - mw JOUSTWeek yreailUy *oo* by sisarWnsaa'THDBBDAY. JANUARY IS, 1931• •••IRealEstate Sectional ta* rot* OSes *> Ostaa <strong>City</strong>CONC8RT JANUARY18Kalertaia•MaMwt ••••««r.Thfougb a blander <strong>of</strong> tba maaa i* call tarsia.Jobo B. Ototaa (aft ban Friday forfbUadatpbta. wbtr* ba wa* jolotd bybat aaatbar. aad tbay hav* goo* toUairJbrala, wban an older aoo <strong>of</strong> Mn.Om—ntUm.Tbay plao to ba goo*aaaa tkata. Tbay wea| by boat t oVua*andth*oo* by nil to iba PactteOoaat.*a- Tkt aaaaaJ New KngJaod tfepptra* tha Qatao Setter CtreJa <strong>of</strong> th* rimM. K. Utssaeb will pa hald tn thanataJiaoawafIhectuucbFriday tr*o-Tk**ta art 75 otota.i'o« tfecMy <strong>of</strong>Cboieh It attotoad Ma annual "Pano,te tha aataataJy hell <strong>of</strong> lha*-—*••—»!»«. jrtttraary 14..—~—— i i nuu. M* aad 741 At-**MT «•—a,^y^a^jThZfail aaaotandSOTICBi-*,m.r.r,i***** UmiiCndiUn.If every Trust Company throughout the country would adopt the plan <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title and Trust Co.,the housing; difficulties would soon be greatly improved.Thii compdHy announces it will buy first 6% mortgages on Real Estate. In cooperation, the Lumber Companies,Builders, Carpenters and others are <strong>of</strong>fering their building materials and services at reduced prices.We-kwlievc you can build cheaper in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> today than in any part <strong>of</strong> the country. Get estimatesthe work you contemplate. The cost will convince you that further delay will be <strong>of</strong> little benefit<strong>Ocean</strong> Qiy Real Estate Board.onFRANK E. DARBYBEALTOR>761 Asbury Avenue<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>New JerseyBeautifully located, modern, all the yearhome for Sale at a veryreasonable figure.Harry F. STANTONREALTOR415 Eighth Street<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>New JerseyAll business transacted through this <strong>of</strong>fice is in accordance with the following slogan: "This <strong>of</strong>fice does dud maintainsstrictly a brokerage business and is in no way interested in personal speculation."Results : A sale completed on theabove principal pr<strong>of</strong>its both Seller and Buyer.Write for listings and make your headquarters withClayton Haines Brick—Realtor411 Eighth Street <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, New JersevJ. :\r. Chester «£?RealtorsPost Office Building<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, New JerseyAnyAny Where.Joseph 6. ChampionBuilding ContractorOCEAN CITY. N. J.Tenth Street and West AvenueLee &. BourgeoisCarpenters and Builders. OCEAN CITY. N. J.Wort. • JpadallyJO5. D. LE8InMnuiE. A. BOURGEOIS< tHMnci:•tk a*4 C.l,.| A%,Will, I«4.MOTIS M. TOWISENOBUILDEROFFICH: 8th St. Opposite P. o.OCEAX CITV. X. J.<strong>On</strong>ly galvanized nails mted onexterior workGeorge W. MarrisContractor,Builderand Jobbing£ > ri B5SBR. Howard ThornREALTOR408 Eighth Street<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>New JerseyClarence 5. Scull. REALTOR624 Eighth Street<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>New JerseyB. Frank Smith Co.REALTORS1036 Asbury Avenue<strong>Ocean</strong> GtyNew JerseyMrs. C. L. LakeREALTORSeventeenth Street and Wesley Avenue<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.Fine house <strong>of</strong> 10 rooms and bath on corner <strong>of</strong> Seventeenth and Central ave. Every roomhasS. W. exposure, fine ocean view, only 150 ft from beach, furnished, up-to-date, only $6000Massey & EdwardsKKJHTH AMD CUVTUAU AVB.. O420 Eighth Street <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. New Jersey1A«KI- IS ike Iim4 I* til 't*df/>>r He Sej'em tsiHotel for SaleFurnished, 27 Bedrooms. Bath, Good Location,Hot Water Heat, Centrally Located.PRICE JS RIGHTAskJOHN J. POSTERBB1L.TOB8IS BIOHTti STBBBT OGCAN CITY. IX. J.EWING T. CORSONREALTOR757 Asbury Avenue<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>New JerseyS RL'E arti-aic result- in architecture can only I*obtained when all units blend to produce'*harmonious whole.Very <strong>of</strong>ten a small ileutlcirclo-ly -.elected or'ejcecutcd destroy* an effect whichotherwise would IK: perfect. _Let me desijjn and construct that building andyou will be assured <strong>of</strong> a ilcsijjn that U architecturallycorrect and a building that pov>e«*s economy anddtirablity in construction.My sen-ice guarantee* the highot quality <strong>of</strong>material^., the best <strong>of</strong> workmanship and at»olute rutirtfaction.£ tffllir f paiJlrgSuil&tng (ContrartorS1SCICHTH8T.OCEAN CITV. N Jlixpert Aiikiltetuttxl Smie*YOU 8H0UL0 HAVEA Reliable BuilderTo ere«-t yonr <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> cottage. Yon cannot spare the timeto look after it closely >onrielf and must depend npon thehonesty ol the contractor.I h»ve built for a large number <strong>of</strong> people and could refer yon toany or all <strong>of</strong> them.Send for the list <strong>of</strong> names and photographs ot the homo.OTIS M. TOWNSEND•tb u. OPPOIIM p. 0.01111 nrDE3 \J I La LV EL nOCEAJI cinr.2£M-ri BOCEAN CITY. N. J. B.,, ,,,„(nir.p«n>«tlon liuaruc*CartimLeander S CorsonBUILDEROCt*N CITY. H. J.HUMBERT C.POMTIEREBUILDEROCCM an. n. 1TMtkttTMtMarry R. HayesV*" ptN TERJJoy*d atIba tftraod.Two <strong>of</strong> Iba beat orgioltl* lu Pblladdpblabata bato saeurrd to play Ib*Itrft Inatrumtols lo Ibas* bousaa dur-•og Iba taatoo uf <strong>1921</strong>.Both iba Htraod and tba Park willba boohed by Iba 8la'ole* BooklogCompany, <strong>of</strong> Pblladtlpbla, wblob Inturtt many'<strong>of</strong> Iba batt plelurt* onaaily root.A capable man will b* lo cbtrjt <strong>of</strong>Ib* boo***.SCHOOL CHILDREN'S HEALTHPRAYER MEETINGSIN COTTAGESBaptist Church Pastor AdoptsPlao to Beach HisCongregation.Tb* IU*. M. M. Lewis, pastor <strong>of</strong>Ibt First BaplM Cburcb, teftn ibiswttk to dispense wlib lha regularWadowday flight pra>ar meetings,to plae* <strong>of</strong> Ibe**, col lag* praytrmtttlngt will b* bald two tvemngs awttk—on Tataday avaoing uorlh <strong>of</strong>Ib* camp grouodt aod no Krldsy av*-ologa soulb <strong>of</strong> tba camp ground".Tba mattiog loosotrow cvanlng willbtbtld at' tba boot <strong>of</strong> W N. Boot,00 Asbury a*tou«, near Fifth tlreei."II folk* will ool go lo lbs prayermtMloga 10 tb* cburcb," say* Mr.Law la, "lh* pastor is golog to mov*Ib* oitttlngo unnr to Iba people "MISSIONARY TBAMany Ha*e Defective Teethand Tonsils, Medical In-* spector Tells Directors.Tba annul report <strong>of</strong> Dr. Allan Oor-•on, mrdlcal lotpaelor <strong>of</strong> Iba pablle•cboolt, wat read at Iba ooolblyWILL BNTERTAINAT MOSIC PAVILIONmtatlogTutadiyiJobo Htlltno'* family ba* movtdfroaa Ibl* (tly 10 (tea I»K. wbtra bl*railroad voik requlra«->|ai lu liv* Ibl*wloltr.xTba K*V. Ptnolngtoo Ooreoo, <strong>of</strong>Hammooloo, a>t* Iba guart <strong>of</strong> bl* too.Dr. Allto Cur«uo, aod family, a fawdayt ago.Jobo Mulbulltod, <strong>of</strong> Pblladtlpblt.o"«r . ro tit broibtrWilluua L»»«, aud r*mily. 10 tbwcuy. art «** a lursatr re»idtaiaodaaat asauy <strong>of</strong> act old fiurnd..To* big ru*b ul busiu*** la Ib* nUadtpaftBktnl <strong>of</strong> iba Oc*ao CUy Till*and TriM Uoatpauy 00• btlug cisbi'.lly.AtllTtr oOsrioir «lll be t>ktdwblcb mouty I* lu t>* u»*il fur OJI«*loony purposes.This soeltly I* In a vrry Ibrl'lncooodllloo. tlgbt otw oitoibtrs bavin*bata tddtd at Ibla namiug. "Cumtaod Jala us." is Ibt Invutlion givmSAVE MONEYs*siva • 04 rtr Carsit.Tb* tt**olaeolb scries <strong>of</strong>~sioek <strong>of</strong>tbt tiorn* Building aod Loan AMOCIatloolaoow opao, aod out cau subsrrlbtfor abtraa tt Ih* rrttra uf lbs s-toctalloo, 761 Asbury avrbut. on orbefore tba muting uigiit, <strong>Jan</strong>uary 30.or froea aoy oBlcrr or dirtctor uftb*tasodtltno.At baa b**o demoosirsicd lo ibouaaods <strong>of</strong> cases, iber* la uu bxiiini]to sava tnoney Ibao ID a e;uaMrac, at' * «!«• or (pumas* 00 Usraatar at, laan. ODSsrursd,U.H. cfciods deposits*10 sseura elreala-Uno (pax vslusl1 w oso a D plsdftd.urlll««olbr IbsaI 1M. 1KMXW lootIncludingslocka)nwMd onpMdr*!.Hioaa <strong>of</strong> VsanrsJ luv•irrt B«ok (3U \mtotm. or «uoserlp-Uool,Valos o t b*otUu{ba"*#. owDsd luUDlOCUlbbs/sd,'umii ira aad fli.lar««,^wtul n«^,a wlibF*.irnu Usssrvsbut.«*n la vsall Sn4a.tSJDOODU dasrroiti D.Uoasi bftoksbssft. tm bs • X» lo.catsdOQIIU. oilog, a* follows:Community tloglng, ltd by II. CMarshall.Reeutlloni, Mlaa Francs Yard.Wtod drill, MUa Lucllt Townttndaod AugustasOotlt. ibt letdtrs <strong>of</strong> thednll glTta tl Ibt Hlttt coavtnlloa alAlltulkJ CUy U*c*mb*r 10.Head logs, Mlaa Ntllit Kuolr*lTowntr, <strong>of</strong>8cotcb Hall. MIsaTowotrla a gradual* <strong>of</strong> Olckluson Hcbool <strong>of</strong>Oratory.Highland fling. *lght girls selectedfrom Mlaa MtoNaal's room,sixthgrada,Plaoodoal, Hlaaaa Kibel E. Le* andPrada K. Hletlmao.. Indian'club and •Itctrlc iighlawiuglog,Pr<strong>of</strong> tod Mrs. E K (Jugtr, atssstadby <strong>Jan</strong>ea M . Hievtua, Jr.(Com m a n IcaUd.)•wasaaer atasle.EDITORTIIK SK-STINKI.:—Phlladelpblaoawapaptra itll oot thai the<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Ttipsyti.' t^tgut tl a[log lo Pblladtlpbla Thursday•etolog, broogbl up lha mailer <strong>of</strong>tummtr music aud lbs closing oil <strong>of</strong> apart <strong>of</strong> I ba mutlc parilmu.An wa to bav* ibu wraogl* tgaloIhls yttrTWhy oot do away »lih mutle aodopap tha panlkfa at all limes to tvtrybody?Tba "blgb-brow" mu«lc ippcira loappeal to eomparallirly ftw <strong>of</strong> ibtvltllora and not »try maoy <strong>of</strong> iba reaidtola,tteo if ib* laiier had lima toatttod Ib* concerts.I ootlc* Ibal Iba CUy I'ommlaaloo.•t* hat* 14000 for music in Ibelr budgettblt ytar.Do** Ibis meto ao loenata In iba amouot tu t» tpaot byoily Iblt ytar, ot I* torn* <strong>of</strong> it 10 b*used lo oaakldg up Iba delicti <strong>of</strong> fastyaatf I uodtraUod Ibara waawdtdart. do* to tba failure <strong>of</strong> ih* tbreadayfestual bald in to* pavlllou early InBtptambar.ttaa Ibara attr beau tbowo a si altmtol <strong>of</strong> last year's iimpn and eipaodHurasTTbtra was a u uodtr-Maodlog Ibat William U. Mi>..is badagreed to uodtrorlie Ib* aiu.ic ex.peae* If b* wta paroililed lu hava aptraoo to'cbargt at Ibe u,u.ir i th* tad ta tka caaaa ta waU*> haIt rartry kaWiaaS at caaao* ha aUsarwtaa thaa.thatWtB •FOKUAuiXMcrlppsBooib co..p»Ibn* pmtngtr. runs and looks Ilk*naw, ntry tquipasaol foot warmer;rubbtr tlasoat uaw. |U0 for quickI*. Uwotr buviug laxgtr car. Address,Bos J, HutTlktx, Ocaau Cuy.N. J. ad* . MS, -'l.Malftnwaoitd for Oeatn <strong>City</strong>aod otlgbboibood. rialar? aod commission K. H. Cltnon.J).2dv . li.WMT Of TW COfXHTMSor TMCFirst National Bankssa cu> . taoam el IItfsas sd dlsruDLft.OvsMrmfts. itiw und• oa IwcpiWf av.lttX3:r.11 uuIS* VIMI.4D (a)*lui U.tV TfSMtivrsot] das from U. n.tan HAUL—Ts>o valutblt cornerI lex* uo bay from, near yacht clubI T«rm-lo suit. Add res K J. DoUee,*** Iu6 Wou'h Third strerc sdv , yjT. if.r«|i4ial w<strong>of</strong>kUodlvUl rLMHIUTIEH.ID,taC.SM.17Clrral«lla< oolas cMAAdlOA<strong>On</strong>H«lO4,l rbu>•ubjrrt u> cbsvS.ou»r lima OapolU,i. K. u Ulas.IlJMTaJin.lODjuaiCjsMir<strong>of</strong> (*«. slsj,lbs T*-IT< nsmsjttbi U b. otoy mw**r tbsi Uks «bovsMat.miol isuosuuwbsst<strong>of</strong>aar ksowlsdt*sou MM.K- L. Rice. Cs*t>lsv.d an-l s«ors lo bssars aa ih* Ilia»gComrl—Allsst:M. K l'HtUMO»,*. UTOMLIN.AMiahMITMMITM.DlrKtaia.riJTCH!Wm. H. PowellOeneral ContractorGrading and Street BuildingITUrty lam> tt. aad Watt a««.OC8AN CITY. N. J.tiillmii M*J C—tm A»«sasBaUlEyes Einnioed WithoDt DropsWssf«ait ap-to-4teU matboda.AaUisUkniODfojhimttla>t-d. >/or 6r*t~eimmm Oj>li •*oc* ol K|»Oliiii su>d Mp*>rtAC.# U *vttTmcsioiiaal u m dopi*catLa tswks*.tasl Is*, laVsw«w i—mj. Coaly %t lisst Ms/. so.L lT k. ttosrw. Osskssr at Cs sisV»4 kk uk. ttosrw. Oskssr Cs sisV»ksak. aa innaisly s»s« uts4 Iks^ — ' > I* Iks ksM or am;U.M MOWsUUI.OBSks>e.RECTAURANT 4wd DEUCATEUCNSILKHOSIERYMERCERIZEDFRm*r*jt>***h*^sPOaTA&SWOOLMEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN666 ASBURY AVE. BOILEAlj'S Open Evening*)H. «J. BrownleeHAUIillNG AIND MOVIfNGLOCAL, AND LOINCk OISTAMCBPhiladelphia and <strong>Ocean</strong> GityExpressPhiladelphia Oftlc: 23 aoutri rront ttraatBal. Phono, bombard-taaiMain Oirica. toa •fvamt, atrsMt, Oossn CUy. N. J.THE BttCfliOcaau t>*GANDY COTTACB^asOantealAtiOoaaoCllyOpattnihaYaa*. WaraiOUR NEWElectric ggstem BakeruMakes Better Bread, Cakes and PastryCUT THE HIGH COST OF UVINGEat More Bread.It is the most Nutritious Food.WM. F. VALET713-15 Asbury Ave. <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. N. J.Mn. William G. Sdnmtg $8M WBSUT AVDIUBfar UM wtettr. tasl hta BC«asBa>a«sswaswSjrTathBaaaita,., ^f-l AVE yon « cottage, tms*lo«*• M c« apautmest to faaatssthr Wishave a line <strong>of</strong> »uajlinja» at t—than PaOadelphlt. prktm. Wladewahadca a apexulty.CHAS. C. AOAMS aV BUO.T2O.M ASBUHV AVCAmateur Photographers'> ^ > > Contest >»«>>>IV> >ou owa s Camera* If so. »hy let it be idl*/ C«t ll out <strong>of</strong> ibeclcF-ct. luvc II lusrictl oitb film». stxl K« Imsy Uklnx vitws in Ibt direct>.ir>»uinliiix>, (or ju.i ihi "chck-elick" <strong>of</strong> your camera maytntsn a nicetrt,phr fur ibe nr» or objtcl uken.Tbii mairu i. uutrd lo uimuUtc iatemt tmoaj Amctrars In nuk-(tg u»c ol ibeir csro»t»» sad ibe ukloa <strong>of</strong> good pictmrt, tbey ibas lo beencouraged m obUimpg (rood resulssyssd ibeir spprecuuoe <strong>of</strong> tbc uss"<strong>of</strong> alamtrs.This cootex vnll open <strong>Jan</strong>uary 15. 19,1, sod clow April IJ. lojl,lbcrct>jr iiMnu lou <strong>of</strong> lime lor preparstioa si»1 tbe ulimlluog 0/*ODtcatingview*.RULES GOVZHNtNO CONTESTa.— All amjtrur det ortj(iasl Iml artistic {o*e.>u.i»r.o!il, Pini Tropbj-. $f.00 in lUiT lTipy. .ubroilled frum time 10 lime, will dr di.pl..)rJ ia our »IDdow.l.ut ool Ibe contcusnt's name. >o the central pul-lic sn.> b« kept 10tuocb svitb ibe pxo«;TrM<strong>of</strong> the Contest.c.ct t j»y aod ••cluk-clica." now. Ma^r ^ocj UM <strong>of</strong> tb.t ChriumasHughes* Central PharmacyJ. THORNLEY HUGHES, p. D.Pba/macui to ChArssEighth and Weiky Avc Octan Gty, N. J.John O. DennisJOBBINOCARP6NTBRJHoasesOoatdaadOpastadEstimates • AD.VPamlabedB. L. SMITH B. H. CAMrtMU,Smith & CampbellHOUSE AN tf SIGNPAINTERSUS Asbury Ava.Ootta dty, ST. JATUNTIC ICEocatta 1,•••r*sss,ri*jTheo. F. HildrethElectricalContractorJoMtacWaeka :Otfk*: KU2 CMtniA«*JIOCEAN CITY, N. XMark Lake EstateUNDERTAKERSJ. PHESCOTT CAOMAN. Jr^639 CaarixaJ Avtat>aOcaan <strong>City</strong>N«w JarawyAUTOOvcrUnd 4 Touring, $945; Roadster, $945; Coupe, $1525)Sedan, $1575, dussts. $800; Prices L a b. ToledoCITY GARAGEu w. uun8«v«nth St. and H*V«H. Av*.Real Estate andSearch Company•aM»BBaajrraFidelity Trust ComoaU.7<strong>of</strong> NawarkWild!ood Title ud Tntt d.Titls Xnsorauu*Searches, Abstnuts <strong>of</strong> Tttts,iFir*)Prompt Serrtc*All WorkMooey to Lota oa Oaod Flittrarma far SaltOffice* iaFirst Nationl Bank Boildlatdap* sfayjCourt Houa*>Are You a 7Slave to Stoves?It yuur boutst heated oaky inipou? Do you vaat to 6a mrmjuuh tbedirt mad trouble al cs»i> ing coal »ixl aJbea ttwoafji tSatroonuf Do you vraat BkaM astasljt Icaeott?Whfoot inraxigato dW '•IrrreRruiTioiML<strong>On</strong>epipe HeaterOur Wallia • Mfltmblt tmi. Ws"y sttaamao***&.c^iafc *•*«?•»: ~"

• ^^^AV^A^A^^^J•Blared at iba VMB omaa at Oeaaa Oily•• J, aa ninunun ami aaatiar.Mayor C'banploa illael baa growntlrad<strong>of</strong> Iba aboae ibal baa baaa piledoa alia for f*mn by moaio lovara,oaar>matte iovare aod aean iboaa wbo araapparently ecaroely able lo raoogolnIba atrafoa <strong>of</strong> Ibe-etur Hpaoglad Baa.oar" (Judging from Ibeir aeeoalug lack<strong>of</strong> raepect when ibla eliealo la balngplayed), aod ba la soar "polling IIop 1 ' lo Iba real mualo lovara lo abowIba quality <strong>of</strong> Ibeir compoalUoo.ila aaje ba la tired <strong>of</strong> balog Iba••goal."aodfaw will blame blm forbla preaeol altitude. Ha revlewe I beallualloo from Ila Inception lu a alatemeolappearing alaawbera la Ibe*ooluaioa.II la aaay.lo aay, "I>al ua bava blgbdaee mualo." But wbo la lo pay foiIbla braod. wblcb evidently la beyond•be poree<strong>of</strong> Ibeoltyaaa muolc nalliy,aod Iboea wbo cry for U a-u apparentlynot <strong>of</strong> e<strong>of</strong>flclent Dumber lo etipportlirHummer mualc . i <strong>Ocean</strong> C'lly eeemeoow to ba Mra. Ajjoa M. Uakaraoo. molber <strong>of</strong>,~~.^-' L. L. Wallace aod Mra. Edwlo Cook. J*•*"• Jfc :k*«a thK'<strong>of</strong> IbJa city, died a abort lima aloca albar boaaa In Hnrnerelowo. .V. J. aged9> yaara. «b. bad baao oadfael forasora Iban a yaar. Hbe leere. a bua.baodaodetgbl cblldreo. Mra Cook Iwaa ama bar molber dorlog mucb <strong>of</strong> IIba laat year.natlaa Kaaartalaaaaai.A fairly goedataed aodknea greeted"Tba Deetrtebe" lo Ibw Flrat at. £.Cboren Toaaday ereolor. wbeo ibalaat <strong>of</strong> tba aerMa ot Ibrea aoterum-•MOtea-aegreen. Tbaauo'a aiyalic•tt aad Maaieai acta were eojoyed.aa wm Iba eloglog <strong>of</strong> Iba •-^IL^5S?^^riasgsSs%«.u '^mTtOa —'* «rc«lr OCMAM CITY. M. J.ItriCB 1. CQHTBACTORSOmtna V 71FRANK E. DARBYPost Office BuildingR. Howard Thorn<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>StreetNew JerseyB. Frank Smith Co.J036 Aabury Avenue°« <strong>City</strong> N e w ]ency•liouse <strong>of</strong> JO rooms and bath^. W. exposure, fine ocean WPI•' Ik, t,mr /Furnished, 3? Bedrooms.Hot Water4^0 Eighth Street"> J"' !* blend to produce ati.irinuiiioiin ivlinlv. Wry <strong>of</strong>ten a SIJKIII ilrtail.•le-wly «clntcii oi exrviili.il •It-Mroysan efleet uliiiliITWIHC would lie- perlW-t-OCEAN CITV,,,OTIS M. TOOPPICK:OCEANOolygalexteriorContractor,& o.rrev, unda ^ ^ that W arc>iilec«,,,.,i| y ** .... «. ttr 7 v | UU ERfutiou.^Tor" ",' C I " K ' 1C>t 1| " alitV "wnrkinan-Jiip and al-olute sat,,-O'S CICHTH 8TI'. i(< ft l(ConlrartorOCEAN CITV. N Jil,onrsclf "H "•«•• J -- ",OT.S IW. TOWNSEKOi "'bM-oppoM,.,. o . BUILDEROCEAX CITY.|S B BWAN•«• C. TROUTSwan and TroutCaroenters:^and BuildersCd^ar r. BerberReal CetateIn 3ie>t St. Section <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> Gityime Cotl.i^i-. r'or SJ!Cur -I\f ' can Kent you rao-.ty roo-.t anyate in our->— »r*~l9nzo Cottoniniry .ATheIMONKV T^ ~*'—:Broker.• to ,i J ISafe_ ,'2HUMBERT C. PO*BUILDER6 4S Aabury0 1*•••'< «iT>.s. j,'— ^ ^ '0. 404MIfi, R4« G £*• Maija UaaAttawdad Ta.CIT». ajG, BWCKfiOOFREf""°"' ' o « oo ,o u aContractors andOCCAN CITY.£Z2BBe*« toe benefit <strong>of</strong> Ocr.a Cltjjappl.<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Housa CleaningComviny'.Vi »"«i«tr''•••»• u»* i o«aaj.u the Time toPlant Prryex Htdgf> .Thomas J. ThornFLORIST1128 Bay Atcnue 'Oce *" <strong>City</strong> Ne* Jertay—— • some <strong>of</strong> tb'••"» ••>•!brglooing <strong>Jan</strong>uary I. 1KI, and endlogDtfmon 31. <strong>1921</strong>, ib. .urn <strong>of</strong> ISO from (.'ape Jl-.y to Le«e>, Del. Theummouad. —a faw daya during Iba aetk.Mra. Waller Wrigbl. <strong>of</strong> Hea I«(e. I. per moo I b; aod oa II furtherbill wa. piaaed by Ibe Lr(i.l.lure Ial«laliiog _fter pareou. Cbulae W. Rrolved, ibat Iba .aid rani aball year but nu eatoad by Uoveroor Edwarda.r-.^i. • ^ LIAHrrTTItxMumford and wife, <strong>of</strong> tbla city. be paid u iba peraooa eollilrd lo raTB.Bk Pemda.reive iba earne (aeooibly or analoiunlhly)aa aald perauoa ara now•Ira aiucvrely lo Ihauk all UMJP^ *I»OThe family <strong>of</strong> Hn J. U Varaball fie" - " barpaxi; aod b* II furtberTee Uaiar to aM atoia. ware klod lu them In tbeir rrceulBill. H. Marshall aodKeanlted, Ibat Iba reaoluluo Aflar a >lrargla <strong>of</strong> Mveral yeara, Ibe reavemenl.tltoae rlina»l.«adopted by Ibl. Board oi I'oanlaloa. Ocaao rity Ledger u in t« Mid. underera oo iba eiitb day <strong>of</strong> February, IB JO. ao atlacbmenl by ixiirrirr Tomiio,w. o. Abbott aod wire la Ibl. cay. perteiolng t.. addutooeU eompeoeattou oelt Mooday aflarii>^iu, acrorliiiir InMarry Youu« aod wife,In firemen, policemen, employe*, cbiel uoilcaa erouou»eat Overbrook now uearlug cumpletloa.Mlaa AnoaHcbatter aod MIM AooaJedriea. <strong>of</strong> BriMol, bava returoed after.pending .ever.I d.ya btr. a.guaai. <strong>of</strong> MraL H H. rimilb. TDeycausa bar* wutj Mra. Mmlio, wbo lookao aulo trip lu BrMol iba laltir pa>rtoilaat week.Mra. W. Hunter Wau«er and Mr*.Uenruda K. C'oovery. <strong>of</strong> Ptilladelpbia.wee. lo Ibia clly Friday vlaliing Mr*.Edward Meamau. Mra. Oouvary baapurchased Ib. collage, euroer KifibMrrei aod We»t aveuua, owued byuq H. KteJeyFINB PHOORAMlo ba paida morjlbaac*i per an uSAXAJUBS HBIeD DPotaiaa•ale, the complainant belli IT AndrewM. I'ella, wbo I. Mid lu ball from1'ranloo.o ) o. 1C b.. M ,« l r.m'tVr O .: i " t fn. T ' > m.m^*r t»*a»aa.a>« Dae. aaaboya abow mucb. lolere-t m ,b,IMlai.al MalteK. weekly galbtting. 10 ib. «lg..a,.Ordloanoa No. 1&2 (city bodget) waep»md oo tbird aud <strong>On</strong>.l reading byIbe C'lly I'omDialaaen al Ibeir•eekly meeting. Il waa ordered pub-foe maiiaa arvDr. Allen Conoa baa aoldUba eot-Following I. Ibe program fur Iba• ace be formerly occupied Hit WealavBilaelunary lea lo be given by Iba"•»"••. '« Mr. H B McC.rfy <strong>of</strong>Wooteo'. Mta^oii.ry riocwly <strong>of</strong> ibaPniladelpbu wbo baa takenIfttu PreMiiuriau Cburcb ueit Halurdayafternoon:Mra. Mf-anr, wbo waa a vlellor herePtaoo riolo, Mia. Kreby Deetar, <strong>of</strong> [•* •"»»>«• conduct. 1 be dloto*Pbiiadalphia. ' ' room<strong>of</strong> Iba Dre.U A part mac te. Over-Vocal Ooio. Mlae Lrfilu (Juroir, <strong>of</strong>Pbiladelpbla.Kaadiog. Mr.. Ueorxe W. Yard.Vucal riulo. Mr.. Duu.ian.Holly Drill by alghireo glrla.C'at rtolo • Jui" MuyderVocal rtul.s Mi— uamairl Noilb, <strong>of</strong>Pteaaaolville.Aewbalac Drill. Uarrlal Hi.ley.V.«al ttalo. ilt— LOUIM T. tdlaoo.Vocal Hula, Mr. HLgan, 0/ AtlaolM( Tba bi moolbly ealarlaa <strong>of</strong> ibe police aod diaajau were due, and Ibaaa,wlib a law otbera, ware lo bava beenordered paid al Ibla mealing, but. o<strong>of</strong>ortuoaiely. iba ordloaoc Mlpulaie.WfaaM Aaia> Tafa.Many oBOara <strong>of</strong> auloatotlle. In Ibl.rlty, a. well ae Iba polica aud blghway departments ara aoxloua to getIbeir aulo Una. lage for I9JI, butIbu. far Ibey bave be*o oaabia to doK> rbiaf <strong>of</strong> PulKa Jobuaoo lalepbuuediba Htkta Mu«or VebkrU Dmla •panmenl ya^trrday lo raferanca lo Ibamailer.th * Uc *«i o' Edoealloo.lh » aogg«lk.o <strong>of</strong> iba vica<strong>of</strong> Iba urgaoiialloo. DrUli io Iba WHJ,, a»eoua acbuol oo^ • V "lb# OV" acbool bulldlogTueed.y. Tbay waol Ibrtx.gb themfmttmmmor THIFirst National Bank.—acur. talAaatat.^ «a.Jmn. ala «Ma« at lailaai. aa Vaoatav •.Ua>:CMy. . inWkoa«,MiilUf. M*.Bolo. Mra Tb K-I»ca Vlau aw "^V'SW^MJ" ""*Oaaai.villa. j Mkw Eaal t^ule UarM4.Thirty gve mem ben <strong>of</strong> Oceau CMyl •>--•Lodge. No (W.K.<strong>of</strong> P paid a fraltioaj I.....„._vleaiotba lodga at Deuoleellle liat-'CkaiuiM«a a«M taorday evening Tbl. le ao aooual awaluaavaol atd toalwaya aoluyad. aa M .aa , l i**S*JI* £Halurday olghl Tba Daoobvllla I? 1 *"***lodara ba.>uluad Ibe all lad aaaoclalKW .Tbara Bill baa maMioar<strong>of</strong> IIM AlliedAaaoctattoa <strong>of</strong> tba Humble <strong>of</strong> Pyiolaa |at I ".pa May Iba UrM rburad.y Digbl'SiljTy^n.Vlud.-.^-pr'u.'.b. *—"—~-••-"— _L^forgaoUaltoo. Jobo U. Danuto, oribJa Tout at*^.wat»*M* uuuklaiiii.laWllev/J»»r.ca«al>«/ IA»« ata/.a»cay, ia praaeaaot.1 f t Ma«rw>. u^eiae orCe aAav»" ^ " aaaairl baaa. aa eeaaa..t7 .*.««• taau IfeaJf ra. AM.a*»*4il\ ilw.N. J,.<strong>of</strong>Mataatrwi UatOaUrawjl fttkJ aj 1 Will r»iL Al«fty- Is lb#HEAOLEV * AOAKH•a Reading OoalKlodllsa- Wood k> kml or eortfooaJoa ib* aialkai. Baa la& tooacaarul*i4. MaU or kaUrprla.eka>a fate. Ta-ajraa aaa arawiC. l_ LAKE..REAL CSTATC AQCHT.IM. "Mil CllJ.K. >Uotaroei^^ Oolta«^. ro« raat.W. W Adam.; alternate. Jubo U.Dannie.The grand lodga will m-et In Allan Itie Clly for aeveral daya aUiul Ibejmiddle <strong>of</strong> February.REPORT OP THE CONDITIONOCEAN CITVTITLE AND|TRUST CO.<strong>of</strong> OCEAN CITV. N. J.r Zt, 1/JO_•~.-..' iv p atu > ;a 111 11•o*. 0.0 Ir^> 11..-ja-alllQAAaiCAAJMUUWII01 in1W«MWill..., K. «..—> i^n-l'trul. «i. I K11 ^11II N»ltr. irv^^-.ive. ,^ ir>« «bn»>-n«rar->lfc>r tiu.**tt a»(.*rt»:I.I. M. Nl LM Tr^..ur.r.T.«l ao4 *wi>r^ I., i^liw*. ru« Ibl.,.i*r, A II. IVJU• I.I.MIII> H ricii'i:Coerrrl—AU^*lj•Voltrj I'ubllr.IIAIIHV IIK\I'I KY.M III1HA-I- rininvSjes Eumioed Witbont DropsNr*>»l ap-to-OaU* BrtboiU. AAtlAtavritocarTaVavnuit*»-tX for Br»t-cl«w>* Optu*%t tt<strong>of</strong> kfbmrm - is — nor»^Mir -*" .-wjwmii* <strong>of</strong>traJOc or ecus* lo io l'hlltvil«lptii«fhlltvlalptiiaMy allotK ol r*j< IJiaai •»* aod HprrWiMi la MKTMCripUOQ llD»wX dUpll^avia>a aj ftik<strong>On</strong>BMMtOaV AocarmCt CU-vraVOt4•" '",' "•'•l"nlr»l to Kr 4iiDoun,ll I. I. -t •• In-, l.ul U,,t ,l.r c....lr.u,,C. mine, .o.Lc Jeut il . ; 1 " pU > cJ '" °" f «'-touch »ilh the pr.^rr».ol |t|r (.u.itr.l *'""•' I uUic m.> be krfl mI',C1I.U>) •D.|'c]ukxm win more baafWhy not iavaague tht •'•InTERiwioruiL<strong>On</strong>epipe HeaterOur Wall Paperb a Ttrttahat tad. Watte *»-^^CsrgSKS•"-*S*v«nthSt.»xndH«v«nAv«.

'UI|-1*•*•* pov as }IBIIM••Ml Of-Striae tt ark* MtM lbsaltar agaro aabsiUUns tt»s tba et*1e otgaptiallona <strong>of</strong> las ettysad hsvrag lastr amlorasmanl, Ibatthe ladle* be grreo aJtbaooa la pr<strong>of</strong>llby ibrlraipartooo- o? iba paatassaon."aTterytato* poaalbto waa doaa Ibataasasa to. maka lbs mualo a aaeeaaa,bat si lbs etoas <strong>of</strong> Iba ataaoa tbarawaa a atlll graalar deads."Tba Uma bad coma wban it aaamadI 'imperative to «baoge toe plan. Tbaasayorand lbs attwW eommlmtooere.•bad baan analog a caraful atudy <strong>of</strong>«'Aa»oMsltoo'. anppartad J lbs probtom In otUar aaaabora raaoruand found Ibal aooia <strong>of</strong> loam badaolred lbs problaat aaUafaelotlly. Ooaalso, as prstsntad to lbs'.waesatoUowaiIftey'.HMSla as ptrsstttsd to em"' P*»f,s asfflatoal aasabar <strong>of</strong> iba mea>-. batsMltkirntttodwIpbla Orebeatra to•.' ajaaaiaa aa onkaatra torOosan <strong>City</strong>,' ajsMatog last tas favorable advsnfcvta«4abt dartrad from Ibe employ.SSSntef aoab bigb olaaa arttota wouldJ'gnatty beoeol Oassn <strong>City</strong>.Tbay****** to bare abaoinia eaotrol or ibaMaMeaad be permitted to raMamooeytoward Ms aapport lorongb tba aala orasaaaa Uehets, advert Uemwot* for Ibaycaajtaai aad vaitooa aMana."Taw city, oo Sta part*, waa to tanotm la Ibaaa Iba HOOO appropriate'or iMato, solars* UM moaie pavilion'aasasubg aapaaUy <strong>of</strong> at laaat 2000I • maw cooamlaatoa <strong>of</strong>, wbtob, andtr Iba lawa oribaHtata,wa.4a* toaoodaatwaa antandDM*, •owovtr, lbs aaayor aabmllladtB»pf»pOT*Uoalo tba Board <strong>of</strong> Trada.taa taut Man'a riugiaaalTa Laagoaroojaaaaiioat <strong>of</strong> to* citylaotr aadonaa»aal<strong>of</strong> ib*•tea. Tbaa tba <strong>City</strong> Coaaaaaatooan, atootsbaMMd to UM *otara an ordtosoastoasters* ibaaaato pavilion," wbtaa) waa esrrtad by a good majority."Tb l d at ibawoold all a>oparaiaCKy a bigb-cteaaaoraodat Iba aaaM UOMDOIitbabdrdaaa<strong>of</strong> tba taxpayers.bat-araataaJly asaka M flosocUflyto tba qoaattoo <strong>of</strong>raaort lo pankular baa btcoma faBOO* for tu good aitwto, wbiob badbato piada talf-aapportlog and mdtpandaDl<strong>of</strong> any municipal approprlallooa.Tbarafora, wllb tba pladgalo tbaOeaao Lily taspaytra Mill in mind, toacoompllab •Imllar ratolu In Ocoan<strong>City</strong> II waa tbougbl IIM to adopt tb«plao Ibat bad botn •uocaMfal In ibt•Mar raaort. Uorortuoalaly for tbaiplan (wblcb waaloobarfaa oomloaladmlMlon fat), wblcb wouldbav*orkad bardanlp lo no oat. It mtlwllb Irdaoi oppoiilon from many <strong>of</strong>tba ladla* <strong>of</strong> Iba mu«lo auxiliary andIhttr frttDdt, wbo bad baan tba motl•olbnalaalle and ardtpl tapponan <strong>of</strong>Iba matlo; and tbay arraytd ih»oi-Hl*aa aa *lroo(ly axaloM Iba plao a*lb«y ba4 lo favor pi Ibalr own, wllbtba ratal! Ibat Iba plan ww a coovplata failure and Iba dtrtcll al the clow<strong>of</strong> Iba ianno wu gftajar Ibao «»er.laavlng tba ouyor Iba target for crllldunfrom mora tbao ooa wurr*.n Iba major bad aboul•lUMOHIIISutton 6L Corsonf Cb-Ganar.il Contraot<strong>of</strong> 'aRAOINQ AND STRICTNINTH sr. AND SIMPSON AVC.UIL,OINQ» with aleaky ro<strong>of</strong>.Tbnndrr •lorma are comin-•otoTe anil beater pipes.Tio, .late ana alig ro<strong>of</strong>lna;.SMITH'SThe Tin Smith1112 Asbury Ave.ABBOTTS'Alderney DairieslacPBlladsiphla and SaashorsSeventh St. and West Ave.<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.Abbott's "A" MilkCream Buttermilkr;\:. l-\yrir-:---s«i; v.t »•- •t : ' . •• ' • • • • • ; • • • • . . • - " • ,1 ' • *A REyou using Edison Mazda Lamps? II" not. why not?' They give thtee times >Jas much light as the old style Carbon lampsfor the same current consumption.yOCEAN CITY ELECTRIC SERVICE<strong>of</strong> Attantlo <strong>City</strong> Dsotrio Companyw«v>tyi*fe$gi*v*OCEAN CITY, N. J., THthuSDAT. JANUABY 27,<strong>1921</strong>.<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> SentinelNOTICEFLO>ISIX SIOCCAM CITYU til anaa* aua to «• JabWtHMM. OrfMa wUm.ru do II.l U I bUM du o> bo»D JONESaoN *vl.HARRY V. ADAMSHOUSE PAINTINGsiarm"VoaS^cn^rT.ir-All Klnd« <strong>of</strong> UuttaraNOTICEMivTkwowkln win M axMtf tor •.Xstice I•ssany sat lasN«tk«toUaitCK«it.n.Ba kai kat oat wttk UM awatoartnwnlUmUlen -' -n 11"Buick and Dodge Brothers' CarsMaccar TrucksFARTS TOR THC ABOVC VEHICLESPHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIESJOS. SCRIVAMI.-O rTiie Hurley-Jones Go.v.1 CMTTN « IN. ignBIQ REDUCTION IN CLOTHINQWe bare rrdnccd all clothing lo ttock from ten to thirty per cent. If yoar•oit or coal ia getting ababby aod yon are to seed <strong>of</strong> another it will par TOO tolook OTtr our Mock be/ore bavins clarwherr. We cap give you «omt apecial''— In oor More In Atlantic <strong>City</strong>.ORDER THAT "CASTER" SUiT NOWICtNTRaL GARAGE•so TO ssa asaunv AVIOCCAM CITV. N. i.' raaaiuo, an.r or FMOTOR SHOPin w. WILOWOOO awe.114.na w. PINC avc.WILOWOOO. N. J• O OOOOriM TlKl» 'THE UNIVERSAL CARrH Ford Sedan—i mighty comfortable carfor every day <strong>of</strong> the year. Has mo»t enjoyable refinements combined with ailtbeuulity <strong>of</strong>tbc totrHnijcar.Finely npholstered—moat luxuriously—with pUte glasa slidingwmdou*. it U cuol in hoi wrcatber while dry andwarm in fall and winter. It u the regularumple-to tundle and ever enduring Ford chaiauwith a bonton body—the family car that notonly pleases with its comfort bat saves money inlow nx&t'cost aad after operation. Let us giveyou a demonstration and the price is only J79Sf. o. b. Detroit.kaiiMU, _ , .HOGflEt 4 SOI, PB1IIPLUMBINGPleasantville Motor Co.7 South Main Street WashlBftoa Avc.PLEASANTVILLC. N. J.Pboae 11EMORIALS' OV BaUOTT AMD DURABILITYomrrad aad prtftilnr.IrtUradCAMPBELLS GARAGEC at. CAHPBBIX, Prop.Twelfth,Street and Astrary AvenueOCEAN CITY, N. J.KRAUSSTo Wire Your HouiPHO.NB No. 17 7-W411 ASBURY AVENUEOCEAN CITYNEW JERSEYThe Humphrey RadiantflrcWonderfnl new discovery rn house heating, producing radiant 1waves which warm yon instantly—effect so magical you can Ibelieve it.Can you Imagine bow it fat poaalhlt. In a minute after lighting the ma, 1TOOT room with radiant beat—tba Humphrey RadJaalSre doe* E .imposriMlity.PoaitirHjr hygienic and will ventilate TOW ll*ing rooaafefree tbem from all odor*. Will aare a ton <strong>of</strong> coal a Booth, and all tatwiand worry.The greateat DOOM comfort at yoar Inatant eervice in raiay7and cold Bights.^ ^Glty Gas Light G<strong>of</strong>init. CURTIS ROBINSONPar Vear, ametty ta Advaaea.VV. P. HAlNEbCOR. NINTH *-O MKSLCV AVI.OCCAM CITV. M. J.iiwa«< e*.ora-KW uovutu Ixjwaat poaalbla eonaMaal with Oood WorS and Uaat ,Lawrence n. Lear454 Asbary Avsnas - Oosasj <strong>City</strong>, IDR. FLOSEXCE B. HAIKXSOUCAM ciTV. H. J.<strong>City</strong> GarageSEVENTH AMD HAVEN AVE.OOM» o/rr, mmw immmmrL. W. MILLEft\Allei Conoa, M. 0.trS Waatay *nmOosan <strong>City</strong>Naw Jaraay.-.sail as,*w^iH^«jiPbTTIT. M. D•OT IWKSkCfOCEAN CITY. NKW JCNSCV.BoauamoaEXHIBITOR for theYork Ready-made Ford CommeiBodyAn inspection <strong>of</strong> onr stock solicited beforeyonr purchaseAutomobile Bodies Rebuilt and Repaired' J. W. KIRKBRIDEOld Turnpike oe*r Sbera ReadPLBA8ANTVILX& I104-JJoior H. WrimcAB, M. D.TIT WCSLCV AVIHUgOCSAN CIT*. N. J.B. WlLSOM Y. CHRISTIAN•• Den cist. »•809 Central Avenuer.. t ..» n*aaU Ftoooa. IttDR. DAVIO M. SAXEVKTaUUMARV aUKOaONMMma^B<strong>of</strong>SutVAtLAMTlC CtT», M.riaia. aod tbla waa dooa.It •• Haltd'by olBnra <strong>of</strong> Iba rompaoj.Ii waa tapactcd ibalibla knar• odld ba raad at iba weakly asailtoa<strong>of</strong> tba <strong>City</strong> Uoualaatooara, bat oonfaraooa waa mada lo Iba ooaBamoteaiwo,oor waa aoy raftnoea aaada alInamaaiioglo iba appololaaaol ««aral ma *<strong>of</strong> iba Toloolaar Bra daparfaotpiaaaul during tbaBAD FINB VBAKSWAN QUITS ASSCHOOL DIRECTORHo Objection to Woman Appointed—Commissioners. Accept Sealgnatlon.S B. Hwaa. a matatxr <strong>of</strong> Iba Boardor Bdoralloa wbo laat waak raid bawoold ootaaiTaoo tba board wllb awoaaan, oo Moaday aaot bla rnlfloa-"on lo Mayor CbanploD.Tba ktlar waa nad al Iba maalia* utIba lily (.-ommlaaloDara aud Iba r»qu«al <strong>of</strong> Mr. Bwao. Ibal bla rrai«oa.lion ba aeor-ptad, waa Riaoud.Tba latiar fullowa:HOI JOwSPH U • BAMP1OH—Oaar Ma>ur;—1 lwr«b> landar ayraatgnailoa a- a aaaoabrr <strong>of</strong> tba Orrao<strong>City</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Sdoeallou, lo tab aflictItuasadialaly.IbaTa aarvad on Ibla board for aoombtr <strong>of</strong> yaara aod alwaya daarsadII • plaaaora I- eo-oparala witb myftllaw eo-workara aodparform anydutk» Ibat wan aaaaxoad lo ma. Oarralalwaa ba*a alwaya baao <strong>of</strong> tbaBUM pWaMiol ebaraetar.My nraao<strong>of</strong>ur raaitoioa '• Ibal yoo ba*' fllt»d a>acaoey ou Iba board by appoliillog awoasao.Aa I ba*a alwaya brao oppoaad lo Iba auflrag* qutwiao. I caouoiooo«e*iallou«ly ait wiib Iba boardcoaopoard <strong>of</strong> aalsad aaiaaI do oot waol It muundtrrtood IbalI ba*a any par ooal onj«eiloo lo ib*otw asnabtr appoloicd I Iblok youdid prrftdly njibl lo follow yoar ownenn*icf looa, aad I rtaar*o Iba ngbl t<strong>of</strong>ollow auoa.Yoor* vary truly,a. B 8wAW.•••ia sa.a«.Tbera h.»a been eaora Ibao SOO•bar** latro <strong>of</strong> ib* n*w aallaa <strong>of</strong> aloes<strong>of</strong> Iba MoaM Balldlog aod Lota Aaaociaitoo<strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> I It*.Tbla aamclauoobad a a*oat «IILIJ—aral yaar sadpaid t8 84Toe rwblb eoooaJ report <strong>of</strong> Iba 0oaortal ovodlltoo or Ibo aa»ocl*iloo.aa p>ai*m*aoetallooO«aa aopaKtlotaraat unpaidPieoloBa ucpaKlKloa« unpaidKntraooa raaa aopaldLlbany boedaUaaatoeaskaacstrra'••b balaoea No»eajba*3D. 181kDot*IbiiraMPrralaaaaSSI Ml SO«SS3s.staooMU1SSS4 9I1SISIMM1.00000I^SSOSSO4II.0SJwaa SL, Hlaaa Haa Sloaa altaaai arrlaaaa.TIMdrain <strong>of</strong> EJma B. Nuoo.daogblar <strong>of</strong> Mr*. Ada Nuuo. 10 ibaAtlauiic <strong>City</strong> Uo*pllalSaturday olgblaa a a boat lo tba maoy frteoda <strong>of</strong>•ba Ullie girl aod bar faaiily.Hne waa otnesaa wllb appeodlclilaoo Friday aod aua waa homed 10 Ib*boapilal,wbara Iba oparailoo waafully performed. Oiber oooaplicalioo*caused bar dealb.waa a lilil* more ibao is yaar*aid aod waa boro lo tbla ctty.bervlor* wara b»ld altba bom*<strong>of</strong>berODCI*. V. H. Johoaoo. |||8 Leoiral••««. al X o'clock ya*«rday aflerooou, coodac4«d by Iba K*» Ueo.VV. Yard, paaior <strong>of</strong> iba fintII. KCburcb.Tba lourmaot, lo cbaxge <strong>of</strong>Kaoeval Diraotur J. P. (tdoiao, waaat HaaaMa CewMtaryTbacblld waa favorite wllb all wbokoaw bar.1 svwvwr Mawiiaa*.Cotlag* pray*r oar*liog* ara eootloolugou Tuesday aod Friday eeeoogafor Iba Bap'M folk.Kridayotght'a BMwtlog will be at Iba bom*<strong>of</strong>Dr W P Halo**, Niotu atraat aodWealay ateuue. Tb* loe>day e*#ologOMetioga ara alwaya oortb<strong>of</strong>tbaeanp grouoda for Iba beoaOl <strong>of</strong> Ib*folk H*log lo ibal **ctlooBIG HBBTING OFLOCAL BAPTISTSAuxiliaries Will H^ar Dr.Bolloway in PhiladelphiaMonday, Pebmary ax. ~Moeday, Fabroary H, la tba daJaOoaJly aat tor Iba aaaoaJ aaaattas; Utbaatao aod wooaio'a Uapiwt aoa>a>araoxiliarlaaTba ladlaa will asaaiao Mooday aftaroooo al Iba BatUatIuMUula. 1436 Hoyoar ataaoa. PiUadalpbaa. aod iba atao wUI go rrowjIbair work aod oAoaa to iba loatMalafor jopptr.Dr. Tboaaaa P. Bolloway, tba amOIITO aacratary <strong>of</strong> Iba Bap-aua <strong>of</strong>Haw Jaraay. will bo Iba soaat <strong>of</strong> Iba•vaoiog. Ha t**ntbla opptwtonlly<strong>of</strong> koowlog Iba aaaiawr Baptiau aadfrtaoda baiiiar aad co<strong>of</strong>arriDfwllbIbaa* oo Iba proapacta <strong>of</strong> b*a*ar Ibkaajalot Iba Bajxlat oaoao al Ooaaa Ctty.Cape Hay Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerceis Working Bardfor Passage <strong>of</strong> Measure.Forasar Banaior Law la T. 8t»»aoa.f I apa May. pmtoiad Iba lolkiwiua;laaolotloo, *b«b waa adoptad, altbaolbly ojaa^ma: or iba lap* MayCoaoiy Ubaaiba-r <strong>of</strong> t'omoaaroa atCapa May Court Uuuaa Friday a»ro-K>Haw crop Maw Oraan la par quartit eboaoa applaa. or-»saa, baoaoaa aad ail kiod <strong>of</strong> frailalwaya oo baod.rraab agga rtgbt froaa Ibo aooolry,ptaaty a* Ihaaa. SOS woaaa.^rnlilfiailiaiciaanai-raltit-iiilIJTiTriwab killed cbtcsaoa to acoar.Hweat ctdar aod aalooa neatAll kind* oou aad aaptoro.frw>b Boaalarl Peavooia, »e Ib.Ptaety Paaool Bnuia. Me Ib.rraab OoMaa DaJaa, Me Ib. aav.. UTba doabla eotlaga SWOT Oaalralaraoaav ibla ett»Cbuaca lo baaaorad froaa pranaol atta ai ooca. Apply& COBTta ftoauitaoM. 744 Aaaary£»V.. Oma UWy. W. i.ad»..ttTo Oo* aad All—Oo ootold reliableJJa* VUla Laaatfry,waa aaaplwoaw 1 la ISIS. Try H caU.a^hSBatra*tsadOsaaaaraoaaad»^ MS; ttroaHBS DEATH A SHOCKMAYOR HAS BEEN ,CHEERFUL "GOAT"Bat His Critic Says Free Cost*certs Are Bound to PrevailIn Summer.Jam** L. Polk, <strong>of</strong> *rcbaol*UI -,*>IM> baa bnu cuuOrclM wuu IbePtilladaipuia Norm Aoxrioau formany yaar-, aud woo lie* mil a **•»•tor lu Ooiau V'ly Ira quarter uf acanlur*, alo a>>fa«uiiUK !•*«ninceria.aUUCBIIa lit* follUMlUg \W»> uO Ibaquwtiuo uf •uuioi«r UIU»IC »u tut* rw>aortlKDITOB raa PSHTIIIS*,:—In «••*pan ol M*>ui \ uawj|Huli'* «tal*4ii*tjaueol lua »uij c> uf po.lilw WJIVM, 1dadlu** ao> luuiiar 10 ba lit* ••guafor ibe p*rauo» wuoiiiduevd liim tufa«or paid aduiimuu unmu.Laier.uow«v*r, lu iii* •am* HiitBtmaxptaw-** a «IIIII»I|IooagatoM ebarglig ao adanaakn frw.bow*v*r email, lo I be poblie pMr t-traakipg out afreab wiib luereeaad)tluaroea*.Paid oouome oaii MBmerwill ba met by a b">outi owra de»tareniued ibaa yrt ««p*ri*ueedBat M*>orCbampMo m>Mea ibaraal laaua wrxo be trspraaaaa a. willlugoewa !•• again fa«or paid oooeen* tfa plao u •otuniliad lo bias 10 1111 newfully fluauca Ibaa. Tba real qoaalloo,aud Iba ooljr qilaaooo. la, wbatdo ulne-iaolba uf Iba 0u4iag*ra and*iaiiure waoir Tba buodrad or oaorwIciier* tb* paid edmueloo advoestawwrote aod got tbair tnaoda lo wme. toIba <strong>City</strong> Comaalaatoa, are 00 lodiea>1100 <strong>of</strong> poblie eeoilmeat. Tbelbooaaoda* d a>ore **apir eaau at laacoootru apeakasor* forciblyIbaa letter* Ibai do oo4 repraaaoi oa*>teotb <strong>of</strong> oo* prr east, <strong>of</strong> iba raaort'aHBBtr populatioaWbila ba canool ba exactly eoaameodedfor dolug aw. yat ooa rauat ad*olre Ma>or t bampwo for M»«eod Ibal ib* cur employaucb n>u*to aa iba, appropriation will•ecure aod make II ttvt for all "JAJtsa L PoutMercbaolvlllr, N. J.Tba aala <strong>of</strong> Cbrkmaaa aaale la lasiealpoblie aeaooe* aaaoaotad taMS IT. To* room* aalllacllO erenfea waretboea<strong>of</strong>Hiaa Boy**,Mr*., fctetcbaea. Mlm MaeWeal aadMawBaoadlet.aUcb <strong>of</strong> ibaaa nemtill ba praaastad wiib • aat <strong>of</strong> alasati eolae baallb power*.The ruooM aaliiog M worth orwere laoaa ol Ma» Bradley.Oe.Uaoo aad MBN Mom*.Tbaywill be araawilag wMfe baaMb pailiiilo amaller eisaa.Tbla report la mad* by Pr<strong>of</strong>. K Cpy r. K Ci .wbo bad abarga<strong>of</strong> Iba aala <strong>of</strong>.a.ala for I ba Ooaaa CMy pa bile acbeola.Mo-tc ln«.r- urn aumdioc HOD a>atr»»oa» tla»»b«r» will do wall logo lollw murmiig and rvroiLg »r>iora siHoly Trluii* Kpi-c»pal • tiurebBOSWELL'S BILL WILL BRINGSOUTH NEARER TO COUNTY»«•Iba wbola rHaia<strong>of</strong> Nawianay will ba graally bauiOlad wiibaoMMoror autootobila root a O-OD«OMM> wllb Iba rMata <strong>of</strong> Dalawar* fromMDOMUOItWSDMD..IOI lu MawJaraay. wbavaby a direct routa forluanata ooaalog lo Ibla ntata from ibaduulb Atlantic tkalaa. by avoKllog aran <strong>of</strong> about two buodradmllaa.wbieb la oow natanltaird by ba«lugIrani >>y w«y <strong>of</strong> Wlimiugtoo orPbiladalpbia, aad ibao fairy log acroa.10 Naw Jaraay; aodWbaraaa, Iba brloglug ortourlata byfarry »eroaa iba D»la«ar« Hay froa>Iba duPoot Uigbway <strong>of</strong> Dalawarawoatd. Ibanfora, auka Iba bouib twobuodrad a>ua* oaarar to ail Iba M »raaona tocaiad 00 iba Maw Jar*»y1. aod produca aaaoy tbouaaodaaf aailaia<strong>of</strong> aaw kailom for aocb raaorta, wblcb raajita oow mat a opaboalaaaquariar .f iba uxabla proparty<strong>of</strong> Naw Jaraay; ibtrarora ba II8aaol*ad.Ibal Iba Capa MayCoaoiy Cbaasbaf <strong>of</strong> tsaaoMrea baart-Uy appra*aa iba aflorta oow. put forthtor tba aaeonog af a farry ooooacouowMb iba daPoatUigbway <strong>of</strong> ibarMaU <strong>of</strong> Oaiawaca aod a poiot oo ibaaoalbara aad <strong>of</strong> iba paoioMila <strong>of</strong> Cap*May Coaoiy; aod Ibat ibla cbaoabcrorgaa all caiiaana <strong>of</strong> aoalbara MawJtnay lojola lo Iba aflorta to aacuraaocb a f*rry aar*ioa by Mipponlog aodappro*tog Iba anaaai <strong>of</strong> a bUI oow la" "«oaa <strong>of</strong> Aaatatbly. wbicb prolawwUI placa to Iba baada <strong>of</strong>Iba aiaaa lilgbway Coaankkatoa ibaaalborMy U> oaoatroot aoeb farry aodupatala Iba aaaaa aa a part <strong>of</strong> Iba bigbwayiriHa* <strong>of</strong> Ibla Htau; aad ba IIfart barBaaol*ad.Ibat Iba rjaoata andHoaaa <strong>of</strong> Aaiaaably an baraby aaroaatlyraqaaatad to aoaot aacb Mil lololaw.«od tbal oopln <strong>of</strong> Ibaaa raaoJauaaaba torwaiaad lo botb aatd bodlaa. aod ba * rertbarHwaaltad. laal Oomwr Edward Idwaiaa, wbaaa lalaaaat for tba adkaaaataol <strong>of</strong> Haw Jaraay lo a*ary ra-Mwt k> koowo. la baraby raqaatad 10••aaiaaaab alii wbao tt nan IotaDOMESTIC SUESHOTEL OWNERHeierce <strong>of</strong> Compenaatioa BnreaaHears Bvidence Herein Sea lale Case. 'Cbarm E • urbio. uf Bab«ay r*prraaollog Iba ttlala tompaoaaliooBureau atiliug a> r>faiaa 10 Ib* polira00.111 10 cuy ball twraHaiurday. raaanioldiuca ID Ib* adiou <strong>of</strong> mf. Klia«twiu Da«llu. <strong>of</strong> r > bil«l.l,.hla. aaalpMKuban Hiavtua, ut Itx rM*«aoa Uoi'l,naa !•!• Cuy.Tba wocaao »H aaiployad aa a HoaraJdoatratic la ItM botel. Uu ibaat.olog<strong>of</strong> July ila«i wbila <strong>of</strong>f dulyfur iba day. aaallrcad. aba fall do*Da flight oTalalr* aod lujurad bMb ufbarwruia.Be* aua» u reoorar uodrrIba aoipluyara' liauuiy act. Wbaoaba waa ruploy* daddrd to ba*a Mr* Dr*lloand*rgt> a pbyaical aiaasioaltoo byUr AI«aaDd*r Bon, tkaia pbyatdaulu Caoadaa. yaMarday.tUT'raa • 'urbio waa accoatpaauit byMIM ilarrMUIadnay a alruograpbar.<strong>of</strong> Traotoo Ha baan eaaaa <strong>of</strong> Iblaebaraetar ib« third Tboraday <strong>of</strong> aacbOMoib 10 ibadMrtet ouon ta Aiiaa*lie Ctty.Tba It**Waliar U Bradley, <strong>of</strong>Prtoewoo Uui**r»uy. praacbid to IbaKir* Pmbylariao iburao MuodayHa lapae to Iba eaotuiog waa -rbaMau lo Iba MKJ>4 '• Ha Mt>c< laiuaa*aaing tt-'Whi Ua • 1»> loUiawaif." Mr Brad>ajt will aorusyIba pulpu <strong>of</strong> Ibwebartb agalo Milduoday. Or. Muydar. iba paatar. atupMUf baafc aftar laal fmaa bla bwlaiisgtoar.<strong>of</strong> Iba aaaiamtt uf aweb bUI lala U-Bawala* cVairaaa, apaakms; m *a*wra a m. ^ - ^B^^ A A^a a a ft.<strong>of</strong> Iba<strong>of</strong> ibe ataoy•a ia> MUaaGAPT. F. 6. SHAWLEAVES SERVICESpent Thirty-one Yean toCoast Guard Division—Ofedstedas Keeper.Capt. Fra<strong>of</strong>c U Ubaw. a wall knownaod bkjbly raapaeiaa) raaaaaai af ISMeiiy. ratirtd on Tburaday rraai IbaOonad (Mala* toaat Uoard aarviesaflarapanud<strong>of</strong>aaaptoyawal af Ibrrty.ooataara.At Iba ttaaa.<strong>of</strong> ba> tatlaaoiaaiba waa saaprr <strong>of</strong> iba aaaibaryMaiioo al Tbiny-auub atraat, wbaraba bad flllad ibat poattroa tag two• apiHbaw waa bora atVt*w. t'ape May 1 ouoiy. Aeoyewoa:mao be *agae]*d lu Iba eoaat Irada,Bailing a boat tor aoase Uate batOoaaa View end AlMoueiM*.sun engaged la farm lac." eaiered lbs coaet gaard asrvtasaa a *orf ataiiat ibai'oraoa'a lahMMaaaa aod waa tbera tt yeere sod SaMOIba He waa ibaaappotoiedkMperalTowoaaod'alolet, wbare bet»o»aio«d ooa year Al Iba sad af lastUOM be waa irauaSjiiad, la lbsttoo <strong>of</strong> keeper <strong>of</strong> iba Tblnyatstbatreet ataUoo lo Ibla raaort. what "ramaloed a**eo ajooiba, Heineo eeol to Baaeb Uavwo. wban bewaa te etiarte two wessa aad Ibaa 0*5dend to Aoglaaaa. Tbare be waakaepar for two eaara aod two asooibeUapt. Hbaw ai tbe aod <strong>of</strong> Ibat periodwaa agaia ueaejemd la tbiTblnyaUlb ausat etaiMa to Ibb) mt>A crew waa retaloed al Ibla etalleaI'll oamber <strong>of</strong> year*, bat 1b

'»•*» Jtreay, ibal Ibl* Chamber <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong> tba parehaa*eoi <strong>of</strong> andd be* fanerHaaalna, mat iba Governor <strong>of</strong> lb•ad la nee Ibalr baateflbrta ao4*o- <strong>of</strong>tbehtUaad Ibaeeoanng <strong>of</strong> aoapproaetaueata-aarry oat tbe project.TheM wa* toma btogbtar during tb*I raa—«*«ibe neolatioo, aod AaeletaosI«Blber Osdea. oe* tba ebaa^ier,b) all aertoaaoeee, why aaeb• Weatiad lo to Ib* leaoiafloolaatbtpeovMad wltb a peepera»a»»» Iba **aae aa women •emUarly—attar member eald Ibat tbara la aearleaalaaadftlea to iba Wale beeeoa*eflba—• *f aa tMitoUoo for evenw*a am not ta—te. be* wboe* mentalnalmn biaaeb that eara ebooM b*H«w> lhaa>. Tb* boya ol iba Snt*wbe are entering froea being gaesadlalhawar maat toeeot to Hew YorkFRANK E. DARBYREALTOR761 Asbury Avenue<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>New JerseyBeautifully located, modern, all the yearhome for Sale at a 'veryreasonable figure.Harry R STANTONREALTOR415 Eighth Street<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> . New JerseyAll business transacted through this <strong>of</strong>fice is in accordance with the following slogan: "This <strong>of</strong>fice does and maintainsstrictly a brokerage business and is in no way interested in personal speculation"Results : A sale completed on theabove principal pr<strong>of</strong>its both Seller and Buyer.Write for listings and make your headquarters withClayton Haines Brick—Realtor411 Eighth Street <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, New Jeneva* W.ailaa* tai At.Aotr:Tha palBll tt tha rmt BapUatObaaeb waa ecaaplad Saaday akbtkytbaBev. Mr. MeOerrtti, ttireotar<strong>of</strong>TTnygnjIi'iirork fnr ika aanetau•ailfaahaataia BaeMy. B—gaftha i|at tba taetxate-,--_, —iOaoteaiyTWtrala «raa pMyad aodJ. Mt'Cliester t& Co.RealtorsPost Office Building<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, New JerseyR. Howard ThornREALTOR408 Eighth Street<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>New Jersey* L*km. tdttor aod•vaat at taa Ueaaa VHr' Bataiday paid tba datasa•"•paay. aa baM by Hbarthan*aa oo mtoot<strong>of</strong>lbaafltaa. aa «drar>7. eaogbl aaat a lilladha a lilladago. ft* ha«k gataa and blUadooa, bat•« ont <strong>of</strong> tba pan.•«B. Frank Smith Co.REALTORS1036 Asbury Avenue<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>New JerseyClarence 5. ScullREALTOR624 Eighth Street<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>New JerseyAnyHWAny WhereJoseph G. ChampionBuilding ContractorOCEAN CITY. N. J.Tenth Street and West AvenueLee & BourjCarpenters and Bnlidgrf?OCEAN CITY. N. J.Jobblag Work a SpecialtyJOS. D. LEH e. A.BaaMeacei» Naelya a *tk «OTIS M. TOWNSEIDBUILDEROFFICH: 8th St. Opposite P. Q, •OCEAN CITV, N. J.<strong>On</strong>ly galvanized nails axed aa'-'exterior workitit &f"fRUE artustic results in architecture can only beillobuined when all units blend to produce avharmonious whole.Very <strong>of</strong>ten a small detail. carelessly selected ot executed destroy* an effect whichotherwise would be perfect.Let me design and construct that building andyou will be assured <strong>of</strong> a design that is architecturallycorrect and a building that possesses economy anddnrablity in construction.My service guarantees the highest quality <strong>of</strong>materials, the best <strong>of</strong> workmanship and absolute satisfaction.vW. HarrUiContractor, ' Builderand JobbingteM Pt««Bv»lalPteM Pt««.Bv»lal«wBNo. IJ W. FonrtaaathOCEAN CITV. •*. J.lLeander S. CorsonBUILDERoceanCITT. N. J.luUdtng (ConlrortorBIS IIGMTM ST.OCEAN CITV. N JExpertAnliittcturalSenicMrs. C. L. LakeREALTORSeventeenth Street and Wctley AvenueOccirt<strong>City</strong>, N. J.BBS.* 6 * 5Ar£2_—iFine house <strong>of</strong> 10 rooms and bath on corner <strong>of</strong> Seventeenth and Central ave. Every roomhasS. W. exposure, fine ocean view, only 150 ft from beach, furnished, up-to-date, only $6000Massey «& EdwardstUOMOl AfXO COMTRAl. AVB.Realtor420 Eighth Street <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, New JerseytgjtHotel for SaleFurnished, 27 Bedrooms. Bath, Good Location,Hot Water Heat, Centrally Located.PRICE JS FIGHTAskJOHN J. FOSTERBCAtTOBsta eiotiTri aTBBCT OGCAN CITY. M. J.EW1NG T. CORSONREALTOR757 Asbury Avenue<strong>Ocean</strong> GtyNew JerseyCarpentersCOMPLBTB UBTIXGa OF AU.J. WilliamYOB 8H0ULD HAVEA Reliable BuilderTo erect your <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> cottage. Yoa cannot spare the timeto took after it closely jonmlf and moat depend npon thehonesty ol the contractor.I have bnilt for a large number <strong>of</strong> people and coald refer yon toany or all <strong>of</strong> them.Send for the list <strong>of</strong> names and photograph, oi the hotues.atait.is M. TQWNSENDBUILDEROCBAR CITT,H. J.S • «WANJ. K. TROUTSwan and Trout*>«aciTcakand BuildersIO*O ASBUMV AVCNUC OCEAN CITY N. J.Edgar P.Real EstateIn 31st St. Section <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>Fine CotUgn for Sale orKentI can Rent you most anyCottage io oar districtLots Sold 00 TermsHUMBERT C. PONTIEttBUILDERocui an, uTMtftttrntHarry R. HayesCARPENTERJoeoing work promptly inradVd laSjjg — - - - - - —Lou (or SalTMrttfkfe.St taeJUatTfatt. -ocua cm, i i.ALBERT G. GILBERT,PHACTICAL HOOSt PAINTB645 Asbury Avenue,OlEAM CITV. M. J,rpuud.roll U H arj avtoua.SEECLOUTING, BRECKLEYflODFBEf• com rou oo TOU« r»i»TiaaContractors utf PaintersOCCA . C4TY. N. 4.Something Newfor the benefit <strong>of</strong> Octu <strong>City</strong> peopU<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> House CleaningComvany, 11,10. >ca ba.r u> Ia JReal Estate For SaleBid BA.RC1AIINSCottages. Apanmcnti and Bungalows, rurnitbed and Q<strong>of</strong>arnbhcdSome estates io my hands must be sold at sacrifice prices.ThU is thetime <strong>of</strong> year to buy Cottages and Lots at this Popular Seaside Resortvery Cheap. Apply toAlonzo CottonAvtnutOcaan <strong>City</strong>. N. JFOR SALEAsbury Avenue, West Side, bet Sixth and Seventh StreetsTwo doirablc adjacent building lots3OXIOOWill be sold cheap to clo»e an estate.Apply to any responsibleReal Estate Broker.ou.rlgrJ»j, ultlB|7jO Waal AtnaiOamnCHyS,w ittrjJO.NEA. WOOERS * BA55EU.A. U JUMU.II><strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue Below Eighth Street<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. New JerseyTkc OaBcc or Balraaiiaiiahlp andJoseph L. ReacockREALTOR838 Aabury Avenue <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. N. J-Clinton S. JohnsonREALTOR* 1312 Ccatnl Aevnu*OcunQiyNcwjcncyWalter R. ChattinREALTOR1116 A«bury Avenue <strong>Ocean</strong> Gry, N. J.Harry Hayesmtmrnl Ca>la.ia>InmurmnThe Josepri I. Scull Agency•-r Asaunv Avar.OCCAN OfTV.MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE.No wattlo* for too aa*ka to know if you eaa e»* It; ta oan Uil you atooea. BarjaJaa tu Bay and Damn from piopaniaa. Cbotea oottan* foraaW. Aiao loU torUiTaatauot and tortaaproraaBaul—iha cboiea olOeaao CUy.Apply toJ. M. CHESTER & CO.,OCZAM Crrv, N. J.Now Is the Time toPlant Privet HedgeThomas J. ThornFLORIST• IZ8 Bay Avcnua<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>Naw JarwyWEARCHIG-HLVRECOMMeWDBDCor. Thirty-thJrd and Aifcury Avenue<strong>Ocean</strong> QtfNew Jcncy• ILL *HONIChild's Service Laundry<strong>of</strong> WILD WOOD, N. J.ROI-GH DRYFLAT WORKTONY ADELEZZIOASBURV AVC. OCEAN CITV, N. J.Pboa* 409-ULcarc aod wife <strong>of</strong>Pblladalpbla.*uil*d Or aud Mra JTborQlay Uuibn, <strong>of</strong> ibla city, Huoday.Mra. H. H. firyaoo.<strong>of</strong> Haddoudald,la TUMID*: bar dauabur. Mra. CarlKalk. al Ibalr bouia, lia* Aaburyavaoua.Mr*Emma Hlmmona and aoo,Harry, <strong>of</strong> (.'•oidtn. apcol baiurdaybara a* f o*au <strong>of</strong> litraclMl llaudrraooaod «ifa.Dr J. William Huiho and family,<strong>of</strong> Ailaolle <strong>City</strong>, vi.itwl ID* furmar'afalbar. William K. Hugtxta. ol ibi*city, ibi* watk.<strong>City</strong> Eoglnaar William H Co 111.aoo allaodad Iba auonal mnnui <strong>of</strong>Iba Maw Jarwy L«*gu* <strong>of</strong> Municipal-Uiaa la Trtalou.Mra. H. B. Haaalucar, oboia ipciidlogIba vlatar monih* 10 AllamlcUUy. «•• lo Ibi* cily Muuday luoamg•flcr bar coliaa"*-Earl PTaodtr and wife, <strong>of</strong> ml. eiiy.batra muroad from • vi.il 10 Mr»Pfaod*r'« aiaor, Mia L'uarlc* Miiur.al May'* LandingMra. Jow-pb D. L**, <strong>of</strong> ibU ell*,t<strong>of</strong>t yaal*rd*y for Kl.irDc*. N. J .• bin aba «a* auiuiuuiicd by I ha a*rkw*lllo*a* <strong>of</strong> t»r ai-irrClayloo Halor. Bnck. prnldral <strong>of</strong>IbaOeaso <strong>City</strong> KMI E-tmim Hoard alUodad Iba oaa*llaa <strong>of</strong> iD»8ial*K«alBatala Laagualo Motri-to*i> Tn*wJ*y_Mjfe> Ualupo, a-uoioriuao no ib«Httor* Fwl Liu* koooo lo many r*aldaolabara. ceao <strong>City</strong> Hi«b Hchool fnim Friday.Kebruary 4, lo Moada^, February 7,Incluaive, under Ibe au>plc*a <strong>of</strong> Ib*Oo*ao Cl«y Cbautauqtta Crrcte.TICKeta for Ibe cour>euf »ix eulcrlalomenuara OfaaaUiaaTeav* * orapvtn—tto%S*Tw*>baTa) a liot ot WVMMttOKB ail H*Vthan FUUddphki«had«a a apac&Ujr.John O.JOBB1NONo Job taa Urga, Ma JabPansiabedB. L. SMITH -tytSmith _ CampbellHOUSE AND SIGNPAINTERSMJ Aabary Av*. Ocaaa dty. 9.JTheo. F. HildrethElectricalContractorJ*M*a«Waeka)OCSAN CITY, N. i.Jobo Jt Jooe-. Lrouaid Muiph>sod Lsilw Huibc. ••• tni- ciiy auoMfe« Paolloe Ktorbaidi a *ioln M ..IWllSlogloo. I cvuxn -I Mr. Jooewllloxnpn^a o uich~u« thai •'••gl>.dance* 10 ihr Main Huildu.aevery Tbureday aid rt»iuieutnga. ib*flr»t ihi»>»ei-" «•W««k ala«al I-. cauicavatr*. Wllllaaa E Hexamer. chair-^i^n ol tb. woo»ev'» auxiliary <strong>of</strong> HulyTrlntiy Epiaoopal 1 buica ber*. repou*Ibat Iba auslluiy meetiog* an wtll*41*o4ed 10 PblUdelpbla; Ibal Ibeyate vary aoioyabi. and Ibalmutb!• I HDSHE5 a SOI, PHlil.Samuel HeckiAUsuesat *M P*rauai«.|r ra.for Holy Trlniiy ^.T»JWJ*.!fA. w .^g—_aW*i_SitataauaMaadl mUl^mS. AlawJ» la taaautM i. eat m*t. aumtakt *a>wwja«anCbureb.Haw Is Mask e •wwa*.Jobo D Barr. fcraeerlyeoooactadw'ttb tba bonding actlelUee <strong>of</strong> AllroBoall. bl Ibl* cily. I. now trading a*Ibe Kaodoo rjawjbta L«aabar Com- ,___^ w.Ha baa porcbaaed a Mta for aSSSSiaaia.yard ta Haddoo UasgbU.aa I* wail known la tbt*H_w__EV eft ADAJM: Readinc OoalOUR NEWElectric Sijstem BakeryMakes Better Bread, Cakes and PastryCUT THE HIGH COST OF LIVINGEat More Bread.It Is the most Nutritious Food. •WM. F. VALET713-16 Asburg Ave. <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. N. J.1A 100 PER CENTSOUND INVESTMENTFOR FARMERS$3.00 for 365 days. Less than one cent per day.and it works for you every day in the year.At Washington, at Trenton, inCape May CountyJoin the County Board <strong>of</strong> Agriculture and you become automaticallya member <strong>of</strong> the State and National Federation.OB.JECT:1. A more Pr<strong>of</strong>itable Farm Business through:Successful competition with the city for labor and capital.A fair price for farm products.More efficient marketing.Better distribution <strong>of</strong> farm products.Improved transportation service.Just transportation rates.2. State and Federal Laws for the Advancement <strong>of</strong> Agriculture:a. That deal justly in case ot all measures and policies affectingthe interests <strong>of</strong> the producer, as well as the consumer<strong>of</strong> farm products.b. That provide a better ruial education.3. A Public Better Informed <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Facts:a. A better informed farmer, resultiug from co-operationwith all State agencies promoting agriculture."' b. A better informed consumer, resulting from the publishing<strong>of</strong> facts, concerning conditions needed lor producing asafe food supply, that will afford the tanner a comfortableliving and guarantee the consumer his food at a reasonableprice- ' . •."*•The Farm to Farm Canvass for Members Begins <strong>Jan</strong>uaryBe Beady with Your Support :a.b.c.d.e.

\ •OCEAN CITY SENTINELVOL.XT1 OCEAN CITY, N. J^ THUB8DAY, FEBRUARY a, <strong>1921</strong>.;^:1^"^aa-ajy a_r••>*••»»4TV i*'. IJ fee* aid flcdp\ MaccarSMITH'S"VV* V-»O!• * ••• » mOAKLANDfc » n *. J k 1. r cuCHARLES SACKCentral Garage<strong>City</strong>•• , 1<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> SentinelOOCAN OITY. M.. CUKTI8 ROBINSON•1.50 Par TMT, Strictly la Advuc*.DR. W. P. HAINES .COW. NINTH MO WCSLKV AVK.O«C*N CITY. M. J.urvioa KWM {'tSff'f''MaaaaeeiwaUaotfoTOK. FLORENCE B. HAIKESUeara by AppouiaealOCKAH uiTY, ». J.Allen Conon, 1. D.t titWOoaan <strong>City</strong> New J«r*«ycAifPBEiL 5 GARAGE <strong>City</strong> GaragegKRSCHBL PBTT1T, M. D.•*»-C»«-«S toojoiJ. P. VWNABLMmm* AtBUHY AMMUMWelded Into aComposite .UnionThe aoyice <strong>of</strong> th* <strong>Ocean</strong><strong>City</strong> Title and Trust Companycontain* th* factors <strong>of</strong> promptness,efficiency and courtesy,welded into a composite nnjpqand results in satisfaction.Checking Accounts aresolicited.OCEAN CITYTITLE AND TRUSTCOMPANYOC8AN CITY. N. J.• I SPRING AHD SUMMER SAMPLES j —Special Value SaleGreatest Reduction EverKnown in the History<strong>of</strong> Tailoring Trade .'.BXT1Aftrocsessin m* >**mminMAHCM lit615 St.M. DEN AN °^CI ?:5: J -E&sH Tailor and CleanerONALL SAMPLESOf GreatestAssistance. A bank account is the greatest assistanceto a young man getting started.Have yoar Checking Account with theFirst National Bank and you receive all thebenefits <strong>of</strong> a strong, -well equipped bank.FIRST NATIONAL BANKOCEAN CITY;N.«J.Heating AppliancesGu Radiator*, Electric Heaters, Oil HeaUrs and Air-Tight Wood Heating StovesALL VBLI. KNOWN BRANDS. CALL ANDLOOK THEM OVER.Read Hardware Co.Asbtry Av—ut Oc«aa <strong>City</strong>, N. J.il tn.-. The Place to Shop .-. jA rEV SUGGESTIONS FROM iJONES' MEN'S SHOP (Bath KobeW--11TTTTraveling BagUmbrellaSralnKid Glove*Scarf PtaNeakue" Silk Mufflerau4«s AStinny AVHMUU ,SUk SbbtL'odaTwemrMilitary Bnuhce •Wallet (Ustbn)Watch ChamLeather CoatNcwlUtPaiamaaPar CollarRain Cut Ibilk lloae :SatptodrnLeatbcr Leggtat 1ClgertUcCMC tAuto CeuatlctaCuff Uok. 1Tie CU»p ,Handkerchief 'JOSEPH BROADLEYPLUMBING and HEATING731 Aabury Avenue Oceun <strong>City</strong>, N. J.PhoneGeo. F. SaxtonPAINTING, RARER HANGING.(BRAINING A* O DECORATING»36OCKAN CITYAVCNUCMOel, e»-*jSURF LfALJINDRV929 <strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue •*»•*. I**-J <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N J.GOOD frame, QUOC navia^Au. VORB; DONE ON PMHBBSSAYS BUSINESS MEN HEREWANT CONVER AS FIRE CHIEFMayor's Excuse for AppointingMan Objectionable toVolnnteer Fire Fighter*.Mayor Champion, at tba weeklymeeting <strong>of</strong> tbe <strong>City</strong> Commlaeaooere,recommended Ibe appolotmnt <strong>of</strong> BamDel B. Coover a* Or* chief Oo molion <strong>of</strong> Director Flaber for tb* reason asrtvaoced by Ib* mayor. In* appolot"——"- - ••ltfcMjm*n( waa oonOrmad Mayor CbanrEDITOR TH« SBNTINSX:—Wllb tbtot orgsaitaUoa TM-fsrplon aod Dlrvctqr Fleb*r vollog lo•tpimruli pro aod con regarding IMAttention.DrJTbmyHaffirmative. Director Campbell All Ib* Modem wreailera are now Inmu.lo for Ib* aummer <strong>of</strong> 1WI, II cardarn, «bo oaltaa tiksTbere nave bs*a co dlaplsy In tb*voted again** lb* motion..readlncea for tb* Do.I boala, which u l a " "PP*"" lo »••"•« •»• °°» —*HFire* National Bank daring tbafMHtBefore action wae taken, Ib* follow an lo lak* plac* la ib* blgb acboolbig leeu* thai rxjulree Immediate sodweek eaa>plee <strong>of</strong> product* fross Itog letter from Mayor Champion was aodMorlam net! Wednesday ••*olo(.drsatlo attention re evidently<strong>of</strong> tb* fanae'<strong>of</strong> Caps May C<strong>of</strong>loty, aodreed by Clly Clerk Harry A. Morrlei Ketmiary 9, al 8 o'clock.overlooked, etdetrecked or pigeonholed,end that leeu* la (be gsa qoes-tbeertlclee abown wen admired byTbe Board <strong>of</strong> L'ommtealooere <strong>of</strong> |b* Tb*T* w|l| bttlmn bout, <strong>of</strong> wrea-boodrede <strong>of</strong> vkuton to* Ihle bankingClly <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> Clly, N*W J*re*y— Illag. Tba boya wbo an lo wraailrlloo, aa, la ibe event <strong>of</strong> no Improvear*lb*bM« <strong>of</strong> mora than a hundred m t M b *'"« nl d# |D l b Upointed aa tbalatter anew oldinaiunlion, wblcb for eoma yean ba*Geatlemeo:- I beg lo call yoar etleutlouel ible lime lo I be mailer <strong>of</strong> a wbobev*wr«ailedlo,ib*prellDJluarleai c • »'•«« eye,doabtlass Mt at bota«v bothTbla tournament, sod Ih* boilog<strong>Ocean</strong> Clly. hut. If there bse everTb* cord' wss grown on Iba farms <strong>of</strong>"• oo tba boaro-. BotkafOr. Baodolpb Marabsll, al TocksbostWaablogton VanUUder.st Petenborg, noa tls»a bssa sdonoi Ore department oolakte <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> weeks, will be two <strong>of</strong> Ibe blggeet IbedUgreceful eupply <strong>of</strong> gaa *od IbeW. a. Tbompaoo, at Cape May, and<strong>City</strong>.evtote in Ibe pbyaiosl training depart-' 1 u ear*lUnu work »au«'»y <strong>of</strong> eame the aummer peel aodIn my Judgment,' tbe properlyowuere, wboae Inlereete we ara aervlag.donot support lbs cooleotloa* <strong>of</strong>heee Iwo dre compaolee; but regardtheir attitude more lo Iba light <strong>of</strong> pereooal and factional difference*A* <strong>of</strong>tlclsl bead nf lbs Ore departmenl, I do oi I fret JoaHflrd In expertm«uttug wnb an oal <strong>of</strong>-towo man,u<strong>of</strong>aniiliar wnb Ibe lgo. Tbe poaiiloo pay* 1112 60Mayor Cbamptoa slao r**ppo4nt*(lWum L. Hiaiib aod t>. L. Walla«kaa a«ataiaoi cblef'. aod Ibelr appololmeal«w cuuOraiad.PLEASED CROWD ATHDSIC PAVILIONAnother Excellent ProgramPresented at <strong>City</strong>'s WeeklyCommunity Entertainment.Uo* <strong>of</strong> iba feature* <strong>of</strong> Ibe Hslordayeveolog eolartalomente held In Iber*at room <strong>of</strong> the muslo pavilion la tbeopportuoliy to bear the beat lo <strong>Ocean</strong>Clly. Lsat (Saturday evening wsa ooescaptioo.Tbe B*v. Oeont* W. Yard led Ibeeommuolly aioglog.- wllh Mrs. BurroweC. Marshall al Ibe plaoo. Nooca la dleeppololed wbo beera Miesut** T Corsun. After elngiug "MyDear Boy" aba gave an eoeore Tb*Italian duet by Pr<strong>of</strong>. E. K Uoger endwlfadelbjbted ibe su leoee end Ibeywere ueertlly applauded. Miaa EaillieBocbler wa* tb* plaoo soeompsnietfor Ibe dance* Tbe piano duet byMiaa Margaret Price sod Mlae HaieoNewton wsa appreciated Mrs. CliotooB Prite wa* beard for Ibe Bretlime, ab* play log Japaoea* mneas.xr Yard'e reading at- David Uarum"plaa.ed evaryone Aa an encor* ka)ncitid aom* <strong>of</strong> Uueat'a poetaa. Ue.u e.kad to read Kipllog.It la Ibe drain <strong>of</strong> the eomaUlM loarrange the praaram o aa Lo bae*eooteiblog new every Heturdey olgbtloMr. eud Mr* U<strong>of</strong>er much creditla doe, they beiog amoog Ibe movingepirtteMre Frank E Champion wae receollBrappoiuleda meojber <strong>of</strong> Ib* *olartainmcaicom ai II tee.Uecaue* <strong>of</strong> Ib* CbauUoqos Bastttaiurday eveolog. tber* will b* oo aotertalomeniuntil ibe followtcg Haiorday—Febrnary12.mejaiaaiaa*SCHOOLBOYS INWRESTLING BOOTSAnnual Tournament in HighSchool Auditorium Wednesday,Febtnary g.TAXPAYERS ASKABOOT GAS.HERBWhat Is Being Done toImprove Conditions for NextSummer?Tb* followlog letter 'from Ibrssproperty owner* In Oesan <strong>City</strong>•lately end to tb* point, aa larf* nmbtra <strong>of</strong> loteraatrd people will agraaiJenklDlown, Pa..- <strong>Jan</strong> 28. IBU.meot Ibla year, and no oi.e can afford i lbf O 1 * 1 " 11 *' attempt to eoallnne ato miaa eeelog Ibem. A email fee) will «"«« lb>l h « nmllved Ita naefalneeebe charged lo defray expeneee for Ibe ln lh# early agea <strong>of</strong> to* town, to lbe>Iropblee, etcI ol > tnlog thel la doing It.Dr. Wilaon Y. CbrMiao. SOS Caotrala»eoue. Ibla etiy. wlabee la ao-DOUDO* tb* loMallalMB <strong>of</strong> lbs lalailEdaarda XUay apparaJaw to b I* alreadycomplete dVaotal oertBL X-&aydlegooeee • apeoaliy.ae)»^ t*.adv.. ifTo <strong>On</strong>e aod All—Do tMt forget Ibeold reliable Bay Villa Lsaodry, which—Motor boot U la tafcet wssaatabliebed lo Itl9. Tryrtonos—wllb reliable 4 eye** aogloa, g«au " la your laoodry while youaga. aeiatiptioo. laki <strong>of</strong> aogtoa aod Call, wrtta or pbooa, las-VVprtc* sod wbera boat osa be esao. AddressW. B Marpay. Aasarlilog Co, 100 If. rtftssolb 8tPaadv., 14 si.SatooitaUP asotot boat for asl• t -Ui*Scb«nge tor Itgbtat aotat «yet* w«b **•*>«W Ai-Mat WU*M. T-lelell. XT. tDr. V. U. Veil, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,' Oet Ihe publio ealuned tbal Ibeybo will be autertalord by William will nol have In experteue* Iba dlfflTbeapplea—big. Jalcy-looktog fruit—Tb* R*». RF. Uardlner aod wife, will be.ihe culllM uf la«l >ear and Ibay will feelt.ogrowD In Ibe orchard <strong>of</strong> William<strong>of</strong>lbsFlnt . _ _ifaree. pleaded ibai ibey will flock to Ib*Powell at tJw.iotoo. Horn* <strong>of</strong> themrelumed from a faot ve^gyTb* etage lo Ibe auditorium w|ll b* •upprt • f the ruu«lcweighed mora iban a pound each. A•liver cup, woo by Mr. Powall for tbaMlo toor wtlb tba TTiiiueolargad. A nog will be placed up u frub'ably Hie people thai Iba worthybeat twenty He* apple* grown tn tboooagaiueeooeraog»ii»xs.o* elage, and a oumbf r <strong>of</strong> ligbla »in,»««lior editor referred lo In in la ble hi. receril «lll..rcounty, waa slao abown wllbe loeulled above Ibe etaga lo Rive lml •" **it\g »carcely able lo recogniseplenty l <strong>of</strong> f Illumination.'"' c apple*."Hiar Hp.uglcd H l d Uauuer" U wh-oTbeee producta or fsrma <strong>of</strong> CapoTb* iripbiee will be preacnled by \ P'ayed by'ibe b*od wen MidrrtogMsy Couoly wan exhibited si Ibe borllculturaJabow lo Atlantic <strong>City</strong> sodPr<strong>of</strong>. Jam** M. tUeveua, auperluleu.' fr«m Hi* tltrc'e<strong>of</strong> lal* aod coldeveodenl<strong>of</strong>Iba ecboole.i l»«meel». »bich aeremaoy^od <strong>of</strong>tenbediaplay at ib* farmara' weak Inlu Iba euoamrr rtaidrnta <strong>of</strong> Ooeao CllytYtnloo.Btr.laws Back roeHWe. durlog tbe Mraaoo <strong>of</strong> 18J3To* prodocta wen e*ot*to to* bankYour* very Iruly,ly J A. Blsrkhoues, eouoty farm deem.yinairator -Joaepb A. Maeraald, <strong>of</strong> Houlb Deook,who baa been a book keeper la tbebanking department <strong>of</strong> ibe Oceeo CllyTllle and Truat Company aluc* Kebrasry,I9IS, baa reelgoed. He will uscbeenool. He waa a public acboolteacher In Ihla couuly before eolerlugIbe employ <strong>of</strong> lite bank. The vscaocrlu Ibe baoklng laatilullon will ool beOiled fur Iba preaeut.Kdward eootb, <strong>of</strong> M. OKI^HKY,Taxpayer- fn>m Jeakiulowo. Pa.RETAINS OSCHB8TRA••)*• aaid Owpair* •>•>• m* VaeklClabTMIa Veal.BxhJbit <strong>of</strong> Apples, PotatoesEtc, at Bank, Attracts£ Errlckaoo, at Dlse Creak. Tbe po.laioee CUM from lbs farsn <strong>of</strong> K. KMadara. at Palenao. aod ba receivedmoielbsn 110 lo Iropbls* at eboerewber* Ibey wen exhibited.by Oeasa CUy OMOhaotoa. OU* M.Uefurealarllngua Tburaday for New TowDBtoel fnnUebad tbe alst* for tb*Yu w«l apeod tworo<strong>of</strong>laswreoee M. Ia*sr Is foralablogmootbe. Frank D. Newberry, all abadaa. U. Poouere -sowed sodrebuilt tb*o*rto«*o booes, sod Fndmau<strong>of</strong> Ib* boue* commute* <strong>of</strong> IbeAdam* la doing ibe papering sad oWOc«au <strong>City</strong> Yacbt « lub for a*v*»alorallog.aatd that be would have hi*old orchestra at Ibe club boo** outaummer.Tb* mrmbera <strong>of</strong> Ib* ore beat ra IncludeDeulel K. Hhea, vlullolatH. B. Mowrar, <strong>of</strong> tbla crty. wUl mak*ooaibsr <strong>of</strong> IttiprovacaenU to btaaodleader, Hlchsrd Uaeparre. ptsnlat,end Albert Uaaparre. 'callML Theywere all favorllea wllh cluh meabera•od their frlcuda la«c auoaopar.ANOTHER WOMAN SELECTEDAS SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER100NG DRUGGISTQUIETLY WEDSPerry Christian and Bride,Formerly Miss Irelan, • livein West Chester.Local frleoda received aonouocemeol,eeversl d*j» aga <strong>of</strong> the marnag*<strong>of</strong> Pvrry ChrUllao. eon <strong>of</strong> I**iabCbrtetisn. sod HIM Edna D. lielao.daugbler <strong>of</strong> Frederick B. Irelao. bolh<strong>of</strong>ibledty, wblcb occurred tn WraiPhiladelphia <strong>Jan</strong>uary 24 Tbey weremarrtai by Ibe Kev. l)r Mitchell, <strong>of</strong>Forty-ololb etteet aod Baltimore aveooe. Weal Pbiladelpfaie, Wilbtbcmwsa a cooain <strong>of</strong> Ibe young man. How.srd Daweoo.(omiaodon William B Uutur'ii*w realdeoce oo Mertoo road. Mertoo,neatly completed eod ba expect* tomove Into H baton March 1. Horn* <strong>of</strong>material wss taken from <strong>Ocean</strong>CMy. sod come <strong>of</strong> ibe work waa don*Tb* bridegroom waa formerly sMlae Cogllah. loetractor <strong>of</strong> Koglwbclerk in Or. William U Abbotl'e and Woweu'. Hervice aorkdurtogtbe >o ib* biiti echool, bsa chart* <strong>of</strong> Ibepbarssacy. He la now manager <strong>of</strong> J.ii. Tu* appoiutojent le uudoubtcdlya per-oual ou. ou in* part <strong>of</strong> tbvlebale and ebe bsa i«*o coscblog lbsH. Wood * Co.'* drag alore lo We*rbeeur. He sod bla bride bave apartludeola to her uausl excelleol menme)or. •• al Iraat one or laooilwrauli at 41 Waal Uay wrael. Wertoer. Then win be so sd• omen are aaid to ba>e been noted torCiiealer, wblcb were deceralrd lo Ibecharge <strong>of</strong> ten cenlv.Ihla poaltluu.oanal at vie when tbe young pair gotto ibeos after their mantagrTb* bride bae lived here wllb herixreol* for nearly a year. Tbe fa oilycame from Mav'a LandingNew crop New Orlesne molmn.sOceol* per quailLarge aaaonasral choice epplee, orange*,banana* sod all klud <strong>of</strong> trulla ey« on baod.Kreeb eggs rtgbi from Ibe country,plenty <strong>of</strong> tbeco. 89c ooseo.Uood freab cocoaoulain Ibe •bell,30cFreab killed CbKksoe to oraer.Hweet ctd*t sod mloc* most.All klod* oata aod popcora.rn>h Hoaaied Peeoui.. JOc Ib.Pkealy P*soat Bntlle. a&c lb.Kiaab Ooadeo D*'a». «*° lb-tXI Bar aveoos, <strong>Ocean</strong> CMy.Fraocee rreeasao, Prop,adv.. lla. afo» Bar—Ksnlebed ootlsg**od• partas*oi wnbkatb. tat Ib* last. - Hot water bastnabl*. Apply to Clarftgblattnst and OossnMayor Names Mrs. R. h. Golf—W. W. Adams laReturned.Mayor Cheotplon announced at lbsweekly meetlog <strong>of</strong> tbe <strong>City</strong> Commla-•lonere that bedeaircd to ncomeoeBdIbe •ppointajmt <strong>of</strong> Mre R L U<strong>of</strong>Taod W. W. AJ«m a aa member* <strong>of</strong> IbeMr. Uootx. vbobaSawttakatsMr***van In*, in ibe saeembly room <strong>of</strong> tbaess to ibat aaottoa <strong>of</strong> tba mj, «Ctt• o Clly High etcbool betwaao Iwo eogags m ibe reall*ama <strong>of</strong> lh* bUh Mbool, tbl* being a^aJutag toHoard uf tCgc had been appoloud imember <strong>of</strong> th* board lo aucored -WW. Ailame. wboaa term bad expiredTh* mayor'a recommeodajiooe aereapproved by Ibe other Clly Cumoile-•looere. aud nnar Mr. Adaou returoeto the Board <strong>of</strong> Erfucitoo for taoyean; Mre. UoO'e term la fur fouryesra.Mia (JoS waa ecilvs lo Brd IroaaRICH TREAT PROMISEDC U W M I U clfcla van,A attica <strong>of</strong> eottriaiuuieula will be MsrTta. sod ib* prayer a>*e(loga Wad-*v*oiage sielo ebarge <strong>of</strong> tb*•iven lu tb«. «~«ajbly I,«(J <strong>of</strong> ibeoeadayOcema Cilv Hutb Hciiuol fruo> Friday.Vebruary 4. to Moods,. February 7, eMere <strong>of</strong> ib* cbercb Mr. Harra) I*lucluaiva. uoder ibe au.pic** <strong>of</strong> Ib*Oceau t^ny Chauiauqua I'irri* Ticket. fur ib* rtHjr*«uf »ix eoierteto.eueula are 11.60 I hlldren'e llckrta(fruuiAiu It >e«i.) arvfl Mi>cl**doiiaaloo tirketa. aftetoiioue. 60 r*oi*;eveuiuga. Ii ceot* Tn* peifuteaaooea• HI betto ai S.*D o'clock lo Ibe afterooooe,aud a o'clucs lu Ibe evraioge.Tne eaUrtaineseota will l<strong>of</strong>i^^. aaerloe <strong>of</strong> lectune on lotenauog Upireby Ibe Dtreoior <strong>of</strong> iba Cbaatauoua,Paul M PMK>OO. S nueat ep*akar;is>e4e*d<strong>of</strong>£>rGeorge Lawreoc* Parker,wbo >a* Brat advaniaed, bavlag raceollylectured ben, sod 1*haa*iliniUeorge H. Bradford, a msMsrfal Metarersad nonssrUbylbsMebibstt lavdlee'Quartet,ib* tsmoa* Irtab Mloatea*sad Bockoer'e Jabikw tiasai*To* Junior t hsaunqua •tool panisato ibe eveouige wui be a 4asiar* tbstwUl apt**! to all lbs abltdaM.Try so ad'tat**DR. PETTIT AGAIN HEADSBOARD OP EOUCCODNTI FARMPRODUCTS SHOWNarm boue* at Marmora. He baa arrangedwlto Otle M. Towoeeud loDlsater Ib* Inatda <strong>of</strong> Iba boos*, palmloatd* aod oatatd* <strong>of</strong> ib* booes, buildnew ebede sod s atable.Tba wholerill coal abuoi $3000.HIGH SCHOOL ISTO HAVE DEBATEwo Teams <strong>of</strong> Students Willbe Heard in Assembly •Room Tonight.What pramieee to be an ln'teettnglebata will b* held Ihla (Too red ay)question for debate la, ••!£*-eolvad, Ibal Ibe closed abop •Uould heaboliebed "Thoascomprteiogthe lesma In ib*ebale lontgbi are:Nrgaliva—Kugeoe Hallersn. OathloeHmltnsod Hsleo Meson; slleelate.Augoatua Uoeis.Afflrmaiiva—Malcolm Aoetlo, Mer-•rle Beolbam aod Alfred Haeior; s>tarnat*. Philip Kutcber.•Xlii*k Mal«aHarvlose an bald lo IbeHblioo BapnetI 'burcb bet* every Haoday, conductedk> lbs peator. Ibe Be* drsntucuog svsagaikMl* earvaM* b>loenatdwo durtog th* weak. U*will eooilou* ibla woik In Polled*!,pbla oexi week U* la havtog aatbR. Cam* Booioeoo, 744 and 7«s Astryaveoae. Oeaao CMy, B. J , baeno eaooenud s fnm •!•>»!« «feeaa totPesoeylvmaJa. wtu tellaa»taftty to tatve a*en»w *pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> aay deadniaeaiiaa* <strong>of</strong> f say laaa*.b«eartiisan»l* btog M beaog ks aaat-— ore.y*tberwrtu^M4lar2Dr. Baghn';)'•**••S-**">• few aMSsbsra atf tfe* Mfelappolntad to tba OMM Ut* jBdoosUoo—Mia. A. ~In ibea* four -risks HepnscbMt lo tba Fua* ayr _ _:bur«ii <strong>of</strong> Oroes vmy. Pa, aM,•vastmioeter Cboreb <strong>of</strong> Dttas. m,TbMwtketem.iMnd.leooea. aod boodrwaeOr. ttaydor will pmorn log and ereatag;Pfeaoyunao Utarak kmam.era aod mini «a»ldbWhUetnf aftapj * i^jVork 8u*a MaaaaiM Heaji mmmtoa epaaksv a4 tow veMfaBaw afh* aal tbe oooo boo?. Im Qraaa (>a.•rtrtrssirt IM «a« /«. H. Cber<strong>of</strong>lb* Bead<strong>of</strong>iblsatty. nssoUyCbsrts* C Bead, af Cbeta trading oodw tb* Ira'bails* O. Bead * Uoosoaajr.Mr. Utssaso. wbo bsw m«e«n**a to Media, x* oowmsnsgsassot <strong>of</strong> Iba Bead•ton. He leanwill aodaavor la batP*uoo* <strong>of</strong>.iba boas*.Wsttar E. Ailw, *s> kMmanager <strong>of</strong> tb* stscs tot a**to ..•Hb tb* Beod HardOu* M. Townosad aarty ibtebegan tbe cooatr-cttoa <strong>of</strong> aa •»«.«. . ." rr rf rinnlk anasl lag Jjfcj. -*Mlie aveoae tot a F. Ooeta. afiMitSM'.Tb* daoos m Iba HsuThursday eeantog w%* wallsod tba moeso | klilJon**' orobaetr* Jastbeing •Jassy" i_.Tb* daoee* wttlTbajaday sad 8atardaypbiaa wui oe awarded tout ttatnrday eeanlog.TryanadvirrtiiMial la lbs I\A/«nt4»dA lot as tka Say :Yacbl dab. SUUparttmkia,J. HOMACC MUXC*taa a tiva arSPECIALSniUand tadOvumti OverooataHMa.to OrderThntOBS.OWOur$45.0(5

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