June 2012 - Lions Clubs New Zealand

June 2012 - Lions Clubs New Zealand

June 2012 - Lions Clubs New Zealand

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<strong>June</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Issue 7<strong>Lions</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong> International Mission StatementTO EMPOWER VOLUNTEERSto serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs,encourage peace and promote international understandingthrough <strong>Lions</strong> clubs.Postal address:95 Fairweather CrescentKaiapoi 7630email: kdubar@xtra.co.nz ph03 327 8092

District Governor 202E Mary Griffiths ReportOur Multiple District Convention held in <strong>New</strong> Plymouth this year, was aspectacular event in which our District 202E was represented and acknowledgedin the most suitable manner. IPDG Raewyn Clearwater andPDG Philip Lynch both received International President Leadership medalsfor their contribution to our District’s Leadership over the last twelvemonths. It was a proud moment for us all when these awards were announcedand I congratulate both of you and thank you for the work youhave done on behalf of our District.Following this, our <strong>Lions</strong> Club of Wigram, presented their bid for nextyear’s Multiple District Convention here in our city of Christchurch.Their acting ability was without question as they proceeded to share withthe four hundred plus <strong>Lions</strong> present, the quality of the accommodationthat Christchurch could provide – out came a child’s pop up tent; thequality facilities they could expect to encounter – a well known memberof Wigram then dropped two of his three layers of trousers and sat on a‘bucket’ toilet looking very comfortable I have to say. The whole presentationwas very well prepared and executed and it was extremely well receivedby everyone, especially those of us locals, I suspect, who have amore ‘intimate’ knowledge of the joke!! Well done Wigram. You did usproud!!Prior to the MD Convention, I attended my last Council meeting of myyear as your District Governor. Each year at this time the DG Elects(including DGE Peter Mechaelis) choose their Council Chairman fromthose DG’s who put their name forward for selection. I am proud to announcethat Council Chairman for <strong>2012</strong> – 2013 is DG Eric Carter andKaren from District K. They will represent us with distinction in Busan,Korea and make us proud to be a <strong>New</strong> <strong>Zealand</strong> Lion. Congratulations toyou both.A new concept for many <strong>Clubs</strong> in our District is the challenge for eachClub to have a “landing page” on the NZ website. Now don’t switch offimmediately – please. Apparently it is very easy to do and will put yourClub contact details on the web to be available to those potential memberswho seek to join <strong>Lions</strong> through this medium. The potential new memberscould be an asset to your club in taking over that which2

3District Governor 202E Mary Griffiths Reportyou and I haven’t quite come to grips with yet. Peter Gamble is willing tohelp with this and his details are in the Directory, of which every Club hasa copy.ANZI Forum 30 th August – 1 st September <strong>2012</strong>: If you attended our Conventionin Greymouth you will have heard of this meeting to be held inQueenstown which will be attended by our soon to be International PresidentWayne Madden, our incoming 1 st I. P. Barry Palmer, our yet to beelected 2 nd I.V.P, our International President Wing Kun Tam, endorsedcandidate for Constitutional area 7, our own PCC Sheryl Jensen and manyother past International Directors and Senior <strong>Lions</strong> from LCI.All these International guests will be there to share with us their experienceand knowledge of <strong>Lions</strong> and participate in the forums available to usall.The registration forms are available online atwww.lionsanzipacificcforum.comFor anyone who can’t access this I am confident that your Zone Chairswill make them available to you on request. There is a limit of 400 peopleable to attend.We in District E have been the beneficiaries of much support from bothour own Lloyd Morgan Trust and L.C.I.F this <strong>Lions</strong> year. It is that timeof year when we endeavour to ensure that both these funds continue to besupported by our <strong>Clubs</strong> so they can continue to be the effective tool thatwe know them to be. Please consider making a donation before the endof this <strong>Lions</strong> year.Your Club secretary’s will have received the information about who tocontact to find out what funds are available to them for the purchase ofMelvin Jones Fellowship Awards. This accumulation of funds can beadded to, by simply putting MJF on your Westpac deposit slip.May I wish every Mother, Grand Mother, Great Grand Mother and StepMum a very happy Mother’s Day. I hope those you have cared for acknowledgedyou in some way on this special day. I was extremelypleased to have heard from not only my son Ben but also Arney’s twochildren Kylie and Vaughan. Family are special people.

District Governor 202E Mary Griffiths ReportMay I extend my grateful thanks to each and every member of our associationin District 202E, for your generous support during my time asyour District Governor. It has been a fantastic journey of learning andsharing which I will treasure always. May you take the “Power of One”within you into the next <strong>Lions</strong> year.DGE Peter and Carol will soon be on their way to DGE training in BusanKorea where they will also attend the International Convention. We allhope you both have a fantastic beginning to a thoroughly memorable yearas our District Governor. Good luck in your travels.My very best wishes also go out to our incoming Cabinet and our newClub executive. You have all achieved already just by taking up the challengeof leadership. Congratulations.I Believe that I may have to send out just one more “Mary’s Message”before the completion of this <strong>Lions</strong> year. Hopefully, it will be an updateon progress made on the project we hope to complete in conjunction withthe Christchurch City Council.My thought for this month is:Whatever the mind can Conceive and Believe, can be Achieved.Look after each otherDG MaryServing all AreasContact; Peter Yearbury,2 Balcairn St Halswell,Phone; 03-322-7770www.heritagefunerals.co.nz4

5YOUTH EXCHANGEHELP WANTEDHELP WANTEDOur District, as part of the 6 monthly inward influx of students fromaround the globe, have been asked to host students as part of partof our International Youth Exchange programme.In <strong>June</strong>/July we have successfully been offered hosting facilitiesfrom <strong>Lions</strong> families for students from-* USA (2) hosted in Blenheim & Nelson* FINLAND (4) hosted in Hanmer Springs and Kaikoura/ Seaward<strong>Lions</strong>However I urgently seek families to host one or two Japanese girlsduring their stay in our District from 12th to 27th August.Hosting could be for either or both students or for say 3 nights upwardsto suit a family's circumstances.An accepted means of hosting by a club, is for club members totake the student out for a day and perhaps offering to provide anevening meal for their guest before returning the student to thehost family for the evening- this approach takes the pressure offthe host family whilst giving the student a further insight to lifestylesin our area.Perhaps club members may know of non Lion families who may beinterested in providing hosting facilities.In either option, if you are able to assist please contact me as soonas possible on m.h.williams@xtra.co,nz so that the formalities andnecessary documentation can be completed.Thank you for considering this request- especially at club level,where it is recognised as an official Youth Project.Malcolm WilliamsDistrict Youth Exchange Co-ordinator

<strong>June</strong> 8thDue to the small number of entries received the EmergingSpeechmaker Contest has been postponed, and will now run inconjunction with the National Young Speechmaker District 202EContest. No further entries will be accepted for the EmergingSpeechmaker Contest.. The contestants will compete the sameday as the Speechmakers Contest which will be held at the onFriday 8th <strong>June</strong> at 7pm. St Stephens Methodist ChurchYaldhurst RoadDISTRICT 202EYOUTH ACTIVITIES CHAIRMANJulie MarshSubject: Death of a memberColin Hardie died recently. He has been a member since HostClub was chartered (September 1959) and until three monthsago attended regularly and to my knowledge had missed meetingsonly rarely – he was in his nineties but would have been theDistrict’s longest serving Lion in a single club for unbroken yearsof service to that club and a Charter Member and Melvin JonesFellow This is a Lion of some significance he was active for mostyears including assisting Chartering of several clubs in the earlieryears.We acknowledged his fifty years two years agowhen the club was celebrating its fifty years. At that point it was100%- Colin was one of the Charter members who established thisSouthIsland's first <strong>Lions</strong> club which means in effect he was the districtslongest serving Lion - a founding father as it were.6

CAMP QUALITY REPORTPlanning is well under way for the 2013 annual camp whichwill be held at Living Springs again. The next event we are holdingwill be the Camp Reunion which is also being held at LivingSprings on Sunday afternoon 20 th May for the Campers andtheir families as well as the Companions. This will give theCampers a chance to show their parents around the camp andexplain where and what things happen during camp time.The committee of Camp Quality would like me to pass onto all clubs who donated funds, goods and/or time over thepast 12 months their heartfelt THANKS YOU’S. You have enabledus to give the children a wonderful break and very memorableholiday at a time in their lives when the majority of themneed it the most. You are helping to keep up the tradition of <strong>Lions</strong>being a major benefactor for Camp Quality.For clubs who are anticipating making grants or donations toC.Q. in the near future can we ask that you “tag” your donationsfor use at the upcoming camp?I am available to be used either as a Guest speaker or just toattend your club meeting to answer any questions your clubmay have regarding the running of Camp Quality so don’t beslow in contacting me on the numbers below.Rae TreloarCamp Quality Liason03 337 5017 or 021 111 60297

<strong>Lions</strong> District 202E Membership Changes April <strong>2012</strong>This YearOpening Balance 1,391 1,403Added Members 8 101Dropped Members 9 111Closing Balance 1,390 1,390Net Gain/Loss -1 -13<strong>New</strong> MembersWelcome to the <strong>Lions</strong> FamilyGREYMOUTH (023298) - LIONS CLUBLaurie Anisy (3548762)NELSON HOST (023306) - LIONS CLUBJay J Barr (3547602)Bonnie M Campbell (3547612)RICHMOND (023311) - LIONS CLUBJohn Armitage (3548259)ROLLESTON & DISTRICTS (035496) - LIONS CLUBCHRISTOPHER LOGAN (3553629)HEATHER JUNE POWER (499185)WESTPORT (023319) - LIONS CLUBVarisila Raruve (3546623)WOODEND (045012) - LIONS CLUBHelen Power (2062175)Rolleston <strong>Lions</strong> ClubDelighted to report now have three new members ,Janice Butlandwho has transferred in from the Ch-Ch Pegasus Club, HeatherPower from Southland, who is rejoining after a break of 5yrs andChris Logan of Lincoln University now living near Rolleston. Allwelcomed into our club in March.Cheers Bill & Barbara.8

Golden Bay <strong>Lions</strong>(INC)An Invitation to: —A Week of Day Walks in GoldenBayFrom Friday 17 August to Friday24 August <strong>2012</strong>, Golden Bay <strong>Lions</strong>invite you and/or your spouseor your friend, to spend these 8 days with us in Golden Bay. Youwill be accommodated and fed in the homes of host <strong>Lions</strong> for theduration of your stay and invited to join us at our monthly meetingon Thursday 23 August.Each day there will be a different walk on offer, ranging in lengthfrom 4 to 6 hours. The walks will be varied, interesting and scenic.Some will be in our surrounding National Parks, Abel Tasman andKahurangi. The programme will be flexible as we need to adjust tothe prevailing weather on the day. We will provide transport to andfrom each walk and a local guide will accompany you. There mayalso be trout-fishing options on offer during the week for those interested.This “walking week” fund-raising project has been specially designedso that we can instigate an Adventure Fund to whichGolden Bay youth can apply for assistance with their adventurousexploits. If this trial project proves to be both successful as a fundraiserand deemed worthwhile by our guests then it could be theforerunner of an annual “walking week” to sustain the Fund.This year we are offering to host up to 10 keen walkers on this allinclusivewinter holiday for just $700 per person for the week. Thefirst ten people to register their interest by phoning me on 03 5259576 after 10 <strong>June</strong> will be our guests.Derry Kingston(Trial Project Convener)for Golden Bay <strong>Lions</strong>9

DG (Elect) Peter Mechaelis Club Visits <strong>2012</strong>Tentative schedule of Club Visits to be undertaken by DG (Elect) Peter Mechaelisduring his term as District Governor.This list will be subject to change, but clubs may like to pencil in their respectivedates on their calendar now so that they will be prepared for Peter’s visit.All clubs will be contacted individually one or two months in advance of the actualvisit in order to confirm final details, but in the meantime if any of thesedates are unsuitable please e-mail Alan Stewart (gillian.stewart@xtra.co.nz)July <strong>2012</strong>4 th – Halswell & District10 th – Lyttelton/Christchurch Ferrymead11 th – Christchurch City Breakfast/Selwyn12 th – Christchurch South17 th – Akaroa & Bays18 th – Wigram19 th – Ellesmere25 th – Riccarton Waimairi26 th – SeddonAugust <strong>2012</strong>2 nd – Rangiora/Rangiora & District Lioness6 th – Beavertown Blenheim7 th – Spring Creek8 th – Blenheim9 th – Blenheim Pakake13 th – Renwick/Havelock14 th – Motueka15 th – Nelson Haven Lioness/Motueka & District Lioness22 nd – Amuri/GlenmarkSeptember <strong>2012</strong>3 rd – Amberley4 th – Nelson Host5 th – Picton11 th – Christchurch Host12 th – Christchurch North13 th – Christchurch Pegasus17 th – Woodend/Kaiapoi & Districts19 th – Rolleston & Districts24 th – Nelson Lioness/Nelson North25 th – Richmond26 th – Nelson Pakeke10

27 th – Golden BayOctober <strong>2012</strong>2 nd – Westport3 rd – Murchison4 th – South Westland8 th – Christchurch Garden City10 th – Hokitika11 th – Greymouth/Greymouth Riverside15 th – Ahaura Grey Valley16 th – Harwarden Waikari24 th – Rangiora & District Pakeke25 th – Oxford & DistrictsNovember <strong>2012</strong>7 th – Christchurch Chinese14 th – Cheviot15 th – Hanmer Springs20 th – Kaikoura28 th – MalvernDecember <strong>2012</strong>5 th – <strong>New</strong> Brighton/Christchurch Seaview13 th – Kaikoura SeawardTo show our appreciation for the work put in by Ing Ma’s firm in theprinting of 2200 copies of the District Bulletin, her business advertisementis included in the bulletin and will appear for the next year. Andon behalf of the District I say thank you Ing Ma.Ed.11

The <strong>Lions</strong> Club ofChristchurch City BreakfastT R I V I A Q U I ZTrivia Fundraising EveningThursday 31 May <strong>2012</strong>Westfield Lounge, Hornby W M Club,Carmen RoadQuiz Commences 7-30 p.mM.C. Mike Yardley.Raffles, Spot Prizes, NibblesProceeds for the Canterbury Branchof Cystic Fibrosis Association."Christchurch City Breakfast & ChristchurchNorth <strong>Lions</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong>Combined Book Sale.To be held at Kendall School Hall,53 Kendall Avenue, Burnside ChristchurchSaturday 7 July - 9.00 am to 5.00 pm andSunday 8 July 9.00am to 3.00 pmProceeds to Local CharitiesIf you have books to donate please contactGraeme 03 329 9122Anita 03 337 6224"12

There are quite a few contributors to this edition, which builds the interestlevel for the readers and makes my job possible. So much is happeningaround the region, so there is little time for hibernation.The 202E website now hosts the bulletins, which can be accessed fromthe Home Page. There is also the provision for all clubs to display theirown bulletins, and I understand that clubs may have their web administrator,some have done this namely <strong>New</strong> Brighton and Blenheim <strong>Clubs</strong>.Other clubs have websites, but not yet added their bulletin to 202E website.A work in progress is the general term used to explain it.Youth Exchange once more is urgently seeking host families,( P5) canyou help?.As I mentioned last month that this is the last publication going out inbooklet form, next month will have two page A4 double sided, Black/White printed <strong>New</strong>sletter; The email version will feature colour, withad’s and club advertising and some photos.Next Saturday is the Cabinet meeting at Cheviot. see you then meanwhileI am about to read the cabinet papers which arrived this morning.Ken Dubar Ed.EditorialKen DubarPostal address: 95 Fairweather Crescent Kaiapoi 7630email: kdubar@xtra.co.nz ph 03 327 809213

Profile on John RodgerZone 2 ChairmanGolden BayMotuekaMotueka & District LionessMurchisonNelson HostNelson Haven LionessNelson LionessNelson NorthNelson PakekeRichmondJoined <strong>Lions</strong> Club of Pahiatua in 1985 as one of 12 new members inductedon single night by Past District Governor Alan Bradley (District202 B).Involved in several enjoyable projects including glass recycling, brickrecycling, building of Columbriam Wall at the local Cemetery and numerousXmas Cheer Golf tournaments. Served in various vice presidents’roles before accepting presidency in July 1988.Following a major organisational restructure at Tui Milk Products (myemployer) I relocated to Waikanae (Kapiti Coast) and transferred to <strong>Lions</strong>Club of Waikanae (District 202H). During 8 years at this club Iserved multiple terms as Secretary and Treasurer before accepting officeas President in 1994. Following this time I served as Zone Chair ofZone 1 (Horowhenua/Kapiti) and then 2 terms as Regional Chair(Region 1). During this time I undertook Lloyd Morgan <strong>Lions</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong>Charitable Trust duties and acted as trustee for a year. I was honouredto serve as part of PDG Sandie McIntosh’s Cabinet – the first lady DG inMultiple District 202.In 2000 I was privileged to be presented a Melvin Jones Fellow which Iregard as an honour.14

In 2005 my employment as Financial Manager/ Systems Manager (EDSLimited) transferred our family location to Auckland where we lived inGlenfield and on Whangaparaoa Peninsula (Hibiscus Coast). During thistime (because of my work and travel commitments overseas) I was acasual member of local <strong>Lions</strong> <strong>Clubs</strong>. However it had always been myintention to fulltime <strong>Lions</strong> activities.In 2009 (after working for Auckland City Council and Mayor John Banksfor 2 years) we relocated to Nelson (Brightwater) when I rejoined <strong>Lions</strong>at Richmond <strong>Lions</strong> Club. Currently I am ending my 3 rd term as Treasurerand will be continuing another year as Zone Chairperson (Zone 2) whichI am enjoying immensely.My service to the <strong>Lions</strong> organisation is the longest I have served anyorganisation which bears testimony to the returns and enjoyment I havegained since joining back in 1985.Have two married children (Sally and Simon) with 2 delightful grandsonsin Nelson.15

I’m Rachael Foote and with Debbie Healy’s enthusiastic encouragement I joinedthe <strong>2012</strong> Havelock CACTUS program.CACTUS is the Combined Adolescent Challenge Training Unit and SupportProgramme and is a police supported course that I was very privileged to havebeen able to join.Sometimes you get days when you get up at five to a beeping alarm clock andturn up at the Havelock Hall to find a cactus full of thorns and then some daysyou wake up without the alarm clock and make your way to the Havelock Halland you find a thornless cactus.One of my favourite days was a thornless cactus day. We did trust falls wherewe had to fall backwards off the stage and rely on our team mates to catch us.This definitely required a lot of courage and trust and also responsibility inknowing that the person falling was relying on you to catch them and you didn’twant them to get hurt and you knew it would be your responsibility to keep themsafe.One of my misfortunes was having my most disliked activity as staff also knownas Dusty our trainer’s favourite. The jack jumps. They were my indication onmy progressing fitness as I realised 20 jack jumps wasn’t as dreaded as theywere at the start of the program.Another of the CACTUS mornings was a day where the cactus was full of thornsbut those thorns were loaded not only with physical demands but also fun, strategyand teamwork. That day was our last and longest 5 hour day. I enjoyed thelongest day because we were able to show our progress to the supporting Havelockcommunity. The best bit of the longest day was carrying a rope up to thewaterfall at the back of Havelock. I enjoyed this because it required teamwork asthe stronger people supported the rest of their team and took more of the weightso we could all achieve and work towards a self set goal of reaching the waterfallin 25mins. We did it in 17minutes. This challenge also required strategy asthe people at the front of the rope had to slow down until the end of the rope hadalso got through the muddy patch or whatever the obstacle was before theycould speed up again. This was important during corners otherwise the end ofthe rope would be pulled off the track.Another of the longest day activities that I enjoyed was the final activity wherewe towed a fire truck along the Havelock domain and through the motor camp.A different activity I disliked was carrying strainer posts on our shoulders. This16

was more of a teamwork activity and didn’t cause much physical demands butthe bouncing of the post on my shoulder caused much bruising which my shoulderscomplained a lot about when I needed to carry my heavy school bag.To fit CACTUS in a school day it was good that it happened close to home and Iliked the fact that Dusty was able to use the local resources to run the programsuch as carrying the iconic Havelock mussel float. Even though they have manyuses I would never have thought I would be carrying one up Lawrence Street atfive a clock in the morning.I enjoyed the team building activities because it helped me strengthen my friendshipwith the friends I already had and I made a couple of new friends along theway and I also got to know the Havelock community volunteers a bit more fromtheir never failing consistent breakfast. I would like to express my thanks to theHavelock <strong>Lions</strong> club and am very honored to be the one to have the Sid MeadMemorial Cup I trust my new skills will take me into many adventures aheadand I have no hesitation in recommending any future courses to others. Thankyou once again for your support.Rachael Foote.17

At the Convention in Greymouth our District Governor Mary is presentedwith a ‘First Believers Award ‘ for a positive membershipgrowth in the first three months’.Pictured here is ID Gudrun Bjort Yngvadottir making the presentationto Mary on behalf of International president Wing- Kun Tam.18

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