Planning a funding proposal - WCVA

Planning a funding proposal - WCVA

Planning a funding proposal - WCVA

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Sustainable Funding CymruCyllid Cynaliadwy Cymru<strong>Planning</strong> a <strong>funding</strong> <strong>proposal</strong>Whether they ask you to fill in an application form or not, all funders will want to see thatthe <strong>proposal</strong> they are reading is well thought through and carefully planned.Proposals should be discussed and approved by the management committee andbrainstorming can also take place with workers or volunteers.Once you have an idea for a project you would like <strong>funding</strong> for, you can follow thisguidance to make sure you have a well-planned <strong>proposal</strong> which can be developed intoa <strong>funding</strong> application. Write down everything, even if it seems obvious to you.Key points to consider:What do we want to solve?Establishing the exact nature of the issue or problem you wish to address. What needsto change? What are the issues to be addressed?What do you want to do?What is the overall aim of your project? What do you hope to achieve?Why?Gaining a thorough understanding of the problem by examining it in detail and gatheringas much information and evidence as possible. How do you know there is a need forthis work? Did you consult with your users? Or did you do a survey? Use local statistics,link in with national strategies and local regeneration initiatives.How will you do this?The activities to be undertaken and the services to be offered to achieve the overall aimof the project. Determining the objectives of the project – what you intend to do.Specifically, what work will you do? For example, if you are running a trainingprogramme, how many sessions, how many people in each, where will it take place?What will be the result?Determining the end results of the project – the long-term effects and changes(outcomes) achieved through the activities and services of your project. How will thisbenefit your users? How will your project improve the quality of life of your users? Forexample, will they be better trained or able to access more services?Who will you work with?Describe your target group. Are they male, female? Are they from a particular ethnicgroup? Do they live in a particular area? Do they have a particular problem or difficultythat you are helping with?© 2011 <strong>WCVA</strong>

Sustainable Funding CymruCyllid Cynaliadwy CymruHow much will it cost?Establishing how much money is required to deliver all of the proposed actions anddeliver everything that has been promised. What items will you need to pay for to makeyour project happen?What will you do when the grant runs out?This is called an exit strategy, or continuation strategy. Do you plan to achieve a certaingoal within the life of the grant? If you want to continue your work after the grant runsout, how will you do that?How will you keep track of your progress?Funders will want to see evidence of what their money has achieved. This meanskeeping records of number and type of users, types of activities, outcomes, and what doyour users do after they have had the benefit of your work.© 2011 <strong>WCVA</strong>

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