A Conversation with Eric Davis - American Antigravity

A Conversation with Eric Davis - American Antigravity

A Conversation with Eric Davis - American Antigravity

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<strong>Davis</strong>: I answered most of this in my response above. I cannot comment onspecific proprietary research, but I can say there are ideas we are looking into forthe theoretical development and experimental implementation of tapping ZPEfor power generation. All of this is in the works, so there is nothing I can reporton.AAG: You've done some remarkable speculative physics research, and I'mwondering how your life experience & training led you into this type of work.<strong>Davis</strong>: Actually, I was led to this type of work by the pioneering research andpopular papers/books/articles published by Dr. Robert L. Forward and hiscolleagues during the 1970s, which ignited an intense spark <strong>with</strong>in me thatfostered my childhood dream of someday being able to fly to the stars on a warpdrivestarship, and being one of the guys to invent the physics.I was also a huge fan of the TV shows Star Trek, Lost In Space and The OuterLimits when I was a kid (and I still am a fan!!). In addition, the Dept. of Defenseand the MacArthur Foundation produced (via film producers Robert Emeneggerand Allan Sandler) a 1974 TV documentary that strongly influencedme: UFOs:Past, Present & Future, which was a Golden Globe nominee for best documentaryproduction in 1975, and it was later updated and re-released in1979 as UFOs: ItHas Begun. I also watched all the ground-breaking classic science fiction moviesof the 20th century, among my favorites are: The Time Machine, The War of theWorlds, The Day The Earth Stood Still, Forbidden Planet, the Star Wars movies,the Star Trek movies, the Alien movies, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Planet of theApes, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, ET: The Extraterrestrial, etc.Starting in middle school I read all the Science News and Scientific <strong>American</strong>magazines; and I read lots of science fiction novels written by Isaac Asimov,James Blish, Arthur C. Clark, H. G. Wells, Ray Bradbury, Frank Herbert, andLarry Niven. I also read scientific and investigative journalism books written byCarl Sagan, Jacques Vallee, Carl Sagan and Thornton Page, Howard Blum, PaulDavies, Robert Emenegger, John Fuller, Donald Keyhoe, Allen Hynek, BradSteiger, etc. Other books I read were a variety of physics and physics historybooks; most pertaining to particle physics and unified field theories, Einstein'srelativity theories, quantum theories, and space exploration.All of this plus the real-world R&D work being done in the 70s-80s on futureflight propulsion physics by Hughes Research Lab (then in Malibu, CA), the AirForce, NASA, Boeing, McDonnell-Douglas, etc. ignited that huge spark <strong>with</strong>inme.Another much later turning point for me (that turned on that inner spark evenhigher) was when I read Robert Forward's 1988 book "Future Magic" while ingrad school. In that book Bob wrote about his conceptual physics explainingtelepathy, dousing, consciousness, and the spirits of deceased people. That wassurprising considering that the topic of the book had to do <strong>with</strong> FTL physics,space and time warps, antimatter rockets, etc. What a blast!<strong>American</strong> <strong>Antigravity</strong>.Com Page 2 of 8

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