Strongly Magnetized Antihydrogen and Its Field Ionization - Physics

Strongly Magnetized Antihydrogen and Its Field Ionization - Physics

Strongly Magnetized Antihydrogen and Its Field Ionization - Physics

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VOLUME 92, NUMBER 13PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending2 APRIL 2004<strong>Strongly</strong> <strong>Magnetized</strong> <strong>Antihydrogen</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Its</strong> <strong>Field</strong> <strong>Ionization</strong>D. Vrinceanu, 1 B. E. Granger, 1 R. Parrott, 2 H. R. Sadeghpour, 1 L. Cederbaum, 1,3 A. Mody, 2 J. Tan, 2 <strong>and</strong> G. Gabrielse 21 ITAMP, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA2 Department of <strong>Physics</strong>, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA3 Theoretische Chemie Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut, Heidelberg, Germany(Received 30 September 2003; published 31 March 2004)Internal orbits of experimentally analyzed antihydrogen (H) atoms depend as much on an externalmagnetic field as on the Coulomb force. A circular ‘‘guiding center atom’’ model is used to underst<strong>and</strong>their field ionization. This useful model, assumed in the theory of three-body H recombination so far,ignores the important coupling between internal <strong>and</strong> center-of-mass motion. A conserved pseudomomentum,effective potential, saddle point analysis, <strong>and</strong> numerical simulation show where the simplemodel is valid <strong>and</strong> classify the features of the general case, including ‘‘giant dipole states.’’DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.133402PACS numbers: 36.10.–kObservations of slow H atoms [1–3] bring closer theexciting prospect of H cold enough to be trapped <strong>and</strong>precisely compared to H [4], building upon the laserspectroscopy of H [5]. Slow H production takes placeduring the positron (e ) cooling of antiprotons (p) inanested Penning trap [6], which intrinsically includes astrong magnetic field. To demonstrate that H was produced,ATHENA counted e <strong>and</strong> p annihilations takingplace within 8mm<strong>and</strong> 5 s [1]. ATRAP field ionizedthe H <strong>and</strong> counted the p that were liberated by ionization<strong>and</strong> then trapped [2,3]. This method also probes theinternal H orbits, knowledge of which is required todevise ways to deexcite H for trapping <strong>and</strong> spectroscopy.Of interest here are the general theoretical questionsraised by field ionization of H in a strong magnetic field.For electric <strong>and</strong> magnetic fields Fz <strong>and</strong> Bz in direction z,what does field ionization reveal about the H bindingenergy <strong>and</strong> size? How does the coupling between centerof-mass(c.m.) <strong>and</strong> internal motion affect field ionization?This Letter first explores H field ionization using asimple, useful model, then provides a more generalframework applicable to classical (<strong>and</strong> quantum) calculationsof excited H states in a strong B field. A conservedpseudomomentum [7–10] leads to an equation of motionfor the internal H motion in which the important couplingof the internal <strong>and</strong> c.m. motion is contained inan offset harmonic potential. Saddle point analysis <strong>and</strong>numerical simulation reveal general features of theionization.The nonintegrable internal motion of a Rydberg atomin a strong B, following one <strong>and</strong> two photon excitationsfrom the ground state [11,12], was successfully analyzedwith semiclassical methods [13], large scale quantumcalculations [14], <strong>and</strong> r<strong>and</strong>om matrix theory [15]. However,three-body H formation [16–18] produces a greatervariety of states, higher angular momenta, <strong>and</strong> significantmotion perpendicular to the magnetic field.A p within an e plasma at a low temperature T willmost readily form H via the three-body process p ee ! H e [16]. A e (mass m m <strong>and</strong> charge e) isinitially captured into a large orbit about the p (massm <strong>and</strong> charge e) with a size of order of br e mc 2 = kT , the separation at which the thermal <strong>and</strong>Coulomb energies are equal for two elementary charges;r e is the classical electron radius. H atoms then deexcitetowards the desired ground atomic state via replacement[17] <strong>and</strong> diffusion collisions [18] until leaving the eplasma. An electric field Fz that turns on adiabaticallyis intended to ionize <strong>and</strong> analyze the size <strong>and</strong> energy ofthe H atoms.One limit for the H formed is obtained in the guidingcenter approximation (GCA) [19] in which the e makescyclotron, axial, <strong>and</strong> magnetron motions much like aparticle in a Penning trap [20]. Rapid e cyclotron motionat angular frequency ! c eB=m is treated as anegligibly small magnetic moment at its ‘‘guiding center’’[19], <strong>and</strong> the cyclotron kinetic energy E c is essentiallyconserved. The center oscillates axially along z at angularfrequency ! z ; the ratio of the axial energy <strong>and</strong> ! z is anadiabatic invariant. The drift or magnetron motion, atangular frequency ! m , has a transverse velocity, _rV z=B, dependent only on the electric <strong>and</strong> magneticfields, to both of which it is perpendicular. The driftkinetic energy is negligibly small. Drift orbit size, ratherthan energy, best characterizes GCA atoms since a largeenergy can be stored in tiny cyclotron orbits with littleconsequence.The first of two GCA conditions is a j j (e.g.,Fig. 1) much larger than the cyclotron radius, where rxx yy zz zz is the position of the p e relativeto the p. For a thermal e velocity v e 2kT=m,thisrequires v e =! c 0:01 m for 4.2 K. Second, theinternal oscillations must differ in time scale so that! c ! z ! m , as is familiar for a particle in aPenning trap [20]. This corresponds tor e c 2 =! 2 c 1=3 0:04 m for ATRAP’s B 5:3 Tfor thefrequencies of the special case discussed next. Whenthese conditions are not met, the nonintegrable motion133402-1 0031-9007=04=92(13)=133402(4)$22.50 © 2004 The American Physical Society 133402-1

VOLUME 92, NUMBER 13PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending2 APRIL 2004ωcω me +ρ _p(a)ω zBz in µmdrift radius ρ in µm0.ρ = 0.5 µmρ = 0.4 µmρ = 0.3 µmρ = 0.2 µm0.00.5 limit, axial energy = 0ρ = 0.1 µmaxial energy = 0.3 meV(kT at 4.2 kelvin)0.1 axial energy = 3 meV(10kT at 4.2 kelvin)0.00 50 100 150 200 250 300 350axial electric field Fz in V/cmFIG. 1. A circular guiding center H atom (a) is polarized (b)<strong>and</strong> ionized (c) by an electric field F is applied along B.(b)(c)in similar strength magnetic <strong>and</strong> Coulomb fields allowsfor chaotic orbits [15].The important special case is the circular GCA atom[Fig. 1(a)] used to calculate rates for three-body formationof magnetized H [17,18] <strong>and</strong> for radiation fromcircular Rydberg states [21], for an axially symmetricV 1=r with no H c.m. motion transverse to B. Theangular frequency p for small axial oscillations (z )is ! z r e c 2 = 3 , <strong>and</strong> the angular drift frequency is! m r e c 2 = ! 3 c . The axial adiabatic invariant meansthat the axial energy E z ! 3=2 z for small z. Theguiding center of an H formed with axial energy E z0 at0 then follows an orbit given by E z0 0 = 3=2V z 0 const in this limit.Circular GCA atoms are polarized or ionized by Fz ina way that depends upon their radial size , but withoutchanging .AsFz is adiabatically added to the Coulombpotential, the calculated center of the axial oscillation ofthe e moves to stay centered in the resultant axialpotential well [the solid curves in Fig. 1(b)]. (For ATRAPF changes adiabatically insofar as H move slowly into theionization field.) This H polarizability can be calculatedanalytically for F small enough that the average z .The average induced dipole is then ez F, with apolarizability e 2 3 = r e mc 2 [dashes in Fig. 1(b)].If we relaxed our assumption that F is spatially uniform,the force on the induced dipole, =2 @=@z F 2 inthe linearized case, would provide a 1D restoring forceon the H to any point for which F 2 is maximum along z.At the origin, a field F cosaz will provide such confinementwhereas a harmonic F z will not.A polarized H ionizes when its e is able to escape theaxial well, which eventually vanishes as F increases. AnH that survives F thus has smaller thanra ep ; (1)F 4 owith a 4=27 1=4 0:62 [Fig. 1(c)] <strong>and</strong> Coulomb constant4 p0. The square root constant is 1 a.u. <strong>and</strong>3:795 m V=cm.Anewith axial energy is ionizedby a smaller F [e.g., Fig. 1(c) for axial energies of kT <strong>and</strong>10kT for T 4:2 K]. A thermal distribution of e axialenergies is predicted due to collisions with other e [17];for axial energy much less than the radialpbinding p energy,jE b j 1= , the limit Eq. (1) is jE b j F =a e 3 = 4 o ,where thispsquare root constant is 1 a.u. <strong>and</strong>0:3795 meV cm=V. Quantum tunneling from the axialwell in the 100 s or less that H travel from production todetection only slightly lowers the curves of Fig. 1(c).Determining where the simple circular model is valid,<strong>and</strong> improving upon it, requires an analysis that includesthe motion of the H c.m., with mass M at position R,neglected so far. The key is a pseudomomentum [7,8]K M _R er B; (2)which is conserved along with the total energy, whichnow is the sum of the energy in the relative <strong>and</strong> c.m.motions. K z is the c.m. momentum parallel to B. Withoutloss of generality we choose y so that K ? K ? y.Forus, K ? distinguishes different types of H states; earlier itwas useful in characterizing how c.m. motion was affectedas internal atomic motion became chaotic [9,10].A simple model estimates the K ? distributions thatmight be expected for formation <strong>and</strong> deexcitation of H(Fig. 2), consistent with a recent simulation [22]. Weassociate a binding energy kT with a radius r b=as would pertain for circular atoms. For three-body formationof H, a capture <strong>and</strong> deexcitation through a ‘‘bottleneck’’at 4 is predicted [17]. The K ? distributionarises from a thermal distribution of c.m. velocities <strong>and</strong> ar<strong>and</strong>om distribution of ; the basic features do not changeif we populate an area of radius b= transverse to B, ashell of this radius (in Fig. 2), or the interior of this shell,so that K ? < 1a:u: is expected.The conservation of K is established directly by thefirst of two equations of motion for H in uniform magnetic<strong>and</strong> electric fields, B <strong>and</strong> F,P(K⊥ )4321r=0r = 0.25 bK critr = 0.5 br = 0.75 b2b=rmc e /kTr=b00 0.5 1 1.5 2K ⊥ (a.u.)FIG. 2 (color). Estimated pseudomomentum K ? distributionsfor H production within a 4.2 K e plasma. For K ? >K critgiant dipole states can exist as we discuss.133402-2 133402-2

VOLUME 92, NUMBER 13PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending2 APRIL 20040ddt M _R er BdKdt ; (3)er e _R B e _r 2 rB4 o r 3 eF: (4)Here is the familiar reduced mass, <strong>and</strong> mm =M would vanish for m m (e.g., positronium).Using the conserved K to eliminate explicit referencesto the c.m. motion [9] from Eq. (4) yields an equationinvolving only the relative coordinates,r rV r e _r B; (5)for a charge e <strong>and</strong> mass in an effective magnetic fieldB B <strong>and</strong> an effective potential1V r2 M 2 c x21 e 2o eF r: (6)4 0 rCoupling to the c.m. motion is completely described bythe harmonic term with an offset x 0 K ? ^x= eB <strong>and</strong> astrength given by c eB=M—nearly the p cyclotronfrequency. Figure 3 shows equipotentials <strong>and</strong> projectionsof V r for K ? 1a:u: As K ? increases above K crit3e MB= 16 01=3 , a giant dipole well emerges as aconsequence of the coupling to the c.m. motion [10].The relative equation of motion corresponds to a conservedHamiltonian, H 1 2_r 2 V r [10], where _rp eA r is related to the canonical momentum p <strong>and</strong>the vector potential A in the usual way. The internal H1energy is E rel 2_r 2 e 2 = 4 0r . The alternate form,H 1 2 M _R 2 ?E rel , emphasizes that total energy is conservedwhile E rel is not.Figure 4 illustrates different types of regular driftorbits. The GCA is valid over the area shown, exceptvery close to the Coulomb center ( ), where

VOLUME 92, NUMBER 13PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS week ending2 APRIL 2004y( µ m)y( µ m)-0.4 0.0 0.4-0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2drift radius ρ (µ m)(a) K = 0.0 a.u.yF = 60 V/cmF = 20 V/cm-0.4 0.0 0.4(d) K = 0.0 a.u.yF = 360 V/cmF = 250 V/cm0. K = 0.2 a.u.yF = 60 V/cmF = 20 V/cm-0.4 0.0 0.4x( µ m)(e) K = 0.2 a.u.yF = 360 V/cmF = 250 V/cm-0.1 0.1x( µ m)(c) K = 1.0 a.u.yF = 20 V/cm-0.4F = 60 V/cmF = 250 V/cm0.0 0.4(f) K = 1.0 a.u.y-0.1F = 360 V/cmlimit of vanishing axial wellnumerical simulations:0.1saddle point analysis0.00 50 100 150 200 250 300 350electric field F z (V/cm)velocities <strong>and</strong> reasonably small K ? despite the couplingto relative motion, as confirmed by simulations [22]. Bothr B <strong>and</strong> _R in Eq. (2) oscillate at relative oscillationfrequencies to keep K independent of time. Since thecorresponding periods are short compared to the transittime of an H through the apparatus, the effect of theseoscillations on the c.m. motion averages away.Spatial gradients in F (e.g., due to the relatively weakfields of the nested Penning trap) have not been includedin our analysis. Doing so adds er r 0 F r 0 j r0R to theright of Eq. (3), <strong>and</strong> the sum of this term <strong>and</strong> eF Rreplace eF in Eq. (5). K ? is not conserved <strong>and</strong> coupledequations for the c.m. <strong>and</strong> relative motion must be solved.<strong>Field</strong>s from harmonic potentials are simple in that thegradient terms are independent of R, butK ? is still notconserved <strong>and</strong> F R still couples the relative <strong>and</strong> c.m.equations. For the special case F z z (e.g., for ATRAPH traveling into the prestripping field), K ? is conserved<strong>and</strong> Eq. (5) is unchanged. The coupled c.m. <strong>and</strong> relativeaxial equations describe the polarization of the H <strong>and</strong> theforce on this induced moment; for ATRAP this slightlyspeeds the H motion to the detection well.0.1(g)K y = 0.0 a.u.K y = 0.2 a.u.K y = 1.0 a.u.FIG. 5 (color). Numerical simulations for z 0 identify Horbits that are stable against ionization by Fz applied adiabaticallyfor various values of K ? k y <strong>and</strong> F in (a)–(f). Hsurviving a field F must have radii lower than that shown in (g).In conclusion, a conserved pseudomomentum allowsthe analysis of coupled internal <strong>and</strong> c.m. motions formagnetized H atoms <strong>and</strong> provides a general frameworkfor improved classical <strong>and</strong> quantum calculations of theformation of such atoms. A classical analysis shows that Hc.m. motion in a strong B produces unusual internal Horbits, some with large electric dipoles. 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