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HALF THE SKYEducation for All048Extensions1) FUTURESTATES. What would you sacrifice for a goodeducation? The film Crossover, by Tina Mabry, imagines a futurewhere schools are segregated by economic status and a strugglingmother must decide whether to sell her own organs to give herchildren a better education. Screen the film for students andconsider current obstacles to education in the US and aroundthe world. What message was the filmmaker sending about theeducation in the United States and the need for education reform?Should education continue to be compulsory and free? Havestudents research the current debate and speculate about thefuture of education in America.Crossover:futurestates.tv/episodes/crossoverFUTURESTATES Website:futurestates.tvEducator Resources:futurestates.tv/about/for_educators2) Legislating Equal Access. Title IX, Education Amendmentsof 1972, (also called Title IX) was enacted in 1972 and hasbeen credited with raising the opportunity of girls and women ineducational environments. While it is best known for paving the wayfor female student athletes, Title IX also ensures an equal educationfor pregnant and parenting students and for those seeking STEM(science, technology, engineering, and math) careers. Throughthis lesson plan from TeachingTolerance.org, students will becomefamiliar with the principles of Title IX and evaluate its impact on theirown learning environment: become familiar with the principles ofTitle IX and evaluate its impact on their own learning environment:www.tolerance.org/activity/legislating-equal-access3) The Girl Effect. Have youth mobilize their community andharness the power of The Girl Effect. The Girl Effect is a collectivemovement created by the Nike Foundation, the NoVo Foundation,the United Nations Foundation, and the Coalition for AdolescentGirls that is driven by thousands of grassroots and communitybasedcampaigns around the world aimed at empowering girlsand improving life for their families and communities. The GirlEffect Toolkit has a range of resources, tips, multi-media tools, andstep-by-step guides for creating your own campaign, organizingcommunity events, and starting local clubs to galvanize support forgirls education and empowerment.The Girl Effect:www.girleffect.orgThe Girl Effect Tool Kit:www.girleffect.org/uploads/documents/5/Girl_Effect_Tool_Kit.pdf4) Are Schools Killing Creativity? Have students view KenRobinson’s TED Talk entitled, “Are Schools Killing Creativity” andthe RSA Animation “New Paradigms in Education” and discusswhat education — specifically school-based education — means in thisrapidly changing world. Have students research the developmentof education in the United States from the industrial model throughNo Child Left Behind and consider how schools have changed(or failed to change) to address each generations needs. Havestudents consider: What will the world look like when today’skinder-gardeners graduate from high school? How can schoolsprepare students for a future that we have trouble imagining?Have students work in groups to design a model of education forthe 21st century that combines the traditional “3 Rs” of education(reading, writing, and arithmetic) with the new “4 Cs”: communication,collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. Resources:TED:www.youtube.com/watch?v=iG9CE55wbtYRSA:www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDZFcDGpL4UPartnership for 21st Century Skills:www.p21.org

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