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HALF THE SKYMaternal Mortality and The Global Health Divide023StandardsCommon Core State Standardsfor English Language Arts& Literacy in History/SocialStudies, Science, and TechnicalSubjectsWriting Standards 6–123. (9–10, 11–12) Write narratives todevelop real or imagined experiences orevents using effective technique, wellchosendetails, and well-structured eventsequences.4. (9–10, 11–12) Produce clear andcoherent writing in which the development,organization, and style are appropriateto task, purpose, and audience. (Gradespecificexpectations for writing types aredefined in standards 1–3 above.)6. (9–10, 11–12) Use technology,including the Internet, to produce, publish,and update individual or shared writingproducts, taking advantage of technology’scapacity to link to other information and todisplay information flexibly and dynamically.Speaking and Listening Standards1. (9–10, 11–12) Initiate and participateeffectively in a range of collaborativediscussions (one-on-one, in groups, andteacher-led) with diverse partners on [grade9-12] topics, text, and issues, building onothers’ ideas and expressing their ownclearly and persuasively.4. (11–12) Present information, findings,and supporting evidence, conveying a clearand distinct perspective, such that listenerscan follow the line of reasoning, alternativeor opposing perspectives are addressed,and the organization, development,substance, and style are appropriate topurpose, audience, and a range of formaland informal tasks.5. (9–10, 11–12) Make strategic useof digital media (e.g., textual, graphical,audio, visual, and interactive elements) inpresentations to enhance understanding offindings, reasoning, and evidence and toadd interest.Writing Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and TechnicalSubjects 6–121. (9–10, 11–12) Write arguments focusedon discipline-specific content.4. (9–10, 11–12) Produce clear andcoherent writing in which the development,organization, and style are appropriate totask, purpose, and audience.7. (9–10, 11–12) Conduct short as wellas more sustained research projectsto answer a question (including a selfgeneratedquestion) or solve a problem;narrow or broaden the inquiry whenappropriate; synthesize multiple sources onthe subject, demonstrating understandingof the subject under investigation.9. (9–10, 11–12) Draw evidence frominformational texts to support analysis,reflection, and research.National Curriculum Standardsfor Social Studies1. CULTUREThrough the study of culture and culturaldiversity, learners understand how humanbeings create, learn, share, and adapt toculture, and appreciate the role of culture inshaping their lives and society, as well thelives and societies of others.4. INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENTAND IDENTITYPersonal identity is shaped by family,peers, culture, and institutional influences.Through this theme, students examinethe factors that influence an individual’spersonal identity, development, and actions.5. INDIVIDUALS, GROUPS, ANDINSITITUTIONSInstitutions such as families and civic,educational, governmental, and religiousorganizations exert a major influence onpeople’s lives. This theme allows studentsto understand how institutions are formed,maintained, and changed, and to examinetheir influence.10. CIVIC IDEALS AND PRACTICESAn understanding of civic ideals andpractices is critical to full participationin society and an essential componentof education for citizenship. This themeenables students to learn about therights and responsibilities of citizensof a democracy, and to appreciate theimportance of active citizenship.National Standards for ArtsEducation Grades 9–12VA1: Understanding and applying media,techniques, and processesVA5: Reflecting upon and assessing thecharacteristics and merits of their work andthe work of othersVA6: Making connections between visualarts and other disciplines

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