d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

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aureateinterfaith hooding ceremonyThe usual disorder that would soon become order reigned in the KoesslerAdministration Building on Friday evening, May 20, 2011, as faculty, staffand students readied to process to Holy Angels Church for the baccalaureateservice lead steadily by the music of the Gordon Highlanders.Richard L.Hanaburgh, president of the Student Association, opened theceremony with a warm welcome. Reverend Janice Mahle, associatecampus minister, gave the call to worship as she offered the openingprayer. A reading from the ancient Egyptian writing, The Teachingfor Merikare, a discourse on kingship and moral responsibility wasdelivered by Taylor Vaillancourt. Catherine Muth read from theGospel of St. Matthew.Reverend Patrick T. O’Keefe, director of Campus Ministry,introduced Sister Denise A. Roche, who offered a reflection,“As graduates of D’Youville College, you have a magnificentresponsibility: a call to use your education, not to acquirepossessions and prestige for yourself, but to use yourknowledge and your skills to benefit others.”Dr. Arup K. Sen, vice president for academic affairs,called the graduates to come forward to receive thecolorful velvet hoods that signify their completionof requirements for bachelor’s, master’s anddoctoral degrees.After the Reverend James Fee, OMI, pastor ofHoly Angels Church, offered the benediction,a spirited rendition of “City of God” filledthe church as the graduates marched outwearing their newly earned hoods.Sister Denise standsat the pulpit as sheprepares to giveher moving addressdrawing the analogyof a fledgling birdand DYC graduatesreadying to leavethe nest.alumni.dyouville.edu 9

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