d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

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52nd honors confolioBEHIND THE TRADITION n The first Honors Convocation at D’YouvilleCollege was held on March 3, 1960. The ceremony was simplicity itself.The dean of liberal arts gave an introduction on the convocation’s purpose.A public figure gave an address of congratulation and encouragement.The students who had made the dean’s list in liberal arts and the Schoolof Nursing were recognized, as were those who had made the nationallist of “Who’s Who in Colleges and Universities.” The medals awardedwere: The St. Catherine of Alexandria Medal given to a junior whoranked highest academically, the Proficiency in Nursing Medalpresented to a senior nursing student who excelled clinically,and the award that has been known as the finest commendationthe College can bestow on a student, the D’Youville Medal.Over the years, faculty, student organizations and alumnihave found it impossible to resist the opportunity to givepraise where praise is due for service and achievement.Each award adds something to the value of this ceremonyof recognition and appreciation.In considering the ceremony of 1960 and today’sceremony, two things are remarkable. One is thefact that the College found it important to include astudent reflection. These reflections show awarenessby students that their D’Youville experiencewas more than fulfilling academic requirements.The second is the fact that from 1960 untiltoday, the D’Youville Medal is still thehighest commendation that the Collegeawards. We note the criteria for thismedal are not only academic achievementbut also outstanding character,service and loyalty to the College.(above and below) The faculty, in traditional academic attire, are pictured entering the Mary SetonRoom of Kleinhans Music Hall for the annual Honors Convocation.Honors Convocation remainsan expression of the commitmentnot only to academics but tothe compassionate servicethat is at the very heart ofthe D’Youville experience.4

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