d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

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obituariesFlorence Nagalski Dukat ’47 (April11, 2011) was the wife of the lateDaniel Dukat. She was the aunt ofPamela Feldman (George), Paul andPhyl Nagalski. Florence was the greataunt of Melanie Shriver (Dan), KristenArd (Matthew) and Lindsay Nagalski.Kendra, Daniel and Zachory werethe great-great niece and nephewsof Florence. A memorial Mass wascelebrated at St. John’s CatholicChurch in Alden, N.Y.Lucille Austin Gibbin ’49 (Feb. 11,2011) was the wife of the late JamesGibbin, mother of the Honorable LeslieJ. Gibbin, James H. Jr. of Springville,Ellen M. (Anton) Dodel of Longhorne,Pa., and the late Mark. She leaves hergrandchildren Corrine Alison andAndrew Dodel. With her late husband,Lucille enjoyed a full life travelingworldwide with many summer tripsvisiting family. They both enjoyedthe arts, especially the Studio ArenaTheatre, Irish Classical Theatre, theSpringville Players and the SpringvilleCenter for the Arts. After graduationfrom Mt. St. Joseph’s Academy, shebegan her matriculation at D’Youvillegraduating in 1949. She earned amaster’s degree in education at CanisiusCollege. She is well known and wellloved for 35 years of dedication to herstudents at Springville Griffith Institute.In her retirement she involved herselfwith, Spectrum Human Services,Springville Center for the Arts andMeals on Wheels. Her motto was “Restand rust,” so she immersed herself inthe Women’s Club, 20th Century Club,Red Hats, poetry club and book club.A funeral Mass was celebrated in St.Aloysius Church in Springville, N.Y.Dorothy Rowe McGowan ’50 (March26, 2011) was the widow of StateSupreme Court Justice Thomas F.McGowan. She was born in St. Louis,Mo., and moved to Buffalo, N.Y. as achild. After graduating from NardinAcademy, she earned a master’s degreefrom Canisius in 1956. Dorothy met herhusband as an undergrad working atUntereckers, a popular ice cream parloron Allen Street. She managed childfoster care cases as a social worker withthe Erie County Welfare Department.The family spent summers in Ft. Erie,Ont. She supported her husband’svarious political campaigns in ErieCounty: as supervisor, as a state senatorand then as a supreme court justice. In1990, she was appointed to the Buffaloand Erie County Library and served as amember of the Library Foundation. Sheis survived by two sons, Thomas J. andMichael; three daughters, Patricia A.Leperl, Margaret M. Huckey and PaulaNordstrom; and two sisters, Mary AliceSloan and Wilette Leopold. A Mass ofChristian Burial was celebrated at St.Louis Church.Patricia Hartnett Hauf ’51 (April 4,2011) of Kenmore, N.Y. She was thewife of David L. Hauf and devotedmother of Anne Hinds, Lawrence,Mary Patricia Mustin, Kathleen Haufand the late James. She is survived bygrandchildren James, David, Danielleand Lindsay and many relatives. AMass of Christian Burial was celebratedat Blessed Sacrament Church.Norma Hutman ’56 (Feb. 26, 2011)died suddenly at her home in Oneonta,N.Y. A professor at Hartwith College,Norma began teaching there in 1964.She has a 32-year teaching career there,first teaching Spanish, and for most ofher tenure, comparative literature andSpanish. Norma retired from the <strong>college</strong>in 1996 and was named professoremerita of comparative literature in2001. She was the inspiration for the<strong>college</strong>’s Leslie G. Rude MemorialLecture Series established to honor aformer faculty member. In 2009, sheestablished the Florence and GeorgeScholarship for International Study insupport of the <strong>college</strong>’s commitmentto international experience. As aneducator, she had a reputation for beinga dynamic and creative teacher who hada talent for stimulating and provokingher students to reflect. She said, “Thegreatest thing we have created is liberalarts education. It added a differentelement to education. It’s an educationthat can change the world.” She hostedthe weekly radio program, “IssuesOneonta,” for the Central New YorkRadio Group station WZOZ. She wasactive in arts and historical groups in theOneonta area and was a member of St.James Episcopal Church. A memorialservice was held at the <strong>college</strong> in theShineman Chapel, Oneonta, N.Y.Ethel Haitgema Reisch ’65 (April 3,2011) died at the age of 97 in ElderwoodHealth Care in Cheektowaga. Shedecided to resume her education atD’Youville after teaching for severalyears in a parochial school. Aftergraduation she taught fourth grade atSchool 63. Ethel enjoyed travel, squaredancing and card playing, especiallybridge. She is survived by daughters,Jeanette Ciambella and Phyllis Petre;son, William; and two sisters, RuthSteinhilber and Teresa Sommers. Herhusband Eugene pre-deceased her in1978. A Mass of Christian Burial wasoffered in Our Lady of Basilica Churchin Lackawanna.Tim Oehmler ’74 and ’04 (May 5,2011) died unexpectedly in BuffaloGeneral Hospital. He was a registerednurse and transplant manager in theMulti-Organ Transplant Center. Heearned his nursing degree in 1994. In2004 he earned his master’s degree inhealth service administration. Priorto his position at Buffalo General, hehad supervisory positions at LockportMemorial Hospital, Veterans AffairsMedical Center and Millard FillmoreHospital. Throughout his career hereceived many honors. As a volunteerfireman, he was a member of the teamthat won the Firemen’s Associationof the State of New York EmergencyMedical Service Team Award in 1975.An avid runner, he was a member ofthe Checkers Running Club. Tim issurvived by wife Marjorie and sons,Christopher and Craig, and daughterElizabeth; stepchildren, Timothy andChristi Delahunt; and mother, Etheland brother, Jack. A memorial servicewas held in the Hutchinson Hose FireCompany in Amherst, N.Y.Patricia Klocke O’Brien Twist ’53(May 27, 2011) was a Buffalo nativeand lifelong Western New Yorkerwho inspired many with her long anddedicated service to the community.She was well known for her energeticservice and work with the Food Shuttleof W.N.Y and the St. Vincent de PaulDining Room, where she served for20 and 15 years respectively. She cofounded“David’s Dinner for FamineRelief” at Canisius High School afterher son passed away while in Indiaworking and studying famine relief.She was a member of the Delta Sigmaand St. Marguerite d’Youville HonorSociety and embraced the philosophyof humble service to those in need. Herdaughter Mary Grace O’Brien Caseysaid, “She really did live a life for others.”She is survived by her husband DavidTwist, six children, four stepchildren,four siblings and many nieces,nephews and grandchildren. She waspredeceased by her son David and firsthusband, Gerard O’Brien. A Mass ofChristian Burial was held at Christ theKing Church in Snyder, N.Y.Do you have anysignificantD’Youville memorabilia?We may be able to helpyou by accepting yourmemorabiliaand by suggestinga place for them.Recently an alumfrom the 40s sent a pictureof her mother, class of ’16,and her original diploma.Both pieces are nowproudly displayed in theKoessler Administration Building.Patricia Van Dyke716.829.7802 orvandykep@dyc.edu.alumni.dyouville.edu 31

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