d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

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from theALUMNIdirector“Time flies when you are having fun.” Myfirst year as director of alumni relationshas flown by, and to say that I have enjoyedworking for each one of you would bean understatement. I am grateful for thewonderful support received from the AlumniAssociation board of directors and the warmwelcome received from you, be it in person,over the phone, via e-mail or on Facebook.I hope to increase my connections with youas the work of my office and the AlumniAssociation continue to evolve and grow.There’s much to look forward to in thecoming year, and I hope that you will continueto be engaged with my office, the Associationand one another. Alumni visits took placein Louisiana, North Carolina, Floridaand various parts of New York. Thesevisits offer an opportunity to reminisce,to connect with various generations ofalums, network and hear updates onall that’s happening back on campus. Ifyou possibly can join us for an alumnigathering, I would encourage you todo so; I can guarantee you will have anenjoyable time.The Alumni Association offered supportto numerous student groups on campusand in return the students offeredtheir support as ambassadors duringHomecoming 2010. This quid pro quooffers an opportunity to create a bond,which will translate into more active alumniparticipation from our younger alums. Toquote one student, “It’s nice to meet peoplewho were here before us and hear theirstories of what DYC was like back then.I think it will be cool to come back after Igraduate and be a part of this.” Comingback, giving back, and that’s what we arestriving for and hope each alum, present andfuture, will be inspired to do so.Please keep in touch. Support the alumnievents that are coming up and keep an eyeout for an alumni survey that will be comingto you soon (electronically and in the mail forthose without e-mail).We want to hear from you! Have a greatsummer, and I hope to see you at futurealumni events.& from theclassesCongratulations to the following alumniwho were recognized at D’Youville College’s29th Annual Employee Recognition dinner.1OYears of Service:Kelly Biehls ’09Jacquelyn Milbrand ’08152OYears of Service:Dr. Michele Karnes ’11Years of Service:Mary Ellen Moriarty ’70Cheryl Saramak ’0128

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