d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

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on theALUMNIroadASSOCIATIONalbany fort LAUDERDALECanton, N.Y. n A warm welcome fromthe North Country was given to SisterDenise A. Roche and Mary Pfeiffer as theyvisited with 15 alums who reside in theMassena, Ogdensburg and Canton areasof New York state. This trip afforded theopportunity for the alums to meet Maryfor the first time and to hear about somenew initiatives to increase participation inAlumni Association events. Sister Denisewas able to give information on campushappenings, along with updates on theCollege’s new branding and marketingcampaign. A delightful luncheon andwarm fellowship made for a memorablevisit to the North Country.Canton, N.Y. - Left to right:Carol McDonald Hartle ’60,Sister Donna Jean Tavernier ’66,and Sister John Helen Main ’66Syracuse, N.Y. n In April, Sister Denise,Michelle Swygert, Alumni Associationpresident and Mary Pfeiffer had awonderful time visiting with a group ofalums from Syracuse and the surroundingarea, which spanned the decades from the60’s thru ’08, and had the opportunity tolisten to a presentation about the ChadwickResidence, founded by Axilda MilliganChadwick ’26. As a result of her effortsto promote social justice, the ChadwickResidence provides transitional housingand services for women and their childrento increase their self-sufficiency. SisterDenise and Michelle spoke briefly aboutall that is happening within the College andthe Alumni Association. Syracuse: Left: Michelle Swygert ’98,Stacey Hafter ’98 recall their nursing “daze”in clinicals;Above left to right: Nancy Clement Ansteth ’68,Maggie O’Connor ’72, and Peg Stroman ’6424

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