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d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

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delivered at the International DevelopmentSummer Institute: “Students in the 21stcentury face emerging issues such as globalwarming, famine, poverty, health crises,global population expansion and shiftingsocial norms. There is no better way tofacilitate this than by creating educationalexchanges and forging global partnershipsat…higher education institutions across theUnited States.”The U.S. higher education system attractsthe largest number of globally mobilestudents, and the popularity of U.S.postsecondary abroad experience continuesto increase according to the NationalAssociation for College AdmissionCounseling. In the 2008-09 academic year,there was the largest percentage increase ininternational students in nearly 30 years,the Association reported.Loreto’s research gives institutions insight indeveloping strategies to recruit students andimprove their foreign student enrollment. Itwill also give them a competitive advantagein the global marketplace, according to hisresearch.“From a domestic standpoint, internationalstudents in the U.S. contributed almost $15billion to the national economy in 2007 in theform of tuition, fees and living expenses,”he said. “While the U.S. remains the topdestination for international students, theiroverall share has declined as many othernations have actively taken measures toincrease their foreign enrollments. If U.S.institutions wish to remain competitive inthe global market for international students,they need to take a more targeted approachto their outreach efforts,” Loreto stated.“Very few scholarly studies have beenpublished on the factors that influenceinternational students in the decisionmakingprocess to pursue postsecondaryeducation in the U.S.,” says Dr. BonnieFox-Garrity, associate professor of businessat D’Youville and student mentor. “SinceD’Youville enrolls a large number ofinternational students, Mr. Loreto had aunique opportunity to gather data from arelatively large population. His researchprovides practical information that can beapplied immediately to the recruitment ofinternational students,” she added.FACULTY ACCOMPLISHMENTSMembers of D’Youvillefaculty reportvarious publications,presentations andposter sessions inacademic periods2O1O through 2O11*DR. G. JOHN M. ABBARNO, professor ofphilosophy, has provided an invited entrytitled “Homelessness,” for the Encyclopediaof Applied Ethics, by Elsevier Publishers,London. It currently is in press.DR. PAMELA BARTLO, assistant professor,physical therapy department, has writtena book chapter in Physical Activity inRehabilitation and Recovery, Nova SciencePublishers, Inc. Her contribution, “Aerobicand Resistance Exercise in Patients withCongestive Heart Failure,” appeared in late2010.DR. BONNIE FOX-GARRITY, associateprofessor, business department, partneringwith DR. MARK J. GARRISON, made a postersession presentation entitled “Changes inRace/Ethnicity Enrollment Patterns by Leveland Control of Institution,” at the AmericanEducational Research Association (AERA)2011 Annual Conference in New Orleans,La., in April.DR. MARK J. GARRISON, associate professorand director of doctoral programs, haswritten a chapter for the edited volume, ThePhenomenon of Obama and the Agenda forEducation: Can Hope Audaciously TrumpNeoliberalism?, through Information AgePublishing. Scheduled for release this year,his contribution is entitled, “The PoliticalEconomy of Educational Restructuring: Onthe Origin of Performance Pay and Obama’‘Blueprint’ for Education.”DR. MARY I. HURLEY, professor, biologydepart-ment and DR. MARION P. OLIVIERI,professor, chemistry/biology and chair, mathand natural sciences, et al., have developedan article, “Renin Immunoflouressence inthe Proestrus Rat Uterus.” Their findingsappeared in the April 2011 issue ofExperimental Biology.DR. SUSAN KOWALEWSKI, assistant professor,business department, made an invitedpresentation of her paper, “Managers asLeaders,” at Keiser University, Orlando, Fl.DR. ABIGAIL MITCHELL, assistant professor,School of Nursing and TINA SINATRA-WILHELM, assistant professor, School ofNursing, gave a shared poster sessionpresentation at the Annual Celebrationof Research-Scholarly Activities Daysponsored by Theta Tau Internationaland District 1, New York State NursingAssociation, in April 2011, at theHearthstone Manor, Depew, N.Y. Theirtopic was “Registered Nurses’ Perceptionsof Newly Graduated Nurses’ IntravenousAccess Skills.”DR. MOHSEN RADPASAND, assistant professor,chiropractic programs, has provided anarticle, “Use of a Multimodal ConservativeManagement Protocol for the Treatment of aPatient with Cervical Radiculopathy,” whichis scheduled to appear in the <strong>Journal</strong> ofChiropractic Medicine, Vol. 10, later in 2011.DR. FRANK D. STEPHEN, assistant professor,biology department, has written a trioof articles: “Cadmium,” “Lead” and“Mercury,” which will be included inHamilton & Hardy’s Industrial Toxicology,planned for publication in 2011 by JohnWiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, N.J.DR. MARTA L. WERNER, associate professor,English/liberal arts, has contributed anarticle, “Reportless Places: Facing theModern Manuscript,” which is slated forThe Cambridge Companion to TextualScholarship, Cambridge University Press.* This listing, which is not exhaustive, does notinclude grants.alumni.dyouville.edu 19

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