d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

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CAMPUS MINISTRYRev. Patrick T. O’KeefeThe Rev. Patrick T. O’Keefe, a diocesanpriest, has been warmly welcomed toD’Youville as director of Campus Ministry.Father was born in South Buffalo andattended schools in Orchard Parkafter his parents, Barbara and DennisO’Keefe, retired and moved their familyto the Southtowns. The middle son in theO’Keefe family thoroughly enjoys theoutdoors and especially the time spenton his friend’s farm in Randolph wherehe can ride, fish, work in the barn and sitaround the campfire exchanging tall tales.His goddaughter, four year old Mia, is aspecial part of his life.After attending Wadhams Hall Seminary, hegraduated from Christ the King Seminarywhere he was ordained a transitionaldeacon. During his deaconate, he served inBuffalo at St. Ambrose, St. John Kanty andSt. James Parishes. After ordination, he wasa Parochial Vicar at St. James, St. Mary’s,Swormville, St. Benedicts and Our Lady ofthe Sacred Heart in Orchard Park. He hasdirected religious education programs andserved as hospital chaplain at Sisters ofCharity Hospital and Benedict House.Father O’Keefe resides and assists at St.Padre Pio Parish in Elba and Oakfield.The alternative spring break team in Pittsburgh,Pa., is ready to serve the needy. Father Pat is farright and Rev. Jan is behind the camera.Continuing in aTrinitarian TraditionThe Rev. Patrick T. O’Keefe explains thatCampus Ministry promotes a triumvirateof values: spirituality, social growth and, inaccordance with the example of Marguerited’Youville, service. Campus Ministry isa vital aspect of student life. ReverendJanice N. Mahle, associate campus minister,teaches part-time at DYC, but her passionis epitomized in her coordination ofservice opportunities for student clubs andindividuals. O’Keefe, who is in his first yearas director of Campus Ministry, offers adaily Mass to the College community andhas a special Student Candlelight Serviceevery Sunday. He states, “We keep thedoor of room 121 in KAB open to studentsand to staff to provide counseling.” Theoffice sponsors several campus eventsthroughout the year, including: a peace rally,Thanksgiving basket drive, Celebrating theGifts of Christmas service, Lending-a-Handtrip to New Orleans, Volunteer Appreciationand Charity luncheons and the “WhatMatters to Me Most” speaker series.A bright spot in the Campus Ministry’s yearwas the Alternative Spring Break trip toPittsburgh, Pa. Seven students, Pat and Janspent their week off from school servingthe less fortunate. The group representedD’Youville well by going above and beyondthe call of duty set forth by the organizationsthat they were assisting. Highlights of theweek included cleaning up a Boy Scoutcamp; sorting clothes and toiletries at ashelter for homeless and abused women;completing aid kits for soldiers in the VAhospital in coordination with the Red Cross;painting and home improvement projectsat a home for mentally disabled adults; aswell as gardening and cleaning at a homefor women recovering from drug addiction.The most moving parts of the trip weredistributing food to the homeless and goingto the ecumenical Taizé prayer service.D’YOUVILLE ADMISSIONSEXEC PRESENTS PAPERIN SPAINDavid P. Loreto ’09, who is associatedirector of undergraduate admissions andcommunications manager at D’YouvilleCollege, presented the results of his researchproject at the prestigious 5th AnnualInternational Technology, Education andDevelopment Conference in Valencia,Spain, this past March. The conferencebrought together more than 500 delegatesfrom 65 different countries to promoteinternational collaboration in education andresearch.His paper examines the decision-makingprocess of international students seekingto attend U.S. <strong>college</strong>s and universitiesand what factors influence theirdecisions. Within the last decade, accordingto Loreto, “Universities and governmenteducation agencies around the worldhave made internationalization of <strong>college</strong>campuses a top priority initiative.”His topic is of great interest to educationalinstitutions in the United States as theyseek to increase enrollment of foreignstudents. This concern is supported by thefederal government through a number offunding programs with the belief that “thebest advertisement of America is America.”Assistant Secretary of State for ConsularAffairs, Janice L. Jacobs, said in remarks18

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