d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

d'mensions D'Youville college Journal august 2o11

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DYCnoteworthynow3areaHeaLTHCARELEADERShonoredforserviceD’Youville College honored three areahealthcare professionals at its 16th annualAchievement in Health Care AwardsDinner in February 2011 at Salvatore’sItalian Gardens located in Depew, N.Y. Thisyear’s event was once again co-chaired bytrustees, Samuel J. Savarino, president andCEO of Savarino Companies, and Cheryl A.Klass, president of Women and Children’sHospital of Buffalo.Honorees included James G. Corasanti,MD, PhD, of the Buffalo Medical Group,David N. Johnson, MD, of Kenmore FamilyMedicine and noted medical volunteer,and Jody L. Lomeo, CEO of Erie CountyMedical Center.Sister Denise A. Roche introduced theawardees as three individuals who havedone well in their professions, have givenback and are ready to serve. “We arehumbled by the honorees tonight whoexemplify to our students those standards ofservice,” she stated.Dr. Corasanti has been a member ofthe Buffalo Medical Group since 2003and also serves as medical director of thegastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy unit atBuffalo General Hospital. In addition, heis a clinical associate professor of medicine14

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