Human Builder 2 (HBR)

Human Builder 2 (HBR)

Human Builder 2 (HBR)

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Product Synthesis<strong>Human</strong> <strong>Builder</strong> 2 (<strong>HBR</strong>)CATIA V5R18

Product Synthesis<strong>Human</strong> <strong>Builder</strong>Create and manipulate accurate standard digital manikins in digitalmock-up environment for key human-product interaction analysis earlyin the product lifecycleProduct overview<strong>Human</strong> <strong>Builder</strong> 2 (<strong>HBR</strong>) creates andmanipulates accurate standard digitalhumans in the DMU environment for earlyhuman-product interaction analysis. Toolsprovided within <strong>Human</strong> <strong>Builder</strong> 2 includemanikin generation, gender and percentilespecification, manikin manipulationtechniques, animation generation, andadvanced vision simulation. A user-friendlyinterface ensures that first level human factorsstudies can be undertaken by non-humanfactors specialists.<strong>Human</strong> <strong>Builder</strong> 2 (<strong>HBR</strong>) addresses the needsof design engineers, managers,maintainability engineers and conceptdesigners from the aerospace, automotive,plant design, heavy engineering, ship buildingand electrical goods industries.<strong>Human</strong> <strong>Builder</strong> 2 (<strong>HBR</strong>) is effectively used inconjunction with <strong>Human</strong> MeasurementsEditor 2 (HME), <strong>Human</strong> Posture Analysis 2(HPA), and <strong>Human</strong> Activity Analysis 2 (HAA)for advanced detailed digital human creationand analysis, improved human comfort,performance, and safety. These products arecombined to create a fully integrated <strong>Human</strong>Engineering Design and Review solution.Product HighlightsIntuitively creates standard manikinsDefines manikin postures and positionsfor manikin manipulation, with respect toexisting parts of the environment (reachcapability)Analyzes the manikin vision to enabling abetter understanding of what an operatorwould see in a task environmentSimulates the motion of humans and theirinteraction with virtual productsEnables quick static and dynamicsimulation as well as analysis ofhuman-product interactionEnables human-product interactionanalysis when the product design data hasbeen defined in multiple CAD formatsProduct Key Customers BenefitsIntuitive standard manikin creation...Simple pull-down menu to create male andfemale standard manikins (Name, Gender,5th, 50th, 95th percentile). Manikin structureconsists of 99 independent links, segmentsand ellipses. Fully articulated hand, spineshoulder, and neck models to accuratelyreproduce natural human movement.Copyright © 2002-2004 Dassault Systemes - All rights reserved2

Manikin manipulation...Manikins can be interactively positioned usingthe DMU compass, or by selecting objects tobe reached. Direct kinematics manipulatorscan be employed to accurately "fine tune" themanikin posture by manipulating individualsegments in each degree of freedom. Sevendefault Inverse Kinematics handles manikinmotion and accurately predict natural posture.148 degrees of freedom also take intoaccount limits of joint mobility and coupledrange of motion.changes are managed efficiently andprocesses such as machining families of partsare possible.Manikin vision assessment...Manikin vision assessment permits a designerto understand what an operator or maintainerwould "see" in a task environment. A separatevision window displays the vision field from themanikin perspective. Lines of Sight, as well asvision cones in three separate formats, canalso be displayed. Visual disability or limitationcan be simulated. Visual characteristics aredisplayed as cones that permit the user togain an insight into the manikin's view withinthe virtual environment.Quick simulation and analysis ofhuman-product interactions...Manikins can be linked to objects in the virtualscene to quickly construct functional digitalenvironments. No conversion is needed as<strong>Human</strong> <strong>Builder</strong> 2 is fully integrated into V5product design and review solutions.Advanced analysis of interference, sectioning,measurements and 3D geometrycan be performed between manikins andmultiple objects in the scene when theproduct is used with DMU Space Analysis 2.Free Space around elements of the manikin,within the virtual environment can be easilycomputed when the product is used inconjunction with DMU Optimizer 2.Multi-CAD management...<strong>Human</strong> <strong>Builder</strong> manikins can be used withsupports CAD system-independent designdata when used in conjunction with theadequate Multi-CAD products.Productive design change management...<strong>Human</strong> <strong>Builder</strong> 2 shares associativity withCATIA V5 modeling products. Thus, designCopyright © 2002-2004 Dassault Systemes - All rights reserved3

ABOUT CATIA V5R18CATIA is Dassault Systemes' PLM solution for digital product definition and simulation.plm.3ds.com/CATIAFor more information about our products visit plm.3ds.com/contactCopyright © 2002-2004 Dassault Systemes - All rights reserved

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