Human resource management (HRM) has emerged as a key ...

Human resource management (HRM) has emerged as a key ...

Human resource management (HRM) has emerged as a key ...

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ecruitment and selection of workers, unavailability of training facilities,inadequate financial facilities, and low motivation level of workers.<strong>Human</strong> <strong>resource</strong> <strong>management</strong> practices of ten local private manufacturingenterprises listed under Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) were examined by Akhter(2002). She covered different <strong>as</strong>pects of <strong>HRM</strong> practices of the surveyedmanufacturing enterprises such <strong>as</strong> job description, HR planning, recruitment andselection, orientation, training, promotion, performance appraisal, transfer, salaryand wage administration, incentives, and fringe benefits. She also me<strong>as</strong>uredcorrelation between employees‟ opinions regarding <strong>HRM</strong> practices in theirenterprises and their age, education, and experience. Islam (2003) in a study onthe <strong>HRM</strong> practices of small businesses of Bangladesh found that smallbusinesses did not offer re<strong>as</strong>onable salaries and benefits, training anddevelopment opportunities to their employees. The author mentioned that due tooutdated HR practices, the productivity and motivation level of the employees ofsmall businesses of Bangladesh were very low. Haque and Prince (2003)<strong>as</strong>sessed the HR practices such <strong>as</strong> training, promotion policy, performanceappraisal method, and transfer policies of some private manufacturing industriesb<strong>as</strong>ed in Chittagong. They found that the surveyed companies imparted on-thejobtraining, vestibule training, apprenticeship training, and cl<strong>as</strong>s room training toemployees. They also found that the surveyed companies filled up vacanciesthrough internal movement. The companies had formal performance appraisalsystem. Again, the companies were found to have no standing policy regardingtransfer. An in-depth study (Mahmood, 2004) <strong>as</strong>sessed the institutional context ofhuman <strong>resource</strong> <strong>management</strong> practices in Bangladesh. The author mentionedthat research on <strong>HRM</strong> did not receive its due attention in Bangladesh. Theresearcher observed that other than organizational contingencies, theinstitutional context such <strong>as</strong> national education and training system, nationalindustrial relations system, regulatory frameworks, and overall societal contexthad significant influence on the development of <strong>HRM</strong> practices in Bangladesh.Hossain, Khan, and Y<strong>as</strong>min (2004) analyzed the nature of voluntary disclosuresabout human <strong>resource</strong> in the annual reports of 40 Bangladeshi companies. Theyfound that contemporary Bangladeshi companies, though not mandatory, werewillingly giving various information regarding their human <strong>resource</strong>s in the annualreports. Akand (2006), in a c<strong>as</strong>e study, investigated the personnel <strong>management</strong>practices of Janata Bank. Ernst and Young, and Metropolitan Chamber ofCommerce and Industry (2007) conducted a survey on HR practices of morethan 50 organizations selected from industries (mainly from the private sector)such <strong>as</strong> Pharma and Healthcare, FMCG, IT, Telecom, Manufacturing, Finance,NGO, Textile/Garments, and Conglomerates. They thoroughly examined talentacquisition, performance <strong>management</strong>, people development, compensation andbenefits, HR strategy and processes, organizational culture, and HR practices forWorkmen, staff and other non-managerial employees of the surveyedorganization. Uddin, Habib, and H<strong>as</strong>san (2007) depicted a comparative scenarioof <strong>HRM</strong> practices with respect to the public and the private sector companies of6

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