English III - Alpha Omega Academy

English III - Alpha Omega Academy

English III - Alpha Omega Academy

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grammarusage, andparagraphing.4. Grammar and usage are correct.5. Paragraphing tends to be sound.6. The writer may manipulateand/or edit for stylistic effect; and itworks!3. Most capitalized words arecorrect.4. Problems with grammar andusage are not serious.5. Paragraphing is attempted.6. Moderate, inconsistent editing(a little of this, a little of that).3. Capitalization is random.4. Obvious grammar or usageerrors.5. Paragraphing is missing.6. Little, if any, editing; the readermust read once to decode, thenagain for meaning.Presentation:The look of thepaper, properuse of MLAformattingwhennecessary,correct titlingand inclusionof projectinstructionsThe project is clean, has alldirections included, and MLAformat was used correctly ifneeded.1. Project directions precede theproject.2. Spacing is uniform and font isTimes New Roman or Arial 12point.3. In a multimedia project, use ofvisuals is integrated withoutdistraction.4. Correctly formatted citations andworks cited if outside sources wereused.May be some problems in theformatting.1. Project directions are included,but not placed correctly.2. There are some problems withfont or spacing.3. For multimedia, the visuals aresomewhat unclear or distracting.4. In those projects for whichoutside sources were used, MLAformatting is mostly correct.There may be some componentsmissing or improperly formatted.Errors in formatting create aconfusing paper that distracts thereader.1. Project directions are missing orincomplete.2. Spacing and font are notstandard.3. Visuals in a multimedia projectare confusing and substandard.4. Works cited page and/orparenthetical citations for thoseprojects where necessary aremissing or incorrect.*0 – Not a valid attempt. Student did not make the changes recommended by the teacher.33

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