English III - Alpha Omega Academy

English III - Alpha Omega Academy

English III - Alpha Omega Academy

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Voice: Theuniqueperspective ofthe writerevident in thepiece throughthe use ofcompellingideas,engaginglanguage, andrevealingdetails.Word Choice:The use ofrich, colorful,and preciselanguage thatmoves andenlightens thereader.SentenceFluency: Therhythm andflow of thelanguage, thesound of wordpatterns, theway in whichthe writingplays to theear, not just theeye.Conventions:Themechanicalcorrectness ofthe piece;spelling,punctuation,capitalization,The writer of this paper speaksdirectly to the reader in a mannerthat is individual, compelling,engaging, and respectful for theaudience.1. Uses topic, details, and languageto strongly connect with theaudience.2. Purpose is reflected by contentand arrangement of ideas.3. The writer takes a risk withrevealing details.4. Expository or persuasive writingreflects understanding andcommitment to topic.5. Narrative writing is honest,personal, and engaging.Words convey the intendedmessage in a precise, interesting,and natural way.1. Words are specific and accurate.2. Striking words and phrasescreate imagery.3. Natural, effective, andappropriate language.4. Lively verbs, specific nouns, andmodifiers.5. Language enhances and clarifiesmeaning.6. Precision is obvious by choice ofwords and phrases.The writing has an easy flow,rhythm, and cadence. Sentencesare well-constructed.1. Sentences enhance the meaning.2. Sentences vary in length as wellas structure.3. Purposeful and varied sentencebeginnings.4. Creative and appropriateconnectives.5. The writing has cadence.The writer demonstrates a goodgrasp of standard writingconventions (e.g., spelling,punctuation, capitalization,grammar usage, paragraphing).1. Spelling is generally correct.2. Punctuation is accurate.3. Capitalization skills are present.The writer seems sincere, but notfully engaged or involved. Theresult is pleasant or evenpersonable, but not compelling.1. Attempt to connect withaudience is earnest butimpersonal.2. Attempts to include content andarrangement of ideas to reflectpurpose.3. Occasionally reveals personaldetails, but avoids risk.4. Expository or persuasivewriting lacks consistentengagement with topic.5. Narrative writing reflectslimited individual perspective.The language is functional, even ifit lacks much energy.1. Words are adequate and correctin a general sense.2. Familiar words and phrasescommunicate.3. Attempts at colorful language.4. Passive verbs, everyday nouns,mundane modifiers.5. Language functions, with oneor two fine moments.6. Occasionally, the words andphrases show refinement andprecision.The text hums along with a steadybeat, but tends to be morepleasant or businesslike thanmusical.1. Sentences get the job done in aroutine fashion.2. Sentences are usually of similarlength, yet constructed correctly.3. Sentence beginnings aresomewhat varied.4. The reader sometimes has tohunt for connective clues.5. Parts of the text inviteexpressive oral reading; otherparts may be stiff, awkward,choppy, or gangly.The writer shows reasonablecontrol over a limited range ofstandard writing conventions.1. Spelling is usually correct orreasonably phonetic on commonwords.2. End punctuation is usuallycorrect.The writer seems uninvolved withthe topic and the audience.1. Fails to connect with theaudience.2. Purpose is unclear.3. Writing is risk-free, with nosense of the writer.4. Expository or persuasive writingis mechanical, showing noengagement with the topic.5. Narrative writing lacksdevelopment of a point of view.The writer struggles with a limitedvocabulary.1. Words are nonspecific ordistracting.2. Many of the words don’t work.3. Language is used incorrectly.4. Limited vocabulary, misuse ofparts of speech.5. Language is unimaginative andlifeless.6. Jargon or clichés, persistentredundancy.The reader has to practice quite abit in order to give this paper a fairinterpretive reading.1. Sentences are choppy,incomplete, rambling, or awkward.Phrasing does not sound natural.2. No “sentence sense” is present.3. Sentences begin the same way.4. Endless connectives, if anypresent.5. Writing does not inviteexpressive oral reading.Errors in spelling, punctuation,capitalization, usage, and grammarand/or paragraphing repeatedlydistract the reader and make textdifficult to read.1. Spelling errors are frequent.2. Punctuation is missing orincorrect.32

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