English III - Alpha Omega Academy

English III - Alpha Omega Academy

English III - Alpha Omega Academy

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Six+1 Traits RubricSome of your projects in <strong>English</strong> I will be graded according to the Six+1 Traits Rubric. If acertain trait is not applicable to the project type, the teacher will not provide a grade for that traitand it will not be factored into your final grade.Trait 5 3 1This paper is clear and focused. Itholds the reader’s attention.Relevant anecdotes and detailsenrich the central theme.The writer is beginning to definethe topic, even thoughdevelopment is still basic orgeneral.The paper has no clear sense ofpurpose or central theme. Thereader must make inferences basedon sketchy or missing details.Ideas: Themain messageof the piece,the theme,withsupportingdetails thatenrich anddevelop thattheme.1. The topic is narrow andmanageable.2. Relevant, telling, quality detailsgo beyond the obvious.3. Ideas are crystal clear andsupported with details.4. Writing from knowledge orexperience; ideas are fresh andoriginal.5. Reader’s questions areanticipated and answered.6. Insightful topic.1. The topic is broad.2. Support is attempted.3. Ideas are reasonably clear.4. Writer has difficulty going fromgeneral observations about topicto specifics.5. The reader is left withquestions.6. The writer generally stays ontopic.1. The writer is still in search of atopic.2. Information is limited or unclearor the length is not adequate fordevelopment.3. The idea is a simple restatementor a simple answer to the question.4. The writer has not begun todefine the topic.5. Everything seems as important aseverything else.6. The topic may be repetitious,disconnected, and containing toomany random thoughts.Organization:The internalstructure,thread ofcentralmeaning,logical, andsometimesintriguingpattern orsequence ofideas.The organizational structure of thispaper enhances and showcases thecentral idea or theme of the paper;includes a catchy introduction anda satisfying conclusion.1. An inviting introduction drawsthe reader in; a satisfyingconclusion leaves the reader with asense of closure and resolution.2. Thoughtful transitions connectideas.3. Sequencing is logical andeffective.4. Pacing is well-controlled.5. The title, if desired, is original.6. Organizational structure isappropriate for purpose/audience;paragraphing is effective.The organizational structure isstrong enough to move the readerthrough the text without too muchconfusion.1. The paper has a recognizableintroduction and conclusion.2. Transitions sometimes work.3. Sequencing shows some logic,yet structure takes attention awayfrom the content.4. Pacing is fairly well-controlled.5. A title, if desired, is present.6. Organizational structuresometimes supports the main pointor story line, with an attempt atparagraphing.The writing lacks a clear sense ofdirection1. No real lead or conclusionpresent.2. Connections between ideas, ifpresent, are confusing.3. Sequencing needs work.4. Pacing feels awkward.5. No title is present (if requested).6. Problems with organizationalstructure make it hard for the readerto get a grip on the main point orstory line. Little or no evidence ofparagraphing present.31

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