English III - Alpha Omega Academy

English III - Alpha Omega Academy

English III - Alpha Omega Academy

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The purpose of this paper is to utilize the preparation that you have done toward writing athorough, cohesive research paper that supports your thesis statement.Instructions:This project will incorporate all you have learned in the previous unit. If necessary,review the lessons.Utilizing your outline and notes, write the first draft of your research paper, making surethat you follow your outline. You will use MLA parenthetical documentation and aproperly formatted works cited page. If necessary, refer to the documentation lessonsfrom unit one. If the required forms of documentation are not included, this projectwill be reassigned with a 20% grade deduction.If you need help with citing, ask your teacher, use Knight Cite or Noodletools, reviewthis sample research paper, or call the Language Arts department (1-877-543-0148) butbe sure you include your citations before submitting this project.Remember, you will need to use at least three sources in your paper, at least one of whichneeds to be a published, hardcopy source. If you want to use more sources or morehardcopy sources, you are welcome to.Editing and revising:The final research paper should be 1200-1800 words in length (not counting the titlepage, outline, or works cited page.) To use the “word count” tool in a Microsoft Worddocument, first highlight the text that you want to count, then press Alt T to access thetools menu, and then press W for the word count.Revise your research paper in order to achieve the most effective wording and transitions,as well as for correct spelling and mechanics. If possible, have someone read your workand suggest changes and/or corrections.Editing and revising is a critically important part of the writing process. Take your timeand do your best work possible, do not skip or rush through this step.Your research project will only be complete with the inclusion of a title page, outline,and the use of parenthetical documentation throughout your paper. If all of theseparts are not included, the project will be reassigned.29

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