English III - Alpha Omega Academy

English III - Alpha Omega Academy

English III - Alpha Omega Academy

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Songwriter:Lines that demonstrate the theme:Activity 4: Comparing PoemsRead the poems listed in activity 2. You will write three paragraphs of at least 100 words.Paragraph 1) Choose your two favorite poems and explain why they are your favorites. Discusswhich one you like better, and why. Be specific.Paragraph 2) Now choose the one that you like the least. Explain why it is your least favorite. Bespecific. You can compare it with others that you like more. You may explore the history of theauthor or time period of the poem, as that may explain why you don’t relate to the themes ordon’t feel comfortable with the language.Paragraph 3) Which poem do you feel uses the poetic devices studied in this unit mosteffectively? Explain your answer. Use excerpts from the poem to prove your point. Addressmany poetic devices (rhythm and meter, rhyme and other musical effects, imagery and otherfigurative language) in your answer.Keep in mind that your analysis of these poems must be in-depth. For example, it is not anacceptable answer to say you didn’t like a poem only because you didn’t understand it. If youdon’t understand a poem, look up unknown words, find an analysis online, or call to get help.Essentially, you have to make the work make sense to you.Write your three paragraphs below.Activity 5: Poetry AnalysisChoose one of the poems listed in activity 2. Do only one of the following options.Option 1) Write an analysis of the poem that you have chosen. Discuss the poet’s use of poeticdevices, the overall message/theme of the poem, the emotional impact, the overall effectivenessof the poem, the levels of meaning, your reaction to the poem, or anything else you can say aboutthe poem. Your analysis must include a summary of the poem. You may also research the poet ifyou like. If you choose to do any research, make sure that you document all sources.Option 2) Create a video using your technology of choice with images of the poem showing asyou read the poem interpretively or create a videotape of yourself doing an interpretive readingof the poem. Post this video online (it may be wise to mark your video private) and provide thelink to your teacher below. After your link, write a short but thoughtful paragraph of about22

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