English III - Alpha Omega Academy

English III - Alpha Omega Academy

English III - Alpha Omega Academy

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1103 Biographical Article Project: Rough DraftNo movie or TV script is perfect the first time it’s written. Scripts consistently go throughmany revisions that remove, add to, or alter the original writing. You do this as a student, too,when you write a rough draft of an essay and proofread and revise it. Just like a movie doesn’tgo directly from script to screen, your essay shouldn’t be written and immediately turned over toyour teacher.In previous projects, you’ve already covered brainstorming, choosing a topic, finalizing a thesis,figuring out supporting points, and creating an outline. Now you will finally be sitting down towrite the five-paragraph essay, editing it, and receiving feedback on it before you turn in the finaldraft at the end of this unit. Note that you need to do this project first before you can properlycomplete your final draft project. Remember: projects needing to be reassigned for any reasoncould 20% of your final grade deducted as per teacher discretion, so you want to make sureyou are doing your work properly before the final draft!Exercise One: Write!Using your thesis statement and outline from the previous project to guide you, start writing yourbiographical article. Start writing where you feel comfortable. If you can’t think of a catchyintroduction, begin writing the body of your draft and come back to the introduction later. Inother words, you do not need to write exactly in the order of your outline; you just need to makesure that your completed draft correctly follows your outline’ structure.Remember that your draft should be about 600-800 words (2-3 pages). You want to aim forconcisely developing your ideas, with no rambling or unnecessary/repetitive information. Usewhat you've learned about well-developed paragraphs, effective transitions, and powerful wordchoice. Include your full thesis statement in the introduction, and finish the draft with aconclusion that rephrases the idea of the thesis statement (do not re-write the thesis word-forword,though).This rough draft does not have to be perfect! Your teacher will not grade your draft, since youare still working on it. For now, write the best paper you can. You will be able to fix anyproblems later.Write the draft of your biographical essay below.Exercise Two: Revising Vs. Proofreading14

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