English III - Alpha Omega Academy

English III - Alpha Omega Academy

English III - Alpha Omega Academy

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Part Three: OutliningComplete parts 1 and 2 before starting part 3. As you take notes, be sure to include the locationof each source (see MLA guidelines).Develop a sentence outline for the information that you have found. Remember that your outlinemust be in standard format.Outline Construction Instructions:Construct your outline for your research project. Be sure to include your thesisstatement in the outline. Remember that the more detail you have in your outline, themore direction you will have and the more confident you will be as you write.Proper indentation of the divisions and sub points is required. Use proper outline format(shown in the example below). Your outline may vary in length or detail. Use this as aguide to follow, not something to copy.For tips on creating a useful outline seehttp://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/544/1/.Gather the notes you took while researching from your sources, and make sure your main pointsprove your thesis statement. From your notes, make sure that you have at least three generalareas that will support the thesis statement. Organize these areas and the rest of your thoughts,and write the outline to your paper based on the organization of your notes. An outline for apaper with an introduction, three main points (and all sub-points), and a conclusion will look likethis:I. Introduction (including thesis statement)II. First point with supports your thesisA. Sub-pointB. Sub-point<strong>III</strong>. Second point which supports your thesisA. Sub-pointi. Facts, details, quotes, or explanationii. Facts, details, quotes, or explanationB. Sub-pointIV. Third point which supports your thesis1. Sub-point2. Sub-pointConclusion (including brief restatement of thesis)So, using the previous thesis statement example, a potential outline would look like this:I. The Harlem Renaissance was a critical period for African Americans in the United States.Occurring during the 1920s, and located primarily in the Harlem neighborhood of New12

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