Classification Essay Sample: Three Types of Dieters A sad fact in ...

Classification Essay Sample: Three Types of Dieters A sad fact in ...

Classification Essay Sample: Three Types of Dieters A sad fact in ...

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middle <strong>in</strong>come family . While <strong>in</strong> her teens, the young lady decides to shed some unwanted pounds,and, much to her surprise, she loses the extra weight quickly. She attends a party with friends,overeats on junk food and decides to "rid" her body <strong>of</strong> the excess food by purg<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the bathroom;thus the "deceiver" is born. From that moment on, she th<strong>in</strong>ks she is <strong>in</strong> control <strong>of</strong> her "new found" diet,but the ultimate "deceiver" is her diet. She sneaks large quantities <strong>of</strong> food for midnight snacks, andshe does not care what she eats, only that she satisfies the yearn<strong>in</strong>g deep <strong>in</strong>side her soul. She facesthe beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> the downward turn <strong>of</strong> her diet--the b<strong>in</strong>ge and purge cycle. Ultimately she loses touchwith reality and is treated by a physician <strong>in</strong> a hospital. The "deceiver" has a companion who is, muchlike herself, another deadly player <strong>in</strong> the diet<strong>in</strong>g game. This dieter analyzes the calorie content <strong>of</strong>every morsel <strong>of</strong> food on her d<strong>in</strong>ner plate and decides whether or not to eat it; usually she does not,but quietly excuses herself from the table to return to her room. She has lost all sense <strong>of</strong> the value <strong>of</strong>food for her body, and she cannot see what she has become--a "<strong>sad</strong> scarecrow." A scarecrow ga<strong>in</strong>snourishment from her straw stuff<strong>in</strong>g, and the "<strong>sad</strong> scarecrow" needs food to hold her body together.But this dieter cannot see the "straw" she leaves on the ground when she turns her head away fromfood; she is beyond all reason<strong>in</strong>g. Innocently enough, the "deceiver" and "<strong>sad</strong> scarecrow" start theirdiets with good <strong>in</strong>tentions; however, along the way some mechanism is triggered, and the "lethallosers" are awakened; their lives are never the same.All dieters share a common goal, los<strong>in</strong>g weight, but they approach the goal from manydifferent sides. The importance <strong>of</strong> the diet<strong>in</strong>g game is not the goal, but how one decides to get there.The dieter can choose life or death <strong>in</strong> her quest for a th<strong>in</strong> body.Discussion Questions1. Def<strong>in</strong>e each <strong>of</strong> these words as they are used <strong>in</strong> this essay: broadcast, purge, nourishment,yearn<strong>in</strong>g1. Does the <strong>in</strong>troduction attract your <strong>in</strong>terest while clearly suggest<strong>in</strong>g the purpose and direction<strong>of</strong> the essay? Expla<strong>in</strong> your answer.2. Discuss details and examples the writer uses to def<strong>in</strong>e the 3 types <strong>of</strong> dieters. (How) do theykeep your <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong> the topic?3. Are the categories clearly def<strong>in</strong>ed? Expla<strong>in</strong> your response.4. Consider the conclud<strong>in</strong>g paragraph. Does it effectively restate the ma<strong>in</strong> idea? Does it leave astrong impression? Please discuss.5. Rate the overall form, content, and style <strong>of</strong> this essay. Please discuss your views.References This sample essay was taken from this source:<strong>Classification</strong> essay: three types <strong>of</strong> dieter. (2010). Retrieved May 9, 2010 from:http://www.123helpme.com/view.asp?id=15374

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