PayPal Button Manager API (NVP)

PayPal Button Manager API (NVP) PayPal Button Manager API (NVP)
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3Button Manager API ReferenceBMGetButtonDetails API OperationBMGetButtonDetails ResponseThe response fields contain all non-inventory information related to the button.BMGetButtonDetails Response FieldsFieldBUTTONTYPEBUTTONCODEBUTTONSUBTYPEHOSTEDBUTTONIDWEBSITECODEEMAILLINKL_BUTTONVARnDescriptionThe kind of button. It is one of the following values:• BUYNOW - Buy Now button• CART - Add to Cart button• GIFTCERTIFICATE - Gift Certificate button• SUBSCRIBE - Subscribe button• DONATE - Donate button• UNSUBSCRIBE - Unsubscribe button• VIEWCART - View Cart button• PAYMENTPLAN - Installment Plan button; since version 63.0• AUTOBILLING - Automatic Billing button; since version 63.0The kind of button code. It is one of the following values:• HOSTED - A secure button stored on PayPal• ENCRYPTED - An encrypted button, not stored on PayPal• CLEARTEXT - An unencrypted button, not stored on PayPalThe use of button. It is one of the following values:• PRODUCTS - button is used to purchase products• SERVICES - button is used to purchase servicesID of a PayPal hosted buttonHTML code for web pagesCode for email links and links in other documents that support external linksHTML standard button variablesOption Details FieldsFieldOPTIONnNAMEDescription(Optional) The menu nameIt is one or more variables, in which n is a digit between 0 and 4, inclusive, forhosted buttons; otherwise, it is a digit between 0 and 9, inclusive.38 April 2012 Button Manager NVP API

Button Manager API ReferenceBMGetButtonDetails API Operation3Option Selection Details FieldsFieldL_OPTIONnSELECTxL_OPTION0PRICExOPTIONnTYPEDescription(Optional) The menu item’s nameIt is a list of variables for each OPTIONnNAME, in which x is a digit between 0and 9, inclusive(Optional) The price associated with the first menu itemIt is a list of variables for each OPTION0NAME, in which x is a digit between 0and 9, inclusiveNOTE: If you specify a price, you cannot set a button variable to amount.(Optional) The installment option type for an OPTIONnNAME, which is one ofthe following values:• FULL - Payment in full• VARIABLE - Variable installments• EMI - Equal installmentsNOTE: Only available for Installment Plan buttons.Installment DetailsFieldL_OPTIONnBILLINGPERIODxL_OPTIONnBILLINGPFREQUENCYxL_OPTIONnTOTALBILLINGCYCLESxL_OPTIONnAMOUNTxDescription(Optional) The installment cycle unit, which is one of the following values:• NoBillingPeriodType - None (default)• Day• Week• SemiMonth• Month• YearIt is a list of variables for each OPTIONnNAME, in which x is a digit between 0and 4, inclusive(Optional) The installment cycle frequency in units, e.g. if the billingfrequency is 2 and the billing period is Month, the billing cycle is every 2months. The default billing frequency is 1.It is a list of variables for each OPTIONnNAME, in which x is a digit between 0and 4, inclusive(Optional) The total number of billing cycles, regardless of the duration of acycle; 1 is the defaultIt is a list of variables for each OPTIONnNAME, in which x is a digit between 0and 4, inclusive(Optional) The base amount to bill for the cycle.It is a list of variables for each OPTION0NAME, in which x is a digit between 0and 4, inclusiveButton Manager NVP API April 2012 39

<strong>Button</strong> <strong>Manager</strong> <strong>API</strong> ReferenceBMGet<strong>Button</strong>Details <strong>API</strong> Operation3Option Selection Details FieldsFieldL_OPTIONnSELECTxL_OPTION0PRICExOPTIONnTYPEDescription(Optional) The menu item’s nameIt is a list of variables for each OPTIONnNAME, in which x is a digit between 0and 9, inclusive(Optional) The price associated with the first menu itemIt is a list of variables for each OPTION0NAME, in which x is a digit between 0and 9, inclusiveNOTE: If you specify a price, you cannot set a button variable to amount.(Optional) The installment option type for an OPTIONnNAME, which is one ofthe following values:• FULL - Payment in full• VARIABLE - Variable installments• EMI - Equal installmentsNOTE: Only available for Installment Plan buttons.Installment DetailsFieldL_OPTIONnBILLINGPERIODxL_OPTIONnBILLINGPFREQUENCYxL_OPTIONnTOTALBILLINGCYCLESxL_OPTIONnAMOUNTxDescription(Optional) The installment cycle unit, which is one of the following values:• NoBillingPeriodType - None (default)• Day• Week• SemiMonth• Month• YearIt is a list of variables for each OPTIONnNAME, in which x is a digit between 0and 4, inclusive(Optional) The installment cycle frequency in units, e.g. if the billingfrequency is 2 and the billing period is Month, the billing cycle is every 2months. The default billing frequency is 1.It is a list of variables for each OPTIONnNAME, in which x is a digit between 0and 4, inclusive(Optional) The total number of billing cycles, regardless of the duration of acycle; 1 is the defaultIt is a list of variables for each OPTIONnNAME, in which x is a digit between 0and 4, inclusive(Optional) The base amount to bill for the cycle.It is a list of variables for each OPTION0NAME, in which x is a digit between 0and 4, inclusive<strong>Button</strong> <strong>Manager</strong> <strong>NVP</strong> <strong>API</strong> April 2012 39

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