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<strong>NAGC</strong> Academy ProposalDifferentiation of Curriculum and Instruction Across the DisciplinesAPPLICATION <strong>FOR</strong>M <strong>FOR</strong> REGIONAL <strong>ACADEMY</strong>**(First location: Kansas City, Missouri)NameHome Address:City, State, Zip:Institution/Address:City, State, Zip:Telephone: (Home)E-mail: (Home)(Work)(Work)Fax:Why do you want to conduct an <strong>NAGC</strong> Academy?What discipline(s) are you qualified to discuss in the context of differentiation?____Math ___Science ___Social Studies ___Reading/Language Arts ___ArtsWhat grade levels are you qualified to discuss in the context of differentiation?____K-5 ___6-8 ___9-12Would you also be qualified to present a broad-based overview of differentiation based on theresearch in the field?Would you be willing to present this information at a future academy?____________If so, which of the following spring 2007 locations?_____ Illinois_____ PennsylvaniaDo you have a topic suggestion for another regional academy? Location suggestion?

<strong>NAGC</strong> Academy ProposalDifferentiation of Curriculum and Instruction Across the DisciplinesOUTLINE OF INSTRUCTIONPresenter’s Name:Please provide a brief description of your topic, including key learning outcomes:Who is your target audience? (e.g. middle school teachers, math teachers, etc.)

<strong>NAGC</strong> Academy ProposalDifferentiation of Curriculum and Instruction Across the DisciplinesOUTLINE OF INSTRUCTION, page 2Standard:Knowledge&/or SkillsInstructional ActivitiesTimeAllotmentResourcesNeededReferencesStandard:Knowledge&/or SkillsInstructional ActivitiesTimeAllotmentResourcesNeededReferencesStandard:Knowledge&/or SkillsInstructional ActivitiesTimeAllotmentResourcesNeededReferencesStandard:Knowledge&/or SkillsInstructional ActivitiesTimeAllotmentResourcesNeededReferences

<strong>NAGC</strong> Academy ProposalDifferentiation of Curriculum and Instruction Across the DisciplinesPERTINENT NCATE ST<strong>AN</strong>DARDS, KNOWLEDGE <strong>AN</strong>D SKILLSStandard 3: Individual Learning DifferencesEducators of the gifted understand the effects that gifts and talents can have on an individual’slearning in school and throughout life. Moreover, educators of the gifted are active and resourceful inseeking to understand how language, culture, and family background interact with an individual’spredispositions to impact academic and social behavior, attitudes, values, and interests. Theunderstanding of these learning differences and their interactions provides the foundation upon whicheducators of the gifted plan instruction to provide meaningful and challenging learning.K1 Influences of diversity factors on individuals with exceptional learning needs.K2 Academic and affective characteristics and learning needs of individuals with gifts, talents, anddisabilities.K3 Idiosyncratic learning patterns of individuals with gifts and talents, including those from diversebackgrounds.K4 Influences of different beliefs, traditions, and values across and within diverse groups onrelationships among individuals with gifts and talents, their families, schools, and communities.S1Integrate perspectives of diverse groups into planning instruction for individuals with gifts andtalents.Standard 4: Instructional StrategiesEducators of the gifted possess a repertoire of evidence-based curriculum and instructional strategiesto differentiate for individuals with gifts and talents. They select, adapt, and use these strategies topromote challenging learning opportunities in general and special curricula and to modify learningenvironments to enhance self-awareness and self-efficacy for individuals with gifts and talents. Theyenhance the learning of critical and creative thinking, problem solving, and performance skills inspecific domains. Moreover, educators of the gifted emphasize the development, practice, andtransfer of advanced knowledge and skills across environments throughout the lifespan leading tocreative, productive careers in society for individuals with gifts and talents.K1 School and community resources, including content specialists, which support differentiation.K2 Curricular, instructional, and management strategies effective for individuals with exceptionallearning needs.S1 Apply pedagogical content knowledge to instructing learners with gifts and talents.S2 Apply higher-level thinking and metacognitive models to content areas to meet the needs ofindividuals with gifts and talents.S3 Provide opportunities for individuals with gifts and talents to explore, develop, or research theirareas of interest or talent.S4 Preassess the learning needs of individuals with gifts and talents in various domains and adjustinstruction based on continual assessment.S5 Pace delivery of curriculum and instruction consistent with needs of individuals with gifts andtalents.S6 Engage individuals with gifts and talents from all backgrounds in challenging, multiculturalcurricula.S7 Use information and/or assistive technologies to meet the needs of individuals with exceptionallearning needs.

<strong>NAGC</strong> Academy ProposalDifferentiation of Curriculum and Instruction Across the DisciplinesStandard 7: Instructional PlanningCurriculum and instructional planning is at the center of gifted and talented education. Educators ofthe gifted develop long-range plans anchored in both general and special curricula. Theysystematically translate shorter-range goals and objectives that take into consideration an individual’sabilities and needs, the learning environment, and cultural and linguistic factors. Understanding ofthese factors, as well as the implications of being gifted and talented, guides the educator’s selection,adaptation, and creation of materials, and use of differentiated instructional strategies. Learning plansare modified based on ongoing assessment of the individual’s progress. Moreover, educators of thegifted facilitate these actions in a collaborative context that includes individuals with gifts andtalents, families, professional colleagues, and personnel from other agencies as appropriate.Educators of the gifted are comfortable using technologies to support instructional planning andindividualized instruction.K1 Theories and research models that form the basis of curriculum development and instructionalpractice for individuals with gifts and talents.K2 Features that distinguish differentiated curriculum from general curricula for individuals withexceptional learning needs.K3 Curriculum emphases for individuals with gifts and talents within cognitive, affective, aesthetic,social, and linguistic domains.S1 Align differentiated instructional plans with local, state/provincial, and national curricular standards.S2S3S4S5S6Design differentiated learning plans for individuals with gifts and talents, including individuals fromdiverse backgrounds.Develop scope and sequence plans for individuals with gifts and talents.Select curriculum resources, strategies, and product options that respond to cultural, linguistic, andintellectual differences among individuals with gifts and talents.Select and adapt a variety of differentiated curricula that incorporate advanced, conceptuallychallenging, in-depth, distinctive, and complex content.Integrate academic and career guidance experiences into the learning plan for individuals with giftsand talents.

<strong>NAGC</strong> Academy ProposalDifferentiation of Curriculum and Instruction Across the Disciplines<strong>REQUEST</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>PROPOSAL</strong> CHECKLISTUse this checklist to ensure that you have included all of the information listedbelow in order to be considered for selection by the <strong>NAGC</strong> EducationCommission:ApplicationBackground InformationReferences and Contact InformationOutline of Instruction

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