1970 CCW 340 Service Manual - Vintage Snow

1970 CCW 340 Service Manual - Vintage Snow

1970 CCW 340 Service Manual - Vintage Snow

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SECTION mccDISASSEMBLY, CLEANING AND INSPECTION3.1 PREPARATION FOR DISASSEMBLYa. Remove muffler and exhaust pipe as applicable. Disconnectelectrical wiring and controls. Remove enginemounting bolts; place engine on a suitable workbench.b. Thoroughly clean exterior surfaces of engine, usingsuitable cleaning solvent.3.2 DISASSEMBLYNOTE: To prevent loss and expedite reassembly procedures,keep attaching hardware with each part as it isremoved.3.2.1 Disassemble the engine as follows:a. Disconnect spark plug wires at spark plugs. Remove plugs.b. Remove the ten bolts securing cylinder cover to engtnebody. Remove cover. See Figure 3-1c. Remove the four hold-down nuts, washers and lockwasherssecuring intake and exhaust manifolds to cylinders.Remove manifolds. Remove intake manifold with carburetorattached. Remove carburetor if it requires servicing.Refer to applicable carburetor manufacturer'sspecifications. Remove insulators from intake side.Discard gaskets.Figure 3-2.d. Remove the four bolts securing recoil starter to fan cover.Remove starter to expose starter cup and fan belt pulley.Figure 3-3.e. Disconnect coupler attached to fan cover. Remove twobolts secu ring coil cover to fan cover. Remove cover toexpose high tension coils.Figure 3-3.f. Remove the two bolts and spacers securing high tensioncoils to fan cover. Remove coils with spark plug wiresattached.g. Remove the two hold-down nuts, two attaching boltsand lockwashers securing electric starter to engine body (ifso equipped) . Remove starter.Remove starter.h. Remove the three bolts securing starter cup, fan beltpulley and window plate (if installed) to flywheel. Pulloutward and up on pulley to remove from flywhee l.Remove fan belt.1. Remove the two Phillips screws securing ignition terminalcoupler and bracket to fan cover, and four bolts securingfan cover to fan cover case. Remove fan cover to exposeflywheel.3-1J. Lock the flywheel using <strong>CCW</strong> Tool Part #43-0798-40remove the nut, lockwasher and flat washer securingflywheel to crankshaft. Remove the flywheel as follows:1. Install flywheel puller to the three tapped holes inflywheel.2. Tighten the center bolt of puller to 40 pounds-feetmaximum.3. Using a wooden mallet or block and hammer, tap eachside of the flywheel alternately while maintaining thetorque setting on center bolt until the flywheel isremoved.CAUTION: 1. Do not over torque center bolt on flywheelpuller. Excessive torque may result in breakingthe puller attachment bolts.2. Do not hammer on end of crankshaft toremove flywheel. Damage to the shaft orbearings may result.Figure 3-6.k. Remove the four bolts seCL'ring fan covercase to crankcase.Remove covercase.Figure 3-7.I. Remove the two screws secunng stator assembly tocrankcase. Remove stator assembly.Figure 3-8.NOTE: Unless being serviced, stator assembly should bestored inside flywheel to ensure retention of magneticproperties.m. Remove the five hold-down nuts securing each cylinderhead to cyl inder. Remove cylinder heads.Discard cylinder head gaskets.Tool: 13 mm box spanner.NOTE: Before proceeding any further check crankshaft forbend and twist as follows :1. Check for twist:(a) Rotate eng ine to T.D.C . on No. 1 cylinder using a dialindicator mounted on the cylinder.(b) Install and zero a degree wheel on the crankshaft.(c) Rotate crankshaft 1800. The piston on No. 2 cylindershould be at T.D.C. Permissable tolerance is 20.2. Check for bend on either end :(a) Mount a dial indicator at the junction of the paralleland tapered sections of the shaft.(b) Zero the indicator. Rotate the crankshaft one fullturn. Permissable run out is 0.003 inch on one rotation.n. Remove the four hold-down nuts securing each cylinderto crankcase. Remove cylinders to expose piston andconnect ing rod assemblies. Discard cylinder base gaskets.Figure 3-10.CAUTION: If disassembly is discontinued after cylinder orpiston removal , ensure that crankcase is keptcovered to prevent ingress of dirt or foreignobjects to crankcase.

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