1970 CCW 340 Service Manual - Vintage Snow

1970 CCW 340 Service Manual - Vintage Snow

1970 CCW 340 Service Manual - Vintage Snow

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corTABLE 2.1TROUBLE SHOOTING CHARTMissing at low speed 1. Incorrect carburetor idle 1. Adjust idle - Refer towon't idle smoothly adjustment. Manufacturer's Specifications.or slowly 2. Spark plugs improperly gapped 2. Clean, adjust or installor dirty.new plugs.3. Head gasket blown or leaking 3. Replace gasket.4. Loose or broken magneto wires 4. Repair or replace wires.5 Magneto breaker points 5. Adjust, clean or installimproperly gapped or dirty.new points.6 Weak coil or condenser 6. Replace coil or condenser7. Improper fuel mixture 7. Refuel, using specified( 1) Too much oil fuel/oil mixture (See Table 1-1 ).(2) Too little oil8. Leaking crankshaft seal 8. Replace seal.cMissing at high speed 1. Spark plugs improperly gapped 1. Clean, adjust or install newor intermittent spark. or dirty plugs.2. Loose or broken magneto wi res. 2. Repair or replace wires.3. !Magneto breaker points improperly 3. Clean, adjust or installgapped or dirty.new points.4. Weak coli or condenser 4. Replace coi l or condenser5. Heat range of spark pl ug 5. Instal l specified spark plugs.mcorrect.6. Leakmg head gasket. 6. Replace head gasket.7. Engine improperly timed . 7. Re-time engine.Coughs, spits, slows 1.1dleorhighspeedjets 1 to 5.down, surges too lean. Adjust carburetor or fuel pump.2. Leaking gasket flange. Refer to Manufactu rer's Specifications.3 Inlet control lever settoo low4. Pulsalion line obstructed5 Fuel pump not supplying enoughfuel due to:( 1) Punciured diaphragm(2) Inoperative i lapper valve.6. Crankca::e not properly seal ed. 6. Reseal crankcase.7. Idle or main carburetor nozzle 7. Refer to Manufacturer'sobstructed.Specifications.8. Fuel line obstructed. 8. Remove fuel line. Clearobstruction. Replace line.9. Carburetor inlet needle and 9. Refer to Manufacturer'sseat obstructed .Specifications.10. Welch plug leaking. 10. Refer to Manufacturer'sSpecifications.Overheating 1. Carbu 1etor too lean 1. & 2. Adjust carburetor.2 Carburetor too rich Refer to Manufacturer'sSpecifications.3 lnconect t:ming 3. Retime engine to Specifications.4. Too much carbon 4. Remove cylinder heads. Cleantop of pistons and insidecompression chamber. Clean outexhaust port.5. Spark plug too hot 5. Instal l specified spark plugs.6 Air deflector not Installed 6. Install air deflector.7. A1r leak in manifo ld 7. Tighten nuts or change gaskets.8. Crank case seal leaking 8. Fit new seal.Vibrates excessively or 1. Idle or high speed carbureto r 1. to 5. Adjust carbureto r. Referruns rough and smokes. adjustmenl too rich. to Manufacturer's Specifications.2. Choke not opening properly(bent linkage).2-17}'

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