SAM4s SPS-500 series Operators Manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series Operators Manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series Operators Manual.pdf

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MISC TEND # 135 Access any of the 16 possible miscellaneous tender functions byentering the tender number (1-16) and touching the MISC TEND #key.MODIFIER 1-10 136-145Preceding a PLU entry, a modifier key changes a digit of the PLUnumber, causing a different PLU to be registered. Modifier keys can beset to change any of the 14 PLU digit positions to any specified digit (0-9).#/NO SALE 147 Use to enter a non-adding memo number during a transaction (#function) or use to open the cash drawer outside of a sale (no salefunction).P/BAL 148 Enter an amount, and then touch the <strong>Manual</strong> Previous Balance (P/BAL)key to use the simplest form of Charge Posting/Table Service. TheP/BAL key may be used any time within a transaction. Transactionswhere the P/BAL key is used must be finalized with one of the STORECHECK keys.PAID OUT 1-5 151-155Touch a PAID OUT key to remove cash, check or miscellaneous mediafrom the drawer.PAID RECALL 156 The PAID RECALL key is used to recall last x number of transactions,starting with the last transaction finalized. (X is determined in memoryallocation.) Once recalled, a transaction could be reviewed (using thecursor keys or PAGE UP/PAGE DN). To exit the paid order view,touch CLEAR.%1 - %10 157-166Ten discount keys (%1 - %10) are available to handle various kinds ofdiscounts, markdowns and adjustments to items or transactions.PLU 167 Enter the PLU code number and touch PLU to register a PLU.PRICE INQ 169 Touch the PRICE INQ to display the PLU price without actuallyregistering the PLU.PRICE LVL 1-20 170-189Touch a LEVEL key prior to a PLU entry to shift the price of a PLU toa different price set in PLU programming.PRINT 190 Touch the PRINT function to send items that require special preparationto the kitchen printer (or KVS) before the sale is finalized. An item canbe programmed as an auto grill item, requiring the PRINT key to betouched every time the menu item is sold. This function does not affectnormal kitchen printer/KVS routing. The PRINT function also sendsitems in group sequence using the “meal order feature”. Items are givena meal order priority through group programming. Each time thePRINT key is touched, the next priority of items will be release to thekitchen printer.PRINT CHECK 191 Prints the soft guest check (tracking file) that is currently displayed.The PRINT CHECK key may be programmed to store (service) thecheck automatically.PRINT HOLD 192 Use to remove the "hold" designation from an item or order, so that theitems and their instructions are now sent to the kitchen printer/KVS atfinalization.24 • Getting Started <strong>SAM4s</strong> <strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>500</strong> Operator <strong>Manual</strong> prelim

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