SAM4s SPS-500 series Operators Manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series Operators Manual.pdf

SAM4s SPS-500 series Operators Manual.pdf

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Labor GroupsLABOUR GROUPS REPORTX1 REPORT X1 0003 X2 0001DESCRIPTORHOURSCOUNTER HELP 0.00KITCHEN STAFF 0.00MANAGER 0.00TOTAL TIME WORKED 0.00AVG. DAILY LABOR COST 00.00EMPLOYEE:#01TIME 09:03KELLYNO.000000Sales and Labor %SALES AND LABOUR % REPORTX1 REPORT X1 0003 X2 000100:00 - 01:0001:00 - 02:00CUST: 0 NET SALES 0000.00AVG/CUST: 00.00HRS LABOR: 0 LABOR COST: 0000.00%/NET SALES: 00.00LABOR/CUST: 00.00SALES/MANHOUR: 000.00---------------------------------------TOTALCUST: 0 NET SALES: 0000.00AVG/CUST: 00.00HRS LABOR: 0 LABOR COST: 0000.00%/NET SALES: 00.00LABOR/CUST: 00.00SALES/MANHOUR: 000.00EMPLOYEE: KELLY #01TIME 09:03NO.000000Notes: The Sales and Labor Report uses data from the Sales by Time Period Report and the TimeKeeping Report. You must clear both reports daily to get meaningful Sales & Labor % Report data.There are eight items per every time unit in Sales and Labor Report. 'CUST' and 'NET SALES' valuesare from Sales by Time Period Report where 'AVG/CUST' is division of these two values. You cancalculate 'HRS LBR' and 'LABOR COST' from Time Keeping Report and Pay Rate Program. 'HRSLBR' is sum of working hours for all employees who had worked in this time period. LABOR COST'is the sum of the product of working hours and pay rate for every employee. '%/NET SALES' is ratioof NET SALES to LABOR COST. 'LABOR$/CUST' is labor cost for one customer which can becalculated dividing the LABOR COST by number of customers. Divide NET SALES by 'HRS LBR' toyield 'SALES/MANHOUR'.<strong>SAM4s</strong> <strong>SPS</strong>-<strong>500</strong> Operator <strong>Manual</strong> prelim Reports • 111

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