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Archive clipping - Kansas State Firefighters Association

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Prairie PostWhite City,KSCirc. 855From Page:510/22/200931609rNApproval tor the use 01 the Billy Rice (addition), Jim MarkleyWhite City Fire Station as an (patio cover) and Richard GuimondEmergency Operation Center,(deck on property in Sunsetreport of the <strong>Kansas</strong> Sampler Addition). All permits wereschool, thankT approved.Chris Wilbeck and plans for applicationMarcia Lee reported on thefor grant were some of <strong>Kansas</strong> Sampler school she andthe highlights of the White City Michelle Herpich had attended incity council meeting held Wetmore and Topeka. She coveredWednesday evening at the community some of the class activitiesbuilding. Council members and talked to the council aboutLinda Arnold, Jim Barber, the new website available forKeith Kahnt and Danny Samples,Mayor John Riffel, Deputy ClerkMarcia Lee, Maintenance supervisorTracy Schmidt, City attorneyWhite City through <strong>Kansas</strong> Sampierpier (www.getruralkansas.organd go to cities and click on WhiteCity). This was an eye openingNina Miley and five guests experience, said Ms. Lee. Youatten.ded the meeting. Councilman can really see the pride the cityRandy Dowell arrived at 8 of Wetmore has by just lookingat their Main Street. SheMorris County Sheriff Scott stressed that people of the communityCoover introduced Jennifermust be involved for theKassebaum as the new Emergency town to look better and attractManagement Coordinatorand Mrs. Kassebaum visited withmore residents.Nina Miley, city attorney, reportedthe council about the possibilitythe paper work for theof using the White City Fire Stationas an emergency operationcenter. This would allow thecounty to have their two emergencyoperation locations in differentareas. Presently, the courthouseand sheriffs dispatch officeare the two locations. Thecouncil unanimously approvedthe request.Marcia Lee gave a financereport and reported on buildingpermits for Jim Barber (building),Williams property is almost resolvedso that the volunteers maystart repairing the oldest house inWhite City. Shethealso presentednew loan agreement ordinance,which the council approvedfor publication.Tracy Schmidt reported no fireruns for the month of September,hda successfulijday at theers competition in Hope and thatvqq1 bedinnerCounty:Morris31609-10-22_5001

Prairie PostWhite City,KSCirc. 855From Page:510/22/200931609on Saturday, November 7.During the maintenance report,Mr. Schmidt reported a successfulfall clean up. Hedid emphasizethat people need to knowhow to sort their items and rememberitems MUST be out byMonday morning to be picked up.He was asked to get prices for anew or used bush hog.Lieutenant Colonel ChrisWilbeck of the 2-34 Armor at FortRiley thanked the council for thegreat time his unit had at thehomecoming festivities. Hethanked the council and communityfor the hospitality. ÓOur soldiersreally enjoyed it,Ô he said.ÓAs a commander, I appreciatethe opportunity for oUr men andwomen to have some good wholesomefun with their adopted community.The food was great andour troops really enjoyed being apart of the celebration.Ò AccompanyingLTC Wilbeck to themeeting was Graham Rowan, amember of the 2-34 Armor.Joann Kahnt thanked thecouncil for paying for the soldiersmeals at the tailgate supper andfor the support of the council ingetting everything cocu forthe troops to be a part of thehomecoming celebration.During old business, the councildiscussed the possibility of at-taming a grant to replace the oldplayground equipment at the citypark as well as construct a newconcessions stand, restrooms andstorage area. The city receivedthe application for the grant inAugust. John Riffel and Jim Barberhad viewed the building builtfor a concessions stand, etc. inHerington.Afier discussion, NinaMilcy was asked to work on writingthe grant.Councilwoman Arnoldreportedon concerns of citizensabout pit bulls and other dangerousdogs in the city. People werereminded to keep their dogs inpens, fenced or tied up as it isillegal for dogs to run at large.Councilman Kahnt urged anyonewith rental property to getthem ready for rent as there is alot of requests for rental propertyin White City.Mayor Riffel thanked JoannKahnt for coordinating the soldierspart of the homecoming festivities.Nina Miley visited with thecouncil about blight in the town,especially on main street. ÑIt createsan adverse atmosphere,Ô shesaid. She recommended lettersbe sent to all residents citing theblight ordinance.With no further discussion, themeeting adjourned at 9:22 pmattaming

Russell CountyNewsRussell,KSCirc. 2389From Page:110/21/200931633Volume 61, No.68 Russell, <strong>Kansas</strong> 67665 russeIl@mainstreetmedia.us Wednesday, UctoDer Zi, ZUU9Fire damages Prime 8 InnBy ALBERT LINRussell County NewsA fire early in the morningof Oct.Prime 815 damaged part of theInn, Russell. The motelis owned by Ken and MonalisaLaucomer, Russell.Don Boxberger chief of theRussell-Grant Fire Departmentwhich responded to the incident,said there were only minorinjuries to people.Information provided by theSalina-based North Central<strong>Kansas</strong> Chapter of the AmericanRedCross, said four peoplewere displaced by the fire. Themotel also housed at least 30monkeys, which were cared forby the Laucomers. The firedestroyed the Laucomers livingquarters at the motel, andsmoke damaged much of theadjacent areas. The Laucomerswere able to rescue all but threeof the monkeys and one adultcat. The American Red Cross isproviding assistance to theLaucomers.According to the RussellCounty 911 Dispatch record,emergency crews were calledout at 2:44 a.m., Oct. 15. inresponse to a 911 call. The callreported a structure fire at thePrime 8 Inn, 2499 E. Highway40.<strong>Firefighters</strong> from theRussell-Grant, Russell City,SeeCounty:Russell31633-10-21_1001

Russell CountyNewsRussell,KSCirc. 2389From Page:1010/21/200931633ÕFireGorham,Bunker Hill,and Lincoln Fire Districtresponded, as did theRussell County SheriffÒsDepartment, RussellRegional HospitalEmergency MedicalServices, and RussellCounty Emergencyanagement DirectorKeith Haberer. Alsoresponding were DarleneRose, the city ofRussellÒs animal controlwarden and JordanHarrison, the city ofRussellÒs assistant animalcontrol warden.SheriffÒs DeputyDamian Morgensterncleared the P-rime 8Innof people.Boxberger said thefire was extinguished byabout 5:45 a.m. Oct. 15.According to theRussell County 911Dispatch record,Monalisa Laucomercalled 911 at 11:13 a.m.,Oct. 15, to report the fireat the motel had rekindled.Emergency crewsresponded and extinguishedthe flames.Boxberger and SamSchmidt, Russell city firechief, are investigatingthe fire incident.Boxberger commentedtheLaUæŁThe cause of the fire isbelieved to have beenelectrical, although thesource of the electricalmalfunction is uncertain.Additionally,Boxberger said no estimateon the dollaramount of the damagehas been determined yet.However, the Prime 8I,nnÒs owners had noinsurance coverage forthe motel.Paula Florian, RussellCounty HealthDepartment adminIstrator,said Russell Countyhas no laws on keepingmonkeys as pets. The petowners must follow thestate and federal regulationsgoverning thisactivity. Florian said theLaucomers had been incompliance with the regDAMAGED BY FIRE -- A photograph taken Oct. 19 at the Prime 8 Inn, Russell,shows burnt furniture which was moved outdoors after a fire occurred at themotel Oct. 15.

Smith Co.PioneerSmith Center,KSCirc. 3338From Page:2010/22/200931663Tractor destro yea in rireThe Kensington fire department was called to a rural fU in Phillips CountyMonday afternoon, Oct. 19. The tractor, owned by Darr Grauerholz, wasunattended and caught on fire. The planter was pulled away with hoses stillattached to save that piece of equipment. F by Bob LevinCounty:Smith31663-10-22_20001

The TimesLiberal,KSCirc. 4056From Page:810/21/200931672Kismet kids learn about fire safetyStay sate on Halloween and avoid frighttultire hazardsSubmittedHalloween plans typically inclufrightful activities, and paying attention toa few safety tips can make the differencebetween having a frightfully-fun experienceversus a frightfully-tragic one.Decorations were the first item ignitedin an estimated average of more than 1,000home structure fires per year curing 2002-2005, according to the National Fire Protection<strong>Association</strong> (NFPA) report HomeStructure Fires that began with Decorations.More than half of these fires werestarted by candles.There are many things that parents,kids, and aÆilts can th to make sure thatHalloween remains a very safe holiday,said Lomtine Carli, NFPA s vice presidantof communications. Make sure fireplace-style matches or a utility lighter.costumes purchased are labeled flame-resistant Be sure to place lit pumpkins well awayor flame-retarthnt, choose materials from anything that can bum includingthat will not easily ignite, and keep fire trick-or-treaters, horsteps, walkways andsafety in mind when ducorating yourhome, both insic and out.Fire safety concerns are often unic?.le athaunted houses and other spooky venuestypically visited during this time of year.It is important to know how to get outof a room or a building in case of emergeilcyno matter where you are, and toteach kids to th the same, said Carli. Ahaunted house is a unipe venue and withother things competing for your attention,it may take a little extra effort to idsntifyexits and plan your escape; however, ifthere is an actual emergency or the ghostsand goblins simply get too scary, you ll beglad you did!Buy only costumes, wigs and props labeledflame-resistant or flame-retardant. Ifyou are making your own costume, choosematerial that won t easily ignite if it comesinto contact with heat or flame. Avoid usingbillowing or long trailing features. Ifyour child is wearing a mask, make surethe eye holes are large enough so they cansee out.Provi children with lightweightflashlights to carry for lighting or as partof their costume.Dried flowers, comstalks and crepe paperare highly flammable. Keep these andother corations well away from all openflames and heat sources, including lightbulbs and heaters.It is safest to use a flashlight or battery-operatedcandles in a jack-o-lanteni. Ifyou use a real candle, use extreme caution.Make sure children are watched at alltimes when candles are lit. When lightingcandles insi jack-o-lanterns, use longyards.Remember to keep exits clear of corations,so nothing blocks escape routes.Tell children to stay away from openflames. Be sure they know how to stop,drop and roll if their clothing catches fire.(Have them practice stopping immediately,dropping to the ground, covering their facewith hands, and rolling over and over toputthe flames out.)Use flashlights as alternatives tocandlesor torch lights when &corating walkwaysand yards. They are much safer fortrick-or-treaters, whose costumes maybrush against the lighting.If your children are going to Halloweenparties at others homes, have themlook for exits and plan how they would getout in an emergency.County:Seward31672-10-21_8002

The TimesLiberal,KSCirc. 4056From Page:810/21/200931672

Atchison GlobeAtchison,KSCirc. 3680From Page:110/21/200932027City15-faces sales tax hortfallDip was expected, budgeted forBY PATTY MOOREpaltymoore@npgco.comAtchl.onGLOBEDwindling sales tax collectionsare likely to cause a cashshortfall for the City ofAtchison, but that possibilityhas already been allowed for inthe 2009 budget.Commissioner Jack Bowerbrought up the subject at theMonday commission meeting,and Can Strieby, acting financedirector said sales tax distributionsfrom the state have beenpretty weak the past twomonths.October will tell us for certain,Ms. Strieby said of thedistributions, which arer two months after theactual collection month.Commissioner Bower askedif there would be a shortfall atthe end of the year if lower collectionscontinued.We did budget for a (2009)shortfall, Ms. Strieby said. IIwe continue to collect at thesame level we did in the lasttwo months if collectionsfall below $115,000 for each ofthe next three months we regoing to have a shortfall.Commissioners set the budgCounty:Atchison32027-10-21_1001

Atchison GlobeAtchison,KSCirc. 3680From Page:110/21/200932027budget to allow transfer of funds tocover the shortfall.They began tc considerpossible sales axdrops as the ecorcontinued to lag,concerns led tobudget action.Anothercropped up wher ViceMayor Andrew Werrinquestioned one o two applicationsfor junk de licensing.He said the applicant hquestioned owned propertywithin the city that was not incompliance withcodes, and that hewould be hesitant toapprove a licenseuntil the propertywas cleaned up.ÓOur indication isthat the licensedactivity would not beon that property,Ô said GaryPlease see SHORTFALL/Pagej

Atchison GlobeAtchison,KSCirc. 3680From Page:510/21/200932027ShortfallContinued from PAGE 1Heei public woii directotHe added that the intent oflicensing was to get peopleinto compliance, and failureto do so would result in revocationof the license.The consensus was thatthe scrapping ordinancemight be amended to allowcity staff, rather than commissioners,to approve junkdealer licensing, and theissue will be on a futureagenda.Vice Mayor Werring alsoasked about a citizen complaintof a Postal Servicevehicle being parked anddriven on a sidewalk in theBranchton division ofSouth tchison. He notedthat vehicles were prohlbited by ordinance from goingonto sidewalks.ÓThatÒs correct, and wespoke to both the postuiasterandthecarrierinvolved,Ô Police ChiefMike Wilson said, Óand thesituation has beenresolved?ÒHe added that the carriertold him he had stopped thepractice after speaking withthe complainantIn other actions,commissioners:Õ Appmved re-plats forthe Atchison Hospital subdivisionand the AtchisonCountyCenterplat. The first allows forconstruction of physiciansÒquarters at the new hospitalsite and Shannon Fired bth anew station near therncling centetDelayed a presentationon extension of theCommunity DevelopmentBlock Grant program dueto illness of presenterDonna Crawford, grantwriter and director ofGovernmental AssistanceServices. The presentationwill be rescheduled.Õ Acceptecta Gold StarAward for employee safetywhich entities the City to a5-percent insurance premiumreduction. The awardwas put into place in themeeting room by CityManager Tray Cocking.Õ Moved into executivesession with Mr Cocking, J.David Farris, city attorney,and Christy Isaacs, executivedirector of AtchisonCounty EconomicDevelopment Board.

Change smoke alarm, carbon monoxidebatteries along with clocksChanuteTribuneChanute,KSCirc. 3699From Page:410/17/200932084Andy MoffittCFD Battalion ChiefQAs the time change approaches onSunday, November 1, the Chanute Firewants toto make another change that could savetheir lives changing the batteries intheir smoke alarms and carbon monoxidedetectors.Communities nationwide witnesstragic home fire deaths each year,and Chanute is no exception. Approximatelyevery 3 hours a home fire deathoccurs somewhere in the nation and80 percent of those occur in homeswithout working smoke alarms. Nonworkingworking smoke alarms rob residents ofthe protective benefits home fire safetydevices were designed to provide. Themost commonly cited cause of nonworkingworking smoke alarms: worn or missingbatteries.Changing smoke alarm batteries atleast once a year is one of the simplest,most effective ways to reducethese tragic deaths and injuries. Infact, working smoke alarms nearlycut in half the risk of dying in a homefire. Additionally, the Chanute FireDepartment recommends replacingyour smoke alarms every ten years.Andy MoffittCFD Battalion ChiefTo help save lives and preventneedless injuries in Chanute and thesurrounding areas, the Chanute FireDepartment has adopted the ChangeYour Clock Change Your Batteryficampaign. The program urges allAmericans to adopt a simple, lifesavinghabit: changing smoke alarm andcarbon monoxide detector batterieswhen changing clocks back to standardtime each fall, this year on November1. Americans are encouraged again tocheck the batteries during the springtime change on March 14, 2010.The peak time for home fire fatalitiesis alarm between maintenance 11 p.m. is and a simple, 7 a.m. effective whenmost way families to reduce are sleeping. home fire Smoke deaths.Children and senior citizens are mostat risk, and a working smoke alarm cangive them the extra seconds they needto get out safely.In addition, Chanute <strong>Firefighters</strong>recommend residents use the extrahour they save from the time changeto test smoke alarms and carbon monoxidedetectors by pushing the testbutton, planning two ways out andpracticing escape routes with the entirefamily. Families should also prepare afire safety kit that includes workingQAs the time change approaches onSunday, November 1, the Chanute Firewants toto make another change that could savetheir lives changing the batteries intheir smoke alarms and carbon monoxidedetectors.Communities nationwide witnesstragic home fire deaths each year,and Chanute is no exception. Approximatelyevery 3 hours a home fire deathoccurs somewhere in the nation and80 percent of those occur in homeswithout working smoke alarms. Nonworkingworking smoke alarms rob residents ofthe protective benefits home fire safetydevices were designed to provide. TheCounty:Neosho32084-10-17_4002most commonly cited cause of nonworkingworking smoke alarms: worn or missingbatteries.Changing smoke alarm batteries atleast once a year is one of the simplest,most effective ways to reducethese tragic deaths and injuries. In

Coffey Co.RepublicanBurlington,KSCirc. 3019From Page:210/16/200932111IJILCL ILL 0 .JLLa,C L . U-Th.COFFEY COUNTYFIRE DIsT. No. 1Station 5, LeRoy, respondedat 11:04 a.m. Oct. 3 for standbyat the intersection of 12th andCalifornia Street in LeRoy.Station 4, Gridley, respondedat 4:31 a.m. Oct. 14 to a medicalassist in the 400 block ofFessenden Street in Gridley.Station 7, Waverly, respondedat 6:50 a.m. Oct. 14 to a medicalassist in the 6500 block of317th Street in Waverly.Station 5, LeRoy, respondedat 8:34 a.m. Oct. 14 to a medicalassist in the 900 block of BStreet in LeRoy.Station 7, Waverly, and Station3, Burlington, was cancelleden route to a call at 10:53a.m. Oct. 14 in the 1900 block ofO1dHStation 4, Gridley, respond-.ed at 12:23 p.m. Oct. 14 to amedical assist in the 400 block IStreet inL0fT GridlCounty:Coffey32111-10-16_2001

Coffey Co.RepublicanBurlington,KSCirc. 3019From Page:310/16/200932111Fire BoardBURLINGTONTheCof,fey County Fire District No.E1oi irustees will meetin regular session at 7 p.m.Monday, Oct. 19, at theBurlington Fire Station. Theagenda includes: call to order,approve agenda, approveSept. 21 meeting minutes,treasurer s report, budget report,activity report, Christmason Us - The Coffey CountyRepublican Dec. 19, SCBAreplacement quote (compositebottles), replacement ofstation 3and 4 floor tiles, station8 grass unit changeover Unit No. 84, announcementsand comments.County:Coffey32111-10-16_3001

Coffey Co.RepublicanBurlington,KSCirc. 3019From Page:110/20/200932111FIREPitKids get hands-onfire safety lessonAmy JohnsonReporterWAVERLY Waverly Grade Schoolchildren were treated to a field trip toOct.1Wher firefightersthe Waverly Fire Department Friday,gave the grade school studentsa lesson about fire prevention and firesafety. Students in kindergartenthrough sixth-grade each took a turnescaping from a smokehouse, watchinga fire safety video, touring a firetruck and learning about what firefightersand first responders do in anemergency situation.Children learned first hand what itis like to be in a room filled with smokeand the proper way to escape. CoffeyCounty Fire District No. 1 has aportable smokehouse that is takenfrom town to town to demonstrate tothe children the safe way to escape asmoke-filled room.The children were instructed to pretendas if they were sleeping while theroom was pumped full of harmlesssmoke. Once the room was smokyenough, a smoke detector went offalerting the children of the danger.They were instructed to drop to thefloor, feel along the wall for windowsand doors and to touch the door to seeif it was hot. If the door is hot, theywere told not open it because a chanceof fire exists on the other side.They were told beforehand thesafest way to exit would be through thewindow and to make it to the windowas quickly as possible. <strong>Firefighters</strong>Travis Vogts and Kent Stukey were onhand to help the children safely exitthe windowThe children were also allowed toman the fire hose from the pumpertruck with the help of volunteer firefightersAllen Schultz and BillSiemers. They each had fun sprayingwater to put out a pretend fire. Thechildren then toured a fire truck beforeheading into Waverly City Hall toview a fire safety video. Each child wasgiven a fire hat and fire safety worksheet,compliments of the fire district.Waverly firefighters from StationNo. 7 who volunteered time to visitwith the children were Liz Collins,Steve McCurry, Allen Schultz, BifiSiemers, Kent Stukey, Travis Vogtsand Aaron Wffliams.County:Coffey32111-10-20_1001

Coffey Co.RepublicanBurlington,KSCirc. 3019From Page:110/20/200932111Amy J RspWaverly Elementary School kindergartner Christian Winsky successfully escapes thesmokehouse with the help of volunteer firefighter Kent Stukey.

Coffey Co.RepublicanBurlington,KSCirc. 3019From Page:210/23/200932111damages9CookingBecky ReevesNews EditorBURLINGTONand New Strawnwere call1l 6:28 Wednesday morningat an apartment at 524 DesMoines Street in Burlington.Lurlinaton<strong>Firefighters</strong> from Gridiley werealso called, but cancelled enroute. Two neighbors madecalls to 911 to report the fire.The occupant of the apartment,Libbie Pecka, told FireChief Bifi Walker she was fryinghomemade doughnuts in apan with cooking oil and hadleft the room for a few minutes.When she returned, the stoveand kitchen cabinets were onfire.Upon arrival, firefighters enteredthe front c{oor and Ismoke in the living room and asmall fire burning on a cabinetby the kitchen stove, whichthey extinguished.Tifie property is insured byowner James McGee; Peckahad renter s insurance on thecontents. The two-bedroomapartment had smoke damagein the bedrooms, the bathroomfire..apartmentand living room, said ChiefWa1ker The kitchen receivedsignificant fire, heat and smokedamage. The stove, refrigerator,cabinets and part of the ceilingrecei considerable damage.The unit has four apartments,and Pecka s was the seeondfrom the west Law enforcement,which was first on thescene, evacuated the otherapartments prior to the firefightersarrival. There was somesmoke smell in the two adjacentapartments, but no damage.According to Chief Walker,there was no water damage.Actually she did the rightthing, he said. When she leftthe apartment, she closed thedoor and that shut off the oxygento the fire. By the time ourguys got in there, the fire hadused all the oxygen and had justabout put itself out<strong>Firefighters</strong> were on thescene for about one houi Alsoresponding were Coffey County Jsheriff s officers, emergencymedical services and Burling-Iton police officers.County:Coffey32111-10-23_2001

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