COUNTRYtalk - Countrywide Farmers

COUNTRYtalk - Countrywide Farmers

COUNTRYtalk - Countrywide Farmers

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countrytalkIt’s a one-stoparable shopArable Directis a <strong>Countrywide</strong><strong>Farmers</strong> (CWF)service that putsthe latest prices ofcereal seed, grassseed, fertiliser, grainand other products and services justa phone call away.The new Arable Direct team is based at CWF’sDefford site, near Worcester. They are thereto support the on farm sales team and cropspecialists, as well as provide a direct pointof contact for CWF farmer customers.“Fertiliser recommendations by FACTS qualifiedpersonnel based on complete nutrient planningcan be carried out on whole farm enterprises.CWF Arable Direct can supply the whole rangeof services required to comply with currentlegislation”, said Ian Moseley, Head of ArableDirect (pictured above).Tel: 01386 757322 or email:arabledirect@countrywidefarmers.co.ukRecycle plasticTime-pressed farmers needing to get plasticoff their land can now tap into a removalservice covering all of England and Wales.And with new legislation stopping farmersfrom burning or burying plastic on their farm,the recycling service offered by Farm XS,backed by the Environment Agency, isproving to be very popular.Provided the plastic is clean and sorted intoproduct type, it can be either collected fromthe farm or delivered to local collectors.Farm XS can handle silage wrap and clampsheeting, spray containers, string, netlon,feed buckets and fertilizer and feed bags.To find out more, contact Farm XS on01568 610007 or email info@farmxs.com<strong>Countrywide</strong> Centaur –<strong>Farmers</strong> in PartnershipAround 125 <strong>Countrywide</strong> <strong>Farmers</strong> (CWF)cereal producers - representing some 22,000tonnes of grain - have joined <strong>Countrywide</strong>Centaur - <strong>Farmers</strong> in Partnership (CCFiP)since its launch a year ago.Both parties to the project are delighted tohave achieved steady growth during a yearof such great change. Originally, CCFiP wasset up to supply grain to CWF feed mills andoffer members access to Centaur’s grainmarketing expertise. Although manufacturingin the mills is now under BOCM PAULSmanagement, the sourcing agreement isin place and working effectively.“We are now promoting involvement inCCFiP to our members and we hope that wewill see positive growth in 2006/7,”explained John Sturt, CWF Grain Manager.Better prospects for beefBeef producers’ prospects are brighter withthe opening up of the EU market and theend of the Over-30-Month Scheme.Both specialist beef breeders and thoseseeking to finish cows for the beef marketare looking to exploit new opportunities -and the <strong>Countrywide</strong> <strong>Farmers</strong> (CWF)Livestock team is on hand to help.A recent meeting at the House of Lordsconcentrated on new market opportunitiesand Managing Director, John Hardman,was there to represent CWF."I was encouraged by the input from awhole range of stakeholders in the beefindustry - from supermarkets to fast foodoutlets, processors, vets and the supplyindustry. The market will be challenging butthere is a new sense of optimism.”"We are well placed to help our farmers dojust that. CWF and Meadow Quality betweenthem have the expertise and the products tosupply and select the best stock. In addition,CWF feeds and feeding advice allows ourcustomers to meet demand profitably."“We all know that markets are going tobecome more volatile following CAP reformand the Single Payment introduction.Committing grain to a dedicated marketingteam through CCFiP has many advantagesand we, along with our Centaur colleagues,have held farmer meetings to explain thesearrangements to CWF members.”One of the key advantages for CCFiPmembers is that they can tap into newmarkets being developed by Centaur. Inaddition to traditional feed, milling, maltingand oilseed outlets, this opens newopportunities in contract growing, andindustrial cropping and bio-diesel markets.For more information on joining CCFiPcontact John Sturt on 01368 757365 oremail jsturt@countrywidefarmers.co.ukEBLEX beef costings show considerablepotential for finishing stock at youngerweights. Faster finishing allows better foodconversion, improved cash flow and theopportunity to spread overheads overmore finished cattle. Contact your SalesSpecialist for more information.Our well established Customer Services Team, with over50 years experience in the agricultural industry, is basedat Melksham, in Wiltshire.The team of six receive feed orders and enquiries fromthe agricultural community and are always willing to gothe extra mile to ensure excellent customer service andsatisfaction.The dedicated team always put their customers’needs and requirements first and foremost -call 01225 701333Photo: L-R Michelle Barham, Debbie Mortimer,Debbie Clark, Elise Ramsay, Lynne Turner andJacqui Hatch (not pictured).John Sturt4Serving the rural community

Order earlyto save cashon alternativesFarms able to clamp and store moist feedshould plan now to secure next winter’srequirements as Clamping prices willgenerally be more attractive than the winterfeed load prices – so if you’ve got storagecapacity, an early order can save cash.Getting feed in the clamp early also addsflexibility should buffer feeding be neededto cope with summer droughts.“With more farmers looking to feed winterrations all the year round, we are keepingour blends plant busy making both bespokeand standard rations. <strong>Farmers</strong> need to keeptheir options open, so if you have alreadybooked your straights requirements withus, you can still incorporate your preboughtstraight contracts in to orders forblends. Just call us to discuss the situation,”said Andy Tucker, Alternative FeedsTrading Manager.“As cereal prices look likely to firm, a goodsource of energy would be <strong>Countrywide</strong>Farm Mix – a blend of bakery andconfectionery co-product which comesin a meal form.“Crimped maize grain complements grasssilage, whole crop cereals and conventionalcereals by providing a high energy sourceof by-pass starch. The increased by-passstarch supplied by crimped maize increasesmilk yield and milk protein, while alsoimproving cow fertility by reducing loss ofbody condition in early lactation. Crimpedmaize is available for delivery now orthrough the winter.”For all your Alternative Feed requirements,please call 01264 889066.Sheep Parasites –Can you still dip?The biggest problem for sheep farmers inthe warm weather is the risk of fly strike.However, with new pour-on products beingintroduced and cypermethrin dips beingwithdrawn recently, there is a degree ofconfusion as to what control methods areavailable to be used this summer.Here are the control options availablethrough the network of <strong>Countrywide</strong><strong>Farmers</strong> (CWF) Country Stores:OP (Organophosphorus) plunge dipping isstill an option and will treat maggot fly strikeproviding eight weeks protection. CWFstocks Ectoforce Dip available in 5 x 100mlwater degradable sachets so skin contactwith the dip is not possible. A certificate ofcompetence in safe use of sheep dips isrequired to purchase dips. Ectoforce hasa 12 day meat withdrawal.Pour-on products offer varying levels oftreatment and prevention. Product based onan insect growth regulator (IGR) will preventstrike, but not treat an existing condition.Clik gives 16 weeks prevention of blow flystrike and is an IGR. It’s available in 2.2 and 5litre packs, with a three day meat withdrawal.Vetrazin is another IGR and gives aguaranteed 10 week control of maggot flystrike. It is a ready-to-use product, notrequiring protective clothing for the handlerand it has a three day meat withdrawalgiving greater market flexibility. Vetrazinis available in 0.8, 2.2 and 5 litre packs.A 5 litre pack being enough to treat 10041+kg sheep for full body protection or 200sheep for tail and crutch protection only.Crovect is also a pour-on product but willprevent and treat established blowfly strike.Prevention of strike is for 6 – 8 weeks usinga fan spray nozzle. Treatment of establishedstrike should be directly applied to theaffected parts using a T bar nozzle. Crovectis available in packs of 0.8, 2.2 and 5 litres.Cold spring causes problemsPoor spring weather led to restricted grassgrowth and a late turnout. Grass was amonth behind and, coupled with latefertiliser application, this could lead toproblems with first cut silages.In such difficult years it is crucial to knowjust what quality of grass you are dealingwith. Contact your <strong>Countrywide</strong> <strong>Farmers</strong>(CWF) representative for a grass analysis.This will indicate the expected quality andcan demonstrate whether a silage additivemight be needed.Early season results from the CWF freshgrass analysis service showed high sugarlevels, low fibre and high oil content – aclear warning of potentially low butterfatcontent in milk. Many herds haveexperienced reductions in yield andbutterfat at grass, this spring.Potential milk production from grass throughApril was only M + 5 litres - way belowpotential. May grass is estimated to beworth up to 18 litres of milk. It is importantnot to overestimate grass potential as thisleads to body weight loss, which in turnaffects milk yield and reduces fertility.CWF can analyse your grass and betterbalance the diet, whilst maintaining highintakes of forage.Feet, fertility and cell countHigh cell counts, poor feet and poor fertilityare the biggest drains on milk profitability.CWF will be launching a range of feeds andservices to help producers in these key areas.Look out for articles in the farming pressand speak to your local CWF contact tofind out how you could potentially savethousands of pounds in lost income.Charity of the Year5

countrytalkLet new Directory find the fuel for youLorry art on tourCustomers with <strong>Countrywide</strong> <strong>Farmers</strong> (CWF) Fuel Cards can now get an in-journeysteer to the nearest Keyfuels site via their satellite navigation system.The deployment of the CWF Keyfuelssite directory is now available and fullycompatible with Sat Nav systems and withthe latest devices from Tomtom, NavManand Garmin. Using the directory, you willnow be able to import the current list ofKeyfuel sites into your chosen PersonalNavigation Device.Lists will then be regularly updated fordownloading or emailed to those subscribedto Keyfuels Drivers Club. Once imported asa group of Points of Interest (POI), you cansearch for, plan routes to and be alerted tothe fact that you are within a given distanceof a Keyfuels site. Simply set a Keyfuels siteas a destination and let your Sat Nav deviceguide you to your next fuelling.The Keyfuels innovation is in line withCWF’s policy of continually upgradingtechnology to provide user friendlyproductivity tools to their customers.DRIVELINE, the CWF online fuelmanagement system and smart CHIPand PIN cards, are two recent examples.For more information, contact James in FuelCard Customer Service on 01386 757342.This themed lorry pays tribute to the lateRonnie Barker, seen as his Arkwright characterfrom Open All Hours (another CWF lorrydepicts another well-loved Ronnie Barkercharacter, Fletcher from Porridge).Watch out also for other themed CWF lorries,such as Raging Bull and the Flying Hog.Celebrating 50 years in the energy industry<strong>Countrywide</strong> <strong>Farmers</strong> energy business is celebrating 50 years of constantpersonal service of fuel oil delivery to its customers by commissioning twonew tankers, branded with 50th anniversary livery.“The tankers, supplied by Mann, will run outof our depots at Defford in Worcestershireand Finmere in Buckinghamshire” explainedFuels Manager Shaun Cooper. “These twonew tankers add to an existing fleet ofseven fuel tankers and 10 LPG tankers.Their drivers, Steve Orme andTony Lane, are enjoying thebenefits of the latestin cab technologyincluding satellite navigation and reversingcameras for both safe and timely deliveries.”The year 2006 marks a double celebration,as CWF Energy has also clocked up 25years in the LPG industry – so two new LPGtankers will also carry Jubilee livery torecognise this achievement.”Our energy business has grownsubstantially over the years because welook after our customers, our staff knowtheir business and we always aim to offercompetitive prices” said Energy GeneralManager David Asquith.25YEARSofCELEBRATINGSome of the lorries are also sporting somedistinctive CWF registrations, like CFO4 COW,VX04 MOO and CW0 4HEN, to name just a few.Finally, well done to the five customers whowon a Corgi Classic CWF replica lorry in theWinter issue competition. Models can bepurchased at £49.99 from Corgi direct -www.corgi.co.ukBusy first yearIt’s almost a year ago now that CWFDistribution was launched as the fourthtrading arm of the company.Set up both to serve internal customers fromacross the business, and attack new externalincome streams, CWF Distribution is wellahead of its first year budget targets.External clients signed include BOCM,Centaur Grain, Tarmac and RingwaySpecialist Treatments.After losing its bulk blower fleet, the businesshas been developed through the introductionof tipping only vehicles, a whole range ofnew internal systems and a full-time teamof 10 new owner-drivers.“I’m delighted to say we’ve managedto establish a number of new sources ofrevenue and opportunities for growth,” saidCharlie Fisher, General Manager Distribution.6Serving the rural community

CWF lowersmains gas pricesAt a time when high energy costs and priceincreases are never out of the news,<strong>Countrywide</strong> <strong>Farmers</strong> (CWF) bucked thetrend and offered a price reduction to itsthousands of mains gas customers.Scottish and Southern, Powergen, Npowerand British Gas have all recently announcedprice hikes, due to high wholesale prices.CWF has kept its low-price promise tocustomers and offered a reduction ofapproximately 30% off current unit costs.“We did have to increase our gas prices inDecember 2005 as a result of a suddensurge in wholesale prices but promised we’dbring prices down as soon as we could andwe did!” said Jacki Pickles, Billing Managerfor the Utilities Department.“We believe that our strong emphasis onservice means that our customers reallytrust us and believe what we say. Yes, wedo have to increase prices as all suppliersdo from time to time but we do reactquickly to market conditions, loweringthem as soon as possible.”For more information on mains gas orelectricity from CWF Energy, ring theUtilities Department on0800 328 0011.Good news for CWF autogas, Great news for youThere are still huge savings to be made by Others are in the planning stage.switching from conventional fuels to LiquidCustomers setting up a CWF account forPetroleum Gas (LPG) – and <strong>Countrywide</strong>autogas are provided with an electronic key<strong>Farmers</strong> (CWF) Energy customers are makingthat has a programmable chip inside. This isthat switch easier by increasing outletsallocated uniquely to the vehicle and allowsoffering LPG.access to the network of autogas sites,Chancellor Gordon Brown announced a predominantly situated around the Midlands,continuation of the existing differential in Wales and South West. Fuelling transactionsfuel duty between LPG and petrol/diesel are downloaded daily from each site tothrough to 2009, in this year’s Budget. produce a monthly, itemised invoice forThe current duty on LPG is 4.5p per litre the customer.compared with 47.1p per litre on petrolFor a free autogas information pack andor diesel. The pump price will continueapplication form, please contact Yvonne onto be around half that of petrol and diesel01386 757338.for the foreseeable future.This makes CWF autogas a viable alternativefor fleet and private motorists. More than10 million drivers worldwide use LPG andin the UK numbers are increasing asmore motorists become aware of theenvironmental and cost saving benefits.There are currently over 1300 public accessLPG filling stations, providing effectivecoverage throughout the UK and newstations continue to open. CWF reflect thistrend with the continued expansion of itsown network of 35 autogas filling points,with two new 24 hour sites planned inforthcoming weeks for Berkeley,Gloucestershire and Westbury, Wiltshire.Broadband a new range now available!Access to broadband is a vital resource intoday’s fast moving world and there is apackage to suit everyone in the range ofbroadband packages introduced by<strong>Countrywide</strong> <strong>Farmers</strong> Energy.The new range combines value for moneywith excellent service support.“The packages we have on offer vary inspeed and price but we can help you makea decision on what would suit you bestaccording to your existing computer set up,”said Julie Jones-Ford, Utilities Manager.“Our Basic 250 Package at just £16.25 permonth will suit many of our customers butwe do have another product that offersexceptional value. The Max Light packageis just £22.48 per month but allows theuser access to the maximum speeds thatthe line will allow. So if your area receivesan upgrade to 8 Meg broadband you’ll beable to take advantage of this speed at noextra cost!”For more information on the range ofpackages available, contact the UtilitiesDepartment on 0800 328 0011.Charity of the Year7

countrytalkCompany eyes net gains<strong>Countrywide</strong> <strong>Farmers</strong> (CWF) is to go livewith an online trading website, this autumn.With its traditional routes to market beingfield sales, telesales and retail stores, onlinetrading is set to add an exciting dimensionto the company’s current £150m turnovercovering key sectors – agriculture, energyand retail.CWF is working with retail IT specialist PaulMason Consulting (PMC) Ltd on the project.“With many of our customers living andrunning businesses in isolated rural locations,”said CWF Managing Director John Hardman,“an online service is clearly an appropriatealternative to visiting our stores.”“Our website has been getting more than10,000 hits a month so the potential todevelop it into a trading function was clearto see – online trading is the fastest growingpart of the retail sector and we need to bepart of that growth,” he added.CWF Horse Shows<strong>Countrywide</strong> <strong>Farmers</strong> is again running itstwo annual horse shows. The first show willbe held on Saturday 27th May at HartpuryCollege Equestrian Centre, Gloucester andthe second will be held on Sunday 11th Juneat Wiltshire College, Lackham, Wiltshire.Farmer & Smallholder EventsDates 2006EventLedburyMelkshamMelton Mowbray * DAY ONLY*Cirencester * DAY ONLY*Market Drayton * DAY ONLY *BromsgroveHerefordBearleyCarmarthenChipping NortonGloucesterRaglanBromyardBridgendEveshamDateWed 1st NovThurs 2nd NovTues 7th NovTues 7th NovWed 8th NovThurs 9th NovWed 15th NovThurs 16th NovThurs 16th NovWed 22nd NovThurs 23rd NovWed 29th NovThurs 30th NovTues 5th DecWed 6th DecEvents will run from 6pm – 9pmunless otherwise statedAutumn dairy eventsThe European Dairy EventThe South West Dairy ShowThe Welsh Dairy Show20-21st Sept4th Oct17th OctEquestrian Events -Dates 2006EventWitneyNewportEveshamBridgnorthMelton Mowbray * DAY ONLY*ChepstowBridgwaterGloucesterBromsgroveBridgendMelkshamChipping NortonCarmarthenBearleyLedburyTwyfordAbergavenny (6pm – 9pm)BourtonWenvoe *DAY ONLY*WrexhamThornburyCirencesterDateWed 4th OctWed 4th OctThurs 5th OctThurs 5th OctSat 7th OctTues 10th OctWed 11th OctThurs 12th OctWed 18th OctWed 18th OctWed 18th OctThurs 19th OctThurs 19th OctTues 24th OctWed 25th OctWed 25th OctThurs 26th OctThurs 26th OctSat 28th OctWed 1st NovWed 1st NovThurs 2nd NovEvents will run from 3pm to 8pmunless otherwise statedPlease pick up a schedule and entry formfrom your local Country Store or downloada copy from www.countrywidefarmers.co.ukFor further information on all these events contact your local Country Storeon 08708 352352 or visit www.countrywidefarmers.co.ukCharity of the YearContactsAgri Sales Team - To contact your local sales specialist for feed, seed, fertiliser and grain call 01225 701335.Retail Trade Sales Specialists - for animal health, harvesting, fencing, and other bulk retail prices call 01993 890443 to find outwho your local contact is.Alternative Feeds 0845 6732100Autogas 0800 243889Arable Direct 01386 757322Crop Protection 01225 701344Customer Accounts 01386 757300Country Stores 08708 352352Feed Assurance 07768 833614Feed Customer Services 01225 701333Feed Technical 01225 701314Fertiliser 01386 757372Franklands Farm Feeds 01267 222422Fuel and Fuel Tanks 0800 626348Fuel Card 01386 757342Grain 01386 757365LP Gas 0800 1691735Marketing 01993 890423Seeds 01386 757314Turf and Amenity 07780 996902Utilities (telecoms, elec, gas) 0800 3280011Tel: 01386 757300 Fax: 01386 757390enquiries@countrywidefarmers.co.ukwww.countrywidefarmers.co.ukEvery care is taken in the preparation of this newsletter, but it should only be used as a guide. <strong>Countrywide</strong> <strong>Farmers</strong> cannot accept any responsibility for losses incurred as a consequenceof information within this publication. All prices exclude VAT, unless otherwise stated. Offers are subject to availability; some products may only be available in larger Country Stores.Ask for further details. CWF reserve the right to change prices if necessary. © Copyright <strong>Countrywide</strong> <strong>Farmers</strong> plc, 2006. E&OE

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