UIC Code_918 - 3 - saferail.nl

UIC Code_918 - 3 - saferail.nl UIC Code_918 - 3 - saferail.nl


European Railway AgencyERA/TD/2009-07/INT: ANNEX B.4 of TAP TSITag Tag Name St Rp Frmt Comments1131 Code list identification code C an..3 Not applicable3055 Code list responsible agency C an..3 Not applicablecode3224 Location name C an..70 Not applicableExampleADS+:1:2+5:48 AVENUE FONSNY+BRUSSELS+1060+BE’Level 2 - Group 2 - POP - Period of operationFunctionRailway useTo specify the date or time period with days of operation.This segment has 9 occurrences to specify a period of operation (first and last date, days in theweek), opening hours, necessary connection time.Tag Tag Name St Rp Frmt CommentsE013DATE AND TIME INFORMA- M 1TION2005 Date or time or period functioncode qualifierM an..3 See code list B.4.2005. Values87 = necessary connection time273 = period of operation or firstdate of validity748 = opening hours2380 Date or time or period text M an..35 Formats:Period of operation: yyyy-mm-dd/yyyymm-ddFirst date of validity: yyyy-mm-ddConnection time: hhmmOpening hours: hhmm/hhmm2379 Date or time or period format C an..3 Not applicablecode4440 Free text value C an..512 Not applicable2160 DAYS OF WEEK SET IDENTI-FIERC 1 an..7 String data representation of localday(s) of the week (Monday = 1,Tuesday = 2, etc.) on which the serviceoperates.4405 STATUS DESCRIPTION CODE C 1 an..3 Not applicableExamplePOP+273:1997-09-29/1998-05-31++1234567’Level 2 - Group 2 - CON - Contact InformationFunctionRailway useTo specify contact communication numbers and names.This segment may be used to provide the phone number, fax number, telex number and e-mailaddress, (in that order), of the service location administrator.Tag Tag Name St Rp Frmt CommentsE966 CONTACT INFORMATION C 203035 Party function code qualifier M an..3 Person, bureau or other instancethat keeps the specified communicationnumber. See code list B.4.3035.3148 Communication number M an..512 Phone number, fax number, telexand e-mail address (in that order).3153 Communication medium typecodeC an..3 See code list B.4.3153. Value = TE,FX, TL or EM3036 Party name C an..35 Not applicable1154 Reference identifier C an..35 Not applicableExampleCON+WF:3225259152:TE*WF:3225252952:FX*WF:EDIFER@INFOBOARD.BE:EM’The information desk's (WF) telephone (TE), fax (FX) and e-mail (EM) numbers/addressesERA_Technical_Document_TAP_B_4 Version Draft 1.2 Page 52/63

European Railway AgencyERA/TD/2009-07/INT: ANNEX B.4 of TAP TSILevel 2 - Group 2 - TRF - Traffic restriction detailsFunction To convey certain restrictions that apply to a travel-related object.Railway use This segment may be used to specify restrictions related to the location.Tag Tag Name St Rp Frmt CommentsE007TRAFFIC RESTRICTION DE- C 5 MandatoryTAILS8015 Traffic restriction code C an..3 Mandatory. See code list B.4.8015.8017 Traffic restriction application C an..3 Not applicablecode8035 Traffic restriction type code qualifierC an..3 Not applicable4440 Free text value C an..512 Not applicableExampleTRF+1’Level 2 - Group 2 - CNY - Country InformationFunctionRailway useTo specify country-related information: date and time of summer or winter time transition andrelated time variation, currency and language(s).At this level, the segment defines the country if different from the default country specified inthe segment CNY (level 1).Tag Tag Name St Rp Frmt Comments3207 COUNTRY CODED M 1 See code list ISO 3166.E013DATE AND TIME INFORMA-TIONC 2 Both occurrences may be used: thefirst to specify the starting date ofsummer time and the second thestarting date of the wintertime.2005 Date or time or period functioncode qualifierM an..3 See code list B.4.2005. Value = 88 or982380 Date or time or period text M an..35 Date in format: yyyy-mm-dd2379 Date or time or period format C an..3 Not applicablecode4440 Free text value C an..512 Not applicable2705 TIME VARIATION C 2 n..3 Both occurrences may be used: thefirst to specify the time variation expressedin hours at the start of summertime and the second the variationat the start of winter time.6345 CURRENCY IDENTIFICATIONCODEC 1 an..3 Currency of the country. See code listISO code 4217..3453 LANGUAGE NAME CODE C 9 an..3 Official language(s) used in the country.See code list ISO 639-1ExampleCNY+BE+88:1998-03-28*98:1998-09-27+1*1'Level 2 - Group 2 - TIZ - Time Zone InformationFunctionRailway useTo provide information about a time zone.At this level, the segment defines the time zone if different from the default time zone specifiedin the segment TIZ at level 1.Tag Tag Name St Rp Frmt CommentsE034 TIME ZONE M 12029 Time zone identification M an..3 Identification of time zone. See code listB.4.2029..2020 Time zone difference value C n..4 Time variation toward GMT expressedin hours.ERA_Technical_Document_TAP_B_4 Version Draft 1.2 Page 53/63

European Railway AgencyERA/TD/2009-07/INT: ANNEX B.4 of TAP TSILevel 2 - Group 2 - TRF - Traffic restriction detailsFunction To convey certain restrictions that apply to a travel-related object.Railway use This segment may be used to specify restrictions related to the location.Tag Tag Name St Rp Frmt CommentsE007TRAFFIC RESTRICTION DE- C 5 MandatoryTAILS8015 Traffic restriction code C an..3 Mandatory. See code list B.4.8015.8017 Traffic restriction application C an..3 Not applicablecode8035 Traffic restriction type code qualifierC an..3 Not applicable4440 Free text value C an..512 Not applicableExampleTRF+1’Level 2 - Group 2 - CNY - Country InformationFunctionRailway useTo specify country-related information: date and time of summer or winter time transition andrelated time variation, currency and language(s).At this level, the segment defines the country if different from the default country specified inthe segment CNY (level 1).Tag Tag Name St Rp Frmt Comments3207 COUNTRY CODED M 1 See code list ISO 3166.E013DATE AND TIME INFORMA-TIONC 2 Both occurrences may be used: thefirst to specify the starting date ofsummer time and the second thestarting date of the wintertime.2005 Date or time or period functioncode qualifierM an..3 See code list B.4.2005. Value = 88 or982380 Date or time or period text M an..35 Date in format: yyyy-mm-dd2379 Date or time or period format C an..3 Not applicablecode4440 Free text value C an..512 Not applicable2705 TIME VARIATION C 2 n..3 Both occurrences may be used: thefirst to specify the time variation expressedin hours at the start of summertime and the second the variationat the start of winter time.6345 CURRENCY IDENTIFICATIONCODEC 1 an..3 Currency of the country. See code listISO code 4217..3453 LANGUAGE NAME CODE C 9 an..3 Official language(s) used in the country.See code list ISO 639-1ExampleCNY+BE+88:1998-03-28*98:1998-09-27+1*1'Level 2 - Group 2 - TIZ - Time Zone InformationFunctionRailway useTo provide information about a time zone.At this level, the segment defines the time zone if different from the default time zone specifiedin the segment TIZ at level 1.Tag Tag Name St Rp Frmt CommentsE034 TIME ZONE M 12029 Time zone identification M an..3 Identification of time zone. See code listB.4.2029..2020 Time zone difference value C n..4 Time variation toward GMT expressedin hours.ERA_Technical_Document_TAP_B_4 Version Draft 1.2 Page 53/63

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