UIC Code_918 - 3 - saferail.nl

UIC Code_918 - 3 - saferail.nl UIC Code_918 - 3 - saferail.nl


European Railway AgencyERA/TD/2009-07/INT: ANNEX B.4 of TAP TSITag Tag Name St Rp Frmt Comments2380 Date or time or period text M an..35 The following formats are to be used: delivery date/time and creationdate/time:yyyy-mm-ddThhmm first date of validity:yyyy-mm-dd2379 Date or time or period format C an..3 Not applicablecode4440 Free text value C an..512 Not applicable1154 REFERENCE IDENTIFIER C 1 an..35 Delivery reference number. Mandatoryif the message contains an update toa previous delivery or if it contains acomplete delivery that may be thesubject of subsequent update messages.Absent in all other cases.4440 FREE TEXT VALUE C 1 an..512 Delivery free format reference7135 PRODUCT IDENTIFIER C 2 an..35 Not applicable3453 LANGUAGE NAME CODE C 1 an..3 See code list ISO 639-1.ExampleHDR+81+273:1996-09-29/1997-05-31*11:1996-07-20T1422*45:1996-07-20T1422+0003'Level 1 - IFT - Interactive free textFunctionRailway useTo provide free-form information.Not applicableLevel 1 - RFR - ReferenceFunctionRailway useTo specify a reference.An occurrence of the RFR segment must be present if the message contains an update to aprevious delivery. It shall refer to that previous delivery. As such, it enables the recipient tocheck the chain of updates and to identify the delivery for which this message is an update. Inall other cases the segment must be absent.Tag Tag Name St Rp Frmt CommentsE506 REFERENCE M 11153 Reference function code qualifier M an..3 See code list B.4.1153 .Value = AGX1154 Reference identifier C an..35 Mandatory. Reference of the previousdelivery.1156 Document line identifier C an..6 Not applicable4000 Reference version number C an..35 Not applicable3036 Party name C an..35 Not applicableExampleRFR+AGX:0002'Level 1 - CNY - Country InformationFunctionRailway useTo specify country-related information : date and time of summer or winter time transition andrelated time variation, currency and language(s).At this level, the segment defines the country applicable for all locations listed thereafter.Tag Tag Name St Rp Frmt Comments3207 COUNTRY CODED M 1 an..3 See code list ISO 3166.E013DATE AND TIME INFORMA-TIONC 2 Both occurrences may be used: thefirst to specify starting date of summertime and the second, the starting date2005 Date or time or period functioncode qualifierof the wintertime.M an..3 See code list B.4.2005. Value = 88 or98ERA_Technical_Document_TAP_B_4 Version Draft 1.2 Page 48/63

European Railway AgencyERA/TD/2009-07/INT: ANNEX B.4 of TAP TSITag Tag Name St Rp Frmt Comments2380 Date or time or period text M an..35 Date in format: yyyy-mm-dd2379 Date or time or period format C an..3 Not applicablecode4440 Free text value C an..512 Not applicable2705 TIME VARIATION QUANTITY C 2 n..3 Both occurrences may be used: thefirst to specify the time variation expressedin hours at the start of summertime and the second, the variationat start of winter time.6345 CURRENCY IDENTIFICATIONCODEC 1 an..3 Currency of the country. See ISOcode 4217.3453 LANGUAGE NAME CODE C 9 an..3 Official language(s) used in the country.See code list ISO 639-1ExampleCNY+BE+88:1998-03-28*98:1998-09-27+1*1'Level 1 - TIZ - Time Zone InformationFunctionRailway useTo provide information about a time zone.At this level, the segment defines the default time zone applicable to all locations listed thereafter.Tag Tag Name St Rp Frmt CommentsE034 TIME ZONE M 12029 Time zone identifier M an..3 Identification of time zone. See code listB.4.2029.2020 Time zone difference value C n..4 Time variation toward GMT expressedin hours.ExampleTIZ+WET:1'Level 1 - LNG - LanguageFunctionRailway useTo specify a language..At this level, the segment defines the default language applicable to all locations listed thereafter.Tag Tag Name St Rp Frmt Comments3455 LANGUAGE QUALIFIER M 1 an..3 Type of language. See code listB.4.3455.E508 LANGUAGE DETAILS C 13453 Language name code C an..3 See code list ISO 639-1.3452 Language name C an..35 Not applicableExampleLNG+6+FR’ERA_Technical_Document_TAP_B_4 Version Draft 1.2 Page 49/63

European Railway AgencyERA/TD/2009-07/INT: ANNEX B.4 of TAP TSITag Tag Name St Rp Frmt Comments2380 Date or time or period text M an..35 Date in format: yyyy-mm-dd2379 Date or time or period format C an..3 Not applicablecode4440 Free text value C an..512 Not applicable2705 TIME VARIATION QUANTITY C 2 n..3 Both occurrences may be used: thefirst to specify the time variation expressedin hours at the start of summertime and the second, the variationat start of winter time.6345 CURRENCY IDENTIFICATIONCODEC 1 an..3 Currency of the country. See ISOcode 4217.3453 LANGUAGE NAME CODE C 9 an..3 Official language(s) used in the country.See code list ISO 639-1ExampleCNY+BE+88:1998-03-28*98:1998-09-27+1*1'Level 1 - TIZ - Time Zone InformationFunctionRailway useTo provide information about a time zone.At this level, the segment defines the default time zone applicable to all locations listed thereafter.Tag Tag Name St Rp Frmt CommentsE034 TIME ZONE M 12029 Time zone identifier M an..3 Identification of time zone. See code listB.4.2029.2020 Time zone difference value C n..4 Time variation toward GMT expressedin hours.ExampleTIZ+WET:1'Level 1 - LNG - LanguageFunctionRailway useTo specify a language..At this level, the segment defines the default language applicable to all locations listed thereafter.Tag Tag Name St Rp Frmt Comments3455 LANGUAGE QUALIFIER M 1 an..3 Type of language. See code listB.4.3455.E508 LANGUAGE DETAILS C 13453 Language name code C an..3 See code list ISO 639-1.3452 Language name C an..35 Not applicableExampleLNG+6+FR’ERA_Technical_Document_TAP_B_4 Version Draft 1.2 Page 49/63

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