Pricing and Modeling Risk of Agency MBS - RiskMetrics Group

Pricing and Modeling Risk of Agency MBS - RiskMetrics Group Pricing and Modeling Risk of Agency MBS - RiskMetrics Group
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Pricing and Modeling Risk of Agency MBSVersion 1.0October 2010Copyright © 2010 by RiskMetrics Group.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from thepublisher. Requests for permission to make copies of any part of this work should be sent to: RiskMetrics Group MarketingDepartment One Chase Manhattan Plaza, 44th Floor, New York, NY 10005 RiskMetrics Group is a trademark used herein

<strong>Pricing</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Modeling</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Agency</strong> <strong>MBS</strong>Version 1.0October 2010Copyright © 2010 by <strong>Risk</strong>Metrics <strong>Group</strong>.All rights reserved. No part <strong>of</strong> this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage <strong>and</strong> retrieval system, without permission in writing from thepublisher. Requests for permission to make copies <strong>of</strong> any part <strong>of</strong> this work should be sent to: <strong>Risk</strong>Metrics <strong>Group</strong> MarketingDepartment One Chase Manhattan Plaza, 44th Floor, New York, NY 10005 <strong>Risk</strong>Metrics <strong>Group</strong> is a trademark used herein

<strong>Risk</strong>Metrics <strong>Group</strong>www.riskmetrics.com1 IntroductionRecently, <strong>Risk</strong>Metrics introduced a new, internally-developed model for pricing <strong>of</strong> mortgage-backedsecurities, <strong>and</strong> a set <strong>of</strong> new risk analytics based on the pricing model. This analytics replaces the oldsensitivities-based model. This document provides a brief, high level introduction to the new <strong>MBS</strong> analytics.For more details, please see additional readings referenced at the end <strong>of</strong> this document.2 BackgroundThe first generation <strong>of</strong> analytics for <strong>Agency</strong> mortgage-backed securities (<strong>MBS</strong>) introduced by <strong>Risk</strong>Metrics,utilized pre-computed interest rate sensitivities (key-rate durations <strong>and</strong> convexities) for Generic <strong>MBS</strong>. Weused sensitivities as parameters in a two-term Taylor series expansion to re-price securities for calculation <strong>of</strong>VaR, or in stress tests. We obtained these sensitivities from two 3 rd party providers: Derivative Solutions <strong>and</strong>CMS Bondedge.Recently, <strong>Risk</strong>Metrics introduced a new, internally-developed model for pricing <strong>of</strong> mortgage-backedsecurities. In this pricing model, we explicitly simulate the behavior <strong>of</strong> interest rates, prepayment speeds,<strong>and</strong> (for CMOs <strong>and</strong> ABSs) the cash flows delivered to each security. The cash flows estimated by the modelare discounted <strong>and</strong> summed to yield the present value <strong>of</strong> the security. The instruments priced using the newmodel can participate fully in all risk analyses, including computations <strong>of</strong> sensitivities, VaR, <strong>and</strong> stress tests.The new approach <strong>of</strong>fers clients the accuracy <strong>and</strong> advanced analytics features not possible with a simplesensitivity-based model. However, this approach also introduces a high computational cost, especially forcalculation <strong>of</strong> VaR. Therefore, we <strong>of</strong>fer two flavors <strong>of</strong> the <strong>MBS</strong> analytics: “full-valuation”, <strong>and</strong> “quadraticapproximation”. The full-valuation approach features complete re-pricing <strong>of</strong> a security in each VaR scenario.With the “quadratic approximation” approach, we fully re-price a security in a reduced number <strong>of</strong> scenariosto compute sensitivities (key rate durations <strong>and</strong> convexities), <strong>and</strong> then use the sensitivities to re-price thesecurity in the remaining scenarios. Clients that require a high degree <strong>of</strong> precision at high confidence levelsshould choose the full-valuation approach. For other clients, the quadratic approximation approach <strong>of</strong>fers anexcellent trade-<strong>of</strong>f between precision <strong>and</strong> computational performance.<strong>Risk</strong>Metrics has also developed a “delta-gamma” approach – an enhanced sensitivity-based risk solution forGeneric <strong>MBS</strong>. With this approach we compute key rate durations <strong>and</strong> convexities using the new pricingmodel, <strong>and</strong> then use these sensitivities to re-price the security for VaR calculations, <strong>and</strong> in stress tests.While Delta-Gamma is similar to the original sensitivity-based approach, it <strong>of</strong>fers clients more flexibility, <strong>and</strong>several advanced analytics features. Delta-Gamma was developed specifically to be used for Generic <strong>MBS</strong>. Insection 4 <strong>of</strong> this document, we provide a brief overview <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Risk</strong>Metrics approach to creating Generic <strong>MBS</strong>aggregates.3 <strong>Agency</strong> <strong>MBS</strong> Analytics3.1 <strong>Pricing</strong> ModelThe major difference between mortgage-backed securities <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard bonds, such as government orcorporate bonds, is the uncertainty <strong>of</strong> interest <strong>and</strong> principal cash flows due to prepayments by mortgageholders. Therefore, an <strong>MBS</strong> pricing model must include a method for estimating prepayments. Mortgageprepayments are dependent on a number <strong>of</strong> sources <strong>of</strong> risk, but the dominant factor is the level <strong>of</strong> interestrates. If rates drop, mortgage holders are incentivized to refinance their mortgages, <strong>and</strong> thereforeprepayments rise. If rates rise, there is no benefit to refinancing, <strong>and</strong> prepayments slow. Therefore, a keyvariable in a prepayment model is the projected level <strong>of</strong> interest rates, <strong>and</strong> a required element <strong>of</strong> <strong>MBS</strong>pricing is a model <strong>of</strong> interest rates. However, once cash flows <strong>of</strong> a bond are estimated, the final step in theTitle <strong>of</strong> Paper 3

<strong>Risk</strong>Metrics <strong>Group</strong><strong>MBS</strong> pricing model is the same as for any other bond – the estimated cash flows are discounted using theappropriate set <strong>of</strong> zero coupon rates, <strong>and</strong> summed to yield a present value <strong>of</strong> the bond.In the <strong>Risk</strong>Metrics framework, the pricing <strong>of</strong> an <strong>Agency</strong> mortgage-backed security consists <strong>of</strong> three steps:1. Generation <strong>of</strong> a set <strong>of</strong> future interest rate paths using a one-factor Hull-White interest ratemodel2. Estimation <strong>of</strong> prepayment vectors using the Andrew Davidson prepayment model3. A cashflow modelIn the first step, we simulate the interest rates using a one-factor Hull-While model. Each interest rate pathis simulated 30-yrs forward <strong>and</strong> consists <strong>of</strong> 360 monthly time steps. Typically, it is necessary to generate atleast 50 interest rate paths. To calibrate the model, we use Swaption volatilities.In the second step, we estimate prepayments using the Andrew Davidson prepayment model. AndrewDavidson is one <strong>of</strong> the leading mortgage analytics companies, <strong>and</strong> its prepayment model has been widelyadopted by the industry. The Andrew-Davidson model takes as input the following information:• Terms <strong>and</strong> Conditions <strong>of</strong> the Mortgage Poolo Loan type (i.e. FNAM fixed-rate, FHLMC hybrid ARM, etc)o Current weighted average maturity (WAM)o Current weighted average coupon (WAC)o Current weighted average loan age (WALA)o Additional parameters for ARMs <strong>and</strong> Hybrids, such as initial reset date <strong>and</strong> reset frequency• Interest Rate Paths: Forecasted LIBOR rates (2 <strong>and</strong> 10 year) for each month are required. Theseinterest rate paths are estimated in the first step.• <strong>MBS</strong> current coupon computed as a weighted average <strong>of</strong> 2yr <strong>and</strong> 10yr swap rates plus a pool-typespecific spread.The Andrew Davidson prepayment model also provides a number <strong>of</strong> tuning parameters that allow modification<strong>of</strong> the model’s behavior. This may be necessary when a mortgage pool exhibits unusual borrowercharacteristics that are not captured by the base model. We expose these parameters in the application, sothat they can be modified by the client. The prepayment model returns a monthly path <strong>of</strong> forecastedprepayment speeds.In the third <strong>and</strong> final step, the terms & conditions <strong>of</strong> the security <strong>and</strong> the prepayment speeds provided by theprepayment model are used to estimate the future cashflows. These cashflows are then discounted <strong>and</strong>summed to yield the present value <strong>of</strong> the security.3.2 Quadratic ApproximationA full-valuation approach to pricing <strong>and</strong> risk measurement <strong>of</strong> mortgage-backed securities is highlycomputationally intensive, in particular for computing VaR. A typical VaR calculation requires 1,000 repricingsin order to estimate stable distribution parameters. Each re-pricing requires generation <strong>of</strong> 50 ormore interest rate paths, each with 360 time steps. As a result, the total number <strong>of</strong> simulation pathsrequired to compute VaR for a single <strong>MBS</strong> is over 50,000. Quadratic Approximation alleviates theTitle <strong>of</strong> Paper 4

<strong>Risk</strong>Metrics <strong>Group</strong>www.riskmetrics.comcomputational burden by reducing the number <strong>of</strong> simulations required to compute VaR for a mortgage-backedsecurity.Quadratic Approximation involves an estimation <strong>of</strong> a security’s price by means <strong>of</strong> Taylor series expansion,where the terms <strong>of</strong> the expansion represent changes in the <strong>MBS</strong> price due to duration (delta) <strong>and</strong> convexity(gamma). To obtain deltas <strong>and</strong> gammas we first perform a number <strong>of</strong> full valuations - typically 200 or less.We then perform a least-squares regression <strong>of</strong> the prices on the model variables (interest rates <strong>and</strong> swaptionvolatilities), to obtain delta <strong>and</strong> gamma sensitivities.Quadratic Approximation reduces the computational burden when computing VaR, while producing resultsthat closely approximate those obtained using a full valuation approach. It’s important to note that we usequadratic approximation only for computing VaR. Base price <strong>of</strong> a security, as well as values under stress testsare recomputed using full valuation. For additional details see “Quadratic VaR Approximation for SecuritizedProducts” (October 2010).3.3 Delta-GammaDelta-Gamma is a sensitivity-based approach to <strong>MBS</strong> analytics that is based on using the sensitivitiescomputed with the Quadratic Approximation described above. Delta-Gamma was developed for use withGeneric <strong>MBS</strong>. As in the computation <strong>of</strong> VaR using quadratic approximation, a Taylor series expansion is usedto re-price a security, using deltas <strong>and</strong> gammas as inputs. The main difference between Delta-Gamma <strong>and</strong>Quadratic Approximation is how we reprice a security in stress tests:• Delta-Gamma: We revalue a security using Taylor series expansion.• Quadratic Approximation: We re-price the security using the full pricing model.4 Generic <strong>MBS</strong>It is a common industry practice to use Generic <strong>MBS</strong> as proxies for <strong>Agency</strong> <strong>MBS</strong>. A generic <strong>MBS</strong> security is afictitious security that represents a group <strong>of</strong> real <strong>Agency</strong> mortgage-backed securities with certain commoncharacteristics. These characteristics include: <strong>Agency</strong> (FNMA, FHLMC, <strong>and</strong> GNMA), program (30-yr, 20-yr, <strong>and</strong>15-yr), coupon, <strong>and</strong> year <strong>of</strong> origination. The motivation for using Generic <strong>MBS</strong> is to reduce the computationalcost <strong>of</strong> pricing individual <strong>MBS</strong>. There are over 1 million <strong>Agency</strong> <strong>MBS</strong> outst<strong>and</strong>ing; pricing a large number <strong>of</strong>individual securities would be too computationally intensive. Using Generic <strong>MBS</strong> is justified, because thecollateral underlying different <strong>Agency</strong> <strong>MBS</strong> pools with common characteristics is very homogeneous, whichresults in minimal differences in the valuation <strong>and</strong> risk exposure.<strong>Risk</strong>Metrics has developed a Generic approach to the pricing <strong>and</strong> modeling <strong>of</strong> risk <strong>of</strong> mortgage backedsecurities. To create Generic <strong>MBS</strong>, the <strong>Agency</strong> <strong>MBS</strong> universe <strong>of</strong> approximately 1,000,000 individual agency<strong>MBS</strong> pools is partitioned into a parsimonious <strong>and</strong> more manageable subset <strong>of</strong> approximately 10,000 genericaggregates. The partitioning criteria (defined by agency, program, coupon, <strong>and</strong> origination year) leads tomutually exclusive groupings <strong>of</strong> CUSIPs. For each Generic security, we compute aggregate level weightedaverage pool statistics: Weighted-Average Maturity (WAM), Weighted-Average Coupon (WAC), Weighted-Average Loan Age (WALA), <strong>and</strong> Weighted Average Price (WAP). The weights are based on the currentoutst<strong>and</strong>ing balances <strong>of</strong> the pools selected for the given generic.Each generic is assigned a ticker that serves as a unique identifier for the security, <strong>and</strong> also describes thecharacteristics <strong>of</strong> the pools it represents. For example: FH-PT-1998-30Y-6.25. (FH st<strong>and</strong>s for Freddie Mac,PT st<strong>and</strong>s for “pass-through”, 1998 is the origination year, 30Y is maturity, <strong>and</strong> 6.25 is coupon)Title <strong>of</strong> Paper 5

<strong>Risk</strong>Metrics <strong>Group</strong>www.riskmetrics.comWhile it is possible to model individual <strong>Agency</strong> <strong>MBS</strong> pools, we recommend that clients use Generic <strong>MBS</strong>. Thissignificantly reduces computational time for large portfolios, <strong>and</strong> produces results that are not materiallydifferent from full valuation. For additional details on our approach to Generics see “Generic <strong>MBS</strong>Parameterization” (Nov 2009).5 Comparing Different ApproachesThe new Delta-Gamma solution <strong>of</strong>fers significant advantages over the approach that uses sensitivities fromDerivative Solutions <strong>and</strong> CMS Bondedge. The following table compares key analytics features <strong>of</strong> the twoapproaches:AnalyticsMethodFull Valuation orQuadraticApproximationDelta-GammaOriginal SensitivitiesbasedApproachOAS <strong>and</strong> OASbasedstatistics<strong>and</strong> stress testsGeneric OAS computedfrom weighted averagepool pricesGeneric OAS computedfrom weighted averagepool pricesOAS not computed<strong>Risk</strong> FactorsSwap rates & swaptionvolatilitiesSwap rates & swaptionvolatilitiesSwap rates only<strong>Pricing</strong> ModelFull valuation for PV,stress tests, <strong>and</strong>greeks. Full valuationfor VaR, or regresseddelta-gamma withquadraticapproximationModel calibrated toweighted average poolprices. Delta <strong>and</strong>gamma (includingcross order terms)regressed from fullvaluation sample spaceDelta <strong>and</strong> gammacomputed from first,second, <strong>and</strong> crossorder termsPrepayment ModelTuningBase prepaymentmodel tunings exposedat position levelBase prepaymentmodel tunings exposedat position levelNo access to baseprepayment modeltuningsPrepayment ModelStress TestsCompute stressedpresent value due toshifts in tuningparametersCannot computestressed presentvalues due toprepayment modelshiftsCannot computestressed presentvalues due toprepayment modelshiftsCoverageSpecific securities <strong>and</strong>Generic <strong>MBS</strong>Generic <strong>MBS</strong>Generic <strong>MBS</strong>Title <strong>of</strong> Paper 6

<strong>Risk</strong>Metrics <strong>Group</strong>www.riskmetrics.com6 <strong>Risk</strong>Manager InstrumentsThe following table lists three <strong>Risk</strong>Manager instruments that implement <strong>MBS</strong> analytics, <strong>and</strong> thepricing/modeling options provided by each instrument. Access to these instruments is based on subscription.<strong>Risk</strong>Manager Instrument<strong>Pricing</strong> ModelUS <strong>MBS</strong>This is a full-valuation <strong>MBS</strong> pricing model. User must specify allrequired parameters <strong>of</strong> the security.Generic Mortgage Backed SecurityThis instrument provides several options for pricing Generic <strong>MBS</strong>.User must specify/select one <strong>of</strong> the available Generic <strong>MBS</strong>aggregates. Three pricing options are available:- Full-valuation- Quadratic Approximation- Delta-Gamma<strong>Agency</strong> <strong>MBS</strong> Sensitivity InstrumentThis instrument implements pricing <strong>of</strong> Generic <strong>MBS</strong> using Delta-Gamma approach only.Title <strong>of</strong> Paper 7

<strong>Risk</strong>Metrics <strong>Group</strong>www.riskmetrics.comAdditional Reading<strong>Risk</strong>Metrics Research Department: R<strong>MBS</strong> in <strong>Risk</strong>Server Using a Statistical Model. June, 2009<strong>Risk</strong>Metrics Research Department: Generic <strong>MBS</strong> Parameterization: November, 2009<strong>Risk</strong>Metrics Research Department: TBA Parameterization within DataMetrics. June, 2009Andrew Davidson & Co: Tuning the Prepayment Model. November, 2007Andrew Davidson & co: Fixed Rate <strong>MBS</strong> Prepayments & Model Enhancements. May, 2006<strong>Risk</strong>Metrics Research Department: Quadratic VaR Approximation for Securitized Products. October, 2010Title <strong>of</strong> Paper 8

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