Municipal Solid Waste Composition Analysis Study Juba ... - UNEP

Municipal Solid Waste Composition Analysis Study Juba ... - UNEP Municipal Solid Waste Composition Analysis Study Juba ... - UNEP
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Income generated by these activities makes an essential contribution to the livelihoods ofa large number – certainly several hundred, possibly even thousands – of villagers livingin close proximity to the site. More broadly, informal waste recycling activities are anessential component of the Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) system, whichis based on the 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle) principle, and is an internationallyaccepted approach to waste management that is being progressively implemented in bothdeveloped and developing countries around the world.Photo 1 – Waste-pickers converge on a waste collection vehicle at the Lagoon DumpSite.Municipal solid waste composition analysis study – Juba, South Sudan 4

2. METHODOLOGY2.1 Waste CharacterisationThe waste characterisation exercise was undertaken at the Lagoon Dump site by the leadconsultant, and was conducted in compliance with two main international publications:• ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials - Standard Test Method forDetermination of the Composition of Unprocessed Municipal Solid Waste -D5231 – 92 - 2008);• UNEP/IETC - Developing Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan, Volume 1,Waste Characterisation and Quantification wit Projections for Future (2009).The approach developed for this exercise satisfies the need for methods to be structured,produce accurate and reliable results, and to be repeatable.Seldom in waste management is the total population measured - therefore, representativesampling of the type undertaken during this exercise is an established practice foraccurately determining waste quantities and waste characteristics.The selected method is based on the collection and manual sorting of a number ofsamples of waste over a period of five (5) days i.e. from Monday to Friday.The recommended sample weight of approximately 100 kg was used for the study as ithas been established, through various studies, that measurements made on this size ofsample do not vary significantly from measurements made on far larger samples takenfrom the same waste.According to the ASTM methodology, a total of thirty two (32) randomly selectedsamples must be analyses in order to provide the desired level of statistical accuracy(90%) and confidence. However, due to various logistical and financial constraints thetotal number of samples analysed was 25. According to UNEP’s InternationalEnvironmental Technology Centre (2009) methodology this provides a confidence levelof 80% for the majority of materials including newspaper, aluminum, ferrous metal,glass, plastic and organic – but not cardboard.For the purpose of this study, nine (9) major waste categories were selected for sampling– which catered for all of the requested categories within the TOR. These nine wastecategories were further broken down into some 45 sub-categories – all of which aredetailed within the Sample Form provided within Attachment 2 at the end of this report.Municipal solid waste composition analysis study – Juba, South Sudan 5

Income generated by these activities makes an essential contribution to the livelihoods ofa large number – certainly several hundred, possibly even thousands – of villagers livingin close proximity to the site. More broadly, informal waste recycling activities are anessential component of the Integrated <strong>Solid</strong> <strong>Waste</strong> Management (ISWM) system, whichis based on the 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle) principle, and is an internationallyaccepted approach to waste management that is being progressively implemented in bothdeveloped and developing countries around the world.Photo 1 – <strong>Waste</strong>-pickers converge on a waste collection vehicle at the Lagoon DumpSite.<strong>Municipal</strong> solid waste composition analysis study – <strong>Juba</strong>, South Sudan 4

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