Turkey warmly welcomes Russians - Today's Zaman

Turkey warmly welcomes Russians - Today's Zaman

Turkey warmly welcomes Russians - Today's Zaman

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R03-19-03-08.qxd 16.03.2008 21:35 Page 1AGENDAMARCH 19-22, 2008TODAY’S TOURISM03<strong>Russians</strong> make Antalyatheir vacation hotspotAccording to estimates more than 10 million <strong>Russians</strong> will go on a vacation in 2008.Antalya is the top destination for Russian tourists, among some 300 tourism destinationsaround the globe. Out of the 2.5 million <strong>Russians</strong> who visited <strong>Turkey</strong> last year, 2 millionspent their holiday in Antalya. This year, a further increase is expectedMircalol Husanovcontýnued from page 1"This figure is a sign of the interest Russiantourists have in <strong>Turkey</strong> and particularly inAntalya," he says. "This year we will outnumber theGerman tourists, who are at the top of the list amongforeign tourists visiting <strong>Turkey</strong>. We can do this if therate of increase continues at this pace. We are pleasedwith so many <strong>Russians</strong> spending their holidays inAntalya. This shows that our countries and nationsare indeed very close to each other," he notes.Husanov details the features that draw <strong>Russians</strong>to Antalya -- its sea, mountains, lush greenery, perpetualsun and rich history. He also touches on thecultural similarities between the two countries."Turkish culture is not alien to the Russian people.They have considerable interest in Turkish culture.Also, the hospitality of the Turkish people and theirwarmth are among the factors that prompt <strong>Russians</strong>to come to <strong>Turkey</strong>," he says.The consul general notes that while <strong>Russians</strong>make great contributions to Turkish tourism, there arealso some things that prevent them from visiting. Hecites double booking as the most common problemRussian tourists encounter in <strong>Turkey</strong>. "According tostudies, a tourist who leaves a country satisfied withtheir vacation experience will bring three new touristsnext year. However, an unsatisfied tourist will result in11 people not choosing that country. Therefore, it is vitalto ensure tourist satisfaction. In this regard, thegreatest responsibility lies with Turkish tourism operators.The agents working in this sector should be verycareful. It is very important that emerging problemsare solved amicably. Otherwise, small problems maylead to bigger ones. In particular, this year is very important.Last year, some Russian tourists found thatthey had no place to stay because of a double reservation.This year, similar incidents may increase. No oneassumes responsibility for such problems. The hotelaccuses the agency, while the agency blames the hotel.But the tourist is disappointed because he was expectinga good holiday. There has not been much changein the capacity of hotels this year, but an increase intourist numbers is expected. This implies that reservationsshould be more carefully made," he says.Husanov also notes that Russian tourists have complainedabout a general decrease in the quality of serviceprovided by hotels. He makes suggestions on how toimprove tourism opportunities during the winter season."In winter, health tourism takes on importance.Unfortunately, the hotels here cannot make good use oftheir assets. However, they have the required infrastructure.For treatment, post-operative care and recuperation,hotels can offer holidays under a physician's supervision.Moreover, in terms of winter tourism,Davraz and Saklýkent may be utilized for skiing. Onthe same day, a tourist can swim in the pool at the hoteland go skiing. Business and convention tourism,too, should not be ignored. Antalya is an attractiveplace for conventions in the winter," he explains.He gives one further suggestion for Turkishtourism operators: "The big companies in Russia canbe contacted to make deals in which their employeeswould vacation in Antalya. For instance, Gazprom hasmore than 100,000 employees. If suitable promotionalcampaigns can be run, they may choose Antalya."March 19-22, 2008Owner on Behalf of Feza Gazetecilik A.ÞALÝ AKBULUTChief Executive OfficerEKREM DUMANLIEditor-in-ChiefBÜLENT KENEÞEditorChief Marketing OfficerDeputy Chief Marketing OfficerBrand Marketing DirectorAdvertisement Sector ManagersResponsible Manager andRepressentative of the OwnerÝBRAHÝM TÜRKMENYAKUP ÞÝMÞEKBEYTULLAH DEMÝRÝSKENDER YILMAZAHMET BOYACIEMEL DAVARCIHARUN TAZEGÜLLÜALÝ ODABAÞIPublic Relations Contact Information: 0212 454 84 54,Address: Today’s <strong>Zaman</strong>, 34194 Yenibosna, ÝSTANBUL. Phone:+90 212 454 1 444 Fax: 0212 454 14 97, Web Address: http://www.todayszaman.com,Printed at: Feza Gazetecilik A.Þ. Tesisleri. Advertisement Phone: +90 212 454 82 47,Fax: +90 212 454 86 33. <strong>Today's</strong> Tourism abides by the rules of press ethics.

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