GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS ... - Sturmpanzer.com

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Provenance Item Pilmed 1st frame ITotes525 307 Deutsches Ausland-Institut(?) VOMI/7S3Deutsches Ausland-InstitutYOMI/7S5VOMI/786VOMI/7^7VOMI/790VOMI/791VOMI/792VOMI/793VOMI/79*4ContinuedvoMi/795VOMl/796VOMI/797PT 2143*4782PTPTPTPTPTPTPTPTPTPTPTPTPT?l43U9232U350262*4350612*4351012*4351902*4352732*4352962U35337Polder, probably of the DAI, containing "Abschlussberichtiiber die Vorerfassung der Deutschen aus Bosnien durch die Einv/andererzentralstellebeim Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD imHerts t 19*42."Polder of the DAI containing EWZ documents on Bosnian resettlement,July - August 19*42.Folder of the DAI marked "Bo: das Umsiedlungskommando (Vomi)."19*42 - 19^3,Polder of the DAI inscribed "Bosnien, Dorfberichte." Date uncertain.Polder of the DAI marked "EWZ Bosnien, Aufgliederung nach Ortsbesirken"and containing statistics of Bosnian screening. Date uncertain.Polder of the DAI marked "Bo Transport." Date uncertain.Folder of the DAI containing DAI material on Bosnian resettlement.August - December 19*42. (ifB: Includes a letter by Gkradmannstressing the confidential nature of EWZ materialV3Folder of the DAI containing local and regional final reportsof the Vomi on Bosnian resettlement. 19*42.Folder of the DAI containing a letter by Obersturmftthrer Gradmann(S¥Z) to DAI on Bosnian resettlement and maps and blank formsrelating to that resettlement. 19*42 - 191414.Polder of the DAI containing "Abschlussbericht tlber die Erfassungder ira Altreich untergebrachten Slov/enenabsiedler durch dieEinv/anderercentralstelle des Chafe der Sicherheitspolizei und desSD," October 3, 19143.Polder of the DAI containing an EWZ Vermerk on difficultieswith Slovenes (March 2, 19^3)» some blank index cards as used inSlovene resettlement, and a number of references to entries in PerMenscheneinsatz. 19*41 - 19*43.PoldeT^f" the DAI marked "Go: Slowenen-Aktion" and containingmaps of Yugoslavia, Adriatic, etc.Polder of the BAI containing "Abschlussbericht tlber die Erfassungvon Volksdeutschen aus Restserbien durch die Einwaridererzentralstelledes Chefs der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD." Date uncertain.Polder of the DA! marked "Hestserbian" and containing EWZ materialon Besserabian and South Bufcovinian resettlement, 19*1-0.Polder of the DAI containing material on resettlement in "Resteer"bien" (from Serbia into the Reich^ Croatia, and the Banat, and to

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